450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Child Abuse Vs Discipline Essay

Parents physically abuse their kids. It’s a practice that parents have been using for countless centuries now. One of the first was Spartan fathers, who have been reported to have hit their sons with a wooden log if they woke up late or failed to do an activity. Even though this practice of hitting kids with logs faded away, along with the spartan culture. There are still numerous “weapons” that parents use to this date to physically abuse their children,...
1 Page 452 Words

Essay on Can Failure Make You Stronger

Since this is the last week of my 20s. For some reason, I don’t know why I’m taking it so hard. Maybe because I worked my entire 20s away to start my dream and missed out on fun times. Maybe it’s because I feel like I should be a little further in life itself. I do realize that from where I am now and where I was 10 years ago I know I’m not the same person. Some of the...
1 Page 440 Words

The Lessons We Take from Failure Essay

At the point when I took Calculus in my first year, I realized that I was stuck in a difficult situation. I had consistently been great at math yet the class was truly testing and I ended up falling behind. At the point when I got my last grade and acknowledged I had bombed the class, I promptly went to converse with my educator and she helped me set up together an arrangement for retaking the class and passing it....
1 Page 436 Words

Essay on Perseverance through Challenges

Movements in the past have led to an increased amount of perseverance people are starting to build up. For the majority of the world's population, success is considered one’s biggest career aspiration. Perseverance allows us to keep moving even during arduous times and jump back on track as we try harder and never give up, and this is shown throughout Greta Thunberg’s journey. Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who advocates for immediate action towards climate change crisis...
1 Page 429 Words

Essay on 'Catch the Moon' Short Story

Through the archetypes in the short story Catch the Moon, Judith Ortiz Cofer teaches the reader that love heals all. One archetype in Catch the Moon is The Crossroads, which is a place or time of decision where a real realization is made and change or penance results. The Crossroads is a symbolic archetype for the life-changing decision that Luis makes that night because of the love he remembers from his mother. An example of this archetype is “Then Luis...
1 Page 441 Words

Essay on How Did the Little Rock Nine Impact the Civil Rights Movement

Source 6 is a portrait from 1957 of the Little Rock pupils being accompanied into the school building by armed military personnel. During this period, the Supreme Court held that the segregation of school legislatures was unconstitutional. Above all it was one of the early significant events of the time, this portrait may indeed be seen as an effective factor during the civil rights era. Moreover, this source shows the enrollment of nine black students to the all-white Little Rock...
1 Page 470 Words

Essay on Figurative Language in 'Mother to Son' by Langston Hughes

Poetry conveys various universal human issues such as the journey of life, struggles, and making choices. Two poems that convey universal human issues include the poem mother to Son by Langston Hughes and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. The poem mother to Son by Langston Hughes is an uplifting, poem on never giving up. It is about a mother advising her son on the challenges, and struggles of life, and encourages him to follow her and push through...
1 Page 431 Words

What Is Morality Essay

First of all, I will start by defining what I think morality is. Morality is a doctrine that allows us to differentiate between right and wrong, it governs us and also allows us to live in society. In my opinion, morality has evolved in a significant way and it has evolved in a rather positive way in the acceptance of oneself and others. Indeed, only a few years ago it was impossible to love and be seen publicly with a...
1 Page 468 Words

Why Nutrition Is Important Essay

Here’s a fact. You cannot separate nutrition & training. The two work together, hand in hand, regardless of your fitness goals. To see continued long-term success & change, a good nutrition strategy is a must. Let’s first talk about calories. According to a survey by the International Food Information Council Foundation, Americans eat a lot more than they should. We rely too much on processed foods, our portions are big and the sugar intake is off the charts (do you...
1 Page 464 Words

Essay on Pros and Cons of Mandatory Volunteering in High School

Some may say we live in a hard-to-get-by world. Hardships come in many different shapes and sizes and more when they are forced upon you. Mandatory volunteer work is another hassle in a teenager's life, which doesn’t have to be placed over a student as a requirement for high school graduation. Although some people may think it is a good idea, mandatory volunteer work should not be a requirement in teen life, it causes stress and excessive problems defeating the...
1 Page 430 Words

