Disconnection as a Today's Problem: Critical Essay

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Have you at any point asked why there is so much misery, drug dependence, alcohol addiction, and brutality in our society? Is there a concealed reason for all of this? Perhaps it is the constant use of social media in our lives and the fact that even being without our phones can cause some people panic attacks. The introduction of frequent technological use has impacted our lives, therefore severing our connections to each other.

Some people believe they can live happily without connections, whatever they may be. However, human connection allows us to understand important values in our lives, such as empathy and the ability to build relationships. These relationships give us a sense of belonging, increasing our confidence and self-esteem. It makes us feel important, worthy and loved, it is an almost therapeutic-support system. In an increasingly isolated world, feeling socially connected is vital to our mental health.

Human connection can be hard for some, finding it difficult to really connect with another human at the heart level. We frequently attempt to squash or silence the unpleasant agony of detachment by being over-occupied, binge eating and drinking, gambling, using drugs, sex, shopping, and the overuse of technology – in fact, anything that changes our outlook for the time being. Empathy is important as it helps us understand how others are feeling, allowing us to respond appropriately to certain situations. However, with such early and easy exposure to horrible situations and events, people lose their ability to be shocked and therefore feel remorse. It would only take me five seconds now to look up a photo of a murder scene.

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Video game usage is increasingly becoming a problem in modern society, with young children, particularly boys, and even adults developing addictions. These games expose and encourage violent outbursts and keep people from actually interacting with those around them. Instead, they develop relationships with strangers online, where the only topic of conversation is their hit score.

If you have ever felt detached from affection and devotion in your youth, it can be considerably challenging to confide in any kind of human connection as an adult. The decisions we make in our relationships whilst growing up impact our ability to form healthy relationships and connections as adults. However, with this logic, we are unfortunately heading towards a path where all those who are currently in their youth are relying solely on social media platforms to communicate with their ‘friends’, e.g., their followers.

Never in history have we had so many gadgets helping us connect with other people through social media platforms, and yet I doubt we have ever felt so disconnected from our soul and tribe, from our passion and compassion. We put ourselves in a contradictory and ironic situation when we realize that never before has it been so easy to say hello to an old friend, and then so easy to also completely ignore them.

Humans live for connection. We can’t function without it. So how will we function when we’ve lost all our connections?

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Disconnection as a Today’s Problem: Critical Essay. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/disconnection-as-a-todays-problem-critical-essay/
“Disconnection as a Today’s Problem: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/disconnection-as-a-todays-problem-critical-essay/
Disconnection as a Today’s Problem: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/disconnection-as-a-todays-problem-critical-essay/> [Accessed 8 May 2024].
Disconnection as a Today’s Problem: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 15 [cited 2024 May 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/disconnection-as-a-todays-problem-critical-essay/

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