True Patriotism: Persuasive Essay

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True patriotism is an act of courage and velour towards your country. It means keeping the interest of the country before one's own personal needs. It makes the nation stronger. We refer to our nation as our Motherland and we must endeavor to make it a better place for all. True patriotism helps in building a country with a better future so that people live in harmony. Passion and sacrifice must be adhered to instead of being violent showcasing our love and interest for it.

Love for one country is basically inherited, however, it increases with time when you spend a time of life in it. Your love prospers with time as you get to know the importance of a true homeland that serves as your identity, as in many places and circumstances in your life you are known and recognized by your country's name instead of your individual self.

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Our country Pakistan was not just handed over to us as a peace meal, instead, it was a result of the continuous and true efforts of our supreme leader and the founder of the nation - Mr. Jinnah. He did what best he could in his time, now it is our responsibility to maintain it and keep its flag high in the emerging world. All the nations in the world have seen Pakistan coming up and making its way while going through various hardships ever since 1947.

We, the youth of Pakistan, have been bestowed upon a prime responsibility of keeping it safe from the dangerous eyes and nefarious designs of our competitors and we must leave a single stone unturned to continue with the dream of our great leader. We have the courage, capability, and all the very platforms to raise our standards and efforts in front of the whole world to prove and to make them accept that Islam is not an extremist faction and Pakistan is as good and deserving as any other state in the world to get all the desired privileges.

I believe that true patriotism with its love for the Motherland exists in every citizen's heart, as we can see in the way our nation celebrates Independence Day and other national days. This display of love and affection could not be let down by the temporary false flagged agendas of harmful nations. However, in maintaining the affection we, the youth, must strive to achieve a more practical approach to strengthening our nation by excelling in all the fields, may it be business, agriculture, infrastructure development, sports, tourism, or any other specific area. It is we who will decide the future of our country by standing tall and one as a nation.

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True Patriotism: Persuasive Essay. (2023, December 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“True Patriotism: Persuasive Essay.” Edubirdie, 08 Dec. 2023,
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True Patriotism: Persuasive Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Dec 08 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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