500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Essay on Fears of Public Speaking

Have you ever thought that you could get over your fears about college? Students have so many fears whether it's about failing math, not having as much time anymore, etc. My two biggest fears for college are public speaking and not being able to make friends. Public speaking is one of the biggest fears that most students have. You hear people saying to imagine the audience in their underwear, I’ve tried it for me that doesn’t help. According to Joan...
1 Page 486 Words

Critical Essay on 'Oldboy' (2003)

Oldboy is a 2003 South Korean action thriller film co-written and directed by Park Chan-wook. One of the most important themes in Oldboy is the human concept of the Truth. Oldboy helps us understand the need for truth in our human minds, and that revenge does not alter the painful feelings that have been experienced. Humankind is obsessed with the truth, insisting it is upheld in business and personal relationships. As keeper of the truth, Woo-jin taunts Dae-su by saying,...
1 Page 511 Words

Informative Essay about Legends

Did you know King Arthur was the most legendary icon of medieval Britain? I think it is important for people to know about Legends even though it’s just an unsolved mystery. The Legends captivated a lot of people till today. In the last couple of years, the Legends have been Hollywood movies, computer games, and others, which bring a large audience, especially our children who love stories and movies, which has not only entertained them but taught them as well....
1 Page 477 Words

Self Evaluation Essay about a Personal Experience

In this self-evaluating essay, the main task is to reflect on how participation changed my approach to teamwork within the workshop. I found the workshop beneficial and exciting. To provide a coherent structure to my essay, I will use Gibbs’ 1988 reflection model. Description A team is a small number of individuals associated with some joint activity with a strong, deep-seated, common sense of purpose (Katzenbah & Smith, 1991). In the workshop, we were divided into teams. Each team had...
1 Page 486 Words

Process Analysis Essay on Breaking a Bad Habit

It is very hard for people to change their habit; some people do agree and accepts the fact, but the hardest part is to correct the behavior as no one is perfect and for some, it may take time. A habit is doing something repeatedly by people without them being aware of displaying a particular behavior. There are two types of habits; the good ones and the bad ones. Good habit displays a behavior that is beneficial to one’s physical...
1 Page 476 Words

Process Analysis Essay on Salad

Do you think the kitchen is a female occupation? But once a year, on March 8, you can sacrifice principles. Even if you do not distinguish dill from parsley, and the oven is worse for you than a fire-breathing dragon, try your hand at the kitchen! And it does not matter if you never cooked anything harder than fried eggs. What you have prepared yourself, she will be delighted more than the most exquisite and expensive delicacy. Together with 'Scarlett...
1 Page 520 Words

Proposal and Argumentative Essay on Social Media Causing Isolation

Since the advent of social media, the landscape of our day-to-day conversations has been alternated tremendously. Social media became a platform for us to easily keep in touch with our friends and family, or meet new friends online while speeding up our communication as they are only one text away. However, a study published in 1998 looking into the phenomenon of social media contributing to social isolation, following 169 people during the first two years of their Internet use, found...
1 Page 512 Words

Organization of an Expository Essay

The phrase expository is derived from the word exposed, which capacity to overview or show off that something is hidden. Now let us strive to outline the period expository essay. An expository essay is a kind of composition that exposes or evaluates ideas, information, and notion in clear terms. this is accomplished through figuring out and explaining the truth logically, this implies that an expository essay is based definitely on facts, ideas, and standards that are explained one after the...
1 Page 515 Words

Narrative Essay about Stories That Shaped You

Fairy tales have always played an important role in my life and they're honestly something I'm utmost grateful for. The fairy tale 'The Little Mermaid' by Hans Christian Anderson has personal significance to me as I can still recall my mother reading that story to me as a child before bedtime. Throughout the course of the story, I will discuss how the author effectively conveys both the elements of hope and warning in the story The Little Mermaid. The aspect...
1 Page 487 Words

Narrative Essay about Myself

My name is Sophia Arredondo. I was born December 14, 2004, in Redding, California. After my parents divorced, my mom moved my sister and me to a small town, where we have remained ever since. Growing up, my sister would regularly speak for me. While this took part in my shyness, I was invariably a happy kid. After the move, I quickly developed a tight-knit friend group consisting of 3 girls and myself. Life was good, and we were content,...
1 Page 515 Words

