You Impacted My Life: Narrative Essay

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Estelle (Stella) Meldau is a true leader in my eyes. Stella and her husband, Nicholas, founded Woodrock Animal Rescue, a no-kill animal shelter that has saved many dogs, cats, and farm animals. She later started the Woodrock Pet Hotel, a pet boarding facility that, along with donations, funds the rescue center. Stella has a deep love for animals and has over ten pets of her own. She is also a breast cancer survivor. Stella has made a huge impact on the country. Not only does she rescue starving and injured animals from the streets, but she and her team also feed, sterilize and provide for pets living in informal settlements. This helps those who have a deep love for their pets but cannot afford adequate care for them. It also deeply impacts the lives of those animals, as they are receiving the care that they deserve. Stella is making an impact on future generations. She launched a project that allows groups of children to visit Woodrock, learn about the animals, and take care of them for the day. The project also involves bringing dogs to schools to educate children about animal care. This teaches children compassion for animals, a value that they should carry throughout their entire lives. Stella’s source of power is her determination. No matter what challenges life throws at her, she never stops caring for animals. Her husband describes her as a positive person. When Stella was diagnosed with breast cancer, she chose to do a photoshoot with dogs from the shelter, one of who is a breast cancer survivor. She believes that this photoshoot will inspire others to stay strong. Stella is inspiring because she has compassion for all. She believes that all animals should be treated equally to humans. She is incredibly strong and constantly remains positive and determined to help more animals. Greta Thunberg is a sixteen-year-old environmental activist who has gained international recognition. Greta began an ongoing school strike in 2018, calling on the government for stricter environmental protection policies. She has Asperger's syndrome, is vegan, and lives a low-carbon life. Greta has made a huge impact on the world. Her strike has inspired over 100 000 schoolchildren to do the same and fight for their futures. She traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-carbon yacht, to attend a climate summit at the United Nations. Her appearance at the summit went viral, due to her questions on why a teenager has to drop out of school to get adults to listen. She has created awareness about the ongoing climate crisis. With Greta’s determination, she is likely to make a huge impact on people’s attitudes towards climate change in the future. Greta is a great example to children, as her protests teach them that they too can make a difference. Greta’s source of power is her passion. She is not afraid to fight for what she believes in, and despite the negativity she receives, she carries on pushing for change. She is not afraid to speak her mind, even in front of thousands of people. Greta does not let negative comments bring her down. She says that when people mock her, it does not bother her, and she sees being different as a superpower that she can use to improve the world. Greta inspires me as she proves how one small person can make a huge difference. She has taught me the importance of taking care of our planet. Greta is an inspiration to everyone, especially those who feel that they are “different”, as she believes we should all embrace our differences to make a change. Greg Bank is the youth rabbi of Linksfield synagogue (shul) and a Jewish Studies teacher at King David Linksfield. He coordinates shul events involving the youth, and he gives weekly Torah lessons and prayer services on the Sabbath (Shabbat). He is married with two children and is shortly moving to Manchester to start up a new congregation in the area. Greg has made a huge impact on my life. I was never interested in going to shul and would only go occasionally until I listened to him talk one Shabbat. His passion for Judaism kept me interested the whole time and made me want to hear more. Thanks to Greg, I now attend shul every Shabbat and I am part of his children's service team. Not only has Greg impacted my life, but also many other teenagers and young adults. The Linksfield Shul youth group now consists of over forty members thanks to Greg. With Greg’s enthusiasm, he is going to make a big impact in Manchester in the future. He has inspired many of us in Linksfield to become better Jews and is likely to do the same for the youth in Manchester.

I believe that Greg’s source of leadership is his passion for what he does. He has the ability to keep everyone interested in his talks, because of his enthusiasm about Judaism. He is a kindhearted person who cares deeply for the youth of the shul and has formed close bonds with each and every single one of us. I find Greg inspiring as he has taught me the importance of Judaism and getting involved in the community. He treats every person, no matter their age, gender, or religion with the utmost respect, and he always helps others before himself.

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You Impacted My Life: Narrative Essay. (2023, August 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“You Impacted My Life: Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 17 Aug. 2023,
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