1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Pros and Cons of Big Data

The pros and cons are meaning to the advantages and disadvantages of something that which someone such like a manager consider when making a decision about it. Nowadays, data explosion and companies are gathering with storing records at ever-increasing rates. the actual accumulation of this data has no commercial value for your employer. It has its pros and cons. Advantages of Big Data The predominant gain of big data facilities on the want to analyze and systematically extract precious information...
2 Pages 997 Words

Abused and Abandoned Child Named Huckleberry Finn

On the surface, Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ may appear like a simple and straightforward story about a boy and an escaped slave sailing down the Mississippi River. However a deeper look reveals underneath, a subtle confrontation of child abuse, slavery and racism. From the beginning of the novel, Twain makes it clear that Huck is a boy who comes from the lowest class of the white society. His father is a drunkard who disappears for months on...
2 Pages 1032 Words

New Product Development Example

An example of a product that for example, Oceanic Co. can produce is Ocean Bracelets that are made from unrecyclable products removed from the ocean. The money used to buy the bracelet can help in removing more unrecyclable products affecting our ocean. Old Gen Zers represented 20% of the U.S population in 2018 (Hoefel, 2018). They are more aware of the environmental, political and socially economic problems occurring in the world. Thus, they would buy products that would reflect certain...
2 Pages 963 Words

Women's First Steps in the Struggle for Equal Rights and Freedoms

Women were not as free as today, in the United States, compared to the 19th century. Women had no freedom to do anything of their own and were considered as someone who would is expected to provide service and pleasure to men while taking on a domestic lifestyle at home. They were restricted to their rights and limitations compared with those of men. The domination of a male-driven society angered a handful of progressive women who believed that women should...
2 Pages 999 Words

Book Report of ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ by Rebecca Skloot

The book that I have chosen to read for my book assignment is ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ by Rebecca Sklott. The first word that comes to mind when I think of after reading this novel is deceived. I think about that when reading how the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore deceived Henrietta Lacks by profiting off her tissue sample. The story began talking about an African American woman, Henrietta Lacks, whose cancer cells were used for experimentation to...
2 Pages 970 Words

Clarence S. Darrow's High-Profile Cases

Clarence S. Darrow [April 18, 1857 - March 13, 1938] was an American defence attorney who came to national recognition during the early 20th century for his involvement in a number of high-profile cases including the Scopes Monkey Trial, the Leopold and Loeb Murder sentencing hearing, the Sweets Trials, and the Massie Trial, as well as for a number of statements involving religious and racial conflicts of the time which were seen as highly controversial. Born in Farmdale, Ohio, Darrow...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Flaws of the Structure of Society in Franz Kafka’s 'The Metamorphosis'

While on the surface, Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ appears to be just a tale of a travelling salesman who one day wakes up transformed into a monstrous vermin, this far fetched plotline is only the tip of an iceberg concealing beneath the surface a wealth of societal criticism. The novel carefully explores and critiques the dehumanizing nature of the system of capitalism and the effect it has on laborers. A trenchant analysis of the character Gregor Samsa provides a window into...
2 Pages 994 Words

Adolescence and Young Adult Sexually Transmitted Infection

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are gradually increasing in the youth, mainly in adolescents. STIs are mainly transferred through some type of sexually intercourse between two individuals. The youth of this generation have the complex that they are untouchable and don’t comprehend the extent of their action. Nevertheless, the youth account for almost half of the population in the United States that has STIs. Most adolescent and young adult do not know that they have a STI until it is too...
2 Pages 991 Words

Let's Fight Gun Violence Before It's Too Late

There has never been a shortage of violence in society for as long as humans have existed. It predates back to a time even before civilization with some religion such as Christianity having recorded incidents. The bible has several documented historical passages depicting a cycle of violence towards one another for various reasons. Millenniums later the situation has not changed as we are still killing each other. It would be right to say that the society we live in has...
2 Pages 983 Words

Sports and Money: Is Money Ruining European Football? Essay

Football is the world’s game. It is played by over 250 million players in over 200 countries. From the Turks and Caicos Islands to the Russian Federation. It has risen to become the best sport in the world because anyone can play all you need is a ball. The game has come a long way since 1869 but during the 1990’s the game changed dramatically. Suddenly TV deals brought the game to a new level, record transfer fees and wages....
2 Pages 984 Words