Essay on Were the Crusades More of a Success or Failure

Although the Crusades failed to conquer Jerusalem and had negative effects such as death, they still had tremendous positive impacts on the Western world, such as authority, gaining information, and trading. First, after the Crusade there were about 2-6 million dead bodies found just in the Western world, which was almost about 10% of the entire world its death was six million out of 60-70 million people at that time. Second, the Crusades increased the authority of the King. This...
1 Page 465 Words

Essay on Linda in 'Brave New World'

In Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World, Huxley’s use of character descriptions and dialogue emphasizes his foiling of Lenina to Linda. He does this foiling not only to show differences between the characters but also to give insight into the society outside of New London. Other than coming from the same society, Linda and Lenina also correspond in their similar ways of thinking and in how they emotionally deal with stress. Lenina is seen as a quintessence, a perfect example of...
1 Page 475 Words

Essay on Why Is There a Dress Code in School

Dress code has been a controversial statement for the last couple of years but where did it all start? In the 1966 State of the Union address, President Clinton called on American schools to require uniforms to ensure the safety of school children. Although some schools complied with this suggestion, many schools felt this was too extreme of a measure and began to implement school dress codes. Nowadays dress codes have come so far that students are not able to...
1 Page 445 Words

Essay on Why Dress Code Should Be Banned

They tend to target girls more on dress code than they do for the boys. The dress code bans clothing that girls commonly wear and requires clothing that is not easily available for girls but is for boys. Clothing like tan-tops and leggings are often banned from some schools. Guidelines such as the “fingertip rule” stating the need that students’ shorts must be longer than the fingertips when hands are down at sides are a lot easier for boys to...
1 Page 452 Words

Essay on Was the French Revolution Successful

Hi, my name is Daho. Historical achievements are achievements that were succeeded a long time ago. There are many historical achievements, but today I will talk about the French Revolution and French Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1789, was a revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799. The French Revolution had general causes common to all the revolutions of the West at the end of the 18th century and particular causes that explain why it was by...
1 Page 448 Words

Essay on Warrior Code in Beowulf

As inside the earlier traditional epic verses of Greece and Rome, the characters are generally shown in common shape, however too now and again as the artist considers they must be. Sometimes, the writer breaks his objective tone to offer an ethical judgment on one of his characters, even though for the foremost portion, he lets the activities of the characters talk for themselves. As inside the traditional show of epic section, the verse is worried about human qualities and...
1 Page 440 Words

Essay on Lululemon Social Responsibility

Lululemon was founded in Vancouver, Canada in 1998 by Chip Wilson. Lululemon is a Canadian athletic wear retailer, specifically yoga apparel. They sold their first pair of yoga pants that year and have immensely grown since then. In 2013, Lululemon appeared on Fortune’s Fastest Growing Companies list. They have also received an immense amount of media coverage, both good and bad. In 2014 Lululemon opened their first store in Europe. Lululemon is a part of The Sustainable Apparel Coalition. This...
1 Page 438 Words

Essay on Goals of Social Work

Task-centered practice is a social work technology designed to help clients and practitioners collaborate on specific, measurable, and achievable goals. It is designed to be brief (typically 8–12 sessions) and can be used with individuals, couples, families, and groups in a wide variety of social work practice contexts. ANON In-text: (2020). Social workers and service users work in partnership to break the issue and set strong and reachable objective This should be Precise Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound A Social worker...
1 Page 459 Words

Essay on 'What the Black Man Wants' by Frederick Douglass Summary

The title of ''What A Black Man Wants' tells me that the Black man is trying to address something he wants, so that they may feel equal to the next. Maybe better-paying jobs, finer homes, equal rights, and finer opportunities. I think that the subject of this story is Frederick D being the voice of reason for the black man and the community to address what they want. Douglass is probably letting us know what their desire is. I hope...
1 Page 465 Words

Essay on Differences between 'The Outsiders' Book and Movie

In The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, a significant difference between the book and film version during Dally’s last moments is when Dally robs a bookstore and calls the greasers. In the book, the book shows Ponyboy’s perspective, him being driven by a man whereas the film shows the crime Dally commits, in which he robs a bookstore. An example of this is when the author writes, “And I suddenly remembered Dally. . . . Dally pounding on the wall ....
1 Page 472 Words

