1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Causes And Solutions Of Fatal Road Accidents

Fatal road accident can be defined as a death resulting from an unfortunate mishap happened on a public road involving one or more vehicle. The world has the highest road fatality risk among the ASEAN and made it to the top three countries in the world of the list of fatal road accidents with a death rate of 23 per 100,000 populations. By means of this, about 7000 to 8000 people in Malaysia died due to road accidents annually, based...
2 Pages 965 Words

Child Neglect And Maltreatment In Frankenstein By Mary Shelley

How parental emotional abuse and neglect affect the cognitive growth and psychology of a child and whether neglect is the root of The Creature's actions. The Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a very obviously flawed character. He is prone to physical altercations, stalking, and murder, as the plot very obviously follows. But how did The Creature become this? What led a being that is suggested in The Creatures own words he had the potential of good but was taken...
2 Pages 994 Words

Is Political Correctness Morally Correct?

In the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency, a man who has again and again forcefully demonstrated his hatred for political correctness, political correctness has become a pejorative in the media, under the belief that political correctness has ‘gone mad’ in instances where political correctness is exploited and no political change occurs, making it useless. Political correctness is the belief that language and actions which could offend disadvantaged groups (of race and sex) should be eliminated. The concept began to keep...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Odyssey By Homer: The Obstacles While Making The Way Back Home

The Odyssey is a poem written in ancient Greece by poet, Homer. In this poem, we are captivated by the series of obstacles that happen during the main character’s lengthy and dangerous journey home. We are introduced to Odysseus who is the King of Ithaca as he prepares to lead his army as a general in the Trojan War. The war in Troy proves to be a long and difficult one. However, it is brought to an end. Odysseus and...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Bad Driving Habits And Unsafe Driving

Is it Worth it? Distraction on the road seems very extremely easy and appears as a deadly matter. Crashes and even deaths occur when taking that quick second to look away. If an individual is on a phone texting, talking, or listening to music anything happens when looking away while driving. Or even eating, searching for things, or not alert at any time. Smart-phone related tasks make distracted driving more common today following fatal crashes. Laws exist, but that never...
2 Pages 981 Words

Symbolism Of Marriage And Feminism In The Awakening By Kate Chopin

Senseless, inferior, and sensual are words that describe a woman. Marriage inhibits an individual from becoming an influential figure in feminist society. One may seek marital liberation and individuality in a male dominant society. In the novel The Awakening, Kate Chopin illustrates that a sense of freedom and independence come into realization when weak women confront conformist societies. This symbolizes the societal expectations of a married woman, the conflict with society's oppression on Edna, and the development through the characters...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Correlation Between Racism And The Education Level Of Young Adults

Introduction My research question is, what is the correlation between racism and the education level of young adults between the ages of 15 and 19. Does racism discourage Hispanic young adults from getting a higher education? Racism, according to (Schmid, 2008) is defined as the lack of equality based on a person’s race only. According to (Fry, 2002) only about 10% of Hispanic high school graduates enroll in a four-year college immediately after high school. Out of these students surveyed...
2 Pages 1035 Words

AIDS Issue And Its Global Significance

Issue of AIDS Since 1981, there have been 940 thousand people whom have died from AIDS-related diseases globally and 36.9 million people whom are still living with HIV/AIDS. An estimated 5,000 new people are being infected daily as of 2017.There is an estimate that 45,000 people live with HIV or AIDS in Illinois and of that number, approximately 23,835 live in Chicago. While there are certain neighborhoods with higher numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS, the disease affects the whole...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Malnutrition: Ignorance Of The Basic Principles Of Nutrition

Nutrition is defined as a substance working in the body. A living life form is the result of nourishment. The individual requires in excess of 48 distinct supplements for its prosperity. Supplements are substance parts gotten from nourishment, which help support body capacities, body development, and protection of the organs of the body Malnutrition signifies impedance of wellbeing emerging either from inadequacy or overabundance or irregularity of supplements in the body. It is a natural issue (Gopalan, C., 2002). It...
2 Pages 958 Words

Positive And Negative Aspects Of Enlightenment

According to Kant enlightenment is the freedom and courage to use one’s reason without being steered by others in a direction. It is laziness that acts as a barrier to using one’s own reason, as people don’t want to take responsibility of their decisions (Kant and Wood, 1784). It is always easier to rely on others to make our choices and then blame them for the consequences. Enlightenment will liberate people from this self-decaying practice and everyone can and will...
2 Pages 994 Words

