1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflective Essay on Violation of Fire Safety Rules

In late November my roommates and I were found to be violating student conduct policies that related to student housing. I was found guilty of tampering fire safety equipment and being in possession of drug paraphernalia. The witnesses included our building director, CA, and two public safety officers. After taking responsibility for those listed above I have been put on deferred housing, disciplinary probation, and had to complete two online programs related to the incident. The first program I had...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Propaganda in 1984: Essay

World War II negatively impact the world as totalitarian political parties fought to control the world. George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 paints the picture of how the continuation of totalitarian governments would result in a fearful society. 1984 reveals how constant surveillance, low food rations, and propaganda allows for citizens to practically become government property. Orwell uses symbols to develop themes such as the telescreen to develop how government surveillance results in citizens with modified behavior, blue overalls to prove...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Government Surveillance in the United States: Analytical Essay

This text seeks to analyze how citizens’ voices are being suppressed through government surveillance with a focus in times of national crisis where inhabitants are asked to exchange privacy and liberty for security and protection. Some supporters of heightened government surveillance ratify the actions as believed to be obligatory for national protection, on the other hand, those against it argue the importance of privacy rights serving as a shield for individuals from the scrutinizing eyes and ears of neighbors, huge...
2 Pages 996 Words

The Dangers of Government Surveillance on Internet Users and Possible Solution: Analytical Essay

Have you ever had the feeling of been watched and monitored by someone hiding in the shadow? Watching every single move of yours, what you do, where you go, who you interact with, and all of your daily activities. If you are certain about this, then your guess is correct because every single one of us is under our governments watch. Our government has encroached into the privacy of every single citizen without our consent. They carry out this act...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Political Party Brand Perception: A Case Study of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

Norris (2004) argues that political campaigning during the election period has shown great transformation over the years; from pre-modern, to modern and then postmodern campaigning. In a study steered by Harris, Perrin & Simenti-Phiri (2014), it was evident that South African politics is contributing to that transformation in political marketing, as confirmed by the growth in the use of political marketing consultants and advertising on various media platforms such as billboards, television and social media by many political parties. McDaniel...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Critical Analysis of Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK)

Introduction: A political party and army that give another hope for Kurdish people. It was established in the late 1978, the man, who established the PKK and then became the most recognize leader was ((Abdullah Ocalan)). Both of the united states and EU recognize PKK as an international terrorist organization, but it’s not the same things for the Kurds. In the past until now have many issue and conflict between Turks and Kurds so why the Kurds made a political...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Essay on Barack Obama Victory Speech

Among all human qualities which control the most power is the ability to use, understand and communicate effectively through language. Proficient use of language allows us to clearly deliver ideas from one person to another or a group of people. The capability of conveying the state of mind is equal to the acquisition of power and the important link between these two is persuasion. The power of persuasion acknowledges certain individuals to be able to give influence and control a...
2 Pages 963 Words

Weaknesses of Constructivism International Relations

Constructivism in international relations is one of the new concepts in the field and falls at the heels of the theories of realism, liberalism, and Marxism (economic structuralism) that exist in international relations. Constructivism is challenging realistic and liberal anarchy assumptions and the international system. Constructivism, as we shall see, focuses on ideas of norms, structural development, the relationship between actors and such structures, and how identity influences actions and behavior between and between actors (Reus-Smit, 2005: 188). Constructivists often...
2 Pages 981 Words

Critical Analysis of the Article: “Singing Our World Into Existence: International Relations Theory and September 11”

I selected the article, “Singing Our World Into Existence: International Relations Theory and September 11,” written by Steve Smith. This article was sourced from the International Studies Quarterly and was published by Wiley on behalf of the International Studies Association in 2004. This paper is structured as follows: in the first section I will address Smith’s main arguments and introduce the scholars he engages with throughout the text. In the second section, I will reveal the major problems the author...
2 Pages 1000 Words

What Is Barack Obama Passionate about

The hardships and difficulties of racial discrimination have touched individuals from varying societal angles and classes. This menace did not spare president Barrack Obama as he states in his speech 'A Perfect Union.' Even though Obama was the first African American individual to be elected as the president of the United States, he had his share of being discriminated against throughout his long journey to office. Obama delivered the speech on March 18, 2008, at the National Constitution Center in...
2 Pages 962 Words

Bureaucracy in the Modern Day Society: Analytical Essay

Introduction It was noted by Max Weber that, it is inevitable to live independently from rationalization in today's societies and Organizations therefore it safe to state that Bureaucracy is impossible to destroy. Bureaucracy and rationalization became an important tool instrument of organizing our society and corporations. Furthermore, bureaucracy seems no longer a stable truth, with the flattening of hierarchies and delaying, the question of whether this is an end of bureaucracy or the shift from bureaucracy to another sort of...
2 Pages 970 Words

