1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Motif Of Consumerism in The Works Of Edward Albee And Andy Warhol

The meaning of the American Dream has changed numerous times since the phrase was coined in 1931. During that time period, the American Dream constituted a way of life that through hard work an individual could achieve personal and familial success regardless of their background. The generation living under this mentality had quite a lot of success, monetarily. Thus, the goal of social mobility had been reached and this success was used not only for their generation but also for...
2 Pages 1109 Words

The Idea Of Death In Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night And Because I Could Not Stop For Death

Death is an inevitable phenomenon that is interpreted differently by different individuals. The significance of death is sometimes used to allude to one’s psychological behavior. Psychological behaviors such as depression was often seen throughout the poems of various poets. Death will often symbolize a situation or an occurrence, and the use of literary elements inferences can be made about the meaning and purpose of the poem. By using an extended use of literary language, speakers imply how death and depression...
2 Pages 1126 Words

National Care Mentoring Movement As The Program Of Cultural Competence

The National Cares Mentoring Movement is a non-profit organization located in the Atlanta area. This organization was founded in 2006 and was formed after the events of Hurricane Katrina. “The organization’s priority population are young black children who come from low-income families and unstable communities” (National CARES). Among all demographics, they believe that black children are at the highest risk for falling into poverty. This is mainly due to the uncontrollable circumstances that they are born into such as their...
2 Pages 1084 Words

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Comedy Or Tragedy?

In A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, the differences between comedy and tragedy are often mentioned throughout this comedy. Although it is often described as a comedy; however, it can also be looked at as a tragedy as well. William Shakespeare focused on the aspects of the character Bottom and him being a perfect example of a fool, but also often viewing comedies as tragedies. Shakespeare centers in on comedic elements in the book by showing happy events such...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Peculiarities Of A Thanksgiving Day Celebration

The logical definition of culture in The Cambridge Dictionary is “The distinctive customs, achievements, products, outlook, etc., of a society or group; the way of life of a society or group” (p568). From this definition it is possible to understand that culture is directly connected with people’s religion, food, clothes, lifestyles, language, music, traditions etc.… United States is considered as nation of immigrants, therefore, when immigrants come into the United States, they bring their own celebrations, foods, traditions and clothing...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Gang Violence In The USA And Canada

Violence becomes more common everyday in all parts of the world, and it is all community's job to create awareness about these gang related crimes that take lives daily. Society needs to be committed to protecting the families and lives of many individuals that may be involved with these violent gangs. United States of America varies in difference from Canada with regards to the rates of gang violence that happen daily. Each country can differ in the way gangs violate...
3 Pages 1136 Words

The Theory Of Charles Manson To Be A Psycho

In the book “Charles Manson” by Andy Koopmans, it tells how Charles Manson was a troubled child and spent a lot of time in institutions and prison. He wasn’t raised to fight but grew up to be the most notorious serial killer in America. His mother was a single mom, she abandoned Charles at 12, she was in and out of jail for small crimes. He also was raised by his grandparents, but it was temporary. This is about his...
3 Pages 1140 Words

Theme Of Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare takes place in the city of Verona, during the 16th century. Within this story, loyalty is shown in many ways, loyalty is being faithful to those who depend on you. The story is about a feud between the two families, the Capulets, and the Montagues. Romeo who was a Montague, and Juliet who was a Capulet, two lovers that are from different families that fall in love. Two lovers, whose love...
2 Pages 1138 Words

The Role And Influence Of Parents In Bless Me Ultima

In society, adults and children alike are told they must carry on the family name, but today, more now than ever, there are more and more people carrying two family names on their backs. The most notable culture to carry double surnames is the hispanic culture where a child will take their both father’s and mother’s surname, often adding an y (and) between the two names. For most hispanic children, their last names are equal parts of their identity and...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Social Division In Brave New World

In a world where humans are conditioned based off their social class, the futuristic society in Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley demonstrates the sacrifices one must take to insure stability. The mass-production of individuals and “hypnopaedic” are used to structure their ideal civilization, where they are taught what to believe, ensuring contentment throughout the society. With the conditioning they are stripped from their freedom of thought, emotions and individuality from a young age. However, within the novel there are...
2 Pages 1118 Words

