Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path

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From a young age, I have been exceptionally interested in the science of saving lives. Paramedic Science is undeniably fascinating in every aspect; interacting with people from a diverse range of cultures, with a variety of different life experiences. I also recognise that this is a highly challenging occupation that will push me mentally and physically, however I believe it will be extremely rewarding as I help improve the health of those who are suffering. I believe this course is suitable for me as this powerful role changes lives and the opportunity to make a positive impact to society excites me.

I understand that this is an extremely demanding occupation, however I believe I have the skills and qualities required to succeed. My mentality towards the job is absolutely pivotal, as I will use my caring nature to understand the needs of the patient and reassure them by putting them at ease and making them as comfortable as possible. Along with this, I will be outgoing, warm and friendly and this will further promote a good relationship between myself and my patients. I have a highly motivated and determined approach to my work, and can guarantee that I will put my all into every task assigned. In addition, I recognise that on several occasions, I will need to demonstrate solid leadership skills and will be responsible for the lives of many. I understand this is a daunting task, but one I feel well-equipped for as I have excellent communication and team work skills which will be used effectively.

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From the age of 11, I have coped well with immense pressure in a highly stressful and unpredictable setting, as I was brought up with a parent with Epilepsy; he experiences tonic clonic seizures and more recently, status epilepticcus every time this occurs. Each of these episodes have taught me to remain calm, composed and collected throughout the vital hours, or even minutes, to ensure his safety. Furthermore, I have a great insight of the life-changing effects of alcohol and drug addiction and associated mental health disorders through my husband's immediate family. Throughout both of these difficult times, I have developed the skills of problem solving and decision making, as well as critical thinking. I can confidently say I have the ability to react well to emergencies and make swift, quick decisions while remaining calm, which I understand is absolutely essential for a paramedic.

As a 27 year old mother of one, my current jobs as a Personal Trainer, a Medical Receptionist and a Barmaid have prepared me for the role of a paramedic as I have learned that key communication skills are vital. I can communicate with people effectively when feeling at their worst with patience, sympathy and encouragement; I believe this gives a strong foundation for this course. In addition, my job as a Personal Fitness Trainer allows me to build relationships with my clients and help improve their physical heath, however this also ensures I have a great level of fitness which is essential for the peak demands of a paramedic such as lifting a body. As a Medical Receptionist, I have experience typing dictated letter's and workflow management of hospital letter's in the GP surgery. I have gained knowledge surrounding medical terminology, abbreviations and I understand this in its context. Moreover, in both my college course from 2009 to 2011 and a 6 week intensive personal training course in September 2011, I achieved a level 7 qualification in Anatomy and Physiology which included all of the energy systems and musculoskeletal, and Level 6 in Problem solving, critical thinking, planning and organising, reviewing and evaluating. As a means to gaining a more suitable mathematics result, I am currently a part time student at West College Glasgow studying National 5 Application of Maths.

I enjoy a challenge and believe that all of my life experiences have prepared to commence on this new and exciting journey. I always strive to be better, continue to learn and educate myself, and I am greatly excited for the challenge ahead. I offer exceptional levels of commitment, motivation and I look forward to this demanding degree choice. I am confident that I have the ability to make a real difference through a role on the NHS frontline.

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Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-choose-paramedic-science-as-a-career-path/
“Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-choose-paramedic-science-as-a-career-path/
Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-choose-paramedic-science-as-a-career-path/> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Why I Choose Paramedic Science As A Career Path [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-choose-paramedic-science-as-a-career-path/

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