1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Chimney Sweeper By William Blake's: Poetry Analysis

Thesis Statement: In combining irony, symbols, rhythm, and disturbingly dramatic imagery, William Blake's “The Chimney Sweeper” criticizes society's indifference “toward” social injustice. According to (https:// “www.goodreads.com), this” story is such a sad and disturbing poem about the abuse of little children who were forced to become sweeps by their parents in this era. Blake has described the misery that was faced by the children of London, who’s poor and impoverished parents sold them for a small amount of money, to...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Reflection On Merchant of Venice: Opinion Essay

Introduction William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, tells the story of a 16th-century merchant who secured a loan from a Jewish moneylender for his friend. Considered as one of William Shakespeare's most contemporary works, The Merchant of Venice covers various aspects, from religious to poverty, greed to bitterness. It has been viewed as either a tragedy or a comedy or both. Though several factors influence the reasoning, the elements, characters, and how the play ends are significant to its classification....
3 Pages 1196 Words

Concussions In Sports: Social, Scientific And Economic Lens

Introduction: Through several decades the practice of contact sports has grown exponentially, especially the art of American football. The gridiron, tackling based competition fans watch has had its remarkable influence across the United States and has been prevalent worldwide. Though its dark side of the commonality of consequential injuries that can greatly affect a player’s body is evident, it is still beloved as that is the underlying basis of what makes the sport. Its roughness may take a heavy toll...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Fairy Tales: Impact Of Disney Princesses On Young Girls

Young girls and women in this decade see Disney princesses as role models and believe that prince charming is the man who is going to save the day, that princesses are these perfect and beautiful women that just stands by and that cannot make a decision for themselves, this is what most girls lookup to instead of realizing the true side of fairy tales. When society thinks of a princess, they think long blonde hair, skinny waist, white skin, and...
3 Pages 1219 Words

College Education And Its Relation To Liberal Education

Liberal Education is an important topic that every college student needs to know about. I am going to be talking about what it means to get a liberal education and why it’s important from William Cronon’s point of view. Next, I will be talking about the David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech and how its related to Cronon’s view on liberal education. Thirdly, I will be talking about Andrew Delbanco’s viewpoint on what a college education is and how it relates...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Representation Of Halloween In Tim Burton's Films A Nightmare Before Christmas And Edward Scissorhands

Edward Christmashands: Tim Burton’s Nightmare As if to bring us into the mind of Tim Burton, both films, “A Nightmare Before Christmas” and “Edward Scissorhands,” begin with the opening of a door leading us into a world of mystery. In “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” the main character, Jack Skellington, becomes unsatisfied with his Halloween surroundings. He feels as though a part of him is missing which leads him to stumble upon Christmastown but he soon learns that he may not...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Theories Of The Dinosaur’s Mass Extinction

Since the discovery of ancient dinosaur fossils, scientists have gone through extensive research to reveal the conditions of their lives on Earth and how many of them truly resided on our planet all those years ago. Yet despite all of our research, there is yet one baffling question we continue to ask today- which is, what exactly caused these daunting creatures to become extinct? Many theories were produced, supported by data collected from discovered fossils, including our own environment, which...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Quantitative Research In Different Fields

The Importance of Quantitative Research in the field of Education, Business, Medical and Health Allied Services and Science and Technology Education is definitely the broadest concept in this world. Everything starts from here. In our curriculum, Practical Research is a core subject that each student, any strand, must take. Some students perceive this subject as something that is hard and complex. Some even question the significance of it. Research, particularly quantitative research, plays an essential role in the field of...
3 Pages 1225 Words

The Life And Work Of Isaac Newton

When most people hear the name Isaac Newton, I am sure the first thing that comes to their mind is “Newton’s Law.” Newton’s Law of Gravity and Motion are most popular. According to NASA, Newton's first law states that “Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” His second law explains how “the velocity of an object changes when it is...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Courtship Behavior Of The Adélie Penguin

The Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adéliae) is a medium sized penguin weighing between 3 – 6kg and stand at 70cm tall. It is one of the most widespread penguins in the Antarctic; they are 1 of only 2 true Antarctic residents. They largely resided close to the sea around the coast and only venture to further in ice-free land to breed. The Adélie penguin diet consists of eating small sea creatures such as krill, small fish and squid. They generally hunt...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Definition And Basic Principles Of Genetic Engineering

