The Peculiarities Of The Classical Tale Of Huck Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was published in the United States in 1885. Since then many people have argued whether or not it is an American classic. Most American classics have amazing history lessons and memorable story lines that follow them through the test of time. Unfortunately in the past there has been a lot of controversial classics but each has its own supportive reasoning on why they continue to be talked about. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is and always will be an American classic for its relatable characters and great educational points.

Huck Finn as a character is someone that doesn’t want to conform to society or necessarily follow the rules. But he does mean well and want to do what he thinks is best. Throughout the years society always wants to change and pressure the youth. As kids sometimes we are told what church to go to or what groups to hang out with. But Huck didn’t want that to define him. He was rebellious and full of adventure like most kids at that age. “That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don’t know nothing about it.” (Twain)

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Even though Huck dealt with a lot, one thing he was always around as a youth was racism. To this day there is still race issues and some authors are hesitant to write about it. Mark Twain shows that a classic can have some rough parts to them but in the end it is all a history lesson and can teach us a lot. Some people don’t agree that certain wording in the book should be allowed but the point of how Twain wrote this book was for the reader to be able to close their eyes and relate to the scene and understand what the characters are going through. Another way that Twain doesn’t really sugarcoat things is how raw Huck and many others are treated in the story.

Some say this book by Mark Twain is a must read and a book that can be read over and over again. That is one staple to why it should be taught in education. No matter what is going on in the world the book can relate to the changes. Weither you are white, black, young, old, or never even heard of Huckleberry you can read this book and end with a smile. Huck has that aroma about him. He does some questionable things throughout the story but he will always want whats best and will be willing to help other in need. That is a lesson the world needs to hear about.

Oscar Wilde once said “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” Since being published many years ago Mark Twain has grown throughout history. His stories and lessons have been past from generation to generation. These stories will never get old because of how much they have impacted American literature. It truly is one of the most classical pieces of American literate to this day and it will continue to be taught on through time.

Work Cited Page

  1. Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Penguin, 1986. Print.
  2. 'Oscar Wilde Quotes.' BrainyMedia Inc, 2019. 1 February 2019.
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