1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on ‘Slavery by Another Name’: Film Analysis

Slavery by Another Name challenges the notion that has been displayed in history books throughout the decades that after the Civil War, slavery was outlawed, and all African Americans were freed. Journalist Douglas Blackmon emphasized the extent of the cruel injustices placed upon former slaves as well as their future descendants. White people were still seen as superior and organizations to suppress black political power were still alive and well. Although the 14th and 15th amendments of the constitution granted...
2 Pages 998 Words

Essay about Shrek

The film Shrek is based on a book titled ‘’Shrek’’ which was authored by William Steig. The book is designed for use by children and is about the giant green ogre. This tale is aimed mainly at the children and their parents. From the beginning, the movie is barely a fairy tale, with a lot of twists. The film also uses stereotypical features, characters, and structures. However, throughout the film, these features are challenged by intertextuality, twists in the stereotypical,...
2 Pages 967 Words

Essay on Public Health Career Goals

The main aim of writing this Statement of Purpose is to Pursue a Master in Public Health Program from one of the most popular universities in the USA. Here in this statement, I am presenting you the list of my academics, personal background, qualities source of inspiration, and objectives, for graduate studies. I am well prepared personally and academically. I would be especially honored if I were selected for your distinguished Master in Public Health Program at your prestigious university....
2 Pages 1042 Words

Essay on ‘Park Avenue Money Power and the American Dream’: Movie Analysis

We’ve all heard studies claiming that “Money can’t buy happiness.” Google it and 138,000,000 results pop up. But what’s harder to believe than a scientist who says “money can’t make you happy”? When it’s coming from a rich person! If a billionaire told you that money can’t buy happiness, we’d all be thinking the same thing. “Who are you kidding?” That’s why I’m here, as a normal person to tell you exactly that. Somewhere in my late teens, I got...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Essay on ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel (5 Paragraph)

When an individual is exposed to an environment that is destructive to their existence, they will have no choice but to associate their struggles with their identity. In the novel, Night by Elie Wiesel, the reader can observe that Eliezer is a dynamic character who experiences a drastic change in his identity throughout his journey for survival. Eliezer is a character who is planted in the midst of the Jewish genocide, at the time of the Holocaust. A young boy...
2 Pages 968 Words

Essay on My Trip to the City Aquarium

What is the performative inquiry? I often do things without thinking about the reasons for doing them. To make a pause and stop to create a reflection on things that you did is not happening in my life quite often. However, after attending this class, I gradually understand the importance of making reflections and being able to focus more on the surroundings. Be aware of anything that happened in life and even if it might just be a little nonimportance...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Essay on Economic Problem of Scarcity

“What is meant by the neoclassical (free-market) approach to business and how does it differ from a Socialist school of economic thought? Discuss their implications for people in contemporary economies.” Today, the approach a business should take in order to be successful is often debated as it can have an impact on the contemporary economy. It could be said that businesses are the principal driving force in any economy as they encourage growth through job opportunities and the trading of...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Essay on 'South Park': Eric Cartman, the Pure Libertine

As the newest South Park short movie was released on December 16, 2021, it helps recall my memories of South Park. I have been a fan of South Park for 5 years, And among all the characters in South Park, Eric Cartman, this FAT kid, gave me the deepest impression. Not only he has been ranked number 19 on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters, but also he was considered to be the only hedonist or libertine to be specific, in...
2 Pages 998 Words

Comparative Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Vs 'The Maze Runner'

Today I’ll be discussing two different representations of dystopian societies in films. The term “dystopia” comes from ancient Greece (meaning bad place). It is used to describe a society or community that is considered to not follow the typical structure of an efficient society and instead reflects the possible lives we could be living if the worst-case scenarios did ever occur. The three representations I will be discussing are: The Hunger Games The Maze Runner The Hunger Games is a...
2 Pages 987 Words

Analysis of Advantages of Pursuing MBA after B. Tech

Taking the right decision for a career is one of the most important factors to decide how your future is going to take shape. Nowadays PGDM (MBA) has become a prevalent post-graduation course. Because of the continuous change in technology from machine learning, IoT, Industry 4.0, and AI to transform our lives and businesses, the right blend of technical and managerial fields is the need of the hour. Pursuing an MBA has become a prominent choice for engineering graduates lately....
2 Pages 990 Words

