1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Military History of the Korean War

Most Americans believe that our involvement in the war was a complete waste of time and men. The US joined the war effort due to the hundreds of years of cruelty the nation of Korea had been facing. The Soviet Union saw Korea's history and thought that it would be easy to invade. They chose to fight against the spread of Communism and paid an enormous toll. The US began to plan to help Korea gain independence shortly after using...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy

Introduction Human beings rely on different sources to generate energy for both industrial and domestic use. Some of the common ones include water, natural gas, coal, solar, and nuclear plants. Many emerging and developed economies are currently considering additional solutions that can promote sustainability and protect the natural environment. This objective is critical since most of these sources have significant drawbacks that make them ineffective or unreliable. The purpose of this essay is to identify and describe various energy sources...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Sex in the Handmaid's Tale

The handmaid's story is an oppressed world that expands upon the tragic symbolism of women's activist writings from 1970s. Atwood's epic was written in direct response to the developing political intensity of the American strict right during the 1980s. It anticipates a bad dream future wherein conservative strict radicals have set up control of the administration of what was previously the United States yet has now been changed into the religious Republic of Gilead. The Handmaid's Tale is exhibited as...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Pros and Cons of Pollution

Releasing substances to the environment that can cause harm is pollution. Various types of pollution include land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, and radioactive pollution. Pollution is normally associated with devastating effects on human life, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and cancer. However, it can also have good effects, such as reducing climate change and helping plants flourish. Pollution is a great contributor to global warming. Pros of pollution 1. Helps plants flourish: Release nitrogen into the...
2 Pages 1135 Words

Pollution Cause and Effect Essay

There are many types of pollution and each one has its cause and effects. Pollution caused by humans and naturally. The environment consists of many pollutants in the air and water. Each pollution has its own risks and it disrupts the balance in our ecosystem and affects the environment. It also causes illnesses, contamination and global warming and it is related to the growth of population (UKEssays, 2018). Among the types of pollution, I would like to describe air pollution...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Philippine Traffic Crisis: Reflection and Suggestion

I growed up in a city where there is no traffic. Every time I go to school, I travel four and a half kilometers in five to ten minutes only. I go to school fresh and arrive fresh with the same hairstyle, smell, and even my clothes are not tousled. The problem there is the foods that they will serve on the dinner table the next time and not the traffic. I moved here last 2017 to continue my studies....
2 Pages 1053 Words

Makeup Revolution - How Beauty Influencers Started a New Revolution

Skincare, magnificence, and cosmetics are an industry that's values millions of dollars and expected to grow even further in the future also. And, it truly is a sector which has become the chosen profession path to countless persons internationally, no one besides beauty bloggers. They are waiting for preserving their followers up-to-date using the hottest developments, elegance influencers scout the very best beauty buys. Due to this influence they possess, their followers getting choices manufacturers are knocking the doors of...
2 Pages 1072 Words

How Did Life on Earth Begin? Essay

Earth was formed around 4.54 billion years ago through the gathering of mass from the accretion disc of the solar nebula during the formation of our solar system. In its early stages, earth was constantly under heavy bombardment from other floating bodies, leading to intense volcanic activity. After approximately a billion years of constant collisions Earth was eventually covered in water and hence set the stage for life to begin and prosper, with the earliest evidence showing that life may...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Forest Fires and Deforestation within the Amazon Rainforest

Over 47,500 forest fires have occurred within the past year. Of those 47,500 forest fires, 6,315 occurred within the Amazon. According to the article The Disappearing Rainforests, with this many fires occurring, “more than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues”. Not only does this information bring awareness to a sensitive situation, but it also encourages individuals to take action. Not only are animals and habitats harmed throughout...
2 Pages 1103 Words

Essay on Renewable Energy Towards a Brighter Future

A global deal to cut emission and stop global warming signed in Conference of the parties in Paris, obligate oil and gas industry to reduce they co2 emissions. According to Carrington(2015),Paris agreement would leave more than $1tn of oil project without a return as the government increase measurement to cut down emission and tackle climate changes. The industry is facing a high risk of wasted capital in the future years. Oil and gas sector had and is still having an...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Essay on Good Leadership Contributes to the Success of Democracy