Their Eyes Were Watching God' Character Analysis Essay

The Harlem Renaissance was a period in which female African Americans could educate society on the gender inequality of this era and discuss the importance of individuality through their works. Many of these pieces still serve as a tool for people today to learn about the oppression of women during this time. In the 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, author Zora Neale Hurston uses Janie’s struggle for equal power during her relationships to explore the idea that if...
1 Page 465 Words

Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me

After going through the comments from my supervisor and my center coordinator I am satisfied with the progress I have made so far, and I wish to continue with my final aspects of research after my mock exams in late June. However, throughout research I have experienced some difficulties in balancing parts of my EPQ progress primarily because I had revision to complete and also being a 2021 MAP student, I had to dedicate a significant proportion of my time...
1 Page 436 Words

The Handmaid's Tale' Essay on Sexism

My selection for this discussion is The Handmaid’s Tale. This show was recommended as a must-see and I was not disappointed. This series is about a totalitarian society named Gilead. In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution, the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States. Worldwide infertility has led to the enslavement of the few remaining fertile women of Gilead, citing an extremist interpretation...
1 Page 450 Words

Sexism in 'Of Mice and Men' Essay

Why was there so much discrimination in the early 1930's? John Steinbeck’s highly renowned “Of Mice and Men” is an outstanding novel that paints a depressingly realistic portrait of America during the Great Depression in the 1930s. In the novel, Steinbeck attacks the many issues that plagued the country during that time. His purpose in writing “Of Mice and Men” was to reflect on some of those issues, such as racism, sexism, and the poor treatment of people with mental...
1 Page 461 Words

Essay on Cicones in 'The Odyssey'

The true meaning of being heroic is having the qualities of a hero, such as bravery and courage, and using those qualities to save or help others. As seen through both epic poems we encounter ways that both of the main characters acted heroic and analyze in what way each character had portrayed their acts of bravery and courage. Throughout The Odyssey and The Aeneid, both Aeneas and Odysseus portray qualities of being heroic in yet similar but different ways...
1 Page 438 Words

Why People Attend College: Opinion Essay

In recent years, there has been a debate about whether or not college should be for everyone. Contrary to those who oppose attending college, citing the fact that not all fields require a degree, the vast majority of today's generation still consider it an essential step. Thus, the question arises as to what motivates people to go to college anyway. From my perspective, most students today make the decision to go to college mainly because more and more jobs now...
1 Page 453 Words

Mark Twain's 'Two Views of the Mississippi': Review Essay

The Mississippi River is the longest river in North America. It stretches from Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota all the way down through New Orleans and into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River covers half of the United States and connects to 33 states. It is also known because many explorers used the river to navigate the United States before there were maps. Many of the United States' agricultural products were floated down the Mississippi River into the port...
1 Page 426 Words

Knapp's Relational Development Model: Essay

Every relationship goes from one stage to the other, despite the uniqueness of that relationship. Each stage has its characteristics and issues, which is why some relationships last for a lifetime and others do not. Relationship stages fluctuate. It goes here and there, to and fro. Some end in termination. Mark Knapp described stages that people progress through as they develop any kind of relationship, whether it be a romantic or friend-based one. Knapp’s relational development model consists of two...
1 Page 442 Words

Essay on Why I Choose a Communication Major

My attraction towards the Communication program developed when I noticed the amount of material from the lower communication courses correlated with my day-to-day life. For instance, interpersonal communication can be used to describe the interactions between individuals, and the benefits from the exchange of information were necessary to me, holding multiple positions within my fraternity. Before holding any positions, I had a personal relationship with the previous Head of Community Service, which steadily evolved into a professional relationship as I...
1 Page 430 Words

Essay on the Importance of Heritage

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, heritage is features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, which were created in the past and still have historical significance. Heritage plays a very important role because it is our identity, our personal history, it creates diversity in human society. I believe that individuality and our identity are shaped by our cultural heritage. A human’s descendants can pass down their culture and heritage for generations if continuously...
1 Page 459 Words
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