1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Fire-Arms Military Revolution During Hundred Years War

The extent of the change in fire- arms about medieval warfare throughout the middle ages is so significant it has inspired discussion and theorisation of a ‘military revolution’. The term military revolution was coined in 1955 by Michael Roberts. It has inspired much discussion amongst historians, and many have written about it. In an article wrote in 1976, Geoffrey Parker challenges the previously widely accepted views of Sir Charles Oman who theorised in 1937 that the “sixteenth century constitutes a...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Effects of Trade War on Global Politics

World War III has started! We have had World War (WW) I and WW II. The word “war” brings to mind machine guns, bombs and a battlefield. However, this is 21st century and rather than arms as the tool of war, trade is. This is because the nature of the world is one that shows that countries are interdependent as states are connected to each other and relations between two states can greatly affect the relation that exists among other...
2 Pages 953 Words

Water Sanitation and Hygiene Essay

Baths and water supply: Pompeii were supplied with water by the “Serinum aqueduct” as it is commonly known, or the imperial aqueduct at Misenum Water was then transported to the “castellum aquae” near the Vesuvian Gate and then provided to all areas of the city under the footpaths. “Bathing for Romans was a social occasion. The baths were places everybody went almost every day. Some baths were communal some were private enterprises, some were expensive and some were cheap”. Quoted...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Discussion The Mount Everest Disaster of 1996

Thesis of the Book The thesis of this book is a personal account of Mount Everest disaster in which the author had taken part, but it had turned out to be tragic in which he had lost some of his climbing partners as the disaster unfolded. Although the book has many themes that unfold as the story continues, the theme of mutual trust and care remains dominant across this entire tragic book. Thesis of the Essay The essay aims at...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Discuss the Theoretical Explanations for Risk-Taking

For many years, adolescents have been described as risk-takers, unruly, mischievous and are generally portrayed in a negative light. Examples of these depictions can even be traced back to Shakespearean times, however the adolescent stage was not recognised as its own life stage until very recently. Risk taking in adolescence is an area of study psychologists have been extremely interested in, providing many explanations for the said behaviour. In this essay I will discuss explanations of risk taking and other...
2 Pages 962 Words

Was World War 2 a Good War? Essay

World War 2 lasted between 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945. The war impacted the lives of many people in numerous ways; politically, socially, economically and psychologically. In Britain and Germany, the ways in which people's lived were affected through a social aspect are employment/unemployment rates, how the lives of children were affected and how the roles of women changed. Through comparing and contrasting the ways in which the two countries were impacted, the similarities and differences will be...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Modern Segregation in America

The United States has continuously been a diverse but segregated nation. This has developed American politics extremely. Danah Boyd's article, “Why America is Self Segregating”, he briefly explains the unraveling of two historical institutions through social, racial, and class-supported differences of social networks. “Displacing Democracy Economic Segregation in America”, by Amy Widestrom she discusses that less forunate residents are at a disadvantage. She states that “neighborhoods segregated along economic lines create conditions that encourage high levels of political activity, including...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Wall-E': Environmental Issues

The movie entitled wall E is talked about the robot in earth, his name is wall E he was the last and only robot that has been stayed on earth. He has to collect the last different garbage everyday, Collecting garbage is his Duty in his Everyday life, as he collected the garbage he press them in a shape of box then put the boxes of garbage together and Ready to shape on earth. The Garbage that has been collected...
2 Pages 1031 Words

World Coffee Series: Swedish Coffee

Sometimes the things we love most and often associate with being ‘American’ aren’t American at all. In fact they come from a completely different country entirely; all the way on the other side of the Atlantic! For such a small country you would think that Swedish products don’t make their way to this side of the ocean, but really there are so many products you wouldn’t even think of were Swedish to begin with. H&M, IKEA, Absolut Vodka, and obviously...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Why Was the Vietnam War so Unpopular? Essay

Before World War ll Vietnam had been part of the French Empire. After World War ll Ho Chi Minh captured Hanoi in 1945 and declared Vietnam independent. The French tried to take control again, but this was unpopular with the people. They were defeated by the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Peace was discussed at Geneva in 1954 and the treaty of Geneva agreed that the French would leave Vietnam and the country would be split along the...
2 Pages 999 Words

