The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools

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Over the years, the evolution of technology has made significant changes to the education landscape in Singapore. This advancement has brought about the usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in classrooms. This effort by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to prepare students for the digital future is part of the fourth Masterplan of ICT in education. Teachers are now aided with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) which are technological devices such as software programmes, Ipads, learning portals online in their teaching. The use of ICT in the Malay language in primary school has been effective to a large extent as it increases the motivation of learners, easily accessible and able to meet the needs of different learning profiles.

Incorporating ICT in Malay Language teaching can increase the engagement and motivation of learners. The learners in a primary school in this current time have been raised in a digital age where they are proficient in the use of technology (Yang, 2017). This has a direct influence on their interest and the way they receive information. In 2000, Deci & Deci claimed that learners would be more motivated to engage themselves in a task that is appealing to them. Thus, to engage these digital natives, educators can use ICT tools such as digital storybooks to aid classroom lessons. The Malay Language Centre of Singapore (MLCS) has created a reading mobile application called Cerita Rakyat Nusantara to aid Malay lessons in class and encourage reading amongst the learners. Besides that, the Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee have launched 2 application games to expose students to the language. Thus, students who are called digital natives on this day will be more engaged while learning the language through these applications.

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The use of ICT is effective in learning Malay language as it is easily accessible to learners. MOE has adopted learning portals in the curriculum to aid educators in their teaching which functions as an online repository for teaching and learning resources. Learning portals such as Student Learning Space (SLS) and interactive Mother Tongue Language portal (iMTL) have embedded functions for educators to create an organised structure of learning and select content for learners. With the availability of various tools in learning portals, learners can revisit concepts taught and learn at their own pace and convenience. This allows learners to strengthen their understanding and gain mastery for the subject. However, the resources online can be further developed as teachers have not been fully adopted by many Malay teachers in Singapore. As more Malay teachers embrace ICT in their lesson in time to come, the resources will be abundant and useful.

The use of ICT is effective in learning Malay language as it allows learners the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through multimedia. ICT provides learning space and preferences of students with multisensory and multimedia approaches. Differentiating the products crafted by learners can allow them to learn and understand better (Tomlinson, 1999). Over the years, there has been an increase in multimedia tools such as StoryJumper and Flipgrid. These tools encourage learners to organize and express their ideas better through different ways considering their weaknesses and strengths (Karatza, 2019). Thus, the use of ICT is effective for students to learn the subject considering their abilities.

In conclusion, the use of ICT is effective in teaching Malay language as it increases the motivation of learners, accessible and aid students in learning. With a wise and systematic approach by educators learners would be able to achieve higher academic achievements and mastery of the subject.

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The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 28, 2025, from
“The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
The Use Of ICT For Learning Malay Language In Primary Schools [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Jan 28]. Available from:

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