Ovarian Cancer: pathophysiological Process And Diagnostics

An ovary is a reproductive gland part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for producing oocytes and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. An ovum is released from the ovary each month with the intention of meeting sperm in the fallopian tube, traveling to the uterus, and implanting for pregnancy. According to the American Cancer Society, “about 22,240 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer” (“Key statistics for ovarian cancer”, 2018). Of those 22,240 women, more than...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis As A Respiratory Infection: Symptoms And Diagnosis

Tuberculosis The respiratory system is a system of organs that are responsible for gas exchange, such as transporting oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of our bodies. Parts of the respiratory system include nose and nasal cavity, sinuses, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, diaphragm, lungs, bronchial tubes, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and capillaries. The respiratory system can be divided into 2 tracts, upper tract and lower tract. The upper tract comes in direct contact with the external environment and includes the nose,...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Modes Of Effective Communication With Patients In Healthcare Organizations

Effective communication with patients impacts clinical outcome and patient satisfaction. We measure the rate at which medical professionals use to target communication elements with patients and association of element use with patient satisfaction. Poor communication among care team members and with patients, family members, and post-acute care facilities discharge can result in confusion around follow-up care and medications potentially leading to unnecessary readmissions (for example, re-exposing in radiology department) and preventable malpractice litigation. In one study using six years of...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Business Plan, Business Model And Strategic Planning - The Basics To Navigate

If you have in mind starting your own massage therapy business, you've probably wondered what is the necessary planning for starting a business? Certainly, doing good planning requires investing the time and energy you could spend practicing massage therapy. However, it is certainly a long-term investment for your business success. If the various tools presented in this article are not guarantees of the success of your company itself, they will certainly improve your chances of success in the adventure. Business...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Ethical Transformation Of Self In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime And Punishment

Fyodor Dostoevsky was well informed about the newest ideas and the most recent philosophical concepts of his time. Dostoevsky focuses on the human ethics which are much essential for mankind to survive on the planet with peace of mind. Ethics refers to the moral values that preside over a person’s actions. In his novel, Crime and Punishment, his characters are driven by inner emotions that were just being investigated towards the end of life. Sigmund Freud’s exploration of the psychological...
2 Pages 963 Words

Rene Descartes And His Contributions To The Modern World Of Psychology

Psychology studies always has been a debate among scholars so that they can prove their theory with an already existing theories in a certain field of study. Historical perspectives of Psychology has always help them in order to open ideas and thoughts among psychologists. Few pioneers such Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson and many more does really widen up the perception of a psychologist to explore some new ideas until now. Psychology is a combination of two parents known as Philosophy...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Macbeth By William Shakespeare: The Role Of Women In A Patriarchal Society

The Elizabethan Era was a time where theatre flourished and playwrights like William Shakespeare broke free of England’s past style of plays and theatre. After Queen Elizabeth passed away, Macbeth was Shakespeare’s next play and he had to be mindful of how females were portrayed now that he had a patriarchal leader. The human experience is explored through Shakespeare’s timeless drama Macbeth as the fundamental issues of human existence whether it is individual, physical, psychological, or intellectual. The famous play...
2 Pages 993 Words

Revenge in Hamlet

The play Hamlet by Shakespeare portrays many themes and a psychoanalytical depiction of the underlying issues within the protagonist Shakespeare showcases issues such as evoked emotions of losing a family member and revenge which led to the eventual “madness” of Hamlet. The in depth analysis of the shakespearean tragedy examines revenge, patriarchal hierarchy of society, corruption, foils between the characters, and the deeper psychoanalytical meaning of Hamlet’s internal feelings. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is disgusted by the remarriage of...
2 Pages 972 Words

Reasons For Decreasing The Age For Voting Responsibility

Reducing the minimum age from 21 years old to 18 years has brought attention to our country policy and politics. As we know, the voting age in Malaysia is 21 years old on the eligibility date. For sure, everybody has right to cast their votes to determine the future in their country’s but it must be with a rational mind. Eighteen is the legal age of childhood, however, to make this group as a voter is something that requires very...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Physical Exercise A Significant Role In Our Mental Health

Physical activity plays a significant role in our mental health. When we exercise our blood flow increases, and our brain starts to produce chemicals like endorphins and dopamine, which simulate happiness. Specifically, the emotional benefits of physical exercise include. Conducting physical activity can provide the following emotional benefits and many more. A study conducted by PMC (US National Library of Medicine) tested 30 people for their emotional state before and after exercise. The results showed that people that did an...
2 Pages 966 Words