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Eric Whitacre as the Greatest Composers of Their Times

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Eric Whitacre were two of the most cherished composers of their corresponding times. Mozart was a prominent composer in the 18th century whereas, Whitacre is a notable composer in the 21st century. Moreover, Mozart was an Austrian composer that lived from 1756 to 1791. Eric Whitacre is an American composer that was born on January 2nd, 1970, and is currently still alive. Mozart composed music from the age of 5 until he died at the age...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Most Memorable Journey of My Life

There is nothing better than the novelty experiences one can get from setting out on an adventure. Time off from our daily life helps us to forget about our everyday issues. In this essay I want to talk about the most memorable journey of my life. It began at home as we packed things for an exciting trip for our anniversary. We already booked the hotel room and made a bucket list of exciting places to visit. We were so...
2 Pages 960 Words

The Memoir ‘Night’ Vs the Movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’: Comparative Essay

World War II was a horrible war that killed millions, but sadly most of the casualties were innocent civilians. The Nazis were the driving force of killing civilians during the war with their death camps, or as they are known as concentration camps. During the war they targeted mainly Jews and the handy capped. ‘Night’ and ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ both gave views of the Holocaust; one from the view of a Jew, and one of a fictional...
2 Pages 963 Words

Essay on Limit Between Paris and His Banlieue

The urbanization of all cities has a good point and bad point to the city. In history government work and make an importance for urbanization and renovation of the cities, but any government in the world didn’t think about the future, they just think about themself and for their day. Recently, I was born in a Paris banlieue and grow up in a banlieue named Saint-Denis, our problem for people who lived in a banlieue is that, we are ejected...
2 Pages 1032 Words

The Jacksonian Era in American History

Affirming the new sense of independence that arose following America’s victory against the British in the War of 1812, the election in 1828 of Jackson demonstrated a remarkable shift towards democratic principles. Unlike all previous U.S. presidents that came from the same elite class of being wealthy, well-educated, and from the East, Jackson was a self-made man with humble beginnings and Western origins. His election began an era of changes no longer for the aristocratic gentlemen and Federalists, but in...
2 Pages 989 Words

Impact of Information Technology on Logistic Industry

It's been shown through the years that the technical transition is the reason the whole business works. Nearly most industry companies today have their own IT team. The involved manufacturing team allows businesses to increase productivity, reduce development prices and save money. The advancement of technology has seen improved competition among businesses worldwide as they face the task of staying together and becoming the leading industry, in which they work. We may claim the same thing for the logistics industry....
2 Pages 965 Words

Dangers of Fad Diets and Why They Should Be Avoided

“In 2007, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), reviewed 31 long-term studies lasting between 2 to 5 years and concluded that at least one-third to two-thirds of people on diets regain more weight than they lost within four or five years, and the true number may well be significantly higher” (‘Why Don’t Fad Diets Work?’). Fad diets are popular eating plans that help many individuals rapidly lose weight. Some examples of these diets are the Atkins diet,...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Benefits of Classical Music Compared to Pop Music

I am listening to classical music as a I write. I am always listening. A sense of calm fills me as sonatas and symphonies ring in my ears. The gentle precision of each plucked string and pressed key helps me focus on the task at hand whether that be practicing my golf swing or revising my work from the tedious day at school. There is no doubt that classical music has lost its popularity since the age of pop music,...
2 Pages 976 Words

Essay on The Baker Act: The Florida's Mental Health Act

When you hear the Baker Act, what are your initial thoughts? One who is unfamiliar with the meaning may think the you’re referring to tasty baked goods. But that is far from what the Baker Act entails. The Baker Act is a Florida law, also known as the Florida Mental Health Act, which allows for involuntary evaluations for individuals who may need emergency mental health services and temporary detention up to 72 hours for those who may be impaired due...
2 Pages 969 Words

Essay on Symbolism in ‘The Shawshank Redemption’

Seen as a movie or literary theme, the right of freedom is most of the time felt through the adventures of a person who is wrongfully accused and confined. Putting side by side two things like the right every human being is entitled to have, freedom, and an unjust sentencing creates a bright and clear contrast between what is acceptable and what is not, what is just and what is unjust, and humanity and inhumanity. In the two different adaptations...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Reflections on Why Jazz Is Important

