The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam

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In the third lecture namely, The Conception of God and the Meaning of Prayer, various aspects of God have been explained In the third lecture, various aspects of God have been explained. These include Creativeness, Knowledge, Eternity and Omnipotence. Eternity is described by Iqbal using the ash ‘rite theory of Atomism. Divine knowledge is only possible through eternity , and divine knowledge includes everything related to the past present and future too

Omnipotence is the blind power without any limits. This power is exercised by God while holding all goodness in his hand. Coming to prayer the author describes the meaning of prayer.

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The meaning of prayer, he says, is an 'expression of man’s inner yearning for a response in the awful silence of the universe'. Prayer is a way for that searching ego to discover its own worth as a dynamic factor in this universe.

The Human Ego-His Freedom an Immorality

It basically relate that how to observe ego/Person in this contemporary inductive system. An ego or self is an entity in which thought and action are biologically related to each other’s. Every ego is unique .A human being is the greatest creation of God and, therefore, he possesses the most advanced ego among the creations of God .For this reason, a human being is chosen by God to be His vicegerent and is entrusted with the responsibility of a co-creator in this universe.

The purpose of the soul is depicted by the action of the body. Since acts are connected to the ego by the mode of incentives ,therefore, an individual can only be interpreted and understood by his or her judgments and aims. The immortality of the ego is later described by the author. According to the Qur'an, there will be a day of judgment and there will be a life after death. Ego will then be accountable for its actions.

The Spirit of Muslim Culture

At the start of the fifth chapter, Iqbal talks about the psychological difference between the prophetic and mystic type on consciousness. From here Iqbal proceeds to talk about Muslim culture and the interpretation of Islam against Greek philosophy.

No doubt that the ancient philosophy has produced great systems of beliefs, yet the need of modern philosophy and science has become essential in modern times. If an individual believes in divine revelations and prophet hood, the divine revelations, according to believers, should come to an end and the traditional system of interpreting Islam should be reconsidered

The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam

Most important lecture in this book. It is in this lecture the author emphasized on need of innovation in Islamic thought that is only possible through ijtihad. In fact the idea behind the whole book revolves around it. As a cultural movement Islam rejects old static view of world. As an emotional system of unification it recognizes the worth of individual and rejects blood relationship on basis on unity. Search of pure psychological foundation of human unity becomes possible only with the perception of that all human life is SPIRITUAL in its origin. Then goes on to the idea of Tuhid that means loyalty to God. The essence of Tuhid is the working idea is equality solidarity and freedom The principle of movement in the structure of Islam according to the author is ijtihad, which means to form an independent judgment on a legal question, There mainly three Degrees of Ijtihad.

  • Complete authority in legislation
  • Relative authority
  • Special authority

In this book author goes with the first one .It is argued by the author that Qur'an is not a legal code; but its purpose is to awaken in man the higher consciousness of his relation with God and his creations. Quran is the essence the other four pillar of Islamic jurisprudence Quran, Hadith, Ijma and Sunnah .Similarly, the Sunnah was meant for the people at that time and place, and therefore, according to the author, is specific to that people. The world of Islam according to Iqbal should proceed to the work of reconstruction before them.

Is Religion Possible

The seventh lecture, 'Is Religion Possible? Provides us with the conclusion posted by the author. Iqbal has categorized religious life into three periods, namely

  • Faith
  • Thought
  • Discovery. ,

The first period involves acceptance without rationalism. The second period, is when acceptance is followed by rationalism. In the third period, religious life searches for a logical view of the world with God as a part of that view. He goes on, and tries to explain that religion and science involving different methods aim at reaching the same goal i.e. the ultimate reality. He states that even though religion and science use different methods but reach the same final aim.


According to Iqbal, we’ll always have to choose religion over philosophy. The Ultimate Reality according to Quran is Allah who has the Ultimate Ego. This universe is dynamic and so is God. He is the creator and is constantly busy in creation. God has given man complete freedom of choice and man is not restricted by his destiny.

In conclusion, the whole purpose of the book revolves around its 6th chapter, The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam, where Iqbal has stressed upon the use of ijtihad, the application of science in order to get a grip of reality provides today's reader with a more adequate method to comprehend religion.

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The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
The Conception Of God And Meaning Of Prayers In Islam [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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