1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Main Facts About Red Panda

Geographical Range and Habitat Red pandas live mostly in Asia in the Eastern Himalayas like: China, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Red pandas live in the forest, where there's water, fallen logs, and bamboo. The reason why they need the bamboo is because they mostly make their house out of bamboo, and tree branches. In india red pandas like to live in tropical forests. Conservation Status Red pandas are endangered, less than 10,000 are left.You might be asking why? Well...there are...
2 Pages 1027 Words

The Benefits Of Using Statistics In Financial And Medical Fields

Statistics is among the twenty fastest-growing degrees in the nation. Its application is extensive, and it currently holds a central position in numerous fields, including oil and gas, medical research, and finance. Applied statistics involves the implementation of specific procedures to obtain numerical information that is statistically known as data. Understanding how to present and interpret data is the foundation for evidence-based research. The demand for oil and gas is continuously rising. Worldwide, 100 million barrels of crude oil were...
2 Pages 986 Words

The Social Behaviors And The Way Of Living Chimpanzees And Organtangus

Two of the most intriguing primates to observe with respect to social interactions, sexual interaction, and the use of their surrounding environment to create tools to have access to different food are orangutans and chimpanzees. This essay will discuss the social behaviors and the way of living in both chimpanzees and organtangus. The social behavior of each these primates do have similarities but also have differences. The main goal shared by both primates is sexual reproduction success, this is an...
2 Pages 1030 Words

The Importance And The Essence Of Genetic Engineering

Genetics is all about the study of genes, about how differences and similarities occur in all living organisms such us plants, animals, and mostly humans. Genetic engineering or genetic modification gives an explanation about how diseases and condition are being inherited or adopted in a certain generation of a family. Besides, this includes information about genetics such as deoxyribonucleic acid or what we called as DNA, and a ribonucleic acid or RNA that is usually needed in investigating something such...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Advantages And Opportunities Of Genetic Engineering

What if you can manipulate the genes of an animal or plant? What if you can cut out some parts to achieve something new and extra-ordinary looks? Will you consider those things and make it happen? Technology plays a big role in remodeling the world. As time goes by lots of things are continuously changing. Through science, things are being discovered. Those discoveries are made for specific uses. Furthermore, through technological advancement combined with genetic engineering, humans have found solutions...
2 Pages 1015 Words

The Experiment Around Isolation Of Polyphenol Oxidase

This experiment revolves around isolation of Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) and the determination of this enzyme’s optimal pH and temperature. Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) is an enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of phenols to quinones upon exposure to oxygen. The quinones are converted to dark pigments (black, brown or red) which results in enzymatic discolouration thereby leading to browning of plant materials such as in apples and pears. This results in negative effects on appeal, nutritional value, taste, colour and flavour. An...
2 Pages 984 Words

The Concept Of The Atom In Nuclear Power

This universe is made up of millions of various substances. All those substances are produced from the basic building blocks classified as atoms. Understanding atoms help scientists provide supplies for use in LCD screens, lasers and solar cells. Multiple atoms combine to produce new different substances. Atoms are the tiniest units of matter that preserve all the chemical properties of an element. Atoms are composed of two major regions. The first is the small atomic nucleus, positioned in the centre...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Mercantileness And Cruelty To Horses For Profit

Racehorses are pushed to race at younger ages than they really should, so that the jockeys, trainers and owners can make as much money from that horse as they can. Sounds good right? Making loads of money? Well, maybe in this case it is not as good as you think. Horses are expected to race before their bodies are developed which puts lots of force on the cannon bone of the horse (a bone in the horses lower leg) and...
2 Pages 996 Words

Impact Of Climate Change On Birds

The study of climate change impacts on birds has increasingly been hot topic in recent years. Abundant evidence and proof shows there have been apparent changes in avian population, life history traits, and geographic ranges in react to worldwide environmental change. This paper briefly reviews the impacts of climate change on birds specifically focusing on its distribution, production and conservation concern. There have been many short- and long-term studies in the scientific field which reveals the unknown and solid facts...
2 Pages 999 Words

Fear Of Nuclear Science

The General public is typically fearful of nuclear science. These fears are not founded on reliable information or scientific fact. It is vital we grow our knowledge in nuclear science to help with nuclear energy, medicine and agriculture. However, this growth is restricted as the general public is fearful of nuclear science. This fear is from past negative experiences with nuclear science, mainly weaponry and energy. Such as Chernobyl and 3-mile island, where nuclear reactors melted down. However, these incidents...
2 Pages 969 Words