Sianne Ngai and Her View of 'Funny', 'Cute' and 'Interesting' as Aesthetic Categories

The Aesthetic experiences of the zany, the cute and the interesting that Sianne Ngai describes have saturated our postmodern civilization. They control the appearance of its artwork and commodities as well as our discourse about the ambivalent emotions these items often encourage. Sianne Ngai who is an American cultural theorist, feminist scholar and literary critic; proposes a theory of aesthetic concepts that most people use to process mass mediated, performance stimulated, hyper commodified culture of late capitalism, approaching them with...
2 Pages 998 Words

Ibn Khaldun’s Views on Education

The great Islamic thinker Abdul al-Rahman Abu Zayd Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khaldun was born in 1332 in Tunis the capital of the Hafsid Empire. After the death of his family in the Black Plague also known as the Black Death, which killed approximately 200 million plus people. Ibn Khaldun remained alone and practiced solitude most of the time. He personally preferred the interactions of smaller group in comparison to large institutions and organizations. He would consider himself to be an...
2 Pages 975 Words

Amazon's Key Principles for Success

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, got the idea to start the internet enterprise Amazon in 1994 after he began to see the internet revolution take place (Entrepreneur.com, 2008). He instantly recognized the extensive possibilities of selling products online and set up his own internet business in the garage of his home (Entrepreneur.com, 2008). During an interview at the George W. Bush Presidential Center's Forum on Leadership, Bezos credits four principles for Amazon's success along with his day one mantra...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Essay on Poverty and Unemployment on the Case of India

During the first decade of independence, it believed that the economic growth of the nation would automatically reduce poverty and unemployment. But it realized that along with the growth the policies and programed need effective state intervention. In order to achieve the planned objectives, it needs to cooperate with various projects, including public-private partnership. In the present scenario it is important to give prominence for the quality of policies rather than giving emphasis to numbers and financial allocation. According to...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Computer Hackers and Their Role in Our Community

Various people today have different views about the hacking scene. People of similar skill level often have similar opinions. There is no official definition of a hacker among the masses but rather a vague idea. Moreover, the media loves to attach false information to attract the attention of audiences around the country, for the sake of pure money. It all started at MIT in the 1960s, the root of the word ‘hacker’, where highly talented individuals in FORTRAN and other...
2 Pages 995 Words

Merit Scholarship: Ways to Get it, Eligibility, Application

Many students look for different ways to fund your college tuition depending on their families income level and others. The best way to manage the cost is by aiming at a scholarship or a grant which are need based aids. Especially when you are a high-achieving student and may not qualify for a financial aid, the merit scholarship comes into picture. The best part about getting a scholarship is, you are not required to pay it back. This article addresses...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Identity and Independence of Jane Eyre and Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen’s and Charlotte Bronte’s Novels

“Pride and Prejudice” and “Jane Eyre” are two famous British novels written by Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte and regarded as literary treasures. During the Victorian period, men and women’s roles became more sharply defined than any time in history. As the 19th century progressed, men increasingly commuted to their place of work whereas women, daughters, and sisters were left at home all day to occupy with their domestic duties. Men were said to bring money in the family and...
2 Pages 972 Words

South Africa’s Foreign Policy

The Republic of South Africa, is a nation located at the Southern most tip of the Continent . It has a population of fifty seven million making it the twenty fourth most populated nation in the world covering an area of 1.22 milion square miles. A majority of its population belonging to Sub-Saharan African ancestry.The remaining consists of Africa’s largest communities of European, Asian and multiracial ancestry. Portuguese the first Europeans to inhabit South Africa, in 1488. In 1652 the...
2 Pages 1046 Words

World Without Money: Essay

Money brings out the good and the bad in society. One of the perks of cash flow in this society is it brings us together. Money is the foundation of almost all our interactions. Half the interactions I have in public come from people who recognize me from work. Money can cause us to be drawn towards certain individuals and sometimes it causes hatred towards another. Money can make us envy people with no money, and be jealous of those...
2 Pages 961 Words

Personal Troubles vs Public Issues Essay: According to C. Wright Mills' Concept

Sociological imagination is a quality of mind that individuals think of their own problems as matters that are private or they have caused themselves rather than the culture or historical context around them. C. Wright Mills states cultural imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. With sociological imagination one must be able to shift from one perspective to another and grasp what is happening in the world. With the concept one...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Racism in Raza Studies

