450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Overview of Camus' The Stranger

Daoud's hero has a manifest horror of the absurd; he wants to replace a narrative that relates the absurdity of the human condition with a meta-report that revolts against this absurdity. However, as Sartre says: 'The stranger is a leaf of his life. And since the most absurd life must be the most sterile life, his novel wants to be magnificently sterile. Art is an unnecessary generosity'. However, Daoud's book is a narrative that explains and is clear. In fact,...
1 Page 474 Words

Clinical Application of Polysomnography: Analysis of Narcolepsy

Clinical application of polysomnography: Polysomnography began as a tool of discovery, but its primary use quickly evolved into a clinical procedure for diagnosing sleep disorders. (Hirshkowitz, 2016) 1- Hypersomnia: defined as Sleepiness not explained by volitional sleep deprivation. It is almost due to an underlying sleep disorder, most commonly obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy. A- Obstructive sleep apnea: apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) will be used as a marker of sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) severity in children, which will be graded as...
1 Page 446 Words

Analysis of the Play Coriolanus: Reading Log

At Dovecote's funeral, Coriolanus sings the Panem anthem, 'Gem of Panem,' having learned it from his grandmother. During the funeral, the bullet-ridden body of Brandy is paraded by Peacekeepers, along with the other tributes. The mentors and tributes are then taken for a 'tour' of the Capitol Arena, where Coriolanus again meets with Lucy Gray and learns that the tributes are now being fed better, as a couple of them had blacked out. As he chats with her, the world...
1 Page 446 Words

Analysis of Relative Clauses in the Novel The Pearl by Steinbeck

Relative clauses found in the novel entitled The Pearl by Steinbeck in 1947. This analysis based on the theory of Generative Transformation via Chomsky in his book. Syntactic Structure (1971) and supported through Bradford in his e-book Transformational Syntax: A Student Guide to Chomsky's Extended Theory (1988). The findings of this learn about show that there are three outstanding patterns of the relative clause and clause structure Relative is an embedded clause that is modified through a noun in a...
1 Page 428 Words

Why Is Art Important: Essay

Art and Controversy Introduction Arts forms are important to society because they communicate important messages and inspire people to do something. The art forms encourage more conversation in society and this increases the level of democracy. Citizens should also feel free to challenge the decisions of artists. Also, cultural leaders should tirelessly protect the choices they make in public. The art usually gains relevance in the public through the vigorous defense. The freedom of art is usually exploited and abused...
1 Page 453 Words

Why I Want to Be a Ultrasound Technician? Essay

'When I grow up, I want to be an ultrasound technician!' probably isn’t the most common reply a kid would give when asked what he wants to do when he grows up. It’s not a job name, that rolls from one's tongue, either. Alternative names for an ultrasound technician are diagnostic medical sonographer or just sonographer. While those names are probably as difficult to pronounce and remember, they do help us have a better understanding of what people in this...
1 Page 450 Words

Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein Essay

We are living in an age of relatively advanced technology. Cloning technology can copy objects into living objects. Cloning pigs and cloning cattle have become a reality. If it were not for some people's objections, cloning humans would certainly become a reality. We have to figure out whether technology is out of control. My understanding is that in a sense, technology is out of control. First, literature always precedes reality. Many years ago, we read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In...
1 Page 471 Words

What Would You Do if You Won the Lottery: Essay

I found in the fantasy, that one day I went to Agra to see the Taj Mahal in the organization with my companions. Close to the transport remain of Agra, a few people selling lottery tickets pulled in me. Much against the desire of my organization, so I purchased a lottery ticket from the Haryana government. I was extremely restless to see my number when its outcome showed up in Nav Bharat Times. Without a moment's delay, I bought a...
1 Page 457 Words

Time Travel in a Short Story: Essay

How much can a parent sacrifice for their child? How should a person handle the gray area between right and wrong? These were just some of the questions I had in my mind as I read through the book. The Hand Bringer written by Christopher J. Penington is a story of sacrifice, family, friendship, and love entangled with time travel. The Hand Bringer started with the introduction of Peter Hadrian, a member of the police force, in the middle of...
1 Page 434 Words

