Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me

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After going through the comments from my supervisor and my center coordinator I am satisfied with the progress I have made so far, and I wish to continue with my final aspects of research after my mock exams in late June. However, throughout research I have experienced some difficulties in balancing parts of my EPQ progress primarily because I had revision to complete and also being a 2021 MAP student, I had to dedicate a significant proportion of my time after my exams to writing my 1500 word academic assignment draft: which I had to submit before the 5th of July, but I self-assured that this will not impact the quality of my project as now I can directly focus all of my attention on my project.

I have already incorporated the recommendations from my supervisor by narrowing the scope of my question from 'What Is the Medical Potential of Artificial Intelligence and how can it be used to deliver healthcare while providing its effects on the healthcare system?' to a more condensed down and narrower focused title 'What Is the Medical Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Future of Heart Treatment' - and subsequently I had to discard some of my research because it was too broad and not relevant to my proposed title. Also, now I need to be wary of the fact that as I continue to write I have to fulfill the purpose of altering my question by not branching off and focusing specifically on the applications of AI in future Heart Treatments.

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I have found internet sources that provide key insights into establishing a basic understanding of the process of involving artificial intelligence in heart treatments and this has led to me having an idea of what experts in this field conclude. Furthermore, my next steps are to continue finding more articles (as altering my title has reduced the number of feasible resources I could use) and carry out further research by using the University of Manchester library and keep track of the amount of time on spend on each section I have created a Gantt chart to gain an estimate into how long each section will take me.

I hope to have my EPQ completed by December, and this is judged by the fact that I will have fully researched the topic and after collating all my articles and sources form a first draft, get that assessed and act on those learning targets only to then produce a final version in which I will make sure I meet all the requirements and learning target given to me from my first draft.

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Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me. (2024, February 23). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me.” Edubirdie, 23 Feb. 2024,
Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Why Artificial Intelligence Interest Me [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 23 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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