The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance

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A nurse, in simple definition is a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in the hospital. A solid definition nursing can be way more complex due to the fact that it branches into to many subcategories. One type of nurse is the nurse with Baccalaureate Education. They provide the educational framework for the preparation of professional nurses. The main goal is to help provide a safer health care system.


Baccalaureate nursing programs puts a strong emphasis on liberal arts and arts. According to the American association of college of nursing the sciences include: physical sciences, ·life sciences, mathematical sciences, and social sciences. The arts include fine arts, performing arts, and humanities. After completing your program you will then move toward to preparing for your entrance exam, which is called the NCLEX in order to become an actual registered nurse . ((Treas&Wilkinson2018)

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Role of a baccalaureate nurse

Roles of the baccalaureate nurse are plentiful and of much importance. To name a few, The roles of the baccalaureate generalist includes: providing to care to patients in need, design care plans for patients using the nursing process, manage the care for patients, coordinate the care for patients within their staff, be the clients advocate and being an educator. (Treas & Wilkinson 2018) The practice of a nurse includes both direct and indirect care for patients. According to the American association of college of nursing Along with the patients, individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations are included in the care that nurses give. the nursing role has emphasized partnerships with patients in order to insure that the patients play an active participant in the process of determining their future as for as their healthcare goes. Being the patients advocate is an essential role of a baccalaureate nurse; requires that nurses deliver high quality care, evaluate care outcomes, and provide leadership in improving care. (Treas & Wilkinson 2018)

Compare and Contrast

There are different types of nurses besides the baccalaureate nurse such as the licensed practical nurse. The licensed practical nurse holds the lowest industry licensure. According to (Treas&Wilkinson2018) LPNs are limited in scope of practice and frequently only have a year of education that covers the basic nursing skills required for essential patient care. Their role is to basically perform basic patient care while the RN perform more complex task. LPNs have shorter duration with less complex forms of training while the RNs have much more complex forms of training which also requires an extended period of time of education in order to earn their licensure. Licensed practical nurses usually have less assessment skills and technical skills when compared to the baccalaureate nurses. According to the Americans nurse association there skills include basic patient care, including bathing, vital sign monitoring on a regulate schedule in the facility, and communicating client information to the RN. On the other hand, their similarities include that fact that they also possess certain forms of basic training skills in nursing that are critical to those assessment skills needed to be an RN nurse.


The process of becoming a baccalaureate nurse can be a very vigorous process with the load of courses and test that you must pass in order successfully receive your title as a baccalaureate nurse. Once that title is obtained there is a variety of responsibilities that you take on in your field, such as caring for your client both indirectly. Also, in your field it is imperative to know the difference between nursing paths so that you can successfully carry out your scope of practice.

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The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 6, 2025, from
“The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 Jan. 2025].
The Baccalaureate Nurse At A Glance [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2025 Jan 6]. Available from:

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