This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona’: Analysis Essay

“This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona.” By using background stories and third-person narratives, it introduces readers to tense relationships and seeks self-identity from the perspective of Native Americans. Alexei showed the audience the personal conflict and broken relationship between loved ones leading to the guidance, understanding, and guidance of the internal struggle. The author encourages others to ask important questions about themselves and others, allowing individuals to gain clarity and insight through self-reflection. In this way, the...
1 Page 457 Words

Religion Is the Opiate of Masses: Essay

'Religion is the opium of the individuals.' In setting, the articulation is a portion of Marx's structural-functionalist contention that religion was developed by individuals to calm instability over their part within the universe and in society. The establishment of skeptical feedback is: Man makes religion, religion does not make the man. Religion is, undoubtedly, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not however won through to himself, or has as of now misplaced himself once more. But man...
1 Page 449 Words

Essay about My New Life in America

My story starts when I was born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, my parents decided to move to the land of opportunities and go to a far-away land, called America. I was born on the 6th of February in 2002. The things I have learned and believe in and the experiences I have had throughout my life have shaped me into the person I am today. As the eldest child of my family, a lot has been required of me from...
1 Page 461 Words

Essay about My Favorite Person

Self Introduces I am from Bangladesh and also from the Khulna division, Chuadanga district; My name is Razia Sultana, Shove. My father's name is Md. Tofazzel Hossain. I have completed the MSC department of computer science and Engineering at Islamic University, Kushtia. Bangladesh. My favorite role model is always my Father Who is my favorite role model?: The most significant truth is that I have seen the light of the world first, who is the reason only? Undoubtedly, for this...
1 Page 440 Words

Is It Ethical to Target Uninformed Consumers: Essay

Many grocery stores around the world have been useful to provide a variety of foods and other services as well. From the 15th century starting mass production of natural grocery varieties to modern society such as Walmart and other grocery stores enriching the needs of others was a great business tool and idea that has built upon people's needs for food and drinks. There have been many successes being made in grocery stores providing the needs of others, but has...
1 Page 473 Words

Is It Better to Dream Big or Be Realistic: Essay

As kids, everyone dreams of the unthinkable; we dream that we will be the next big thing in Hollywood making something big out of ourselves. I have yet to meet one person who does not wish that their dreams will come true. As we all start to grow up our dreams start to become smaller, and smaller until they are in the back of our minds most probably forgotten because we began to tell ourselves that they are just dreams...
1 Page 466 Words

If We Must Die: Analysis Essay

Let’s talk about the structure of this poem. Since the structure is rigid and fixed, it structurally mirrors the feeling of dependability that results from courage and bravery as we question life’s inevitable changes such as racism. At the beginning of the poem, the animalistic metaphor ‘if we must die, let it not be like hogs… while round us bark the mad and hungry dogs’ dehumanizes the African Americans as they constantly were dealt with injustice by their enemy, being...
1 Page 443 Words

How Would Scholarship Money Impact Your College Career: Essay

I was excited to read about the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and would certainly like to apply for it. My application is conditional upon being awarded a scholarship, and I sincerely wish for a full-study scholarship. Growing up on the outskirts of Beijing, I have witnessed how economics has changed the life of local citizens. For the past decade, my hometown – Daxing – has transformed from an agriculture-intense district to a place where medical factories, food processing plants, and the...
1 Page 458 Words

How Can Inspiration Sustain Us in Difficult Times: Essay

How do you stay inspired? If the external circumstances and situations look bleak and your patience is thin, what stops you? How do you keep your dreams and goals alive in difficult times? I am constantly challenged in this area of ​​inspiration when things are rather difficult. Patience is definitely not one of my strong costumes. If things don't move as fast as I want, I can be easily disappointed and frustrated. There were times in my life when I...
1 Page 452 Words

Essay about Haunted House

The forest is dark and damp and the black ink-hollow trees sway in the wind I'm on my way through the woods and don't know how to get out. At 12 o'clock on Monday, I go to my friend's Amelia house. There was a time in her life when Amelias thought of the silly thoughts in her head, she decided to go on an adventure in a dark forest where we have no sun to light up the forest amelia...
1 Page 445 Words

Essay on Growing Up in a Small Town

Growing up on a farm in the tiny town of Martinsville, Indiana life was fairly boring and routine. We had the cows to tease and run around with, and the golf course across the street where we would occasionally trick golfers into believing they had gotten a hole-in-one. However, this often got old and I found myself spending most of my childhood with my family members either at my house or close by. While there was little to do but...
1 Page 448 Words

