The Jungle essays

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4 Pages 1780 Words
“The Jungle”, written by Upton Sinclair, is a novel which exploited immigrants lives that were affected while living and working in industrialized cities in Chicago during the early 1900’s. The novel is based around the lives of characters who each had their own experiences and struggles that they faced while being immigrants from Lithuania going into the Meat-Packing Industry, also...
2 Pages 730 Words
In “The Jungle,” Upton Sinclair had two compatible goals in mind: to simulate outrage at the practice of selling diseased meat to the public and the sympathy for laborers who worked in the unsanitary conditions of warehouses. However, in “The Jungle” Sinclair places psychologically shallow, unrealistic characters in an extremely detailed, realistic environment. Thus causing readers to be more affected...
2 Pages 884 Words
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair gave a very harrowing insight into the meatpacking industry during the early nineteen hundreds. Chapter after chapter I read some pretty revolting things such as having rodent feces on the meat, workers falling into vats of chemicals, and meatpackers using spoiled meat and trash in some of their canned products. Following the release of The...
1 Page 510 Words
Artists create new ways of seeing and representing the world through visual perception by defying key features of conventionalism. Artists such as Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) and Wifredo Lam (1902 – 1982) were central contributors to the unconventional art world throughout the 1900s. Pablo Picasso’s oil painting, ‘Guernica’ (1937), is a politically oriented cubist painting highlighting the artist’s immediate...
4 Pages 1967 Words
Historical processes seeded by the aftermath of the American civil war and its subsequences leading up to the end of the 19th century has been reflected in Upton Sinclair’s 1905 fictional novel The Jungle. The novel captivates its audiences by vividly depicting the grim consequences of mass immigration, dense urbanization, and the political climate of its time. Through the eyes...
5 Pages 2509 Words
Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle to expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat shocked the public and led to new federal food safety laws. Before the turn of the 20th century, a major reform movement had emerged in the United States. Known as progressives, the reformers were reacting to problems...
3 Pages 1280 Words
Have you ever thought about how hard it is to settle in a new place when you have never been to that particular place? Well, he explains the struggles of foreigners coming to the United States of America in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. He uses various literary devices to explain to the reader how times in that time were...
4 Pages 1991 Words
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle goes through a series of intense struggles experienced by a Lithuanian immigrant family who have migrated to the United States in hopes for a better life. Sinclair encompasses the realities the working-class experiences in the Urban America, he creates a sense of familiarity with the migrant family, making the struggles more deeply felt, ensuring that we...
5 Pages 2438 Words
Review of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle President Theodore Roosevelt coined the term muckrakers. A popular term used to describe journalists during the Progressive Era who exposed corrupt leaders and corporations. They had the intent to show the public how these companies eliminated competition, set high prices, and treated workers as “wage slaves”. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is a famous example...
2 Pages 814 Words
Immigrants flock to America in search of the American dream; a dream that promises success to everybody who works hard and makes an effort to succeed. In the novel 'The Jungle' Upton Sinclair illustrates that capitalism is flawed as it leads to corruption, exploitation, and power in the hands of the rich. Corruption, 'dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in...
2 Pages 746 Words
In “The Jungle,” Upton Sinclair had two compatible goals in mind: to create outrage with practice of selling diseased meat to the public and show a ympathy for laborers who were forced to work in such unsanitary conditions. However, in “The Jungle” Sinclair places psychologically shallow, unrealistic characters in an extremely detailed, realistic environment. Thus causing readers to be more...

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