Narrative Essay about Change

The world has experienced drastic changes since the beginning of time. The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus believed that “There is nothing permanent in this world except change.” He believed that the only constant in this world is change. Change is not new in our lives. It can take place in many different ways, and this can be dealt with in many various ways. We experience changes in our daily lives whether there's a simple change in the weather, a change in...
1 Page 512 Words

Informative Essay about Ella Fitzgerald

Last night, October 5, 1955, The First Lady of Song, Ella Fitzgerald, and other well-known musicians to the name of Dizzy Gillespie and Illinois Jacquet were taken into police custody for gambling before the end of the first desegregated show at the Music Hall, Houston. The police officers at the scene took $185 in cash and the musicians were fined a total of $50, before returning to the second concert. The 15th Jazz at the Philharmonic concert series, run by...
1 Page 515 Words

How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in College: Opinion Essay

All Colleges across the country try to fight the increasing stat of sexual assaults happening. It is rather a shame that everyday women and teenage girls are always in danger of being sexually harassed. As men, it is our duty to educate each other on how we can prevent the increasing number of sexual assaults in colleges. It is important to know when a guy is given permission to have a sexual entanglement with a woman and when he is...
1 Page 505 Words

Themes of '1984': Critical Essay

Personally, I enjoyed reading 1984 by George Orwell. I really liked the storyline and plot, I enjoyed the characters and the themes shown throughout most of the novel, but I did not like the ending considering how the book unfolded. I found this ending to be quite ineffective for the plot and honestly very anticlimactic for the reader. Throughout the story, I was expecting an exciting ending after the climactic and unexpected capture of Winston and Julia, but ultimately the...
1 Page 507 Words

Informative Speech for Universal Healthcare

The American government is making efforts to reform the national healthcare system to ensure that all citizens have access to affordable healthcare. The current system is complicated, with some people relying on private insurance and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Although those government-funded programs aim at increasing access to health services, they are limited to vulnerable populations like the elderly, disabled, and low-income households. Despite the government spending more resources on healthcare, the country lags behind as other developed...
1 Page 499 Words

Importance of Working Together for Me: Reflective Essay

During the first 13 weeks of studying at Victoria University, specifically an integrated business-challenged unit, I was put into a group of four people who have different cultural backgrounds. The most significant thing is that we did learn to understand, respect, and accept each other’s through team working. Working together is making us work more effectively. My experience of this leads me to believe that teamwork can help us solve problems quickly and come up with more innovative ideas as...
1 Page 497 Words

Cancer: Cause-and-Effect Essay

Many diseases that affect a person are life-threatening. Cancer is one of those fatal diseases. Cancer is basically a general name that is given to a whole group of diseases that have one thing in common – abnormal cell growth. The causes of this disease cannot be traced to a single factor because many factors contribute to its birth. Its effects are explained by the rapid spread of abnormal cells and the way they pile up upon each other. This...
1 Page 517 Words

Essay on Agriculture and Why It Is so Important

Agriculture is the life of us all, without that how do we live? Just go open your cupboards and refrigerator. Without agriculture, what do you think would be in either? Ice cubes, maybe. Certainly no dairy, meat, fruits, vegetables, or bakery, all made from farm products. We can't live without food or drink, and obviously, the better quality food we have, the better quality of life we can live. Agriculture is the root of civilization. Towns and metropolises were born...
1 Page 521 Words

Disconnection as a Today's Problem: Critical Essay

Have you at any point asked why there is so much misery, drug dependence, alcohol addiction, and brutality in our society? Is there a concealed reason for all of this? Perhaps it is the constant use of social media in our lives and the fact that even being without our phones can cause some people panic attacks. The introduction of frequent technological use has impacted our lives, therefore severing our connections to each other. Some people believe they can live...
1 Page 507 Words

What Is Psychology: Informative Essay

Psychology is a science that tries to address a wide range of inquiries that concern us. Also how and why we think, feel, and act like how we do. Have you wondered why you become depressed or nervous and think if you’ll ever feel normal? This kind of question actually provides comprehension and tackles issues in a few circles of human action. What persuades an individual to drive forward despite seemingly insurmountable opposition and defeat colossal difficulties? Do certain identity...
1 Page 492 Words

