Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too

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I didn’t do running start on my junior year and I regret it. Most of my friends were doing running start and they always talked about its advantages. On the other hand, some of my teachers, especially my counselor said that it wasn’t the right choice for me. Trusting my counselor I didn’t do running start in my junior year and that was a wrong decision. I didn’t understand my mistake until my senior year when I actually started running start. With the running start, I got a chance to take a wide variety of challenging classes that are not offered at public high school. It saved my time and money. College also provided me a platform where I could challenge my academic abilities and grow personally. Running start has many many benefits and I suggest it to every high schooler.

First of all, as we all know, College is very expensive in the United States. A lot of students can’t get their degree because of college prices. The average four-year universities cost around 11,000$ per year. Tuition for running start classes is free. Running Start students are eligible to earn up to two years of college credit and save 2 years of college tuition costs. Yet students can still participate in high school sports and graduation ceremony since they are enrolled in high school. This helps families who can’t afford college to save many dollars in college education. I am not saying that it’s completely free since students still have to pay a little amount for books. While books are usually not expensive, the running star also provides help to students who can’t afford it.

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Besides the cost, it also saves a lot of time. High schoolers who joined running start on their junior year get their AA degree in their senior year. Students get heir college credits while they finish their high school diploma. This is especially good for students who are interested in careers that require long schoolings, such as lawyers and surgeons. I want to be a surgeon in the future 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, plus internship and residency. If I started running start in my junior year I could save 2 years of college which is a very long time. But if we look from the good side, I still saved one year.

The college environment is also very different from high school. At college, I got the chance to meet with a wide variety of people, from all ages and from different backgrounds. Other high school students, like me, have a chance to gain academic and career maturity and knowledge from other students and from the college atmosphere with Running start.

Some counselors and teachers argue that running start is not the right choice for a high schooler because they are encouraging students to stay in high school. Did you know that the public high schools get roughly $3,000 less from the state if the student attends Running start? $3,000 per student is a big money this day. That’s why counselors and teachers don’t want students to do running start. They don’t just lose money but they also lose good students. High school needs good students to fill its AP classes. That’s why counselors make up a lot of myths about running start like “Running start students miss their high school experience” or “high school students feel a loss of social connection with peers at the college”. As I running start student I can guarantee that those myths are not right. The students don’t have to do full time running start. They can just take one or two classes if they don’t want to miss high school experience. Besides students are still eligible to join high school sports teams and clubs.

If you are junior or senior at high school you should definitely think about joining running start. running start is a great choice for students who want to save money and time on their college education. Running start students also meet different people and become more mature. If you want to get all these advantages. You should go to running start office today.

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Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-do-running-start-and-you-should-too/
“Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-do-running-start-and-you-should-too/
Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-do-running-start-and-you-should-too/> [Accessed 15 Jan. 2025].
Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-do-running-start-and-you-should-too/

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