450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Growth of Humanity in the World

Around 1700 B.C. the code of Hammurabi was formed. It was made by the a Babylonian king named Hammurabi, he ruled around 1792 to 1750 B.C. It was the most complete legal codes with 282 rules. It was stolen from the king but rediscovered in 1901. Hammurabi's code was written onto a big finger-shaped black stone pillar. It was around two and a half feet tall weighing over four tons and made of diorite. One of the rules was like...
1 Page 428 Words

The Effects of YouTube on Teens (INGLES)

Youtube is a platform used by vloggers who creates content wherein millions of people can watch. Some of the reason YouTubers vlog is because it is their passion and a way for them to express their knowledge and concerns. Moreover, it has become a way to entertain the viewers. In addition, YouTube has become an avenue for vloggers to gain income through advertisement and promotion of products while businesses use this as a marketing strategy. YouTube affects its users both...
1 Page 446 Words

Social Commentary of 1984 as a Dystopia

The society described in Orwell's 1984 in known as a dystopia. A dystopia is a society almost enslaved to the power in charge. The “Party” from 1984 is an example of an extreme dictatorship, while America is perceived by the world as a society that has abundant civil rights and freedoms. Yes, they seem polar opposites, but when you compare the two core values of both societies, you may see subtle similarities between the two. Mass 24/7 surveillance is one...
1 Page 429 Words

Procrastination, Stress And Peer Influence Interrelation

The phrase “Time and tide wait for none” is very well known, and the future of an individual depends on the correct use of time, hence time should always be valued. But there are a few people who like to do things on its latest possible time and like to indulge in more pleasurable things than to complete the intended task in a scheduled manner, such people are known to be “Procrastinators”. Procrastinators are those people who like to procrastinate...
1 Page 453 Words

The Meaning of Title in the Catcher in the Rye

Nothing in The Catcher in the Rye flag Holden's twist of the importance of adolescence and adulthood more decisively than the title itself. As he wanders around New York City, Holden thinks about what he sees as the uncorrupted honesty of kids to the pietism of development. He considers pretty much every grown-up he meets to be a fake, and over and again expresses his dread of transforming into a fake himself. The line about a catcher in the rye...
1 Page 465 Words

Capital Punishment in Italy

Presumably Italy is a country wrought with problems, corruption, division and a struggling economy, however Italy is no doubt unified when it comes to upholding human rights. And this includes the human right to live without the threat of state sanctioned murder. Italy expresses firm opposition and wishes complete abolition of the Death penalty. The Italian government believes capital punishment is “unjustifiable under any circumstance” and has long been on the forefront of the fight against it. Italy has long...
1 Page 453 Words

The Human Condition in Things Fall Apart

The ‘Human Condition’ is used to reference the qualities that comprise the imperatives of human existence. Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart,” is one of literary merit, attracting readers worldwide for its use of universal themes. “Things Fall Apart” takes readers into Umuofian society, where Okonkwo is initially regarded as a warrior of the clan. As the story develops forward and into the changes that meet the traditionalistic clanspeople, Okonkwo is proved to be comprised of many fatal flaws, creating a...
1 Page 452 Words

Leadership Accomplishments of Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the biggest successful technology entrepreneurs. He has accomplished many achievements in his life. In 1983, he self-learned computer programming skills at 12; he sold and created a game code called Blastar. In 1994, he graduated with Bachelor of Science in Physics. In 1995, his first organization was Zip2. In 1999, he co-founded with his brother, Kimbal Musk, using the money from their sales of Zip2 to establish X.com where X.com is an online financial services...
1 Page 435 Words

Ethics, Law and Technology

Ethics, Law, and Technology is a study to examine the ethical and legal issues that arise from emerging technologies. The journal is all about the vast scope of the technology and their impact to the society, humanity and environment. The topics that this journal covered are the forms of behavioral constraint through internet, challenges to the traditional constraint, technological challenge, political and legal challenge, geographical challenge, community based regulation, internet as the operating system, emergence of social norms, technological regulation...
1 Page 436 Words

What Is Diabetes Ketoacidosis?

