1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Notion of Childhood as a Social Construct

Childhood lacks a universal definition due to various shifts in child research and interpretations overtime (McNamee, 2016). Initial views of children were dominated by developmental psychologists, primarily focusing on physical development into adulthood (Wyness, 2011). Therefore, scientific research of the positivist paradigm dominated child research. Yet, the emergence of the social study of childhood, not only recognised the taken-for-granted element of childhood, but also acknowledged that childhoods are merely socially constructed (James, et al., 1998), therefore based on societal perspectives...
3 Pages 1448 Words

The Effects of Media Violence on Children’s Behavior

With television being one of the main sources for entertainment today, prolong exposure to violent TV programming during youth can be associated with aggression. When a child is taught how to ride a bike, that is because someone taught them how to do so. When a child learns how to read, that is also because a parent or teacher taught them how. With many role models to teach a child how to do most things, they also learn from what...
3 Pages 1420 Words

The Facebook Privacy Scandal

“The Federal Trade Commission has approved a fine of roughly $5 billion against Facebook for mishandling users’ personal information, according to three people briefed on the vote, in what would be a landmark settlement that signals a newly aggressive stance by regulators toward the country’s most powerful technology companies,” ( ). Besides for the fine, Facebook also has to give more insight of how data is collected when it comes to the users. This is one of the biggest fines...
3 Pages 1406 Words

The Causes And Effects Of Suicide In Chinese College Students

Suicide is the leading cause of deaths among all the deaths due to injuries. The World Health Organization has acknowledged that suicide behavior is a major global public health problem in every country, with approximately one million people dying from suicide each year [1]. The suicide rate of the college students in only one university in the south was 197, the rate of suicide among the college students was (1.28-2.10)/ 100,000, and the maximum value was reached in 2018 [2]....
3 Pages 1352 Words

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care: Surrogacy

Introduction Having children is one of the biggest goals of everyone no matter in what country as having children can expand the family tree. However, not everyone can have their own children. So, Surrogacy becomes a controversial way to help the couples and individuals who are not able to give birth, to have their children. Surrogacy violates the morality and meaning of giving birth. Therefore, I object the concept of surrogacy and that should not be existed in the world....
3 Pages 1376 Words

A Logical Stance on the Legalization of Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the United States for many years, regardless of the other surrounding countries who have legalized it. As of today, all states, except 17 of them, have legalized marijuana in at least one way, medical or recreational. Marijuana should be legalized because it would benefit us and provide solutions to many problems that exist in today’s society. During the first four years of Colorado’s legal recreational sales, the tax revenues jumped...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Frederick Douglass And Martin Luther King, Jr. Against Slavery

The treatment of black Americans and civil rights are huge ongoing topics that began seemingly since the beginning of time. There have been numerous activists over the past several decades through American history fighting for justice and humane treatment. Frederick Douglas did not necessarily begin the civil rights movement; however, he was a major player in the growing demand for freedom and rights. Less than one hundred years later, Martin Luther King, Jr. was still fighting for civil rights for...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Waiting For Godot: Misplacement of Deja Vu

The distinction of clock time and subjective time is one of the themes found in Waiting For Godot. Time in the play is subject to one’s mental condition. Didi and Gogos’ perception of time differs from other characters, as they doubt their very own concept of time. This leads them to doubt their very own existence. Actions are meaningless to them, their time does not flow with others, their very own existence can be mistaken for one of their dreams,...
3 Pages 1388 Words

The Images Of Futuristic Societies In Fahrenheit 451 And The Age Of Miracles

According to NASA, since 1967, scientists have intensively studied the Earth’s future state of habitability. From extensive analysis of the Sun comparted to other similar astrological bodies, the Earth has only three-hundred million years or fewer before becoming inhospitable for life to continue. Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Walker’s The Age of Miracles both present futuristic circumstances where society is on the brink of disappearing. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag lives in a society where books are heavily restricted, and people...
3 Pages 1417 Words

Multiple Disadvantage And Discrimination: Implications For Adolescent Health And Education

Introduction The way contemporary societies are structured facilitates the prevalence of discrimination and multiple disadvantages. Adolescents are majorly affected by these practices. These acts make them experience stress. Stress accumulated is directly related to poor health and dwindling in academic performance (Vanhalst et al., 2012). Besides, the disadvantages and discrimination generate biological cascades that may be harmful psychosocial trajectories across development. According to this article, exposure to multiple forms of discrimination and disadvantages carries direct stress effects on adolescents (Assari,...
3 Pages 1419 Words