Why Plastic Water Bottles Should be Banned? Essay

Imagine having a pile of plastic bottles in your backyard. Disgusting right? That’s exactly what we’re doing though, we don’t have piles of it in our backyards yet, no but we are polluting the habitats of animals and soon if plastic bottles aren't banned, it won't be very long till we see those bottles everywhere including our homes. I agree, the production and sale of bottled water should be banned. Why? Well because it would not only remove waste but...
2 Pages 983 Words

Water is a Better Choice Than Sports Drinks Essay

If you relish a quick outdoor workout, even in the summer, or are a regular gym-goer, you simply can’t escape the scorching temperatures and humidity. And all the summer sweating leaves you thirsty and dehydrated. You might even be addicted to sweet and sugar-laden sports drinks without realising it. It's okay as long as you put in a power-packed workout - you reason with yourself. But do you think that sports drinks are healthy for you? Which is better for...
2 Pages 978 Words

Water Consumption Essay

The purpose of this report is to identify the main cause of deaths of the Kokoda trail hikers. The trail is approximately, 96kms, and was first trekked by Australians in World War 2, in Papua New Guinea. It is very straining on the body, and lots of people died of natural causes. The report investigates the research question: “How did the Kokoda track hikers die from drinking too much water?” This research is important because it could possibly reduce the...
2 Pages 991 Words

Unsuccessful Signing Treaty of Versailles and Birth of War

The Treaty of Versailles became written and signed in 1919 to punish Germany and to finalize the give up of the conflict; but, the Allied Powers in no way anticipated it to spark a war even worse than the closing. global warfare I started out as a warfare for financial and political power which grew in period as extra international locations joined due to country wide delight and alliances. when Germany and their alliances misplaced the war, the Treaty of...
2 Pages 982 Words

To What Extent are Electric Vehicles a Solution to Global Pollution

Our society has long considered what we can do to improve the society we live in, to make it better for future generations to come. One aspect that must be considered is the level of pollution that occurs throughout our country and the world through ways in which that pollution level can be reduced. The most popular method that is presented to reduce pollution is by increasing the number of electric cars on the road in hope to reduce the...
2 Pages 990 Words

The Major Impact of The Treaty of Versailles on Germany

The Treaty of Versailles have become written and signed in 1919 to punish Germany and to finalize the surrender of the warfare; however, the Allied Powers in no manner expected it to spark a warfare even worse than the remaining. international struggle I started out as a conflict for economic and political power which grew in period as more countries joined because of country wide pride and alliances. whilst Germany and their alliances misplaced the struggle, the Treaty of Versailles...
2 Pages 975 Words

The Importance of Minerals in Your Drinking Water

Water, the most important source of essential minerals on this planet that a living being could have. The element which covers the 70% portion of this planet gives life to every living species. As this mineral becomes like a bar of gold in hand for a person who is roaming in lands of deserts where no sign of trees could have seen. And in other places, it is taken as granted many wastages has done as human thinks that its...
2 Pages 1033 Words

The Handmaid's Tale Overview

In the book the Handmaid’s tale it shows The Causes of Complacency. People believe that, how they got to a certain point is fair and Just , Causes of Complacency, In the Handmaid's Tale because individuals going through suffering and Persecution, by the Ladies by and large help Gilead's presence by enthusiastically partaking in it, and disregard to have any sort of impact. In an authoritarian state, Atwood proposes, individuals will suffer persecution energetically as long as they get some...
2 Pages 956 Words

The Amur Tiger: A Critically Endangered Species

Abstract The Amur tiger (Tigris altaicia) and the cougar (puma concolor) both belong to the Felidae family. While they belong to the same family, they have very different histories. The amur tiger is always on the brink of extinction and facing multiple threats to its population. While the cougar has only recently seen its population decrease. The amur tiger is the subject of many conservation projects while the cougar does not have any protection and is currently in a human-animal...
2 Pages 1041 Words

Suggestions of Affordable Care Act

Health insurance continues to stir controversy in the world’s top problems. The primary reason for the controversy is the high cost of insurance premiums and the economic recession, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic period (Vaida, 1). Although medical contingencies can strain the financial base of individuals, empirical research studies from health-related databases have asserted that health insurance should not be mandatory. Firstly, the inflated costs of paying the insurance premiums have an adverse impact on people’s financial stability. Secondly, health...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Similarities Between Republic and Democracy

