450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Mexican Culture and American Culture: Celebrating the Day of the Dead

Mexican culture and America culture have many similarities and differences when it comes to death and the afterlife. Similarities include mourning, funerals, wakes, and dressing in black clothing. Some differences are that in Mexico, right after someone dies there is a much longer wake lasts the entire night. The loved one is surrounded by friends and family and is not left alone for a single second. Another difference is that the burial must take place the following day. The reason...
1 Page 453 Words

The Hydra Effect of Addiction in “Sonny’s Blues”: Critical Analysis

Emotional strain over long periods of time can inevitably lead to the final failing of relationships. Substance abuse can change the individual’s behavior, they become more isolated; closing their family and friends off. They tend to avoid family or friends who have confronted them about their addiction, and some steal from their loved ones to finance their addiction which adds more strain on the already broken relationship. One example of fractured relationships because of addiction would be Sonny and his...
1 Page 465 Words

Sexual Assault As a Sensitive Topic in the Army; Analysis of SHARP Program

Sexual assault has always been a sensitive topic in the Army. The creation of the SHARP program has broken that stigma. Victims are now encourage to speak and males are taking a stand against these incidents. Although, the program lacks some training on areas that would help prevent many incidents. The program has proven to be successful and with a little improvement it could be the best prevention program the Army has ever seen. Having these type of resources help...
1 Page 435 Words

Reader's Reflection on the Book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

In the beginning of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, we are introduced to Henrietta Lacks, born as Loretta Pleasant. She is a poor African American woman with little education. The author informs us that she grew up on a farm and her ancestors were slaves. Lacks grew up in a slave house and lived in the same bedroom with her cousin named David. Henrietta and her cousins have limited education due to the fact they worked on a farm....
1 Page 439 Words

Arguments For and Against the Second Amendment: Critical Analysis

The government positively affects my life by allowing U.S citizens including me, to possess weapons such as various types of firearms. Allowing U.S Citizens to carry firearms has been in effect since 1791, this ratification to the bill of rights keeps citizens protected and safe in their own homes. This ratification is called the 2nd amendment, the 2nd amendment allows anyone who is a U.S Citizen and does not have any obstructing felonies to possess a firearm with a license,...
1 Page 469 Words

Dramatic Comparative Analysis of Everyman and The Seventh Seal

Everyman, a 15th-century play that follows the journey of an ordinary man who is reminded of his inevitable death, very similarly, in The Seventh Seal, a man by the name of Antonius Block who was a knight in the 14th century during the Bubonic plague is a also faced with death however it is reoccurring. Though these two works are very similar in meaning, they also differ from each other in many ways. In Everyman, an ordinary man approaches judgement...
1 Page 470 Words

Symbolism in My Papa’s Waltz: Critical Analysis

Poems give the opportunity to writers to show a message in a short format. Unlike short stories and plays, writers have the capability to design a stanza structure in any way they feel that will have an effect on them and/or the readers. Poems have a connection with song writing, they are nearly always rhythmical, and have some sort of figurative language such as using similes or metaphors. Theodore Roethke, an American poet, is recognized by his poetry by using...
1 Page 449 Words

The Gateway Arch As a Monument to the Westward Expansion: Analytical Essay

The Gateway Arch How much money do you think it takes to build a monument? The Gateway Arch cost $13 million to build overall, but only 25% was paid for by St. Louise's funds. Clearly, it was very expensive, but it has many purposes for St. Louis and its culture. In St. Louis historical past, the Gateway Arch played a significant role due to the obstacles in building it, its symbolism as a monument to the westward expansion and it...
1 Page 449 Words

Feudalism’s Productive Process Versus Productive Process in Capitalism: Comparative Analysis

Describe, in as much detail as you can, the process by which material goods and services used in daily life are produced under capitalism. Describe three ways in which this process is different than feudalism’s productive process. Under capitalism material goods and services are produced on a daily basis under the term called capital. Capital is the means of production that consists of raw materials needed to create goods and the institution of human labor to either help convert the...
1 Page 462 Words

Effectiveness of the Army SHARP Program and Pertaining Solutions to Increase Efficiency

Imagine ten people raise their right hand and pledge their loyalty to their country. Of those ten, three of those individuals will face social injustice. In the best-case scenario, they face unwanted sexual harassment which causes them to feel discriminated and isolated, severely decreasing efficiency. In the worst-case scenario, they experience sexual assault which traumatizes them and possibly end their careers. To prevent this, the Army implemented the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) to educate and protect service members....
1 Page 459 Words

