The Struggle In America After Independence

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The Americans go through a difficult time even after they have freed themselves from the awful slavery trade. The four documents all revolve around the life of Americans past the slavery era. They all point out the challenges that Americans are facing after their freedom. Unfortunately, they walk past one straggle, the slavery, to a new straggle of their contemporary living. The struggle is evident from family levels, political levels, and even economic levels. Generally, Americans are not happy. Slavery had brought changes to the country, which impacted their lives, even past its era. The documents bring in a theme of time, immediately after the end of the slave trade and civil war in America.

In the first document, the straggle focused on the document is majorly at the family level. Families have torn apart in the process of trying to reunite with their loved ones whom they had lost during the slave trade. It is believed that the slave trade came along with a lot of family interference. When people were sold to slavery, they had to depart their families to new places that no one knew about. But after the end of the slavery era, families were yarning for the reunion of their beloved family members who departed due to the slave trade. The expense at which the families are willing to forego just to be reunited with their loved ones is so touching. Tracing these people could be very difficult. The documents go into detail to look at an example of a family torn apart by the slave trade. Laura Spicer and the case of her husband is used as an example. The two had been separated as a result of the slave trade and the war. Laura was lucky to write to her husband now and again. Despite Laura's effort, it was unfortunate that her husband could not respond as expected of him. The story became even more complicated when the husband finally wrote to Laura after the slavery era. In the letter, the husband states that he had already married another wife. Due to this, he urges Laura to get another husband. The documents portray the impact of the separation of this family and many other families that are not mentioned.

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The second document portrays the impact of the slavery era to the farmers in America. It illustrates how peasant farmers who leased land from landlords were suffering. They struggled from day to day to meet the harsh conditions of the landlord's requirements. The document uses an example of one of the landlord's needs from his croppers. The landlord dictates the type of crops that he allows his croppers to cultivate. He also outlines strict conditions that must be followed for the crops to be sold once they are ready for harvest. All the harsh requirements are put in place by the landlords despite the croppers paying for leasing these pieces of land. This gives the croppers minimal control and responsibility to the land that they rent.

The third document brings in the suffering experienced by Americans past the slavery era through the nation's political suffering. The suffering us brought about by some senators illustrates the social inequalities in the country. Despite the struggle for freedom by all the Americans, they did not benefit equally even past the slavery era. Some gained a lot while the rest of the Americans continued with their suffering. The document uses several statements used by various senators on the struggles that the nation was facing at that time. One of the senators suggests that the country could be facing another different form of struggle similar to the one they had just overcome. The only difference was that the struggle then was between the Americans themselves. The social classes were then becoming very much rooted in society. Most politicians were working to meet their wishes rather than the will of the people.

Like the other three documents, the forth one similarly brings in the suffering that the Americans went through after the slavery era and the civil war. The document talks about the challenges faced by the laborers and the industries in America. They all cry for an unfair system. They suggest that the fruits of freedom that they are supposed to enjoy are only limited to a few. Owing to that, they make several conditions in which they feel that they must be met. They hope for a better relationship in the industries and their fields of employment.

All these documents elaborate on the suffering that Americans are going through even past their independence. The founding fathers of the nation struggled to gift Americans independence. Unfortunately, the Americans continue to suffer when they are expected to rejoice for their freedom.

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The Struggle In America After Independence. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“The Struggle In America After Independence.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
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