Interesting Facts And Studies About Gravity

Is it possible for Gravity to change naturally depending on where you are situated on a planet and how would it affect an objects weight? Rational The Claim ‘The acceleration of Gravity never varies on a planet’ will be investigated to further understand forces and effects on animals including humans. The question Is it possible for Gravity to change naturally depending on where you are situated on a planet and how would it affect an objects weight? Was developed in...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Ernest Rutherford’s Atomic Model

Over the past 200 years, scientists have come up with many different models of the structure of an atom. Although atoms are too small to look at clearly, scientist such as Lord Ernest Rutherford were able to perform a number of experiments which helped them to understand their properties. Lord Ernest Rutherford Lord Ernest Rutherford, born in 1871, was a New Zealander chemist and physicist who was the first person to split an atom (Biography, 2019). When he finished school,...
2 Pages 969 Words

Behaviors And Thought Processes In Humans And Non-Human Primates

Chimpanzees, bonobos, capuchin monkeys and other related animals are capable of many similar thoughts and behaviors as humans. The most significant findings from the textbook “Understanding Humans: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 11th Edition” and from lectures are their social behavior, cultural behavior, reproductive behavior and language. Different variables have effect on evolutionary processes some being natural selection, and interactions between genetic and environmental factors. Factors that influence the social structure are diets, resources, relationships, and historic traits...
2 Pages 1019 Words

The Biography Of Galileo Galilei And His Scientific Contributions

Galileo Galilei was born on 15th February 1564 in Pisa, Italy and died on 8th January 1642. His family moved to Florence around the 1570’s, where he lived much of his childhood. In his teens, Galileo attended the monastery school of Vallombrosa; it was located near Florence. Later in 1581, he enlisted at the University of Pisa, in which he studied medicine. However, as he began to study further into medicine, he was drawn to mathematics and unequivocally took mathematics...
2 Pages 951 Words

Administrative Dissimilarities And Similarities Between Sparta And Athens

To a first-timer, it may sound rather strange why both Sparta and Athens keep on getting mentioned in the study of Greek and Roman cultures for ancient times. However, the nature of the position which they both occupied as the duo megapolis in ancient Greek times shouldn't be a surprise any longer. They were both city-states and the two biggest city-states in ancient Greece. More so, Greece is famous for academia especially Philosophy and the Hellenization of the Mediterranean world,...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Story Of Sadako Sasaki And The Hiroshima Bombing

On the 6th, August 1945 an atomic bomb called ‘Little Boy’ was dropped in the center of the city Hiroshima, Japan. By the USA in World War two, it killed about 80,000 people immediately and heaps more after, it had the effect of 1,500tons of TNT. To this day, atomic bombs are known as the deadliest weapon ever invented and were first invented by Albert Einstein. Atomic bombs were invented by Albert Einstein before WW2, Einstein published his theory in...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Confessions Of Nat Turner By William Styron

The screenplay of The Confessions of Nat Turner should contain a brief story on his birth first. I know is not too much information on the parents and grandparents; however a short synopsis on how he ended in Virginia. This way when the screenplay will be developed the audience will have a brief background on Nat Turner's origin. After this short information, we should start with Nat Turner's childhood. It should include when he was born and where. Also, who...
2 Pages 995 Words

Social And Cultural Changes Under Joseph Stalin

The USSR from 1929-1953 experienced a great extent of social and cultural changes under Joseph Stalin that impacted various groups both positively and negatively within the Soviet Union. Russian society and culture became more uniform than ever before in Russian history, where ‘discipline’ and ‘conformity’ were heard time and time again during that period. The modifications made to these aspects of life under Stalin fulfilled his vision which was to have the total subsumption of individuals to state service through...
2 Pages 958 Words

The Organizational Structure Of Nazi Concentration Camp

Although the prisoners faced chaos and destruction in the concentration camps, the camps themselves were relatively organized. Organizations in the camps were ranged from commanders to the camp officers, and the prisoners. The concentration camps were the prisoner's worst nightmare, involving death, hard labor, and many other hardships. However, the Nazis kept the concentration camps in order even by doing so with force. The concentration camps during World War II were well organized throughout the camps, however, the prisoners weren’t...
2 Pages 960 Words

Hiroshima By American Author John Hersey

In the book Hiroshima by John Hersey, there is a character named Dr. Terufumi Sasaki he is a surgeon working at a hospital. Dr. Terufumi would always take risks because he took care of patients without having the papers to officially be allowed to help people. But when the city is suffering as bad as they were, worse than any city in the world up to now people have to do what they have to do in order to help...
2 Pages 983 Words

