500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Political Analysis of Samuel Johnson's Sonnet 'London' Made by Alexander Pope

English essayist Samuel Johnson's sonnet 'London' was distributed in 1738, contains 263 lines, and gives recognition to Juvenal's Third Satire. The sonnet is viewed as a neoclassical work. Neoclassicism was the predominant development of Johnson's time, and its scholars -Johnson, Jonathan Swift, and Alexander Pope - attempted to resuscitate traditional Greco-Roman styles of writing along these lines as Horace, Virgil, and Ovid. The essential motivation for Johnson's work was Juvenal, an antiquated Roman humorist who lamented the weakening of Roman...
1 Page 496 Words

Alexander Pope As a Leader among the Neoclassical Poets: Analytical Overview

English writer Samuel Johnson’s poem ‘London’ was published in 1738, contains 263 lines, and pays homage to Juvenal’s Third Satire. The poem is considered a neoclassical work. Neoclassicism was the dominant movement of Johnson’s time, and its writers - Johnson, Jonathan Swift, and Alexander Pope - tried to revive classical Greco-Roman styles of writing in the same vein as Horace, Virgil, and Ovid. The primary inspiration for Johnson’s work was Juvenal, an ancient Roman satirist who bemoaned the deterioration of...
1 Page 486 Words

Reflective Essay on Being a Writer: Why I Am Applying to the J&C Magnet

I am applying to the Journalism and Communicatons Magnet because I believe that journalism is a great way to learn more about the world, and it is also an effective way to communicate with people. Journalism is a very important skill for me to learn, as it allows me to grow in what I've loved to do all my life. I've been writing since I was able to spell my name. I write stories when I have any extra time...
1 Page 520 Words

Odyssey Translation Essay: Analysis of the Translations Made by Emily Wilson, Alexander Pope, and Robert Fagles

E.V Reiu’s translation of The Odyssey is more effective than the other known translation by Emily Wilson, Alexander Pope, and Robert Fagles. The analysis of Odysseus’ actions, thoughts and emotions were best translated through Rieu’s passage. E.V Reiu’s translation of The Odyssey, E.V Reiu takes a better approach to the sentence structure. Having the translation of the poem in prose, it creates a better understanding of the plot, and draws the reader into the story, when compared to Emily Wilson,...
1 Page 504 Words

Importance of Moon Landing Mission of Apollo 11: Argumentative Essay

This year marks the 50th anniversary since the moon landing mission of Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins exploded off into the now legendary mission of the Apollo 11. At 6:52 am on the dot, Buzz Aldrin as Luna Modul Pilot, Neil Armstrong as Commander, and Micheal Collins as Commander Modul Pilot hopped into the lift to the rocket. The whole world stopped as people ran through security checks getting ready for lift-off. At 9:31 am these...
1 Page 488 Words

Overview of Rich Dad Poor Dad: Descriptive Essay

'The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money to work for them.' Introduction: Robert thinks he has two dads, one is his biological father, well-educated and very smart, but Has been struggling financially, the other is the father of his friend Mike, who never finished eighth grade. But he left tens of millions of dollars for his family. There are two parents that allow you to choose different points of view: one is the rich...
1 Page 506 Words

Analysis of Rhetorical Modes: Essay on How It Feels to Be Colored Like Me

A person’s race has always had relevance in his/her life in ways that sometimes don’t necessarily make sense or are simply just racist. Two African Americans who have been impacted by their race are Brent Staples and Zara Neale Hurston. In “Just Walk On By: Back Men and Public Spaces”, Staples claims that black men are automatically labeled as criminals and treated as such even when they have done nothing wrong to prove it, while, throughout “How It Feels to...
1 Page 494 Words

Ways to Reduce Truancy Effectively: Opinion Essay

In this era of modernization, truancy is becoming a serious problem in school. The rate of truancy has increased dramatically among the teenager. They most likely wander around the cyber café or the street to do something bad for them such as smoking and bullying. This phenomenon must be curbed as soon as possible to cultivate students with good moral values. Hence, the school authority can communicate school attendance to students and their families, form an attendance team and create...
1 Page 508 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Essence and Causes of Truancy

Truancy is one of the major behaviours associated with students, especially senior students at youthful stage. It is the act of consistent inconsistency in school attendance on the part of the student. Truancy is also any intentional unauthorized or illegal absence from compulsory schooling. It has also been identified as the act of absenting oneself from school without a legitimate reason and without the permission of student’s parents or the school authorities (Herbert, 2005). Fogeman and Hibbert (1990) contend that...
1 Page 505 Words