Music Power And Brother Love In The Short Story Sonny’s Blues

The dictionary defines music as “sound in time that expresses ideas or emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.” Music gives even the most silent people a voice and is known to be one of the few coping mechanisms that doesn’t have negative side effects. It is no surprise that music is a prominent feature in everyone's life because of this. Whether a person plays or just listens to music it can, if you...
2 Pages 1126 Words

The Concept Of Self Identity In Graduation, Shooting An Elephant And Black Men And Public Spaces

Identity is the characteristics, beliefs, personalities, and experience of a person or a group. Identity is a part of us and helps us make decisions. Identity is who people are, as they think about themselves, the way they view the world, and the characteristics that define them. In “Graduation,” Angelou wrote about her 8th grade graduation where a white person tries to belittle her and her race. Orwell records his incident in “Shooting an Elephant,” when he had to live...
2 Pages 1051 Words

The Story of an Hour Feminist Criticism

“The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin narrates the events taking place in the last moments of Louise Mallard, a housewife who is happy after being falsely informed about the death of her husband. Today, gender equality is one of the most debated issues. For a long time, society has been controlled by men. The desire for women to be free has led to the feminist movement which seeks to end the equality between men and women. Feminism is...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Hysteria in the Play The Crucible

In matters of life or death, people do whatever it takes to not be hanged. In times where accusations, regardless of their accuracy, determine one's survival, people do what is necessary to survive. In Arthur Miller's, The Crucible, a constant string of allegations leads to people convicting the innocent of witchcraft. Ultimately, this leads to those convicted people accusing more innocent people and so on. This leads straight to a town full of nothing but mass hysteria. Danforth’s convictions, Parris’...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Effects Of Slavery And The Tools To Gain Freedom In The Book Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

In the slave narrative, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, the author, Harriet Jacobs, tells her journey through slavery and how she overcame it. This freedom was earned through many trials, but mostly by the of hand her master, Dr. Flint. To understand the importance of literacy between Dr.Flint and Linda, we must first understand their characterization. This will help develop reasons why and how they used literacy. This relationship, though initially based on lust, was able to...
2 Pages 1116 Words

The Problem Of Child Poverty And How To Solve It

Everyone has felt hungry before or has felt embarrassed by the clothes they were wearing. Some of us have the choice to go into the kitchen and grab something out of the fridge or change the outfit we were wearing, but others don’t. More attention should be focused on ways to lower the number of children is growing up in poverty. 1-in-4 children don’t have the option to eat whenever they want or go shopping when their clothes are torn...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Autobiographical Aspects In The Book Man’s Search For Meaning

Unfortunately, the world we live in today is full of violence, chaos, and mass destruction and it’s hard to imagine living in something worse. Although, close to eight decades ago World War 2 was led by the infamous dictator named Adolf Hitler in the regime against the Jewish people. He created an environment far worse than what we live in today. His orders consisted of genocide and eradication and ultimately murdering six million people. The author of Man’s Search for...
2 Pages 1100 Words

Symbolism In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson: Symbols & Imagery

The Lottery' is a story written by Shirley Jackson, first published within the 1948 issue of the magazine 'The New Yorker.' It's been said to be one of the simplest American literature short stories created. The title of the story 'The Lottery' refers to an unquestioned ritual that takes place during a small farming town annually and requires all members of the community to draw sheets of paper to work out a 'winner.' Sadly, the winner of the lottery must...
2 Pages 1129 Words

The End Of Humanity: The Animal Bill Of Rights

The Animal Legal defense fund has a petition for increased protection for the rights of animals established in 1979. Animals have been mistreated by humanity by researchers who test beauty products on animals to ensure that they can be sold and use by humans. Society uses these beauty products without regret to the damage done to animals, torturing animals each year by experimenting on them and causing them pain and suffering by injecting harmful toxins. When the toxins enter their...
2 Pages 1065 Words

The Peculiarities Of Higher Education In Pakistan

INTRODUCTION The higher Education of this nation, as somewhere else, has working from its expanding significance for the social orders and economies that it serves. Universities working on various time periods with assorted exercises have not thought that it was anything but difficult to adapt to requests for a specific sort of execution Therefore, the administrations have been slanted to give institutions about cultivation or even to take a stab at it themselves. Subsequently the institutions, sustained by what appeared...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Dulce Et Decorum Est As The Modernistic War Poem