Momentum Research Concentration Focused on Capital Budgeting Methods: Summary

The historical backdrop methods in capital budgeting been used for deciding ventures ranges and resources are rich and endless. Implementing on capital budgeting is unquestionable requirement, not only a decision. Achievement or disappointment of business thoroughly relies upon the correct strategy in planning used. As such, hugeness of the planning strategies includes either benefit or misfortune in the end. We could say, eventual fate fornundertaking relies among capital budgeting choice taken by board, as viability of strategy utilized. The executives...
1 Page 467 Words

Reader's Reflection on All The Pretty Horses: Book Review

When you were young, did you ever want to leave your frustrations and set off on an adventure? Just you and your best friend off to a new place, away from a chaotic life. All the Pretty Horses is a tale of love, violence, and friendship. The book starts off with the protagonist John Grady, and his best friend Lacey Rawlins, going off towards Mexico for an adventure without knowing the consequences. As the boys struggle through hardships far beyond...
1 Page 443 Words

Book Review of A Magnificent Catastrophe: Representation of Election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

In the book “A Magnificent Catastrophe”, Edward Larson explains the election of 1800. In the book Larson describes how the election was dirty and deceitful. He describes all the events in and around the election. The election was between John Adams, a Federalist and Thomas Jefferson a Republican both were friends but later became rivals on ideas of how the country should be running. Larson talks about how dirty each side is playing to win the election. The campaign was...
1 Page 457 Words

Representation of Challenges and Problems in Life in Nothing Gold Can Stay

Life is full of challenges and problems that make up who we are. Everybody faces adversity , and nobodys perfect, but what determines who you are is how you handle the situations your in, and what you learn from them. Learning and choosing to make the same mistakes, is being immature, but bettering yourself is what makes you more mature, and that’s how humans evolve in life. Though coming-of-age usually applies to humans, the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay, shows...
1 Page 428 Words

Self-Esteem Versus Self Concept​: Argumentative Essay

Self-esteem vs. Self Concept​. Self-esteem is how you are feeling about yourself, whereas self-concept is what you know about yourself, such as your shortcomings and qualities. Humanistic clinicians accept self-concept is more imperative than self-esteem. They too accept self-concept is the key to progressing and growing stronger inside our possess lives, which our self-esteem holds us back. Typically imperative in my possessive life since it can offer assistance to me to move forward my self-concept instead of centering on my...
1 Page 430 Words

Sexual Harassment, Not Just Women: Implementation of SHARP Program

Introduction According to an article in Forbes online in 2016 the pentagon released a statement that there were 20,500 instances of unwanted sexual contact last year. That represents a 38% increase on the 14,900 cases uncovered when the survey was last conducted in 2016. Incidents ranged from groping to rape and the total was made up of 13,000 women and 7,500 men. Now just to be clear, the number of formal incidents reported is far lower than the estimated total...
1 Page 460 Words

Concepts of Culture, Identity and Communication: General Overview

Upon assessment of the essay question, (which I believe is double-barrelled) asks us to investigate the meaning of culture and identity independently and in doing so examine the way they each forge communication. Culture, identity and communication must be clearly defined within the essay with multiple examples and evidence, that provides reasoning to how one’s perception has evolved. The article “Culture and Communication Style. Review of Communication” provides detailed information on both culture and identity. It also includes multiple definitions...
1 Page 433 Words

Steampacket Place As an Award Winning Project: Critical Analysis

Steampacket Place is an award winning project and one the most well known and reputable urban design projects prized with the Australian Award for Urban Design in 2002. Located within the Greater City of Geelong along the waterfront, the transformation of the waterfront began in 1995 and was completed in 2002 and was recognised as the “Jewel of Geelong” (InTown Entertainment 2020). Steampacket Place is a public region integrating urban design features with commercial businesses, educational and recreational activities, as...
1 Page 457 Words

Analytical Essay on the Industrial Revolution: Causes and Lasting Effects

During the IR there were several developments in which caused work to shift from an agriculture based society to manufacturing and producing goods this change had short term and long term effects on society. The industrial revolution began in the 18th century within England. The revolution impacted how goods specifically clothing and fabrics were produced. The most important cause of the industrial revolution was rapid increase of new inventions specifically innovations in textiles, one of the first being the flying...
1 Page 456 Words