History is always told from the side of the victors; as a result, US history textbooks are usually written with a European bias. The founding fathers are glorified and their wrongdoings are glossed over through the rewriting of history. The stories of enslavement, racism, and internment camps are all censored to protect the reputations of our white forefathers. In 2007 Tom Horne, the superintendent of Tucson Public Schools, began the creation of a ban towards Chicano studies in all Arizona...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Newton's Laws of Motion in the Context of Car Crashes in Australia

Sir Isaac Newton was an English physician from the 17th century, and he is renowned throughout the modern world for the 3 laws of motion that he created. These have been accepted in modern society as factual information, due to modern research, even though he was born in 1642. Throughout his life he created his 3 laws. His first Law states “that an object at rest but an object with motion would keep at the same speed unless acted upon...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Analyzing the Relationship Between Physics and Human Behavior

In 1687 Isaac Newton presented the three laws of motion. These laws created a massive advancement into the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. The laws were taken very seriously and not many questioned them, since it was science. Fast forward to the modern day, behavioural laws have been introduced and people question and go up against every aspect of it. Like Isaac Newton’s laws, there are also three laws of human behaviour. These laws, although quite similar, have...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Microeconomics and Business Management

In this world of competition, it is very important for businesses to understand various fields of study in order to apply various concepts to operate successfully. Microeconomics is one of the fields of study that a business must learn from and implement its concepts to operate and sustain. Businesses can only sustain if it achieves its predetermined goals and objectives, which for most firms is to generate profit by selling the products and services it manufactures. Growth and success of...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Thinking About the Need to Preserve Ancient Monuments in Their Natural State

The Terracotta Warriors were found on the 29th of March, 1974, in Xian China. Broken parts of a clay figure were found by local farmers as they were digging wells, which led them to the tomb of the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi. The Details So far around 600 pits have been discovered, across 22 square miles (57 kilometres squared). There are three main pits that are easily accessible, and are now inside the Museum of the Terracotta...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Alice as a Strong Role Model for Young Women

‘Alice in Wonderland’ is a film that has been adapted from the classic Lewis Carrol novel by Tim Burton, and it depicts the protagonist - Alice, who defies her societal expectations by running away from a marriage proposal, and after numerous encounters in another world with foes and friends, finds herself and discovers what she wants to do with her life. Alice is a strong role model for young women, having opposed the societal norms that were prevalent in those...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Overview of Four Types of Boundaries and Their Effect on the Geology of the Earth’s Crust

For millions of years, the earth has never stopped moving, internally and externally. The features of our earth are continuously changing and have been doing that since the formation of the earth. Today, geologists present a scientific theory justify the movement of the earth’s plates called tectonic plates which divide the earth’s crust into plates and boundaries (Continental Movement by Plate Tectonics 2019). This report is written to give information about the four types of boundaries and their effect on...
2 Pages 959 Words

Our Forgotten Heroes: Why Heroes Have Lost Their Value and Significance in Society

Recently social media lost their collective minds when the news of an unidentified man who saved a family of four from a burning building. Throughout social media people are claiming he should be considered for the Australian Hero of the Year award. But why? the concept of a hero comes from a preference of certain features or attributes that are considered heroism. The perception of hero comes from their emotional love for that certain individual. English texts represent multiple version...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Review of Charles Manson's Article 'AT&T Outage Puts More Heat on Network Reliability'

The article titled ‘AT&T outage puts more heat on network reliability’ by Charles Manson, Washington editor, was published originally by Telephony, Chicago on September 23, 1991, although it could still be found online on sites like ProQuest. The article is also published by informa for scholarly use. The genre of this article is brief news. As this article is an old article not much can be found about the author credentials or the publishing company. But being found on Informa...
2 Pages 982 Words

Urbanization and Industrialization in the 19th Century in America: An Essay

The urbanization and industrialization in the 19th century have made a change in America. Urbanization, the diverse that impacted the environment. As well as how things were created and a development in the work environment, it was a big growth for many things. In the 19th century there was a rapid growth towards unity, social and politically. Cities attracted very rich people but it was forced that everyone from different places, different races to work together. Soon to be such...
2 Pages 1040 Words
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