Essay about Good Life

Every person wants a happy and good life. We do things for able to achieve life and to make us contented and happy. By studying or working hard, we attain our goals for ourselves and for our loved ones. We do certain things because we want to achieve a life that will make us happy and content. People's definitions of the good life may vary and differ in particular. However, we recognize universal truths that cut across our differences. Some...
1 Page 431 Words

Essay on Why Is Weed Bad for You

Drugs are definitely an epidemic in the world. People partake in lots of different types for many different reasons. Some are legal and prescribed by doctors, and others are not. Some drugs can be helpful but are overused, and others have no practical use at all but to get high. Marijuana is one drug that can have both positive and negative factors. Marijuana is a very commonly used drug. It goes by many names including pot, grass, cannabis, weed, hemp,...
1 Page 467 Words

Essay on How Will This Internship Benefit You

Since Jacobi Hospital is a large facility, it’s almost always very busy. I’ve learned a lot of different aspects of my field. This was one expectation I had before starting the internship, to learn different aspects of my field. My second expectation was taking orders from a manager and completing my daily assigned tasks. Although to some extent this expectation I had made before starting my internship was accurate, however, one thing that made this expectation different was that my...
1 Page 449 Words

Why Does the Suleymaniye Mosque Look Like the Hagia Sophia?

The historical context of the Byzantine era and the Ottoman Empire are important aspects when comparing the Hagia Sophia and the Suleymaniye Mosque. Surrounding influences of religions, architecture and cultures are clearly reflected in the form and style of both structures, changing how their atmospheres are perceived. The Hagia Sophia skillfully uses architectural forms to hide its supporting structures, invoking a sense of mystery inside. The basilica has a strong longitudinal axis, with a central dome that seems to float...
1 Page 475 Words

Benefits of Helping Others Essay

A study conducted by Harvard, states that sympathy is profoundly established in human instinct it has a natural premise in the cerebrum and body. We help each other in light of various reasons. A few people help since they just can't not to support others on the off chance that they need assistance. The others help since they wish to give some positive vitality or on the grounds that they should help. Here and there we can help the others...
1 Page 475 Words

Who Am I? Essay

In life, there is no certainty but sometimes, we just have to take a leap of faith. I am an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams. I guess the most obvious thing about me is I am a bit of introvert. I mean, I am always a wallflower. But it does not mean that I do not like being around with people. I actually love it. I love to have a deep conversation with someone, hear someone's problems and dramas in...
1 Page 468 Words

What Does Scout Learn in Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Essay

We’ve all done something insensitive to somebody, whether it was out of emotion, or because we didn’t know any better. Throughout ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, the protagonist Scout Finch is portrayed as an immature, naive child. Because she has grown up with wealth, privilege, and a nonchalant father she doesn’t learn empathy. Growing up in a small town in 1930’s Alabama has also influenced her racial views. Eventually Scout is exposed to the real world, she goes from being stagnant...
1 Page 450 Words

Theme of True Love in Shakespeare's Play 'Romeo and Juliet': Essay

Using three different types of passion, Shakespeare's ‘Romeo and Juliet’ describes love: the unrequited love between Romeo and Rosaline, the true and sincere love between Romeo and Juliet, and the pessimistic love between Mercutio and the Nurse. Using traditional notions of love specific to the era helps convey the message that it can take many forms. Since Romeo and Juliet are sincere, the play implies that true love is found beyond love. Romance changes their perspectives on love. The genuine...
1 Page 467 Words

Significance of Reconstruction for African Americans

The federal government is the most significant factor in improving the lives of African Americans not only politically but also socially. The long-term effects of Reconstruction before and after it played a huge role in advancing the civil rights of blacks and in part significant in improving the lives of African Americans. Reconstruction was described as the rebuild of the South, but it also gave African Americans political power in the South. one main reason while the Reconstruction period was...
1 Page 461 Words

Necessity of Work

What is work? Is work necessary? Is it a duty, a socially acceptable behavior, or a natural predisposition. The debate of the meaning of work stems from an argument on whether work was degrading or elevating. Is work a restraint on people’s capacities of freedom, according to Herbert Marcuse’s argument in ‘Eros and Civilization’ or has work, as Daniel Bell wrote in his book ‘The End of Ideology’, “always stood in the center of moral consciousness” (Wolfe, 1996)? I side...
1 Page 444 Words
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