Diabetes has become a typical malady among individuals everywhere the globe these days. To combat the wide unfold wings of polygenic disease, many modes of treatments have come back up. however {diabetes|polygenic disorder|polygenic malady} isn't simply one disease. It comes in an exceedingly package of its many forms. Of them the foremost deadly one is Diabetic acidosis. Diabetic acidosis is additionally called DKA. Diabetic acidosis isn't triggered by itself. it's a consequence for associate degree another polygenic disease. once diabetes...
1 Page 458 Words

Youtube as an Alternative to TV

This research focuses on the topic, YouTube: an alternative to television, which focuses on the changing digital content market and on making different video content available to consumers. This essay also examines the shift of consumer taste from tv to YouTube and other online streaming platforms. THE ERA OF TELEVISION Television, a revolution in the media world, brought about major changes to the presentation of creative content and opened up the way for content creators to present their ideas in...
1 Page 443 Words

Why Animal Testing is Bad?

Imagine being trapped in a cage that is about the same size as you, being burned, poisoned, drowned, shaved, and ejected several times a day. Animals have foreign chemicals poured onto shaved skin and into eyes. This causes them a lot of pain, suffering, and distress. These experiments can cause animals to become permanently brain damaged, blind, deaf, and ruins their ability to live normally. Although they are not humans, they have rights too. They have the right to be...
1 Page 457 Words

The Relation Between Nutrition And Mental Health In Don Quixote

One aspect that plays a big role in Don Quixote’s diagnosis is the environment in which he grows up in. His diet may have had a huge effect on his mental stability, which would explain some of his questionable actions. There could be a direct relationship between nutrition and Don Quixote’s mental health. Don Quixote’s relationship with food makes an appearance within the first paragraph of the novel which states, “Somewhere in La Mancha… a gentlemen lived… An occasional stew,...
1 Page 472 Words

Human Trafficking As A Human Right Issue

The General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons with the aim of preventing trafficking, prosecuting offenders and protecting victims. It also pays a lot of attention to the government that it should take coordinated action to combat trafficking and calls for the integration of combating trafficking into the broader United Nations programmes to boost developments and strengthen global security. It set up the United Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons to...
1 Page 468 Words

Miguel De Cervantes And Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616) led a life full of adventures and riddles. He had been the victim of astonishing adversity and had become immensely resourceful in a cruel and disenchanted world. He was an innovative Spanish author, distinguished soldier and humanist. I mean, he was a man of brilliance. Cervantes' life provided him with the experiences he needed to explore a different kind of truth in fiction. Their ability to see the world through the perspectives of other people...
1 Page 470 Words

Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School

In the article titled, “Developing Sustainability” a website called Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) focuses on considering at working together to provide FMSC Mannapack meals it is creating food security to help communities and families that can’t be able to afford food; in fact, individuals will recover their steadiness to supply for themselves continually. The webpage addresses it is troublesome to ensure future generations do not go hungry; although, (FMSC) created various sustainability programs to work toward poverty alleviation. Furthermore,...
1 Page 467 Words

The Honorable Knight In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight And Don Quixote

They each had ethical and cultural values, some were a lot more obvious than others. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain’s character carried out each description of the pinnacle, the pinnacle of loyalty, honor, integrity, and chivalry. Each of Sir Gawain’s challenges helped check and prove that he possessed these characteristics. The beheading of the Green Knight tested his loyalty to King Authur, and his courageousness by having the ability to stand up to the fierce knight....
1 Page 454 Words

Theme of Sin in The Scarlet Letter and The Minister's Black Veil

The Scarlet Letter and 'The Minister's Black Veil' were written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The main character in The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, and the main character in 'The Minister's Black Veil,' Reverend Hooper, are both treated as outcasts for the same reason; they are thought to have committed a terrible sin. The two literary works lack similarities pertaining to genre, but they display a variety of similar themes portrayed through the use of symbolism and character interaction. The Scarlet Letter...
1 Page 438 Words

Comparison and Contrast with Samsung and TSMC

Every company has its policy on various areas such as business policy, employee management policy and workplace environment policy. However, there is also a necessary policy for establishing a successful and famous company, Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. According to Investopedia, CSR policy refers to a self-regulating business model that helps a company to be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders and the public. An effective CSR policy can lead a company to climb up the ladder of success by...
1 Page 468 Words

Post Conflict Reconstruction

Post-conflict generally describes the period after intra or interstate hostilities have ceased, although violence may continue. Post-conflict usually follows a cease-fire or the signing of a formal peace agreement, whereby the major warring factions register their commitment to end hostilities and begin the process of reconstruction. External actors can play an important role in a post-conflict environment. That role is the subject of this backgrounder. The concept of security sector reform, despite its laudable intentions and notwithstanding the fact that...
1 Page 451 Words