Introduction Biologists make a lot of experiments to solve a specific problem. Some experiences fail, others succeed. One of their experiments was genetic engineering which is genetic manipulation to change the characteristics of any living organ as desired. Although genetic engineering has disadvantages, they use them to get their benefits. The 1973 the first use of the genetic engineering . in this essay, we are going to talk about the process of genetic engineering and how the technology help in...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Features, Life And Habitat Of Bengal Tiger

We live in the 21st century and yes, we have moved past a lot of barriers like caste, creed, colonialism and many others but still, we have a long way to go before we fully act like we live in the 21st century. What we often forget is that the Earth belongs not only to the humans but also to the animals who are subjected to cruelty and are not at all treated with the fairness they deserve. In this...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Role Of Honey Bees In Ecosystem

A Keystone species, like an animal or plant helps define and shape an entire ecosystem. These species are a key function to an ecosystem. Without keystone species the ecosystem and habitats would dramatically differ and change or, would not exist at all, species who depend on those environments would not exist either. If keystone species didn’t exist there would be no ecosystem for other species to live in. Many of the animals and plants we rely on as food sources...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Methods Of Dark Matter Detection

Dark matter is an incredibly elusive force which is necessary for many modern theories that describe the movement of galaxies and – effectively – all of the major elements of the universe. One of the reasons that dark matter has arisen as a theory is the fact that when we observe certain galaxies, they have much more kinetic energy then the masses in them would suggest, therefore, a separate force must be at play. However, we have not yet been...
3 Pages 1203 Words

The Controversial Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

At 8:15 AM on August 6th, 1945 the first-ever nuclear weapon used on a human population was released above Hiroshima, Japan. There was no scale to describe the energy and destruction of the blast, the explosion was unprecedented. Three days later a second bomb exploded over the city of Nagasaki, Japan (Fenton). Almost a month later, the Japanese surrendered. The war on the Pacific front was over. Nearly a month before the bombings, US President Harry S, Truman was notified...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Contact Between The Dutch Empire And Japan While Under The Tokugawa Shogunate

The Dutch and Japanese relation dates back over 400 years ago back in 1609 when the Dutch first arrived in Japan. This occurred during the Tokugawa shogunate. A shogunate was the government of the times of Feudal Japan, at these times Japan was ruled by a shogun or the highest-ranked military leader. The Tokugawa shogunate was the last shogunate of traditional Japan which gave Japan peace and strong economic growth. Its rule was extremely strong and this strength was admired...
3 Pages 1247 Words

The Rise And Fall Of World Trade In The 19th Century

Many economists have attributed the increase in world trade as an effect of globalization. Globalization is the integration of international markets (O’Rourke et al, 2002 p.25), that is, gravitating to a single world market. This first happened in the 19th century as the world was never globalized to this extent before and this was evidenced by the factor price convergence of goods (O’Rourke et al, 2002 p.46). Factor price convergence is the price equalization of similar factors of production across...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Imperialism And Nationalism: The Greater Impact

Nationalism for an individual is identifying with their nation and supporting its interests, even if that means disregarding the interests of other nations. “nationalism” The pride the individual carries for their nation puts the nation on a metaphorical pedestal. Imperialism is a policy where the nation in question expands their influence through diplomacy or force exhibiting power normally to obtain more power typically for resources to better their economy. “imperialism” From a thorough investigation of detailed accounts in history, this...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Difference In The Education Among Social Classes In The Victorian Era

Victorian society was divided up into three classes, the upper class, middle class, and the working class. This affected how the people living in this era were educated. The upper class was the rich families so they required the best tutors to provide their education. The next social ranking was the middle class. The middle class also owned and managed businesses and empires. The working class was the lowest class among the social ranking, also known as the skilled workers....
3 Pages 1172 Words

Personal Life Of Joseph Stalin: Marriage And Affairs

There will be a little introduction about Stalin and where he came from his real origins. As part of Stalin’s history, there will be underlined few major points for starters his life outside of his powers his wife’s and kids. Then we will move on to talk about Stalin’s power in “Russia under Stalin”, then there will be talked about Stalin’s death. For starters let me introduce you to Stalin and talk about his back gourd for a little bit....
3 Pages 1213 Words

