1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Crow as a Guidance in Kafka on The Shore by Haruki Murakami

In the novel, Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami, the protagonist Kafka Tamura, a fifteen-year-old Japanese, runs away from home intending to escape his father’s curse, which is that he will sleep with his sister and mather, then kill his father. During the escape, Kafka ran into multiple chaotic situations, and he managed to solve all of them at the end. The boy named Crow appears throughout the novel and plays a big role in Kafka’s decisions. He always...
2 Pages 1021 Words

The Turn of The Screw': Searching for Love in a Book

In “The Turn of the Screw” by Henry James, the central character, the governess, feels so isolated that she will do anything necessary to quench the feeling. She decides that the way to do so is to be in love. Unfortunately, because she is located in Bly, such a desire is not possible to actualize. When the governess realizes this she begins to manifest her unrequited feelings in the shape of ghostly apparitions. Her point of view also plays an...
2 Pages 995 Words

Birches': In-Depth Analysis

Robert Frost’s “Birches” is one of the most widely appreciated poems. It is a fine example of the poet’s power to fuse observation and imagination. Frost belongs to the pastoral tradition. Most of his poems reveal the beautiful countryside of New England. They also express the national spirit of America. If his poems are closely read, they can be seen as philosophical, as they touch upon the complexities of life. This paper is an analysis of the poem, “Birches”, to...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Recycling: Finding the Solution

Introduction The modern appearance of large cities seems to have become closely associated with the problem of trash recycling. While in central areas and historic districts of agglomerations, municipal governments try to maintain cleanliness by intensifying urban services, closer to the outskirts of the city, where most of the population traditionally lives, the proper garbage disposal is not a management priority. According to Brucker (2018), the average American resident generates up to 56 tons of food and industrial waste each...
2 Pages 1029 Words

The Social and Environmental Impacts of Water Desalination

As a community a thought is lingering in the back of our minds. Our population is exponentially growing, and as we see more and more fresh water slip down the drain away from us, Where will we look to get fresh drinking water in the future? As the human race starts to see the water sources deplete we look to new ways to keep our species alive. In the past the concept of water desalination has come into our minds...
2 Pages 966 Words

How Can Acid Rain Affect Organisms that Live in The Water

Rain is a critical component in the process of the hydrological cycle. The water cycle is beneficial to all organism living on this planet. It brings purification and distribution of fresh water that can be used by all living organism. Apart from providing fresh water, it also played a pivotal role in regulating the earth temperature. Regulation of the temperature occurs when water in the sea, lake or any other water body evaporates bringing a cooling effect to our environment....
2 Pages 996 Words

Salome': The Intertextuality of Carol Ann Duffy’s Poem

“Salome” is a poem taken from Carol Ann Duffy’s collection of poems The World’s Wife; most of the poems share a common feature: a historically marginalized narrator retelling the story from personal perspective. Salome’s character originally appeared in the New Testament and over the centuries many novels and paintings focused on Salome and the legend of Salome contributing to iconization of the character as a vicious femme fatale. One of the texts that followed the biblical story of Salome is...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Four Issues Regarding Global Warming: Food, Health, Weather, and Rising Oceans

Global teenage climate activists and over 4 million people around the globe went on a strike last month to address the issue of global warming. They are deeply concerned about the environment and state that climate damage from greenhouse emissions will only grow if we don't act now. With the topic of global warming, most of us will readily agree that we should quickly take stronger climate action. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on why aren't global leaders...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Dear Mama' – The Modern Ode by Tupac Shakur

An ode can be defined as a ‘ceremonious lyric poem on an occasion of dignity in which personal emotion and universal themes are united’ (Ode, 2012). Although hiphop music is usually known for it’s violent, and often, masculine lyrics, ‘Dear Mama’ the first single from Tupac Shakur’s album, “Me Against the World” produced in 1995, can be considered to be a modern ode. Tupac Shakur, popularly known as 2Pac is one of hip-hop’s most influential rappers. He wrote this song...
2 Pages 1031 Words

US Budget Deficit and Public Debt

The 2008-2009 Financial Crisis which is commonly known as the “housing-bubble” threw the United States but other international economies into a severe recession. The first crackle of this panic was the credit boom in mid-2007. This was all influenced based on the rapid growth in credit accompanied by unstrict standards and regulations. Following the credit boom was the meltdown of subprime mortgages and other types of financial securitized products. The complexity and interlinked factors behind the rise of the ‘08-09...
2 Pages 982 Words

