The Peculiarities Of Self Esteem In Adolescents

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There are two critical aspects of personality that can determine a person’s self worth - self esteem and self concept. Each of them are dependent on the vision a person has of whom they are. Self concept is how you think about yourself. How you feel people view you is the determining factor. Though much of it is a self decided view, the information comes from how you perceive the world sees you.

One of the tragic factors about self concept is a misinterpretation of what you feel people see. This leads to doing and saying things that may be unacceptable or controversial. Perceived negative feedback can cause withdrawal and a desire to protect yourself. How to develop the skills to read the world is highly influenced by your primary caregivers. Their interpretations of people’s behavior guide how a child will view others. If the caregiver is suspicious and cautious, the child will grow up to distrust the world and be highly protective.

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Conversely, self esteem is an inner feeling that you have about your self worth. There are many factors that contribute to its development. Most important, again, is the initial caregiver. How they treat us and the amount of affection they give can build a strong feeling of self esteem. Most people concentrate on their self esteem. It is a guide to the path of life to be taken. With good feelings, you are more willing to take chances and risks with confidence.

Self esteem can be measure by the global evaluation of the self referring to the feelings of high or low self worth. It is the confidence in one’s own worth and feeling of trust in their abilities. When closely examining self esteem and self concept in children and adults, psychologist say adolescents are the most difficult to measure since there are many domains and conditions to be considered.

Susan Harter developed a self perception profile for adolescents that included: “scholastic and athletic competence, social acceptance, physical appearance and behavioral conduct. It also included close friendships, romantic appeal, job competence and global self worth.”

If our self concept is positive we tend to act and behave in a more positive and self confident way we tend to perceive the world in a more positive way. As to where if our self concept is more so negative we tend to feel unhappy, unsatisfied, and hopeless.Having high self esteem we have fewer sleepless nights, cope better with stress as well as pressure situations. In contrast though, having a lower self esteem can lead us to feel as though we are falling short of what we ought to be, It can lead to anorexia nervosa and delinquency and in more severe cases can lead adolescents to fall to commit suicide.

The adolescent period is a critical period to have low self esteem and negative emotions about themselves. There are many interventions that were formulated to increase self esteem among adolescents. Assertiveness train is one skill to modify self hatred, negative emotions and low self esteem.

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The Peculiarities Of Self Esteem In Adolescents. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 2, 2025, from
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