Essay on How Computers Affect Our Lives

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The computers are increasing day after day, their capabilities and features are developing day after day. The world is going over a significant transition with the highest quality and features of several devices, especially for computers. Are these transitions are making an effect on the society, or on the fields that serve and build the society such as education? How the effect will be, in positive or negative ways? More than 2 billion people are using several types of computers in their days. That becomes one of many reasons that will let the scientist develop a new feature on all types of computers.

Humans tend to change naturally, and their behaviors adapt to any kind of change. Even the simplest inventions could have a significant impact on many different fields of society like a business, communication, education, etc. The usage of computer machines is increasing sharply especially in these last decades, and the engagement of social actions and traditions has become significant.

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Science and technology have a direct and significant effect on our daily life as well as in our social life, such as behaviors and privacy. The computers affected the community, both positive and negative, largely supported by government agencies and other gigantic enterprises that know the value of everything but the price of nothing that is, that know the short-range utility of computer system but have no idea of their ultimate social cost.

We can mention that there is a positive development of technology and supports the community security against those who want to affect negatively on society by using the computer, we can use the computer in many directions such as education, industry, trade, and medicine as well. Therefore, we can say that the computer has had a great impact on our society in the present time in a positive way to facilitate people's lives. Computer and other technology have improved many majors in our society, but the most improved majors are business, health care, communication and education.

According to psychologists, the computer can help in many determinations, such as supporting researches, finishing homework and even keeping in touch with family and people who are in our concern, but it can also cause an individual to get lost in the physical communication in this world. The influence of computer technology in another way has created new fields in science and sociology. Some of these fields were good like programming, e-commerce and self-sufficient. But on the other hand, there are some abuses from that technology, such as electronic bullying and unauthenticated usage of other information. At last, the effects on computers are visible and significant to critics and based on people's and philosophers' view these effects can be an advantage or disadvantage for society.

The computer played a substantial role in the way of development among the years. Although this technology is considered as a modern invention, computing precedes the use of electrical devices. The first digital computing device was perhaps the ancient abacus. The primitive computing devices that were used several millennia were analog computing devices early as the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, the most known complex of which being the Antikythera mechanism. The first electronic digital computer was built by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in1937 and that was the start of the first generation of computer devices (1937-1946). The evolution of this generation continued until the invention of the first general-purpose digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC). This computer was weighed 30 tons and had 18,000 vacuum tubes which were for processing.

In the second generation of computers, transistors were used instead of vacuum tubes for more reliable processing purposes. The first computer for commercial use was introduced to the public in 1951 and called the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC 1). During the second-generation development (1947 – 1962) over 100 programming language was created and enhanced and the computer had a different type of memories and operating systems.

The period 1963 – present holds the third generation of computers. In this period the integrated circuit was invented which brought the computers higher speed, smaller size and can run several programs at the same time.

Communication term has been used mostly in the theoretical and academic disciplines. Even though philosophical communication researchers are also consultants of communication, communicating is a lifetime of experience. Communication in the past, people face a lot of problems communicating with each other. One of the communication ways they use it was mail by bird, face to face and body language.

It was hard to communicate with people not near to him. Communication in the past was limited because they can’t send a mail by birds to the person who is very far from him. On the other hand, there are some advantages for communication in the past. Like privacy and increase people’s communication with others. Also, the skills in this field were limited to a few people or only tough in high-quality college. People before the revolution of technology were using some basic tools in many social activities like trading, learning and sharing news. The development of communication gets through many phases. The most significant one was the industrial revolution were the printing machine and similar machines were invented. This way of technology improvement helped the society in several fields, such as publishing, educating and technical working. Finally, communication in the past was very hard and today by using different technology it became much easier.

In the end, we can say that the computer is impacted our society with largely change on it so the computer can do a revolution in the shirring the information between the government and people make the life easier to communicate with each other, The computer in our jewelry age can solve a lot of problems in all areas, so the computer was relied on because it helped us to develop a lot socially and globally the rapid development of science and technology has changed the decoration of life now.

Everything, processing, gathering information, or any aspects of the various areas that were previously done manually, which gives a lot of risks must be made more effective, faster, and more practical with the application or use of information technology or computer. Casing the use in various fields including business, financial institutions, industry, education, administration, and other fields have the desire to realize develop each country. The fact is computers have become the heart and backbone of society today. Whatever the field, computing has a lot of people taken over the task. It will not only help in the calculations, store information, detect a decision also to increase competence and productivity. But they said it is now clear that the use of computers has been extensively practiced and used. In line with globalization and the borderless world, a computer is a machine in the information society is also the main artery of all machinery administration in any field.

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Essay on How Computers Affect Our Lives. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
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