Critical Overview of The Garden Party: Analytical Essay

Back to 1957, Warren S. Walker’s study has already provoked a dialogue about whether or not or no longer or now not “The Garden Party” is a united and whole story. He claimed that “‘The Garden Party’ typically leaves readers with a feeling of dissatisfaction, a vague experience that the story by using some potential does now no longer apprehend its potential”. He then pointed out that “the difficulty” is that “the combat has a twin nature, completely part of...
1 Page 476 Words

Overview of Foucault's Critical Analysis of the Theory of Panopticon

In addition, Foucault (1977) dedicates an emphasis on analysing the theory of panopticism. Designed in the late eighteenth century, Jeremy Bentham exemplified the architecture of the prison called Panopticon. Essentially, this is a proposed idea of a prison that introduces a new mode of power using power of mind over mind in the process of ensuring that the prisoners would improve in discipline and behaviour (UCL, 2016). The structure of this prison does not abide by the conventional principles of...
1 Page 484 Words

Magic Which Ruined the Family Life: Critical Analysis of The Monkey's Paw

“Magic is the power to use supernatural forces to move impossible things happen, such as making people disappear or controlling events in nature”(Collins dictionary). The Monkey’s Paw is a short story about a family that is given the chance to receive a magical Monkey’s Paw, but the family has been warned about the magic. The family interferes with the magic, even though being warned many times, which that interference leads them into many regretful consequences. Magic is powerful source to...
1 Page 496 Words

The World’s Wife and History Boys: Reader's Reflection

Where Duffy uses revisionism to re-evaluate alternative representations of femininity in history throughout ‘The World’s Wife’, Bennett encourages the reader to re-evaluate the nature of history through Irwin’s revisionist versions of it, so introducing the idea of historiography, whereby historical accounts are dependent upon personal experiences or cultural context. Duffy deliberately distances her characters from sentimentalised idealism regarding the role of the female protagonist, creating ‘real’ voices of suppressed female voices through her use of the dramatic monologue form. However...
1 Page 500 Words

The Use of a Unique Writing Style in the “Cat in the Rain”

The use of a unique writing style used in this story makes an impactful remark in the way that this story is processed by the reader. Therefore, Hemingway helps the reader to perceive the meaning and purpose of the cat through his use of setting, writing style and character. Hemingway sets the setting to be as unpleasant and grey as possible. He does this to convey the the setting and state of 1925. This grey day of age was situated...
1 Page 525 Words

Representation of the Women in the Romantic Period: Analysis of Vindication of The Rights of Women

Romanticism emerged in Europe towards the late 18th century, and is referred to as an “artistic, literary and intellectual movement”, that opposed many societal aspects such as family, government, and monarchical that were apparent during the Enlightenment period. This era created an atmosphere booming with ideas surrounding freedom, liberty and equality. However, these ideas appeared to be futile for women as they were not entitled to the same human rights as their counterparts were. Hence, female advocates argued that for...
1 Page 509 Words

Ideal Exchange Students: Statement of Purpose

My name is Rafael Ortiz, and I am a second-year student in Aviation (Aeronautical Engineering) at the ZHAW School of Engineering. I am delighted to seize this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only further improve my language and communication skills but also to enhance my future career opportunities. I am particularly interested in studying at the Estonian Aviation Academy due to its multicultural environment, innovative education system, and the numerous programs taught in English. My interest in discovering new, to...
1 Page 512 Words

Essay on Colonies: Pilgrims in Georgia And Pennsylvania

Georgia, was the thirteenth and last province to be set up. James Edward Oglethorpe was the moving power behind the establishing of the settlement. Oglethorpe was a rich Londoner who consumed his time on earth working with poor people. He accepted that the settlement would be a superior spot to send destitute individuals, a considerable lot of whom were in account holder's detainment facilities. Establishing another settlement toward the south of South Carolina additionally filled the vital needs of England,...
1 Page 501 Words

General Overview of The Divine Comedy

There are 34 cantos with about 140 verses each. Look at a matrix that mixes the organization of hell, as classes and as subclasses of sins. The Divine Comedy is Dante's greatest work. This work waswritten in 1310 and was completed shortly before Dante's death in 1321. The work is a narrative poem fully planned within symmetry and algebraic logic.The story tells Dante's Odyssey goes through the 3 spiritual planes: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. Dante is guided by the Roman...
1 Page 490 Words

Critical Analysis of Annotated Bibliography on Gentrification

Alters, Sandra M., et al. 'The Law, the Courts, and the Homeless.' Homeless in America: How Could It Happen Here?, Detroit, Gale, 2006, pp. 63-71. This source talks about how gentrification forces out low-income families and changes 'skid rows' or single-room occupancy hotels to make them more modern to appeal to the middle and upper-class people which forces out lower class people into homelessness. It also discusses the harsh living conditions of the homeless and the laws that the government...
1 Page 520 Words