Facebook and Data Collection

Data collection is becoming easier for the companies because of social networking sites. People are using social sites to connect however they do not know that their private data is being used by companies for making money and they are unknowingly giving away their personal information which arise many privacy concerns. Facebook is a social networking site that allows user to interact with their friends and family even if they are far from them. Connecting with your long-distance friends and...
3 Pages 1371 Words

The Globalization Aspects of Walmart

Overview This case study the major retailer Walmart and how it has ventured into international business. Starting back in 1950, owner and founder Sam Walton opened a small general store in Bentonville, Arkansas called Walton’s 5&10 (Walmart Corporate, 2019). Inspired by his early success from his dime store, it wasn’t until 1962 that he opened his Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas. From there Walmart has developed into the largest retail store in the world brining in over $480 billion annually. Walmart...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Psychological Portrayal Of Medea Character

Many actions in Euripides’ Medea occur without just explanation. The psychology behind these actions appear unpredictable, but still control key parts of the play. The play begins with a heartbroken Medea, angry and depressed because her husband, Jason, has left her for a new bride. However, the rage Medea exhibits is a byproduct of the backstory of the play. While Jason pursued his quest for the Golden Fleece, Medea had done everything in her power to let this happen, including...
3 Pages 1442 Words

The Drawbacks of Criminal Justice System

The terms justice, sin, and redemption are complex and their definitions mainly contested. What one person may consider just or a sin is not the same as another individual’s definition. Nonetheless, grounding our human pursuit of justice in the understanding of sin and redemption is a critical starting point towards putting to right all that is perceived wrong. It is through justice that we mend all that criminal activities and other types of sin had broken. This synthesis essay used...
3 Pages 1410 Words

Renaissance Literature, the Middle Ages, and Humanism

Renaissance Essay Literary movements are a way to divide literature into categories of similar philosophical, topical, or aesthetic features, as opposed to divisions by genre or period. Renaissance literature refers to European literature which was influenced by the intellectual and cultural tendencies associated with the Renaissance. The literature of the Renaissance was written within the general movement of the Renaissance, which arose in 14th-century Italy and continued until the 16th century while being diffused into the rest of the western...
3 Pages 1367 Words

The Truth about Malcolm X

Malcolm X is viewed as quite a questionable person. His followers see him as a fearless human rights activist who fought for the rights of African Americans, a righteous leader who showed white America how racist it was (YouTube). His enemies see him as a racist, anti-Semitic and savage person. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, better known as “Malcolm X” has been watched by the FBI for his whole life as a civil rights activist. Malcolm was born on May 19, 1925,...
3 Pages 1416 Words

The Impacts Of William Faulkner On American Literature

William Faulkner is regarded as one of the best and most influential authors of the 20th century. Noted for his excellent technique and styles, Faulkner’s effects on literature are immeasurable. In 1949 Faulkner won a Nobel Prize for his advances in literary techniques of American writers. Almost all of Faulkner’s works are affected by his upbringing and origins in the south. Faulkner’s original interest was Victorian era literature (Ward 55). However, in his twenties while living in New Orleans (which...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Artificial Intelligence: Reasoning About An Ethical Issue

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence through the use of computer software. The main processes of intelligence that it focuses on include: the ability to learn, the ability to evolve, and the ability to reason. A key distinction is that while Artificial Intelligence may perform these functions the programs are still not sentient. A sentient being must have or develop the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectivity. Even without sentience, a machine with these capabilities is extremely...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Leticia And Discrimination In Obtaining Quality Medical Care

Discrimination based on cultural differences within the medical field is unfortunately common in the United States, particularly when it comes to vulnerable populations. Despite how far we have come as a nation and as a profession, research has shown that ethnic minorities and those living in poverty receive a lower quality of care and have a higher mortality rate. The quality of care is due to several reasons including: access, fear, and financial difficulties. Undocumented immigrants are especially affected by...
3 Pages 1394 Words

The Reasoning Behind Frederick Douglass’ Personal Narrative

Slavery in America has existed since the early colonization of the now eastern continental United States. Every part of the original colonies, in some way or form, contributed to this villainous trade. Whether by the physical exchanging of slaves or the forceful enslavement thereof; it makes no difference. The country was willing to continue the practice in the name of profit yet boast about men being created equal in the newfound republic. In due time, the stain of slavery will...
3 Pages 1385 Words