Life in China During The Ming Dynasty Rule

The Ming Dynasty came after the collapse of the Mongols and lasted for more than 200 years. They were one of the first great powers due to the strong military. They had more than 2,000 scholars contribute to organize and compile previous historical writings, geographies, philosophies, ethics, government writings, and more. During this time period, they were revamping, reintroducing China after the Mongolian Empire. The Mongolian Empire had made China lose much of this, and the Ming Dynasty sought to...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Conscience of Society and Why It Should Be Increased

As human beings, we naturally develop a conscious perception of life around us, that is, although very unique and personal, often strongly influenced by the guidelines of law set by our government. This influence leads to near-blind control over selfacknowledgement of our own humane rights. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. not only asserted but showed that each of our own individual consciences should have the right to challenge the government. This would allow society to not be run from the...
2 Pages 980 Words

The Principles of The English Criminal Law

This essay is going to explain and judge the rules and standards of criminal law in the light of certain guiding principles of restraint in the construction and use of the criminal law. Harm The principle of harm presents a concept of crime where a conduct must only be banned if it results in harming another person. This principle put a standard in place for what types of conducts a liberal should be able to rightly forbid. The harm principle...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Cruelty to Dairy Cows

How would you like being separated from your mother the minute you were born? Never being able to see her again. Or your expected lifetime being 20 years shrunk down to 4 or 5? For dairy cows that is their harsh reality. Factory farming animals suffer in harsh conditions. Such as, neglective and abusive behaviour, the overcrowding of lots and the milking myth. These actions are currently still legal to this day under the face of the law. These animals...
2 Pages 1040 Words

The Growing Problem of Littering in The United States

Littering is a growing issue in the United States (U.S.) that is not discussed very often, it is a topic that is frequently ignored but at the rate that it is increasing it can no longer be ignored and desperately needs to be discussed. Littering is a long-term problem with unfavorable consequences that will not only affect us in the coming years, but will affect our future children and grandchildren. Littering has always been a major issue around the world,...
2 Pages 968 Words

Tragedy in 'Fire on The Mountain' by Anita Desai

The Indian author Anita Desai creates in Fire on the Mountain (1977) a perfect tragedy in the Greek mode. The novel has an abrupt ending in a tragic manner and the tragedy becomes complete when Raka sets the forest on fire. Lonely and isolated Nanda Kaul suffers lot in her life. She chooses loneliness after her husband’s death. She wants undisturbed life but slowly she is attracted towards her great granddaughter Raka. She becomes uneasy by seeing a frequent talk...
2 Pages 991 Words

Climate Change Will No Longer Be Silences

Climate change is a problem the public has ignored for so long, the Earth has had enough. Around the world there have been many natural disasters, due to the accumulation of the effects caused by human errors. Because heat- trapping carbon dioxide emissions are increasing so quickly it is estimated that by the year 2040 the temperature of earth’s atmosphere could rise 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit above pre- industrial levels, since most of the carbon dioxide is due to factories, fires,...
2 Pages 1028 Words

True Motives of the Spartans at Thermopylae

This year is the 2,500th anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae, when the Spartan king Leonidas and around 5,000 Greek warriors stood boldly against hundreds of thousands of invaders led by the Persian king Xerxes. For two whole days, Leonidas and his men held off the Persians at a narrow pass in central Greece, killing tens of thousands of Xerxes’ men. When Leonidas learned that Xerxes had found a way to circumvent his position he dismissed most of his men,...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Leading Change by Embracing Diversity

The downstream oil and gas industry has faced an extremely difficult challenge over the past few years from 2015 to 2017. How were companies in this industry going to survive while the average selling price for a barrel of oil was twenty dollars, and the business models for many oilfield companies had been built on selling barrels of oil at eighty to one hundred dollars? If companies wanted to survive in the longest downturn in industry history, many company-wide changes...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Carbon Finance as a Solution of The Protection of Environment

Climate change is a much debated issue at the highest political level as evidenced by the COP-23 and the world’s first comprehensive climate agreement drafted in 2015 called Paris Climate Agreement summit. Bhutan’s national assembly unanimously ratified the Paris climate agreement in 2016 being the 175th country reinforcing the nation’s continued leadership in climate action. In addition, Bhutan has been very fortunate to receive funds from United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC), World Bank, EU and few other...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Biography of Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson was a 20th century psychologist who developed the theory of psychosocial development and the concept of an identity crisis. EARLY LIFE Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1902. Erikson never knew his own father; he was raised by his mother and stepfather, who married in 1905. He struggled with his identity throughout his youth as he felt his stepfather never fully accepted him as he did his own daughters. Erikson grew up using his stepfather’s surname;...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Effect of Climate on The Crops and Farmers in India

