5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese

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After watching the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” directed by Jon M. Chu, it changed what I thought about my social identity. The movie is about the story of Nick, a guy from a wealthy Singapore family, and his girlfriend, Rachel who is an American-born Chinese and has never been to Asia. They travel to Singapore for the wedding of his best friend Colin. In Singapore, Nick introduces Rachel to his mother Eleanor, while his cousin Astrid finds out that her husband Michael, who comes from a humbler background has been having an affair.

Rachel feels that Eleanor doesn’t like her. Eleanor even uses the findings of a private investigator to reveal that Rachel was conceived through an adulterous affair. They demand that Nick stop seeing Racheal for fear of a scandal, as they cannot be linked or connected to such a family. Rachel was stunned and not willing to meet Nick. Then Nick contacts Rachel’s mother Kerry. When she arrives in Singapore, she explains that her husband is brutal and abusive. Therefore, the comfort of an old classmate turned into love and a surprise pregnancy. With the fear of being murdered by her husband, Kerry and baby Rachel escaped to the USA. After revealing the story, Kerry urges Rachel to meet Nick. When they meet, Nick proposes to Rachel, saying that he is willing to leave his family behind to be with her.

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Then, the scene changes to Rachel meeting Eleanor at a mahjong parlor. During the mahjong game, she tells Eleanor that she loves Nick so much and turns down Nick's proposal so that his relationship with his family will not be ruined. She tells Eleanor to remember that when Nick marries someone 'good enough' for her, it is because of a poor, raised by a single mother, low class and immigrant nobody. Meanwhile, when Astrid moves out, she tells Michael “The problem with our marriage is not my family’s money. It is that you are a coward. You gave up on us. It’s not my job to make you feel like a man. I can’t make you something you are not.”

In the end, Rachel and Kerry board a flight back to New York City, but they are interrupted by Nick, who proposes with Eleanor's ring to show her blessing. In tears, Rachel accepts, and they stay in Singapore for a party, where Eleanor nods at Rachel in acknowledgment, Rachel finally earned her respect. In short, I think this movie is trying to tell us that man shouldn’t be a coward, don’t easily give up, and have integrity. From the movie, I found out that the author trying to use mediascapes to show that Asian people are crazy rich, and Americans are selfish. Mediascapes are the images of the world that are created by these media.

“In another scene, at an unspeakably over-the-top bachelor party for Nick’s best friend, beauty queens from the Miss World competition (uniformly Caucasian, sporting bikinis and ceremonial sashes) are flown in. Their appearance is fleeting, as is that of all the white people in the movie—they are tokens in the way minorities have traditionally been in American movies.” Tokenism means the practice of making only a symbolic effort to be inclusive to members of minority groups.

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5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-american-born-chinese/
“5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-american-born-chinese/
5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-american-born-chinese/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
5 Paragraph Essay on American Born Chinese [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/5-paragraph-essay-on-american-born-chinese/

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