1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Are We Condoning Modern Slavery In The World?

Slavery. We associate slavery with the nineteenth century trade of Africans across the Atlantic ocean and that it was abolished then. But was it really ever abolished? Slavery itself has always been considered a third world problem when really it happens at every corner of the world, right under our noses. We don’t seem to notice or apprehend that it still exists. How did we let modern slavery into our everyday lives? Is it our fault, as consumers, that this...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Does Everyone Deserve Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is the deliberate act of releasing feelings of vengeance or resentment towards someone for their wrong doings. Forgiveness brings the induvidual immense peace of mind and frees them from unnecessary anger. People make mindless mistakes everyday and what would happen if you were never forgiven for those? I think everybody deserves the chance to apologise and make positive changes in life and prove themselves to be a better person and this is why. Mistakes are a good, unavoidable thing....
3 Pages 1287 Words

Black Holes: Evolution, Types And Effects

INTRODUCTION Black Holes Black Holes are stranger than anything dreamed up by science fiction writers. It is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out of it.They have more matter stuffed into least space. They are too compact and has very strong gravity. In other words a Black hole is a region space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing, no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it....
3 Pages 1309 Words

Gender Neutralising Stalking Laws

This blog focuses on a proposal for gender neutralising section 354(d) that is stalking law. This section under IPC can’t qualify the test of intelligible differentia test laid down by Justice PN Bhagwati in Maneka gandhi case as a gender cannot be a basis of differentiation and article 14 also ensures equal protection of right when it comes to protection of right to privacy which was defined under article 21 as metaphorically similar to dignity of an individual. What Is...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Pope And Treatment Of Women

Women in the 17th and 18th century were supposed to take on the role of the household and were treated poorly without their husbands. They were also supposed to be well educated in medicine in order to take care of illnesses in the family. Few women that were considered noble had enough access to education to allow them to become literate, and others were fortunate enough to receive some schooling and were hardly taught languages and art. In The Rape...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Buying As The Way To Find Happiness

Money can’t buy you happiness, or can it? In North America, everyone has the freedom to spend their hard-earned money as they deem fit. But unfortunately, more and more people are associating their happiness with the purchases that they make. Firstly, the concept of retail therapy, and the brain’s capacity to release dopamine, deceives people into believing that what they’re buying is making them happy. In addition, there is a misconception that owning the latest trends and ‘keeping up with...
3 Pages 1284 Words

The Stages Of Grief In Different Life Experiences

Grief is an expected intense sadness and misery in response to the death of a loved one, so the statement ‘Grief is a sign of weakness’ is one we disagree on. The passing of a person brings out emotions it is inevitable and affects all of us (part of human life). There is more to grief than just the internal feelings, there is spiritual, physical and social experiences. Grief is a topic that is hardly spoken about in numerous homes,...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Equal Pay In Sports For Men And Women

People in the United States and around the world are watching athletes' performance in various sports. Both male and female athletes compete at an incredible level that requires physical fitness and drive. As we all know, professional athletes can earn salaries reflecting their talent and ability. After the Woman’s World Cup in football there was a surge of newfound fame that happened to Women’s sports, at least in woman’s football opening the debate should women athletes be paid the same...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Drugs As A Factor Of Evil In The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

GULP gulps, gulp GULP! What is consumed can make a person change. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde was written by Robert Louis Stevenson 133 years ago. My topics are drug substance, effects on relationships, and good vs evil. Drug abuse can change you which can lead to good vs evil. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' by Robert Louis Stevenson a predominant theme that is perpetuated throughout the novel is that of good versus...
3 Pages 1276 Words

The Nature Of Sin, Guilt, And Blame in Scarlet Letter

In the story The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne has a plethora of thematic subjects, but the one that sticks out the most is the nature of sin, guilt, and blame. From start to finish the idea of sinning, and an inner guilt is prevalent in the entire story. Every character has something that they are holding in or have something against another. To go along with the obvious, Hawthorne presents the theme in many symbols and situations to make...
3 Pages 1318 Words

Should Athletes Take Steroids?

