The Significance Of Plant-Based Food

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Eating healthy, clean, and nutrient-rich food fills your body with energy, nutrients, and antioxidants. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and they say: thank you! Unknown. As a construction of a building, plant-based food is one of the special providers that conduct materials to construct the human body. One of the functions of a material is to give a powerful body. The power coming from the reaction that catches from the material that provides from the food. The benefit of plant-based food also brings a big impact when it becomes a culture. For example, if there is an area that famous by the agriculture lived, automatically, people will predict that the citizen on that place has a fit body because of their habit of eating plant-based food. Furthermore, the material which only finds in plant-based food is the nature’s beauty collection of plants that illustrates both in color and in chemistry. These things are considered the reason why plant-based food is the superior food in this world.

Since in the past, the plant-based food already recognizes as a certain thing to make a body to be healthier and powerful which inspired many superheroes’ character. According to the e-Book of The China Study, “At least 99% of the carbohydrates that we consume are derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains.” (Campbell, 98). The plant-based food is the best provider power to consume because it fundamentally made of carbohydrates. The body system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). Those sugars burned to be energy for the cells, tissues, and organs. Looking from the large of proportion, carbohydrates in the plant-based food divided into two parts. First, Simple carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, honey, and syrup. Furthermore, Complex carbohydrates found in bread, cereals, rice, beans and peas, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, green peas, and corn. Carbohydrate is one of the prominent nutrients from spinach. Popeye, who is a superhero that has a unique character and well-knit body looking, used a can of spinach to have

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Eating healthy, clean, and nutrient-rich food fills your body with energy, nutrients, and antioxidants. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and they say: thank you! Unknown. As a construction of a building, plant-based food is one of the special providers that conduct materials to construct the human body. One of the functions of a material is to give a powerful body. The power coming from the reaction that catches from the material that provides from the food. The benefit of plant-based food also brings a big impact when it becomes a culture. For example, if there is an area that famous by the agriculture lived, automatically, people will predict that the citizen on that place has a fit body because of their habit of eating plant-based food. Furthermore, the material which only finds in plant-based food is the nature’s beauty collection of plants that illustrates both in color and in chemistry. These things are considered the reason why plant-based food is the superior food in this world.

Since in the past, the plant-based food already recognizes as a certain thing to make a body to be healthier and powerful which inspired many superheroes’ character. According to the e-Book of The China Study, “At least 99% of the carbohydrates that we consume are derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains.” (Campbell, 98). The plant-based food is the best provider power to consume because it fundamentally made of carbohydrates. The body system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). Those sugars burned to be energy for the cells, tissues, and organs. Looking from the large of proportion, carbohydrates in the plant-based food divided into two parts. First, Simple carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, honey, and syrup. Furthermore, Complex carbohydrates found in bread, cereals, rice, beans and peas, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, green peas, and corn. Carbohydrate is one of the prominent nutrients from spinach. Popeye, who is a superhero that has a unique character and well-knit body looking, used a can of spinach to have power. More spinach he can feed more powerful he can get. In 1870, Erich von Wolf, who is a German chemist, investigate the amount of iron which is mineral containing spinach, in need to the body as an essential element to blood production, respiration, energy metabolism, and immune function inside spinach. Unexpectedly, he writes misplaced decimal point when copy down the data to his notebook for the amount of iron in spinach. The impact is 3.5 milligrams of iron in the 100-gram serving of spinach change into 35 milligrams of iron in the 100-gram serving of spinach iron. The answer of the spinach’s nutritional being fabulous. The studio which made Popeye propose to make this amazing idea for making a can of spinach to be a booster power for Popeye. Consequently, this cartoon helped increase American consumption on spinach. According to Professor Chutima Sirikulchayanonta, leader of research at Mahidol University in Bangkok, “We got the children planting vegetable seeds, taking part in fruit and vegetable tasting parties, cooking vegetable soup, and watching Popeye cartoons.”

Eating plant-based food as a culture has a big impact on how the inhabitants look like. According to the e-book of The China Study, “Think of traditional Asian cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indian), where a couple of billion people have been eating a mostly plant-based diet for thousands of years.” (Campbell, 138). The nutrition of the plant-based food impact on the construction of the body shape. Something that very glued to Asian is the posture of their slim body which believed of some people that it is caused by their habit which has plant-based food. For instance, weight is one of the factors that can change the shape of the body, like fat or slim. The fat condition might affect obesity caused by the food supply with over higher cholesterol and saturated fat except for the one who brings it as a genetic factor. The fat can have caused distended stomach or accumulation of excess fat in the body, especially the abdomen and also enlargement in other body parts such as thighs, hips, and others.

The more obvious characteristic of plants is their wide range of bright color were almost found in the plant. According to the e-book of The China Study, “The colors of fruits and vegetables are derived from a variety of chemicals called antioxidants.” (Campbell, 92). This beautiful matters helping the plant in the way to be a shield from free radicals when the electron of photosynthesis stray. The free radicals are hazards for the surrounding area. Favorably, antioxidants taken away from the plant can work in the same way in the human body. Antioxidants help the body to make a shield for protection. For example, protection from the industrial pollutant which makes the tissue becomes rigorous and decrease the function of the tissue in the body. This phenomenon called aging. The uncontrollable pollutants damage because of raising the risk of cataract, hardening for artery, cancer, emphysema and so on. From this, the writer can conclude that antioxidant is one of the best material that can help to build the body, moreover on the immunity system.

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The Significance Of Plant-Based Food. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“The Significance Of Plant-Based Food.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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