In the modern day, an increasing number of autocratic regimes are being overthrown and replaced with democracy. Within a short time, several North African and Middle-Eastern countries have had their autocracies challenged and overthrown (Danju, Maasoglu, and Maasoglu 2013). It can be argued that development spurs democratic transitions or stabilises current democracies (Boix 2011). In this essay, I will begin my island (Saboc) with a despotic leadership and demonstrate a gradual change towards democracy. In many developing countries, autocracy was...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Essay on Democracy and Development

In the new modern and globalized world, it is normal to unearth democratic institutions in the most economically developed countries in the world. Many theorists argue that the role of the government important in translating growth into development and how the state does so, depends on the type of political system. Growth and development maintain a circular relationship: Growth is an economic term regarding how much an economy is growing, how the government spends this is how a country developed...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization

Energy demand is required to improve people’s health, welfare, and meeting economic and social development is on the rise each day. All societies in the world need a form of power to support basic human essentials such as cooking, lighting, communication, mobility, and space comfort (Gielen et al. 2020). Fossils including oil, gas, and coal have been the most dominant source of fuel since 1850. These conventional sources have an adverse environmental impact on the environment because it emits excess...
2 Pages 1105 Words

Differences Between Korean and Vietnam War

Before the Vietnam War, the United States had to prevent the spread of communism, especially during the Cold War. After the USSR declared victory over Nazi Germany, Korea divided into the communist North with the Soviets, and the South with the United States. The Truman Doctrine was enacted, which called for the U.S financial and military aid to Greece and Turkey to help protect countries from being corrupted by communism. U.S troops engaged in the Korean War after the communist...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Democracy is Not the Best Form of Government Essay

Democratic based system originates from a Greek word 'demokratia'. In Greek, 'demos' signifies individuals and 'kratia' signifies rule. In this way, Democratic based system actually implies individuals' standard. The greatest prudence of Democracy is that it is government by the general population for the general population. The administration speaks to the perspectives of the general population who choose them and can toss them out if the legislature does things that the general populations don’t care for. Not at all like...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Definition of Anime

Hal Marcovitz’s book , Eye on Art- Anime is an account on how anime originated from propaganda films during World War II, to taking over America starting in the 1960’s. The book recounts how two Europeans arriving in Japan in the 1860’s to the anime explosion during the 1970’s, and even the dark side of anime. The book does not hover on one topic for too long, but can lose sight of the topic at time, but not enough to...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Critical Analysis of The Hunger Games

For my critique, I will be looking at The Hunger Games (2012) through a Feminist Lens followed by a Marxist Lens. The Hunger Games is an intense action movie that was directed by Gary Ross and was written by Suzanne Collins and Billy Ray. The movie’s plot starts off where the nation of Panem is divided into 12 different districts that are ruled over by the Capitol. Every year, two young male and female representatives must compete in a televised...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Compare the Disputes that Caused the English Civil War With Those of the American Civil War

In a Rede lecture, The Parallel Between the English Civil War and American Civil War, Firth said that the comparison between the English Civil War and America Civil War was very interesting (1910). Recently, I learnt the history of both civil wars and I am interested in this history. Thus, I will mainly compare the disputes that caused English Civil War and American Civil War as well as the implications behind these differences and similarities. First of all, religion was...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Candide Literary Criticism

Both Voltaire’s satiric novel Candide and Frederick Douglass’s autobiographical Narrative shows the life of two men. Each young man experiences injustices in the course of his development. Candide faces his struggles by seeking material gain. Douglass faces his by discovering and applying his inner strength to find reliable sources to aid him in his journey. The result of Candide’s journey through life is unsatisfactory and unfulfilling while Douglass achieves self-actualization and continues to help others by fighting to right injustices....
2 Pages 1132 Words

Analysis of Different Language Use in the Film and Novel of 'Harry Potter’

Harry Potter is a character in the series of fantasy fiction novels written by J.K. Rowling. It is one of the most famous stories in the world and almost all people seem to know about it. There are seven series of the novels, which are Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation

The following essay will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages that are linked around globalisation. 'Globalisation describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation.' (Lexicon, 2018) It is driven by many factors such as trade and technology. A key advantage of globalisation is the free movement of labour. Free movement of labour 'means that workers are entitled to look for work in another...
3 Pages 1139 Words

The Call of The Wild': The Third Chapter Analysis

In chapter 3 of The Call of The Wild The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck. And it was still growing. Spitz and buck had grown a hatred towards each other. A fight for leadership and dominance. Spitz took every chance he could to bully Buck or start a fight. It would have happened If it weren’t for unwanted accident causing them to make a bleak and miserable camp on the shore of Lake LeBarge. Buck had made a...
2 Pages 1127 Words

The Call of The Wild': Influential Factors Causing Buck to Embrace His Wild Side

In the novel 'The Call of the Wild' by Jack London, the protagonist Buck, a dog from South-land is kidnapped and sold to hostile people in the North. He has to adapt to becoming a dog of the North. Within this novel, Buck undergoes a very significant change of character and emotional state. He transitions from being the self-illustrated King of Judge Miller’s house, to a wild and liberated dog, emerged in a wolf pack within the land of the...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Analysis Essay of "This is Water" by David Foster Wallace

Main keywords of the essay: David Foster Wallace, commencement speech, analysis, two young fish, old fish, This is Water Essay characters: David Foster Wallace, old fish, two young fish Concept: Inspirational Speech, Essay Size: 959 words, 3 pages. This example is going to analyze the main ideas, and life lessons that are contained in commencement speech ‘This are Water.’ It can be used for reference and understanding of how a student may consider text and carry out an analysis of...
3 Pages 1081 Words

Thomas More: Utopia

Sir Thomas More was the first person to use the term “utopia,” describing an ideal, imaginary world in his most famous work of fiction. His book describes a complex community on an island, in which people share a common culture and way of life. The term he coined derives from the Greek word ou-topos meaning “nowhere,”. Ironically, it is the opposite of the similar-sounding Greek word eu-topos meaning “a good place,”. At its heart, the book poses the question of...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Internet-Based Education Vs Traditional Classroom Education: Essay

“Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world”, - quoted from Nelson Mandela. I definitely agree with the statement above, education is very important to me and to all children it’s not only about learning something new every day it’s the atmosphere; making friends, asking teachers questions and exploring what I want to do in the future, trying something new and loving it then taking it as a hobby and beyond. But what education is more beneficial,...
2 Pages 1141 Words

The Condition of Good Governance in Bangladesh

The Constitution of Bangladesh provides most of the essential elements of good governance and their implement can ensure the functions properly. Yet it is not practiced fully in developing right policies, environment, institutions, capacity and practice of good governance. Nowadays it constitutes a major challenge for Bangladesh. Its underperformance is evident in many areas of national life. Governance and development have close proximity in the context of Bangladesh as the country has attained a tremendous growth rate over the last...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Essay on Carbon Credit

The world, as we know it now, has witnessed a gigantic transformation from the discovery of chemicals and gases to the current situation when the same have become a threat to life on the planet. This transformation has resulted in, perhaps the greatest untackled issue of modern life that is, climate change. Climate change highly owes its existence to the uncontrolled massive emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon. When more and more quantities of greenhouse gasses are exposed in the...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Significant Benefits of 3D Printing for Modern and Future Society

3D printing technology, like many other emerging technologies, is advancing at an exponential rate. 3D printing is a process during which solid 3D objects are created from digital files. Essentially, the printer lays down consecutive layers of material until the desired 3D object is achieved. Although this technology was initially created for rapid prototyping, it has grown to be useful in many ways in today’s society, and is expected to have even greater positive effects in the future. 3D printing...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Essay on My Dream Destination - Disneyland

I could name a million presents that have been unfathomably significant to me: an electronic gadget given by my parents, a book given by my best friends, or even a couple of Nike sneakers from my great cousin. However, the present that has had the most significant meaning to me and in my cherished memory was my trip to Disneyland in Hong Kong, China when I was seven years of age. Have you at any point been to Disneyland? Truly,...
2 Pages 1137 Words
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