Sound Design of the Film ‘American Sniper’: Critical Essay

Oscar-winning film for Best Sound Editing, ‘American Sniper’, is known for its high-packed action scenes filled with gunfire and war. However, these sounds of gunfire were not easy to create. Sound supervisors Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman were responsible for delivering the sounds to the director, Clint Eastwood. They made sure to deliver a very realistic documentary approach to the way they designed their sound which means there is very little music. Alan, who is very detailed, made sure...
1 Page 521 Words

Edgar Allan Poe as My First Literary Love: Narrative Essay

The first time I was introduced to reading was when my eye caught the cover of a black-bound book. It was lying on a table at an ungodly boring middle school book fair. Its cover stuck out among the cheesy Captain Underpants books, donning a silver-speckled raven, and the author's name Edgar Allan Poe. Being a weird kid who always loved the more cryptic things in life, I bought the book with no second thought. After school, I cracked open...
1 Page 507 Words

Idea of Hidden Mask as Exemplified by Jack from William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies'

In the darkness, we show our true colors. Behind the walls when no one is watching, we do things we wouldn't normally do in front of others. This is greatly expressed in Oscar Wilde's quote that states: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth”. For some of us, it is natural to put on a completely different identity when we are around others. Not showing...
1 Page 478 Words

Why Medicine: Personal Narrative Essay

How strange, is it not, that two distant entities can engage in heartfelt exchange, often consumed with so little thought? Growing up, a reciprocal longing has been cohering: I wanted to accomplish something in life that would make a difference in the lives of people around me. Yet, it was not until mid-adolescence did I find my calling – fortuitously, no less. I was 16 then. Awoken by the agony of my chest flattening itself, I recall myself clutching it...
1 Page 492 Words

Informative Speech on Domestic Violence

“One box in you face just true you reach home late” is a line from a song that was released by Vybz Kartel in 2018. In Jamaica, domestic violence is a very common form of abuse between persons who are in an intimate relationship, as a result, there are many negative effects that are associated with it. Additionally, not only adults are involved but children are also involved in domestic violence. The children who are involved or who witness domestic...
1 Page 520 Words

Analytical Essay on Relative Importance of the Causes of the Civil War in the Period from 1830 to 1861

There must be two main durations that lead to the warfare used to be the lengthy time that was once constructed over many a long time and the other was the 5 months build period that was once simply after the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 and the fall of the Fort Sumter in April 1861 (The conflict of the Fort Sumter was the Bombardment and surrender of citadel Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, that began the...
1 Page 519 Words

Analytical Essay on Causes of the Civil War

The events of Fort Sumter in April 1861 were a major turning point in American history. Whilst the conflict resulted in no official deaths, it marked the beginning of the American Civil War—a war that progressed over four years and resulted in the deaths of more than 620,000 Americans and the emancipation of 3.9 million slaves. Slavery played a key role in the events leading up to the civil war. It was the topic of great political debate between Northern...
1 Page 525 Words

What's Eating Gilbert Grape': Autism Essay

The movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape portrays disability in the younger brother of Gilbert, Arnie who is 17 and has a classic case of autism which in the movie cause him to climb the high water tower and go wandering off. This is where Gilbert comes in as he is always taking care of Arnie. The disability of autism that Arnie has is often portrayed in the movie as a nuisance to some people in the community. As the movie...
1 Page 515 Words

The Tempest’ Epilogue Analysis: Critical Essay

Through the transformation of character archetypes, both Hag-seed and ‘The Tempest simultaneously challenge the perspectives and assumptions of individuals, drawing insights gained in relinquishing control/power. Shakespeare’s perspective is shaped by Renaissance humanist values individuals value education and forgiveness. Shakespeare’s The Tempest is a pathetic fallacy of Prospero’s injustice and anger.  Throughout Prospero’s epilogue, the structure and series of rhyming couplets draw significance to the theatric element that mimics internal change in Prospero. The peculiar rhyming scheme elevates the artistic value...
1 Page 507 Words

What Are the Main Causes of Cyber Bullying: Analytical Essay

Nowadays, the internet is an atypical access to user’s lives which creates new forms of infringement like cyberbullying which can be briefly defined as using the internet web to share a text or image of harmful content. As Jun (2020) pointed out that “Cyberbullying can be done anytime via email, mobile phone, or SNS(Social Network Service), so victims are likely to suffer indiscriminate violence around the clock.”(P.4). This essay research will discuss the causes of cyberbullying which include: self-loathing and...
1 Page 505 Words
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