Strengths and Weaknesses of Bureaucracy

Introduction As the chief executive of a newly established low-cost carrier in Hong Kong that plans to recruit around 500 employees, I have to design the organizational structure of the airline. I would recommend Bureaucratic Structure for the Board. Reasons for recommending Bureaucratic Structure As a reference, some of the low-cost carriers such as Hong Kong Express in Hong Kong and Scoot in Singapore, also follow a Bureaucratic structure. The division of labor assists employees in becoming experts in their...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Hillary Clinton Role Model

Big Roles The 2016 U.S presidential race was hotly contested with Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump pitting against each other. The two presidential contenders poked into each other’s character without any hesitations. The video “Role Models” by Hillary Clinton details an advertisement, which presents some of President Trump’s comments on the campaign trail during the previous presidential elections. In the ad, President Trump’s remarks are violent, racist, and divisive. The video also presents images of young children watching President...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Rise of Soft News: Analytical Essay

Soft news, also known as market-focused broadcasting, is the category and reporting manner that diminishes the border linking amusement and information together. Despite the fact that the word soft news was initially similar to feature news put in papers or TV reports for the individual intrigue, the idea extended to incorporate a wide scope of news sources that gives greater character-focused stories. Customarily, presumed hard news connects the conditions of an ongoing occasion or occurrence viewed as of general neighbourhood,...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Relationship between Media Bias and Politics and Its Impact to the Trudeau Government

Media and Politics: Has the media positively or negatively affected the Trudeau government? Introduction Has the media positively or negatively affected the Trudeau government? Social media use during the past decade has become prevalent in Canada, and its purpose has been more and more politicized. Globally, Canada possesses one of the best media sectors. The growth of social medias political impact clearly increased during Trudeau’s campaign for presidency in the 2015 presidential election. The conversation around how social media is...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Essay about Course Evaluation

The Engineering Technical communication course was to improve our professional skills when we work in big multinational companies (MNCs), and corporations. I loved this course because it helped me to grow personally and professionally. And also helped me in building my confidence. I completed under graduation in 2019. I don’t have any professional experience. So, this course helped me to mingle with a lot of different people with different backgrounds in their professional life. And the in-class activities helped me...
2 Pages 966 Words

The Merici Mentoring Program in Creation of Just Society: Analytical Essay

The Merici Mentoring Program is a volunteering program that runs for over 2 years and goes through years 9 and 10. It is a partnership between Merici College and Black Mountain School that has been running for around 10 years. In year 9, the mentors go to Black Mountain School once a week for a semester and work with the students there. In year 10, Black Mountain students come to Merici College where they complete tasks with their mentors around...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Concept of Pacifism In Moral Man and Immoral Society: Analytical Essay

In Moral Man and Immoral Society, Niebuhr discusses the conflict between individual morality and social justice and acknowledges the difficulty in resolving the conflict. Despite the difficulty, he argues that in order to change the world for good, a person needs to simultaneously pursue individual morality and justice for society, and have the illusion that perfect justice is attainable. I argue that Niebuhr’s argument is very convincing since it takes into account human nature and the reality of our world....
2 Pages 957 Words

William Irwin’s God Is a Question, Not an Answer, and Bertrand Russell’s Is There a God?: Comparative Analysis

Throughout the earth’s existence humanity has questioned the validity of God’s presence. In the Judeo-Christian religion, there are numerous stories in the Old and New Testament dedicated to enhancing our relationship with God. In both Testaments, God reveals Himself to His followers and shows them how to live a life of faith. These biblical stories help teach humanity to comprehend what religion is and how it relates to our inner self. To question a personal belief with God is not...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Philosophy of Utilitarianism in Ideas of Jeremy Bentham

Philosophy Term Paper: Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham is a famous English political radical and philosopher. Among his philosophical works, the most well-known is the concept of utilitarianism in which the acts and actions are assessed based on the potential outcomes and consequences (Stanford Encyclopedia, 2019). The most aspired result or the relevant outcome is happiness or pleasure to ensure for all and sundry in the course of action. Bentham was incredibly influenced by empiricists and enlightenment thinkers such as David...
2 Pages 982 Words

Role of Effective Technical Communication in Professional World

I walked into the Technical communication classroom having a pre-occupied mindset that this course would be of no use and it would never help me in my future endeavors. However, when the professor introduced the course and explained to us why technical communications matters and emphasized on the fact that communication actually makes the difference between success and failure, I changed my preoccupancy and started listening to the lectures. I realized that it is much more than communication, the class...
2 Pages 973 Words