1920s. A smoke-filled bar rings sounds of complexity and enthusiasm. Jazz is at its peak and quite rightly so. There is an overwhelming sense of popularity amongst people of African American descent. The audience. The band. Still nothing gets around the fact that the point of this bar is to entertain, to satisfy the musical urges. Nowadays when we think of a bar we think of alcoholic beverages, socializing, perhaps even some romance. Why is this? One reason could be...
2 Pages 995 Words

Reasons for Why 'Forrest Gump' Is One of the Most Popular and Iconic

‘Forrest Gump’ is a movie that follows the life events on an underrated and underappreciated man that suffers from not only a low IQ, but also mild case of cerebral palsy. Throughout his life, Gump faces many burdens and tribulations, but he never allows anyone to interfere with his happiness and mental well-being. Gump, despite facing many problems, continues to believe that good things will happen and goes after his hopes, dreams, and ambitions. From wearing braces on his legs...
2 Pages 988 Words

Essay on Public Policy and Approaches to Its Definition

Conceptual contestation has been causing a lot of difficulties in the study of politics. The analysis has been maturing and with that the typologies have increasingly been given priority. Public policies are usually analyzed as the result of interests’ interplay or institutional structure. This essay aims to explain and summarize the existing conceptual debate on the question, ‘What is public policy?, by identifying the different analytical dimensions of public policy framework. I will do so by attempting to lay out...
2 Pages 980 Words

My Personal SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis usually represents strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is commonly used in the professional world to analyze the past, present, and future position of a company. However, can be used equally as useful on a personal level as an effective method and guide to identify areas for improvement in order to take advantage of opportunities in your future, and become the best versions of yourself. When conducting a personal SWOT analysis, you must determine what you find...
2 Pages 957 Words

Essay on Mozart: The Face of a New Era of Music

Mozart was an extremely influential composer whose breadth of musical compositions spanned various genres and took the listener on an emotional journey. He was a genius in his own right, unrecognized in his own time, and revered long after his death. Mozart had many influences which affected his musical style. Mozart's father was a huge influence on this budding musician. He forced him to play piano from an early age and, at age 3, Mozart was playing with a perfect...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Misconceptions about the 1970s Vietnam Opioid Epidemic

From when President Eisenhower gave his ‘Domino Effect’ speech in 1954, to the fall of Saigon in 1975, the U.S. military had been inserted into Vietnam in order to fight off the communist forces at war with South Vietnam. Although the Vietnam conflict was never considered a real war, nearly 60,000 U.S. soldiers were killed in battle. America’s involvement went on for more than 20 years and oversaw leadership from: Dwight. D Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard...
2 Pages 984 Words

Japan Vs the Philippines: Comparative Essay

In this essay, I will tackle the difference and similarities between the two countries, Japan and the Philippines. Even though these two countries are near to each other, the people, climate and culture are very different. Japan belongs to the first-class countries, while the Philippines belongs to the third world countries, and that was the first difference. Japan is almost the same size as the Philippines. However, the two countries are placed in Asia. Japan is one hour advance than...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Informative Essay about Healthy Dieting

There are multiple health risks involved with dieting. I’m going to show you the right way to diet as well as the requirements to improve your life. It’s going to involve a step-by-step process and different eating strategies that you can implement into your daily life. Inform you about the benefits of good nutrition and what it has to offer. A healthy diet can help improve your mood and energy by taking a balanced number of vitamins every day. Also,...
2 Pages 1021 Words

How London Has Changed from the 1900s to Today: Essay

The London society has overcome many obstacles by creating new inventions and giving more opportunities to the less fortunate. The social class distinction has developed more as the years have passed by. The London society from 1900s to today has dramatically changed over time due to the development of medicine, transportation, and the social opportunities. The 19th century brought in the distinction between skilled and unskilled working. In the 19th century, women’s jobs were usually servants. After the revolution, working...
2 Pages 994 Words

Analysis of Grendel's Commonalities with Humans

John Gardner's ‘Grendel’ is both a thriller and one that offers pleasure at times. The cause of these two conflicting feelings is based on the character Grendel himself. In this book, Gardener retells the story of Beowulf through the eyes of the monster – Grendel. Throughout the book, the author tries to show the difference and the commonalities between monsters and humans. When Grendel first meets humans, the two actually realize they are different creatures; however, they also shared some...
2 Pages 1042 Words
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