I will be writing on how adversely unfavourable climatic conditions can affect the crops and farmers. Climate and agriculture work hand in hand with each other or precisely saying they are closely associated and interdependent. So, climate leaves an impound impact on agriculture, it could be adverse if it shows unseasonal or unexpected activities. India is an enormous producer of various types of natural crops, fruits, vegetables and spices. Punjab is the hub for massive number of crops. In recent...
2 Pages 959 Words

Determinants Of Risk Management Efficiency Of Private Commercial Banks In Ethiopia

The most important challenge faced by the banking industry today is the challenge of understanding and managing the risk in the banking business where a threat of risk is imbibed in it. A well-functioning financial system facilitates efficient intermediation of financial resources to the economy. The more efficient the financial system in resource generation and allocation is the greater in its contribution to economic growth and sustainability (Mohan, 2005). Financial institutions play a key role in economic growth and development...
2 Pages 963 Words

Year of Wonders': The Advantages of Crisis

Crisis inevitably comes with anguish and grief, but it is possible for positive outcomes to stem from such events. The plague year in Geraldine Brooks’ “Year Of Wonders” is a primary example of this phenomenon, as we see devastation unfold that is laced with the brightness of exceptional characters. Despite the deaths of almost a third of the villagers and the near crippling grief experienced by those remaining, the positive transformations and extraordinary strength and positivity seen in certain characters,...
2 Pages 980 Words

Antony and Cleopatra': Cleopatra as a Mere Snippet for a Monarch

Cleopatra, “Egypt’s Queen,” is arguably Shakespeare’s most resilient and enchanting female protagonist. She is personified as the embodiment of her country, ‘the soul of Egypt’, and defies the reductive Jacobean “most monster-like” perspective of women. The Renaissance stereotype of the subordinate and inferior female is in total juxtaposition to the possessive and shrewd characteristics that Cleopatra possesses, as she is in fact “a wonderful piece of work.” Cleopatra manipulates her associates and subordinates through her alluring sexuality and ‘infinite variety,’...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Pressure at School as a Reason of Cheating

This is a topic I strongly understand and can relate to. How would you feel if you had to wake up early, get ready, go to school for 7 hours with 2 breaks, Pay attention, Stay engaged, Write essays, Sit Tests, Have friends, Work, Be with family, Do chores and sports, go to sleep and get ready to do it all over again 5 days in a row with a 2 day break for 10 months. This is too much...
2 Pages 1039 Words

The Factors of The Disappearance of Chinatown in Newark

Looking at the long river of history, people would always find that some region which used to thrive for years would return to silence again. Chinatown in Newark was one of example. The book “When Newark Had a Chinatown” by Yoland Skeete-Laessig talks about the development process of Chinatown in Newark and the decline of Chinatown after a few years. Modern citizens know little about this Chinatown, let alone the contribution Chinatown made to the development of Newark. From my...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Posters Counteracting Plastic Usage and Littering

Global warming, animal extinction, and the depletion of natural resources are among the many indications that the Earth’s natural ecosystem is at risk. The consequences of such environmental issues range from health problems to the planet’s viability. The drive to ‘go green’ is evident in our daily lives, from the food bought to the products used at home. The present concerns are exacerbated by human behavior. Oceanic plastic pollution is a global crisis affecting both humans and marine species alike....
2 Pages 987 Words

Year of Wonders': The Significance of The Narrator's Role

First person narrators often serve as important additions to texts. This is the case in Geraldine Brooks’ Year of Wonders, where the intelligent, authentic voice of the central character Anna Frith added significantly to the story as she described places and people with reliability and consistency. Her balanced views and commentary on her own torrent of emotion throughout the plague year give readers an insight into the plague not replicable by third person writing, and her vivid descriptions of literary...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Essay on Importance of Waste Management

Over the past few years, waste management has become a global concern. Commonly, waste is generated in households, factories, construction sites, refineries and nuclear power plants. As the population is increasing, consumption trends are changing. Along with the improvement in lifestyle, it has posed alarming threats to the environment. If waste is not managed properly it can cause serious problems to human health and the environment. So, it is necessary for people and businesses to know the importance of waste...
2 Pages 1004 Words
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