Definitions of Truth: Comparative Analysis of Views of Martin Heidegger, A.J. Ayer, and William James

What is the truth? Is there an adequate concept to define the truth? Many would be tempted to say that the truth is what corresponds to the facts, but perhaps doesn’t this depend on the level of knowledge of people, the moment, the environment, and even religion? How long was it true that the earth was flat? Joseph Goebbels said that a lie properly repeated a thousand times becomes a truth. So, is the truth changing? The truth can refer...
2 Pages 959 Words

Impact of Great Depression on Mexican Americans: Analytical Essay

During the Great Depression, Mexican Americans were deeply affected. In contrast to the employment crisis and food shortages facing all U.S. citizens, Mexicans and Mexican Americans are faced with an additional threat: deportation. When poverty ravaged the U.S., hostility to immigrant workers grew, and a campaign to repatriate immigrants to Mexico was initiated by the government. Immigrants were offered free train rides to Mexico, and some accepted, but many were either fooled or coerced into repatriation, and some U.S. citizens...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Critical Analysis of Dorothy Day’s Position on Pacifism

Dorothy Day was a journalist who eventually became an advocate for pacifism which resulted in the founding of the Catholic Worker Movement. Her claim to fame was the fact that she did everything in her possible power to help out the poor. She dedicated every single second of her life to helping out the less fortunate iregardds to the economic system meanwhile she also vouched for pacifism. Day wanted complete peace worldwide; she was dedicated wholeheartedly. She wanted everyone to...
2 Pages 982 Words

“Follower”, a Poem by Seamus Heaney: Critical Analysis of Poetry

The undertaking of a transition from one phase of life to another can prove difficult and there may be obstacles to overcome along the way. To transcend adversity, an individual will often need to maintain diligence and perseverance to seek new beneficial opportunities and the development of self-belief. This attitude towards self-development can also allow and individual to gain support crucial to successfully make the intended changes. This difficult transitioning process can be explored through Stephen Daldry’s film, Billy Elliot...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath: Critical Analysis of “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus”, “The Shot” and 'Birthday Letters'

The inconsistent points of view presented that form Hughes’ roles as both a composer and persona in Birthday Letters, are revealed in the interaction with memory and hindsight. In “Fulbright Scholars” this interaction is displayed in the tension that is produced in the opening of the poem from the repetition of the juxtaposition of rhetorical questions which he writes answers to. In particular, when he asks; “Were you among them? I studied it
”, the inquisitive yet unfounded tone in the...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Poetic Collaboration between Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath: ‘Birthday Letters’, ‘Lady Lazarus’, 'Fulbright Scholars' and 'Red'

Textual conversations between conflicting texts highlight both the parallels between the composer’s ideologies as well as their conflicting attitudes, underscoring the contrasting outlooks from both parties. Resonating and reaffirming this idea is the contradictory interplay between Sylvia Plath’s poetry collection of ‘Ariel’, authored during an era of gender digression, where women were stereotypically branded as housewives,; and Ted Hughes’ attempts to reconcile and expiate guilt as he confronts the public about his relationship with Sylvia Plath, in his poetry collection...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Critical Analysis of White Noise: Short Review of Plot

His son Heinrich as they are driving to school in the rain. Heinrich told his dad that, in spite of what looks like rain on the windshield, the radio said it wasn’t going to rain until that night. His dad is frustrated. “Just because it’s on the radio doesn’t mean we have to suspend belief in the evidence of our senses.” “Our senses? Our senses are wrong a lot more often that they’re right. This has been proved in the...
2 Pages 1003 Words

I Like For You To Be Still' by Pablo Neruda: Poetry Analysis Essay

“I like for you to be still” by Pablo Neruda is a very meaningful and deep poem written from him to someone else. In summary, the poem is about how someone, referred to as I, pleads to someone to stop and hear him out. It is all about love and how the I person seems to be having a one-sided conversation with a possible lover. The first-person character is most likely Pablo himself, as many of his other poems have...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Trauma Studies, Gender Performativity and The Return of the Repressed in Nappily Ever After: Text Analysis

Image is everything? It may. Clothes are everything. They may. What about our hair? These are the questions that were raised while I was watching the romantic comedy on Netflix, 'Nappily ever after. Nappily, not happy because the main character discovers true happiness only after a nap; an eyes-opening sleep that changed her view on life and perfection. The main plot of the movie seems quite commonplace. Violet Jones (Sanaa Lathan) has a perfect life: perfect job, perfect boyfriend, and...
2 Pages 959 Words
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