The Purpose of Ender's Game: Critical Analysis

The purpose of Ender's Game is to inspire the reader to be more compassionate. Throughout the book, there are many instances where Ender had to have compassion. He had to be able to know the motives of the enemy while also being able to inspire loyalty within others around him. Without compassion he wouldn’t be as good of a leader or be able to understand the situation at hand. The part in the book where the author's purpose was mostly...
1 Page 446 Words

Role of Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychological Development in Lifespan Development

Introduction Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour, cognitive and emotions. Psychology is an academic and applied field involving the study of behaviour, mind and thought and the subconscious neurological bases of behavior. This research project is all about the lifespan development, learning theory and psychological disorder all explaining the theories and different real world scenarios. Lifespan development Sigmund freud theory of psychological development Sigmund freud’s psychological theory proposed that the behavior and development of a person are influenced by...
1 Page 454 Words

The Impact of Destruction of Reading and Education in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Imagine living in a black and white world were nobody has no true color. A novel written by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 is series of complex characters such as the main character Montag as the protagonist and Captain Beatty as the antagonist. Montag lives in a world where books are prohibited, and firemen cause the fires not only that but, at night so the fire puts on a show for the world. In addition to the concept of burning books...
1 Page 429 Words

Combining Dieting and Drugs to Control Obesity

Many medical substances have been developed over the past years and many have been out there such as pills, rubs, lotions, powders, and creams that have been reported to reduce weight. But only a few have been proved to be of a good result. But most of it seems to work well only with fitness exercises and a good diet combination. This will work and produce long-lasting outcomes. Though many kept cautioning that they don’t trust those drugs, it might...
1 Page 430 Words

The Effects Of Police Or Racial Profiling On Social Stability In The United States

It is not a secret that if you have never experienced racial profiling before, you won’t even notice that. Or, it may seem to be nothing more than a mere inconvenience for you or your relatives. But I believe that racial profiling is much more than a hassle because it has direct consequences for anyone involved in it. The thing is that if you've been through profiling, you will have to pay the price emotionally or in some cases even...
1 Page 464 Words

The Comparison And Contrast Between Beatty And Clarisse In Fahrenheit 451

Thinking before taking is also related to think about what to write in order to create a great book! In Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451, includes many characters. Beatty is the fireman, but Beatty is scared from the firemen. Beatty and Clarisse thinks that books can be worth. Beatty is more educated man who is knows how to deal with the society, but Clarisse doesn’t have acknowledgment about how to deal with her society; however, they both are similar because...
1 Page 449 Words

The Themes in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a text written by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s. Basically, some might say that the text is racist and others might be anti-racist. In this specific essay, I will be giving out a few examples from the text stating my point of view which I think the text is racist. As stated in the text a farm owner named Arthur Shelby sells two slaves a man named Tom and a boy named Harry, to avoid losing his farm....
1 Page 474 Words

Classical Argument On Racism In America

Racism is a critical issue in America today. In fact, the history of the country is characterized by cases of racism, which have led to a divided society. Many people have experienced racial abuse once in a while, and it is unfortunate that I have become a victim a couple of times. For such reasons, racism would be an important topic to address, with the objective of suggesting potential strategies and measures that would be useful in bringing change in...
1 Page 447 Words

The Concept of Human Freedom

What is your idea of human freedom? Do you understand it as independent of ecological context? My idea of freedom does not relate to the ecological context, at least not in this moment. This is because of what shaped me as a person, and the experiences that I have had. I believe that freedom is inherently personal, as an idea. It is not something that can be shared – no two people would have the exact same notion of what...
1 Page 434 Words

The Role of Biology in Obesity

It’s all too common to see someone and make a snap judgement about them. We are all guilty of forming preconceived notions about others, whether they’re regarding race, gender, clothing, or any other superficial feature. Disappointingly enough, one’s weight falls under the umbrella of prejudice. The stigma surrounding obesity is in part due to the stereotype that obese people are lazy, or don’t care for themselves, or have no self control. To what extent is biology a factor in obesity?...
1 Page 472 Words

Adolescence in Sylvia Plath’s the Bell Jar and J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

First of all, Holden and Esther share the common obstacle of being unable to conform to the standards and expectations formed by society. Holden and Esther are both adolescents in a 1950s United-States, a less progressive time where you had almost no choice but to follow the path set out by society as you enter the adult world. However, neither of them can seem to conform to these standards. Firstly, Esther is torn over the expectation for her to marry...
1 Page 434 Words
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