Usain Bolt essays

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2 Pages 807 Words
Usain Bolt the eight time olympic gold medalist, eleven time world champion and the world's fastest sprinter who have been likened as the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali in athletics is the only sprinter to have ever won the Olympic 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay gold medals for seven consecutive years, exempting the 2011 false start in the 100m....
1 Page 645 Words
A variety of sport drinks are being sold all over the globe, the question is, what is your favorite sport drink? Gatorade is meant to keep you hydrated and helps your body feel replenished before, during and after sport activities. For instance, Usain Bolt is a retired Olympic athlete that holds a world record of being the fastest sprinter and...
5 Pages 2379 Words
Abstract As one of the oldest sports in the world, the origin of athletics, or track and field, can be traced back to Ancient Greece. In 776 BC, the first Olympic game, track and field event was held for the first time. Over time, more and more events such as swimming, cycling, fencing, and so on have been introduced to...
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