Why Chocolate Milk Is Bad for You: Argumentative Essay

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Have you ever had chocolate milk? I bet you have, but did you know that even though chocolate milk might have the same nine essential nutrients as white milk, it’s actually not that healthy for humans? Schools around the USA are banning it. I believe that chocolate milk should be banned because chocolate milk has too much sugar, chocolate milk is unhealthy, and cow's milk is meant for cows.

Chocolate milk might have good vitamins but with all that extra sugar do those even matter? Nobody would say a can of soda is healthy, would they? Well, one carton of chocolate milk has more sugar than a mini can of Coca-Cola. Also, some kids drink ten to fifteen chocolate milk weekly! That's equal to fifteen mini cans of Coca-Cola! They should just start serving Coca-Cola at this point. Jamie Oliver, a food expert on Food Revolution, did a publicity stunt showing parents how much sugar kids drink using sand and dumping it on a school bus and showed that groups of kids drink 57 tons of sugar weekly imagine how much in a year they can consume. He also said, “Chocolate milk has as much sugar as a candy bar.” Also in a year one individual kid will drink 2 whole gallons of sugar in a year.

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Chocolate milk can cause serious health problems. Remember how your parents would always say, “If you drink milk your bones will grow and be big and strong?” Well, that is false. Milk has low to no benefits for your bones. Chocolate milk basically equals saturated fat and cholesterol. Some people have gotten cancer from chocolate milk because of the saturated fat and cholesterol. Yes, it does have calcium but there are many other better sources to get it. I always thought that chocolate milk was a healthier option than a lot of different sources but when I learned about how people can have serious health problems I don't know if I can think of chocolate milk the same.

Cows' milk was never intended for humans to drink, so why do we? Can you answer that because I can't? Humans are the only species that drink another animal’s milk. Cow milk was never intended for us. We are basically just stealing milk from cavs that's like stealing money from humans, so if we drink milk we are stealing a food source from cavs, honestly what are humans doing? Before I learned this, I didn't care but now I have trouble drinking milk without wondering if it's good for me or even if I should be drinking it. I also wonder if it has any benefits for my bones and teeth.

So in conclusion I believe that chocolate milk should be banned because chocolate milk has way too much sugar. If kids were to drink too much of it that could lead to them being unhealthy as they grow up, cow’s milk was intended for cav’s to drink, not humans. Maybe there could be a compromise of chocolate milk two days a week and water or a sort of juice source could be a replacement for the other three days.

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Why Chocolate Milk Is Bad for You: Argumentative Essay. (2023, August 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-chocolate-milk-is-bad-for-you-argumentative-essay/
“Why Chocolate Milk Is Bad for You: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 29 Aug. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/why-chocolate-milk-is-bad-for-you-argumentative-essay/
Why Chocolate Milk Is Bad for You: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-chocolate-milk-is-bad-for-you-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Why Chocolate Milk Is Bad for You: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 29 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-chocolate-milk-is-bad-for-you-argumentative-essay/

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