Wilfred Owen’s poetry was a mark of a historical movement. His elegies brought a new but true personal story about the horror on the battlefield. This was something that had never been done before because much of the propaganda at this time celebrated being a soldier and glorified dying for one’s country. In contrast, Owen’s poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est' illustrated the death of a soldier and then the speaker demands that if the reader had witnessed this man die,...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Affirmative Action Essay

Should a person who never had a head start in life be afforded the same opportunities as someone who has? Should everyone be on an even playing field when it comes to hiring, education and diversity? Yes everyone should be afforded the same opportunities on the same playing field so we can all essentially have the same starting point. Nobody should not be afforded an opportunity off the strength of something they cannot control. Due to many individuals careers being...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens: Characterization Of The Criminal Mind

In 1839, Charles Dickens published Oliver Twist, a novel that depicts an accurate portrait of London’s criminal underworld throughout his young protagonist, Oliver. The success of Dickens’ Oliver Twist resides in its realistic portrayal of the degraded lives of the criminals that dwelled in nineteenth-century London, as well as in its criticism of the falsity and hypocrisy of the Victorian institutions. When the novel was first published in 1839, critics complained about the graphic representation of violence, misery and thieves,...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Comparing and Contrasting Beowulf Battle With Grendel and Grendel's Mother to Highlight Anglo-saxon Culture

The epic poem, Beowulf, has created a legacy that has withstood the test of time and still sparks new discussions in the modern era. Culture reflected by the epic poem has given many historians and literature enthusiasts a glimpse into Anglo-Saxon life. In Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel, by comparing and contrasting Beowulf’s fight against Grendel and second fight against Grendel’s Mother, the aspects of revenge, Christendom, and gender roles in Anglo-Saxon culture can be highlighted. By comparing Beowulf’s first...
2 Pages 1088 Words

The Ethical Dilemma Of Denying Organ Transplants To Smokers

It is not ethical to deny a person an organ transplant if they are a current smoker. The risks do not outweigh the benefits. Although available organs for transplant are scarce, a person who smokes should not be denied a life-saving procedure. The intent of this paper is to provide ethical reasoning, which is in favor of providing organ transplants for people who smoke. According to Butts and Rich (2020), “An ethical dilemma is a situation in which an individual...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Idea Of Journey And Its Meaning In The Novel Life Of Pi

Yann Martel uses the island as a way to showcase Pi’s transition from the beginning of the novel to the end. In the beginning, Pi was very religiously focused and innocent. He had not yet been exposed to the cruelty and harshness of the real world and the animals that lived in it. As the book continued, Pi started to loose his values as he came in contact with more difficult situations. These situations, such as getting stranded at sea...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Social Justice In Education: Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

The social justice in education module made a significant impact on my attitudes and behavior towards children with disabilities and special educational needs. This is one of the concept that I have not come across in my teaching career in the past seven years. The Special educational needs and disability can be defined as, “A child or a young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Why Civil Rights Movement Was More Effective Than The Suffragette Movement?

In the late 19th century, British women fought for suffrage. Decades later, cross the Atlantic, black people in the US fought for civil rights. We can see the similarities in both revolutions: vulnerable groups fought for their rights, they resisted again the backward social perceptions and discrimination. Both demonstrate the inalienable human rights and equality are sure to be realized. Pursued a common goal, yet differed in paths. Based on the causal chain of the direct impact, the effectiveness of...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Poverty And The Free Market: The Singer And Zwolinski Solution To World Poverty

Introduction In the works of both Matt Zwolinski and Peter Singer, the two political philosophers explore the moral necessities surrounding altruistic international assistance and economic relationships, demonstrating the need for greater, more pragmatic international support for developing countries in the context of the global free market. Singer and Effective Altruism In the essay “Affluence, Famine, and Morality,” Peter Singer argues that people in affluent countries have a moral obligation to provide more international humanitarian assistance, especially toward disaster relief. He...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Why The Novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin Is A Racist Text

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a world-renowned novel that has changed how the world perceived slavery. This text was considered to be the first best-selling work as it was said to have outsold the bible when it first was published. It was even alleged to be the leading event to the American civil war as Benjamin Franklin said to Stowe in their first meeting. But as well as it being quite infamous, it has also caused a great deal of controversy....
2 Pages 1094 Words
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