Abstract The purpose of this term paper is to prevent the usage of steroids. Steroids are organic substances like hormones and cholesterol used to build up the body and increase its work. It was first used by athletes who wanted to increase their performance in the game. They were first used in 1860s. It leads to delusions and the player will see unreal things. Also, it damages the tendons and wipes their collagen fibers. Moreover, it causes liver and heart...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Alienation And Loneliness In Fahrenheit 451

How does alienation and loneliness affect our society? The way alienation and loneliness affect our society is by having people develop antisocial norms. Many characters in the novel Fahrenheit 451 suffer from being lonely because alienation plays a big part in the novel. Ray Bradbury, a 20th-century novelist, short story writer, and screenplay writer, in Fahrenheit 451 uses alienation and loneliness as a predominant element and has been complimented for writing “a masterwork of twentieth-century literature set in a bleak,...
3 Pages 1264 Words

The Rise And Fall Of Humor: Psychological Aspects

The omnipresent feeling of humor is used as a balance among coping, social and personal well-being. Comedic statements related national tragedies are the most of focus to measure and analyze how responses change over time. The hypothesis that the monotonic time increases the humor experience but consistent with breaching humor theories. To create the perfect comedic comment, one must keep track of the amount of time after a tragedy that is deemed acceptable to say such jokes. The phrase, “Too...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Cultural And Economic Background Of Child Labor In India

Child labor is illegally using children under the age of 17 to work in an industry or business. These labors tend to be dangerous to the ethical, social, physical, or mental development of a child. Additionally, work becomes an obstacle to a child's right to education as working prevents the child's ability to focus on school work. Children are often required to work long hours in dangerous conditions receiving very low pay and little protection causing illness. Throughout history, children...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Peculiarities Of Personality Formation

Each individual human has a unique thing about them that makes them who they are. Although individuals have different physical characteristics that may set them apart from the rest of the population, it can be argued that there is a more important factor that makes individuals unique from others: personality. Personality is an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Everyone has a distinct personality that sets them apart from everyone else. Our personality develops due to our efforts...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles

INTRODUCTION Organization is a person or a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. Goal is a statement that shows organizations wishes to archive. Organization is born when more than one person coordinates to perform a work, such as one person passing bundles to another person who puts them in an order. Organizations can range in size from one person to tens of thousands. “OOREDOO” the multinational organization is a leading international...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Global Cooperation In Viral Controls And Viral Seasonality About SARS, MERS And Covid-19

The rapid spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in early 2003 was accepted by a number of governments as a challenge to their national security because of its adverse effects on their economies, including their hospital systems.The SARS epidemic is one of the beneficial case study for evaluating national and international capabilities to deal with disease outbreaks, both naturally occurring and deliberate. This appendix examines the course, impact and important of the epidemic, including the lessons learned regarding the...
3 Pages 1343 Words

The Peculiarities Of Team Performance

Introduction Team work has become of importance to many organizations and businesses as it is widely practiced in modern environments. Team work is a method used to enhance productivity, motivation, innovation and skill through commitment of employees in an organization. The key purpose of this report is to assess and analyze the importance of teams by looking at roles that emerge within a team, factors that influence team performance and how leadership behavior impact team effectiveness, efficiency and high performance....
3 Pages 1308 Words

Should Schools Adopt A Zero Tolerance To Bullying?

Introduction Bullying as describes by CDC incorporates three attributes: purposeful hostility, a force awkwardness among attacker and casualty, and reiteration of the animosity which presents difficulties in law and policy changes (Dewey G. Cornell, 2016). Bullying is found everywhere in the workplace, at home and also at school. Bullying not only harms the person being bullied but also affects the society. Stories about young school going children committing suicide is on the rise in the world. Zero tolerance policy regarding...
3 Pages 1284 Words

DNA Cloning And Sequencing Of AmilCP And RFP Coral Proteins Into pTTQ18 Plasmid Vector

Abstract Through the lens of this experiment, it shows that the gene Rfp encoding, a mutant of the red fluorescent protein - a product of the coral Discosoma striata, AmilCp encoding for the blue chromoprotein from Acropora millespora were duplicated into a pTTQ18 plasmid vector. Accompanied with the amplified PCR of the DNA fragments encoding carrying the Rfp and AmilCp genes, the cloning experiment was initiated. Accompanied with the restriction enzymes Kpn1 and Sma1, both the plasmid and DNA fragments...
3 Pages 1250 Words

Empathy As A Core Skill For A Paramedic

What is empathy? To the general public, empathy is most commonly understood through phrases such as 'putting yourself in someone else's shoes' or 'seeing things through their eyes.' This suggests imagining what it is like to experience the feelings and circumstances of another person and having the capacity to understand them yourself while maintaining some level of emotional detachment. In a clinical setting, empathy extends beyond a patient's history, diagnosis, or treatment. The expression of empathy differs from that of...
3 Pages 1306 Words