The Concept Of Open Ending In Ibsen's A Doll's House And Shaw's Pygmalion

From our general public's view in the start of the twenty-first century of ladies as solid and skilled, it is hard to understand the level of narrowing in the lives of ladies of minimal over a century prior. Two plays composed during this time, the 1879 play A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen and George Bernard Shaw's 1913 play Pygmalion portray the general mentality of western culture towards ladies and their job in the public arena. The general idea of...
2 Pages 997 Words

The Importance And Role Of Breastfeeding

I am taking this opportunity to address why breastfeeding is the most favorable method to feed an infant. Couples who are about to have a child or currently have a newborn must understand how they can positively impact their child’s life with the power of breastfeeding. I chose this topic because the breastfeeding versus formula feeding debate caught my attention. I can envision a short list of pros and cons for each feeding technique, but I was interested in doing...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Moral Dilemma Of Whether Or Not To Terminate A Pregnancy

“We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killings, wars, or hatred...If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?”- Mother Teresa “The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth”. Abortion is one of the most controversial and polarising topics today. It is a painful and sensitive topic for women and men who...
2 Pages 956 Words

The Concepts Of Free Will, Virtue And Human Nature In The Book The Prince

The themes of the book include statesmanship and warcraft, goodwill and hatred, free will, virtue, and human nature. Regarding statesmanship and warcraft, Machiavelli relies on the fact that good laws act in accordance with a good military. A famous quote from The Prince where Machiavelli states “the presence of sound military forces indicates the presence of sound laws”. He portrays his understanding of war as a necessity in the development of states. A big chunk of the book is dedicated...
2 Pages 1023 Words

The Basic Principles Of Medical Ethics

Ethics is defined as a system of moral principles which involves the process of questioning, discovering, and defending our values and purposes. An individual’s behavior or actions are governed by moral principles. An excerpt from Beauchamp and Childress’ ‘Principle of Biomedical Ethics’ which was first published in 1979 brought to life the four morals of healthcare ethics which included ‘respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice.’ Numerous other professors such as Summers a professor at the School of Health Administration...
2 Pages 972 Words

Edgar Allan Poe And His Life

Edgar Allan Poe’s stories could easily be described with one word, enigma. His impeccable writings call on people to continue analyzing and to re-read. It questions people’s actions and thoughts. During Edgar Allan Poe’s time, the United States made many historical decisions that affected it’s citizens that will make it’s way into the books. Just like a big country faces several difficulties, so did he. In 1847, Poe’s wife died of tuberculoses. He remembered the death of Virginia and wrote...
2 Pages 985 Words

Depression And What Are Its Causing Agents

Introduction A continuous feeling of sad emotions and changes in bad behavior for a long time is known as depression. In this essay, I will give the meaning of depression and what are its causing agents. Furthermore, I would be including the symptoms of depression, the methods, prevention, and treatment followed by recommendations and conclusion. Meaning of depression According to Medical author, William C. Shiel (JR, 2018) “Depression is an illness that involves the body and thoughts that affect the...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Reasons Against Torture Justification

Nowadays in our world crime is happen every minute in every country. Police officer have several ways to deal with the criminal or the suspect but, there is one method that is still debate until now that it should prohibited under all circumstances or not and that method is torture. Torture is an act of intentionally inflicting severe pain, whether on physical or mental on a person for such aims as obtaining him or a third person information or in...
2 Pages 996 Words

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding: Two Opposing Impulses Of All Human Beings

Lord of the Flies is a historical yet fictional novel written by Nobel Prize award-winning author William Golding. It is a symbolic novel that was inspired by and influenced by Golding's experiences as an active member of the Royal Navy during World War 2. The replica film directed by Harry Hook conveyed similar themes and key conceptions. Lord of the Flies is presented from the perspective of a group of British schoolboys being evacuated from their homes because of war,...
2 Pages 989 Words

Tools For Project Management

Project management includes with compelling plans and deliberately association of work. It incorporates characterizing the project destinations, making calendars and doling out undertakings, so as to achieve an effective objective. Gantt chart From a Gantt chart, you can plainly perceive what the sub tasks are and when each tasks starts and closures. Introducing a visual outline of the project, you can without much of a stretch track the advancement by observing what ought to occur at any phase in the...
2 Pages 956 Words
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