Fast Food Nation: Themes and Ideas

When do you think of fast food which restaurant comes to mind? Most of you thought of McDonald's, wonder why? Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, goes in-depth about how famous fast-food chains began to be, such as Burger King, Carl's Jr., and Wendy's. Moreover, exclusive insights of how each food item is prepared, the ingredients used, and the merchandise that makes you coming back for more. You are what you eat, so what are you? Fast Food Nation is...
1 Page 456 Words

Symbolism Of Food In The Metamorphosis

Before Gregor was a creepy crawly he was human. In any case, since he is a human changed into a creepy crawly he is two unique things. At the point when he was a human he adored drain and bread yet now as a bug 'he didn't care for the milk either, despite the fact that milk had been his most loved drink'(Kafka,7). When he attempted his preferred beverage and dinner again he didn't care for it any longer. This...
1 Page 461 Words

The Aspects Of Racism In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain’s classic tale,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a reluquent example of the deep racist attitudes of the Deep South in the 1880’s. This tale has major examples of racism throughout the story that occur during the 1800s, in which the time racism was a deep tread throughout history between the white’s and the black’s. In such manner, throughout history racism has always been a major part of American History, even today in America racism is still on the...
1 Page 436 Words

The Concept Of Isolationism In Of Mice And Men

Life of the Migrant worker was a lonely one many a man would travel from farm to farm looking for work during this dock time our country workers were in constant fear of losing their job. The men lived with other strangers in bunkhouses, wary of getting too close to their bunk mates. The men felt isolated even though they were in a group of other workers. This isolation also engulfed other characters in the story that had nothing to...
1 Page 436 Words

How Can A Student Avoid Procrastinating?

Procrastinating is delaying, postponing, and deferring. It is the bane of every student’s existence. Student’s know what they should be doing; they just don’t want to do it. It easy to put off undesirable assignment until the very last minute. However, it is of immense important for students to take some steps to avoid maintaining and sustaining this attitude, as it is often quite harmful for their future. (Anderson, 2019) The habit of procrastination develops when student think there is...
1 Page 466 Words

The Scarlet Letter: the Elements of Romanticism

The Scarlet Letter, written by Natheniel Hawthorne, reflects the literary movement of Romanticism through three distinguished characters within the novel to show the connection between the natural world and human emotions. Dimmesdale, who is disclosed to be the father of Pearl, is used by Hawthorne to embody the struggle of man between one's inner emotions and one's outer look in society's eyes. At the end of the novel, Dimmesdale confesses his sins and divulges the truth to the community as...
1 Page 430 Words

Utopia or Dystopia: What is the Difference

Has anyone ever thought about living in a world where everything political, economic, and social was designed to be perfect? Basically, that’s what an utopia is. An utopia is an idealised vision of a place or state in which everything runs perfect. Utopians or reformers are those who actually put their ideas into practice. This brings us to the other side of the coin, which are dystopias. Dystopias are an imagined society or state in which there is injustice, authoritarian...
1 Page 455 Words

Values and Morals are the Defining Forces of Humanity

Morality, in its broadest term is the line that bifurcates our every action and behaviour in to what is right and what is wrong. As a society, we have been blessed with the values passed to us from our previous generations, but in my view, moral values are an interplay of nature and nurture. Nature contributes to the predispositions which decide our ethics and nurture plays the role of experiences that shape up those ethics. As children, we were exposed...
1 Page 459 Words

Legalization of Marijuana as a Viable Medical Treatment

Marijuana has become a hot topic in the United States over the last few years. Many have praised marijuana as a wonder drug that could benefit many Americans with a variety of ailments, while others see it as a gateway to using harder illicit drugs. One of the main topics, as it relates to marijuana, is its ability to serve as a treatment for certain diseases. As a supporter of medicinal marijuana use, I will attempt to write this essay...
1 Page 445 Words

Of Mice And Men: The Significance Of Friendship

Friendship is a significant part of an individual’s life. Friendship brings warmth, comfort, and joy. As friends, people should be responsible and loyal to others. In the book Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck relates friendship to responsibility between people. George and Lennie have true companionship where they take care of each other. George is responsible for taking care of Lennie due to his disabilities and childlike behaviors. Lennie is concerned if George gets injured or killed by others and...
1 Page 452 Words
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