Australia’s government has many similarities and differences to other governments. For example, Australia’s government and Indonesia’s are very similar. Some of the similarities are that both countries have elections for their government. Some of the differences is that Indonesia is a republic whereas Australia is a democracy. A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. A democracy is...
2 Pages 991 Words

Rhetorical Question: Exposure and The Charge of the Light Brigade

Both ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ and ‘Exposure’ deal with the topic of war in vastly contrasting approaches. ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ details the account of the six-hundred and seventy cavalrymen and officers that were given an ambiguous order to attack Russian troops armed with cannons during the Crimean War. Tennyson accentuates the cavalry’s bravery and heroism against the seemingly immeasurable enemy in ‘noble six hundred’ and ‘boldly they rode.’ Alternatively, Owen describes a different aspect of...
2 Pages 962 Words

Rhetorical Question of Media Influence

There is no doubt, the media has the power to shape how we view a particular issue or belief, but the question must be asked, is it always impartial? The MEAA Journalist Code of Ethics states that writers must remain honest, independent, respect other rights, and be fair. Is the media following this code? And if not, what is their agenda? Australia Day is now well known for the overwhelming mass of articles and news reports that follow in its...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Rhetorical Analysis on Cumming and Muggah

Fia Cumming’s (2000) “Higher fuel tax slows us down; NEWS EXTRA” published by Sun Herald; a Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), illustrates the conflict between truck drivers and the dishonesty of the Australian government on the issue of increased excise rates for fuel. Cumming achieves this via applications of rhetorical appeals, predominately logos with statistical data, tone and structure. Likewise, Robert Muggah’s (2019) SMH “Amazon fires: the world’s lungs are filling with smoke” also demonstrates the divided...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Renewable Energy Sources Overview

Did you know that if humans consume fossil fuel at the current rate, in the next 42years coal supplies will be exhausted forever? In the next 12 years we will most likely run out of indium, which is used in the production of touch screens and antimony which is used in the making of almost everything from drugs to fire retardants. There will be shortages in minerals like phosphorus, which is kind of a fertilizer for plant and shortage of...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Reasons Why We Must Utilize Renewable Energy as a New Resource? Essay

EPA article says, 'Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution.' these benefits could bring many global situations to decrease and a better future. Over the years, earth has been taking damage and is increasing by human activity, which is affecting forests, animal life, and people as well. The reasons we must use renewable energy are that it minimizes types of pollutions, reduces the dependence on imported fuels, and a...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Pros of Vietnam War Essay

There are no winners in war, it negatively affects those involved whether it be soldiers or just innocent civilians. Repetitive abuse on the physical and psychological boundaries can fuel one’s need to find an escape, with a combined effect of war it reveals the worst in one’s self. In the novel, 'Dispatches’ written by Michael Herr, his personal and truthful realism of the violence during the Vietnam War is developed by the psychological effect he displays in his writing, which...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Literary Criticism of 'Robinson Crusoe'

Protestant work ethic is a sociological concept developed by Max Weber in 1904-05. He looked at economic developments in regions of Europe and concluded that it was the result of religious belief that led them to success or failure. He suggested that Protestantism promoted a way of life and a daily code of conduct that pushed it ahead of Catholic countries. Acquisition and use of reported wealth is a major difference between Catholics and Protestants. This issue is studied in...
2 Pages 988 Words

Literary Criticism of 'Catch 22'

The moment we laugh at something for the first time is the moment we change its truth value, undermining its solemnity, its accuracy, its authority, and become free to discard it. This is the effect Joseph Heller and Stanley Kubrick intended to evoke in their respective satires. Heller and Kubrick’s protagonists live in a world where individuals are subjected to the capricious authority of an impersonal and preeminent bureaucracy, and have no free agency of their own. In Catch-22, Heller’s...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Literary Criticism of 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'

Major characters in A Thousand Splendid Suns are Mariam, Laila, Rasheed, and Tariq. Secondary and supporting characters can be seen in this book as the parents, friends, and children of our main characters. Mariam is the first main character that we get to know in the book. Her beginning story is that of an illegitimate child’s struggle in Afghanistan. Mariam’s life as an outcast growing up brought her very little knowledge about the outside world. Her childhood was heavily influenced...
2 Pages 1034 Words
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