Propaganda During Cuban Missile Crisis

Propaganda; A tool of strategic influence. Throughout history political parties, sports teams, and pretty much anyone who wanted to bring down an opposition or competitor has used propaganda of some sort. It is a powerful weapon used to create dislike and degrade an enemy. This could be through the exaggeration of a certain event or the falsifying of evidence to generate a public distaste towards the rival. Particularly common in war and politics, propaganda has been used to great extent...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Ethnicity And Race In Ancient Rome

Some biases about ‘blacks’ in largely ‘white’ communities. Others have biased modern apparitions of the way Aethiopes were depicted in the Roman community, ensuing in a lot of misconceptions of the pertinent texts. Apparently, both Romans and Greeks owned specific words to term ethnicity or race. Such words, for example, ethnos, genos, and natio. Mentioned words are not very different from nowadays terms for what we would call culture or society (Joshel, 2009). In Roman insights groups black Africans, white,...
2 Pages 974 Words

French Revolution: Social And Political Modification In France

The French Revolution was an amount of your time that overthrew the autocracy, accomplished a republic, assembled violent periods of political turmoil, and eventually finish in totalitarianism below Napoleon that brought several of its principles to areas he conquered in Western Europe and on the far side. At the time they believed they were achieving all well. Trying back at it did they really? The French Revolution wasn’t prosperous in achieving its goals. that came at the instant creating the...
2 Pages 951 Words

Nat Turner: Man Who Led A Rebellion Of Enslaved People

“Though it is a painful fact that most Negroes are hopelessly docile, many of them are filled with fury, and the unctuous coating of flattery which surrounds and encases that fury is but a form of self-preservation” (Styron, 1967). Nat Turner stood for a cause far greater by organizing and leading a rebellion that would cause mass panic amongst the common white folks, and also present ascendancy during the year of 1831. Through Nat Turner standing up for what he...
2 Pages 997 Words

How European Imperialism Affected The Continent Of Asia

European imperialism affected the continent of Asia greatly. Some of the countries most affected being: China, India, and Japan. Imperialism affected these countries in different ways. Their cultures were affected, their view of foreigners was affected, and their societies were affected. Imperialism did some good for these countries, but most of what they caused was bad. Imperialism in China started with the First Opium War in 1839-1842 when China’s government tried to stop the British from importing opium. By trying...
2 Pages 997 Words

Role Of President Kennedy During Cuban Missile Crisis

JFK was showing the country what was going on within the government and was showing that he can be trusted as a president who cares for his country. During that time there were scandals from the government hiding secrets from the U.S so when he shared the information with the citizens it was proving that he is reliable and that he can be trusted. The president obviously has to have decent ethics to become the President of the United States...
2 Pages 977 Words

Harriet Tubman: Fearless Freedom Fighter

What is freedom? Sometimes we take freedom for granted. Freedom means “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” Sometimes it is hard for us to picture not having freedom. Harriet Tubman was a woman that had to fight for her own freedom; it wasn’t just handed to her the day she was born. Harriet Tubman was the most influential person in the abolitionist movement. She fought hard every day to keep...
2 Pages 978 Words

Mahatma Gandhi Biography And Battle For Justice In South Africa

Childhood and Upbringing Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar India, present-day Gujarat, on October second, 1869. His father was the prime minister of the region and his mother was a devout Hindu. It was a loving family and, as a child, Gandhi was given the endearing nickname ¨Moniya¨. At the age of seven, he attended an all-boys primary school in Rajkot. Gandhi was not a remarkable student, he was always on par with, or slightly below his peers in...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Anne Hutchinson: A Great Impact In The American Religion

Anne Hutchinson was an intelligent woman and a great leader. She inspired women all over American. According to the textbook “Saints and Sectaries,” it says that Anne was a good girl” (Battis, 2017, pg.9). Anne Hutchinson was the child of an English minister Francis Marbury, an outspoken person, and a true believer in the Bible. Anne Hutchinson was born on July 20, 1591, in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. Anne's father Francis Marbury disapproved of the church and how they treated their...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Will Standard Language Make Us Successful?

While many English teachers demand the use of standard American English in their classrooms, many others support the multiculturalism and authenticity of those who express themselves differently. Ryan Bloom is undoubtedly one of those who think it is unfair for others to limit the way we communicate. This novelist and academic writer, however, in his article “Inescapably, you’re judged by your language” (The New Yorker, 19 June 2017) convinces us that nowadays, it is important to learn how to reserve...
2 Pages 983 Words
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