The Moral Value Of Individuals: Analysis Of Frederick Douglass

I personality think that human beings have a moral duty to treat themselves and other as end rather than means. Treating someone as end mean a lot to me because treating them as a value within their self. Treating some as an end makes them feel a human being which has value to life. Deontology is one of the main ethical systems known and used today. The former suggests that the moral value of actions is determined by their consequences....
3 Pages 1434 Words

Writing Style Of The Dystopian Novel Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury once said, “There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them”. This relates to his novel Fahrenheit 451 because people in the society portrayed in the novel do not read books causing the society great unpleasantness and misery. No other style of fiction encompasses the qualities of dystopian literature better than Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451. A strong oppressor, citizens living in fear and paranoia, and the dehumanization of technological advances clearly help...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Is Society the One that Promotes Obesity?

Without a doubt, obesity has been a problem in the United States for a long time and not much has changed. Who is to blame for this problem only getting worse? Well, Druv Khullar, a medical student disputed that society was the one who brought about this lifestyle of obesity. For the most part, junk food is cheaper and easier to find than healthy food options, making it harder for people to reach for the healthy choices. In Druv Khullar’s...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Is There a Relationship Between Sleep Deprivation and the Metabolic Syndrome?

Introduction Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of biochemical and physiological abnormalities that occur together, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke and cardiovascular disease (Swarup et. al., 2019). There is growing interest surrounding metabolic syndrome due to the current obesity crisis; it is estimated that as much as 1/3 of the US has metabolic syndrome, both diagnosed and undiagnosed (Saklayen et. al., 2018). Sleep is often overlooked but there is emerging evidence that sleep has a key role...
3 Pages 1426 Words

The Aspects of Cultural Identity

How can one define a person’s identity? Is it their personality traits, where they live, or the history of their family? Someone’s background can directly correlate with they are as a person. Each of these factors contribute to an understanding of the concept of identity, yet, in a globalized world, they cannot determine identity. Identity can be categorized in so many different ways, particularly through fluidity and hybridization. Most people base their personal identities off of personal experiences, preferences and...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Juvenile Crime And Guilty Offenders

In the fight against crime, society requires the need for perpetrators such as disease patients who show somatic symptoms for the satisfaction of their impulses that comes under their conscious mind soon to withdrawal, and it is necessary to take serious measurements from the families in the way of crime prevention in society. In addition, the duty of the police in the prevention of crime should be emphasized with the example of providing sympathy and interest towards the people’s liberty...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Digital Learning In Higher Education

ABSTRACT The technological revolution holds great promise for education. Technology in communication, image and data processing in evolving at lightning speed, while also becoming cheaper and more reliable. The consequences for education are enormous. Technology has gone from being a set of solution in search of a problem to increasingly offering precise and well-defined potential for education. A technological revolution in education is becoming possible, even though it has not yet happened. Technology based education must help to build higher...
3 Pages 1445 Words

The Reasons against Capital Punishment

The death penalty is barbaric and profound, defined through killing being a more economically and socially understandable ruling to those who commit heinous crimes. “The application of the death penalty is so arbitrary that it violates the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment (Cornell Law)”. The judicial system should not have the right to hand these sentences to individuals, it is basically giving them the right to kill human beings. Capital punishment is a direct loophole to the...
3 Pages 1431 Words

Themes and Ideas in The Scarlet Letter Movie

The scarlet letter is an American romantic drama film. It is an adaptation of Nathaniel Howthorne’s book that was written in 1850. The movie was directed by Roland Joffe and stars Demi Moore as Hester Prynne, Gary Olman as Dimmesdale, and Roland Duvall as Roguer Chillingworth. There are many similarities and differences in the novel as in the film, and also themes like sin, love and revenge appear. One of the central themes is the sin with which Hester Prynne...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Civic Engagement Project: American Foundation For Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the third leading cause of death among young people aged 15-24. In 2017 alone, an estimated 1.4 million people attempted suicide, and on average, there are 129 suicides committed every day (“An Introduction to Suicide Prevention, 2019”). The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, through research, advocacy, education, and interactive screening programs raises awareness, funds scientific research, and provides useful resources in order to comfort and bring hope...
3 Pages 1392 Words
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