Global Warming In The 20th Century

Throughout the centuries of human exploration in the Arctic, the Arctic encompasses sea ice throughout the entire year up to the last few decades. However, satellite observations indicate that the extent, thickness, and volume of Arctic sea ice has declined since 1979. The average extent of the Arctic sea ice has been the lowest since 1850 (Climate). (Frischmann) Acknowledges that global warming affects us all, but the issue is not climate change. The representation of this issue is climate change....
3 Pages 1177 Words

The Main Differences Between Sparta and Athens: Education And Government

Civilization is defined as the stage in which social and cultural improvements are considered the most advanced. In the past, there had been a great number of civilizations that left great signs for future generations. The ancient Greek people were one of those civilizations which had an enormous impact on world civilization. Greece was situated in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula where is a mountainous region. Due to religious practices and different political systems, the ancient Greeks had...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Nuclear Age: Nuclear Weapons In International Politics

The first nuclear bomb was developed in the early 1940s, and there have been a few cases where these weapons have been used. In those few cases, the damage these weapons caused has led to them being outlawed worldwide. So, if they have been globally banned then why do countries still have large stockpiles of these weapons? The most infamous event where nuclear weapons were used was probably World War II. In the final stage of the war, the United...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Cuban Missile Crisis: Dangerous Confrontation Between The United States And The Soviet Union

Though many might say that the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was the result of just Fidel Castro, many other factors contributed. The combination of the relationships and tensions between Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, and Nikita Khrushchev all contributed to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a result of not just Fidel Castro, but many peoples' actions. Without Khrushchev's support of Cuba, JFK's attempts of overthrowing Castro, and Castro's communist regime, the Crisis would have progressed...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Scientific Revolution And Its Enlightened Aftermath

We think of Isaac Newton, Einstein, and other renowned scientists who made their name during the era in which they lived when we hear about the scientific revolution. Although these great scientists were formidable and influential proponents of the scientific revolution, many more twists and turns are attached to this period of time than most people think. Before the scientific revolution occurred, almost all and sundry viewed the world in a pious, and not secular way. They viewed the world...
3 Pages 1225 Words

The Role Of The 21st Century Corporate Security And Risk Manager

The security landscape in the 21st century differs immensely from that of the 20th, I entered the world of security and risk management 22 years ago during a time where the view of security was the stereotypical ex-military/ex-police staff who were believed to be the font of all knowledge because of the “vast experience” that they had developed during their careers. Over time it has changed and my view has changed with it, the current security field requires a new...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Genetics Of Drosophila

Abstract The purpose of this lab is to understand concepts that are related to genetic crosses. For this specific lab, Drosophila melanogaster were used. Drosophila melanogaster is also known as fruit flies. Created by Gregor Mendel, this experiment uses genetic rules. The purpose for the use of genetic rules is to determine the F1 generation. “Drosophila melanogaster has been widely used in the biological sciences as a model organism. Drosophila has a relatively short life span of 60-80 days, which...
3 Pages 1222 Words

The Aspects Genetic Behavior

Intro A person’s behavior is determined by a combination of inherited traits, experience, and the environment. Some are innate and some are learned. Inherited traits can control or manipulate one’s behavior. For example, a person who is born to parents who had anger issues may act highly violent/aggressive in a stressful situation. People don’t think of them as controlling our behavior because most of our behaviors are learned, rather than inherited. However, some behaviors are so beneficial to the human...
2 Pages 1150 Words

The Chemistry Behind Cookies

Abstract For our project we made cookies and found out why certain ingredients affect the cookies and how they affected it. We used a basic recipe for cookies and took out one ingredient at a time flour first, then unsalted butter ,then baking soda , and lastly eggs we found out that the flour makes it a dough, the butter makes it thinner and crispier, the eggs make it fluffier, and the baking soda causes a reaction twice to make...
2 Pages 1202 Words

The Role Of Chemicals To Human Structure And Function

Introduction In this research, it will discuss the role of chemicals to our human structure and function. It will be about the levels of chemical organization, chemical bonding, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. This research should be able you to define the terms atom, element, molecule, and compound. It will describe the structure of an atom, compare the contrast ionic and covalent types of chemical compounds bonding. It will let you distinguish between organic and inorganic chemical compounds. It will...
3 Pages 1204 Words
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