The Use Of Chromoproteins For Positive Identification Of Gene Expression

Abstract DNA cloning and expression vectors are the modern-day mainstays for molecular biology studies. In Spite Of advances in synthetic biology and modern techniques, researchers around the world still uses the standard way of DNA cloning, using plasmids and reporter proteins for selecting possible recombinant DNA. The coloured properties of blue coral chromoproteins (AmilCP) and red fluorescent protein (Rfp), from Acropora millepora and Discosoma striata respectively, makes them a suitable reporter protein. These genetically encoded reporter proteins turned out to...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Evil Is Naturally Within Man: A Clockwork Orange, Milgram Experiment, Ted Bundy And The Lord Of The Flies

There is a question that has been going around for years. The question is whether man is born good or evil. One movie that portrays man is inherently evil is “A Clockwork Orange” by Stanley Kubrick. The movie is about the boy who rapes and tortures people for fun. He ends up going to prison and starts to act like he regrets his actions so he can be accepted into a program. He continues to have evil thoughts and feelings....
3 Pages 1304 Words

A Critical Review Of Smiling Mind – A Social Service Program

Smiling Mind is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of programmes & resources to show the positive benefits of mindfulness and skills to cope with mental health issues. Mindfulness is the practise of concentrating attention on the present moment's experience, with an attitude of tolerance, non-judgemental acceptance & curiosity. The Smiling Mind vision and goal is that—they want to change the way we all look after our mental health. In 2015, Lawrence and a group of researchers reported that...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Alienation From Fact, Truth And Reality In Novels And Films

The concept of alienation is represented in George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’, and Stanley Kubrick’s film, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, as higher powers conceal the truth from the ordinary, lower class people. These two texts are interconnected by their depictions and perspectives of this reoccurring concept of alienation from fact, truth and reality. The Council and Mission Control (2001: A Space Odyssey), as well as The Party and Big Brother (1984) hide the truth from the citizens, as it allows for...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Petrol Vs. Ethanol

Research Question Reducing carbon output from cars and producing more sustainable fuel at first seems straightforward but there are a number of things that need to be considered. Investigate the advantages or disadvantages of smaller versus larger engines, fuel types and electric vehicles. Report on a type of engine and fuel and its potential advantages and disadvantages in reducing carbon output. Carbon Dioxide output in vehicles is one of the biggest environmental threats that’s around these days. A regular vehicle...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Possible Issues And Solutions Of A Teamwork

Introduction Teamwork is a successful strategy to address issues in the working environment. A group is a gathering of individuals that assembles to accomplish a shared objective. The intensity of any one individual is little, however in the event that you are incorporated into the group, you can amplify your own worth and you can accomplish your own greatness. Teamwork is commonly comprehended as the ability of a gathering of individuals to cooperate to accomplish a typical point. The way...
3 Pages 1297 Words

The Concept Of Multigenerational Workforce: Meaning And Aspects

The term multigenerational workforce can be defined as people with different age groups working in the same organization. In today's organizational structure, leaders face the task of harmonizing the multigenerational workforce at work, each with different perspectives and characteristics towards achieving organizational short and long term goals and objectives. Leaders therefore must build expertise on how to handle the variations in attitudes, working styles, interaction habits and technical priorities of multi-generational workers. These workforces are categorized into four groups. For...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Nutrition In Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition characterized by loss of kidney function over time. The kidneys play a vital role as an excretory organ and are crucial in managing the homeostasis of endocrine, fluid, electrolyte, mineral and acid-base balancei. The deterioration of the kidney’s ability to function makes nutritional derangement inevitable in patients with CKD. Because of this impact, the nutrition care process is an important component of treatment, which can help slow and prevent the progression of CKD....
3 Pages 1285 Words

The Exercises And Training Types In Boxing

The types of training outlined above is centred specifically into improving the overall skills and attributes of a professional boxer. The methods are chosen based on the specific needs of the boxer to gain an advantage and perform well. In terms of strength training, it is crucial to utilize weight training through free and fixed weights; and hydraulic resistance in order to incorporate isotonic, isometric, isokinetic and variable resistance contractions. Free weights involve the replication of sport-specific situations through equipment...
3 Pages 1308 Words
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