The Intersubjectivity of Children’s Plays

Cooperative play, Parallel play, and Associative play are examples of play behavior showing intersubjectivity in children. In the Cooperative play, children work together to accomplish a common goal. They tend to think together and help each other and learn the intention of each other. In parallel play children often play together but using different toys. They share and copy ideas from one another and express their thoughts on the basis of the reaction of one another. Associative play is a...
1 Page 505 Words

Littering on Campus: The Issue of Maintaining Cleanliness and Averting Health Hazards

Cleanliness is next to holiness. Going by this saying, one wonders how godly we perceive ourselves when visiting this campus. Walking down the streets and alleys of the university grounds, one notices half-filled drink bottles and candy wrappers strewn everywhere. White spots distort the plush green scenery of fields, these unpleasant blotches are predominantly pieces of paper. Throwing rubbish in a slapdash fashion creates an eyesore. If one tries to present an impromptu award for the cleanest lecture hall on...
1 Page 482 Words

Essay on Save Fossil Fuels

In this modern-day lifestyle the fuel has become a necessity for all human beings. We use fuel to fulfill our various needs like cooking, manufacturing, to produce building material and many more. Moreover, in the last one or two decade, we have started depending on fuel so much that it has become our basic necessity. So, ultimately we are dependent on fuel either we like it or not. What is Fossil Fuel? It is the fuel that we use for...
1 Page 513 Words

National Debt is Everyone's Problem

We used to compare the Philippines, for instance, to an “oriental pearl”, coveted by colonists due to its rich resource, lush nature, and industrious people. Became a “caged dove”in time of Martial Law and fighting this we earned a title of “sick man of Asia” by early 1990 in Cory Aquino Administration. Then Fidel Ramos stepped in and re-branded the country as a “rising tiger’. But behide this prevailing analogy would be something the true with the Philippine debt. What...
1 Page 495 Words

Jay Gould: One of The Robber Barons and Captains of Industry

There were many individuals who contributed to the advancement of America during the industrial revolution. Most of these individuals were labeled either robber barons or captains of industry. Captains of industry typically led in truthful, hard-working ways to the nation. However, the robber barons were dishonest and plotted against the nation. “One of the most notorious robber barons of the time was Jay Gould. By working as an American railroad executive, financier, and speculator, Gould went from a childhood of...
1 Page 490 Words

OCD Treatment by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is Harm OCD? This is a question asked by many people who suffer from OCD, as they wonder what could cause this type of obsessive compulsive disorder. There are many possible causes for OCD but no one knows for sure what causes Harm OCD or any of its variations. However, there are some things that scientists have learned about OCD that shed some light on what could cause this behavior disorder. First, we need to answer what is Harm...
1 Page 513 Words

An Argument in Favor of Reducing The Harmful Effects of Pesticides

“Explore one of the ways our environment is impacted by our agricultural practices or industrial food complex.” One of the main things that go into the creation of our crops is pesticides, which includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and rodenticides. This junk is obviously toxic, yet it is continued to be used in order to contain pests. Pesticides don’t only affect the environments health, but ours as well, so I’d like to tie that into all this, but focus mainly on...
1 Page 484 Words

Essay on Causes of Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution it is the entrance of any unwanted material into the natural environment, which makes it polluted, risky, and also inappropriate for use. Pollutants contain: tangible materials, in addition to sound, light, and temperatures when they enter the environment unnaturally. According to the (Pure Earth) organization concerned with environmental affairs, pollution affects in a poisonous method more than 200 million people around the world, and also indicated that the effects of pollution go beyond that. considerable pollution, and the...
1 Page 505 Words

High-flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) Oxygen Therapy

High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy comprises an air/oxygen blender, an active humidifier, a single heated circuit, and a nasal cannula. It delivers adequately heated and humidified medical gas at up to 60 L/min of flow and is considered to have a number of physiological effects which include: reduction of anatomical dead space, PEEP effect, constant fraction of inspired oxygen, and humidification. HFNC has been gaining attention as an innovative respiratory support for critically ill adult patients. High flow nasal...
1 Page 478 Words

The Dangers Of Teenage Driving

Car accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers in the United States. Per mile driven, teens ages 16-19 are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal car crash than drivers over 20 years old, especially in their first year behind the wheel. It is important for teens, parents and drivers who share the road to understand these dangers and how to prevent them. Although youth drivers account for only 14% of the overall population,...
1 Page 500 Words

Climate Change Effects in Our World

By living the way we do, our actions have caused climate change, which may not seem bad to us, but it has a huge effect on the oceans and the species that live in the oceans. Climate change is greatly affecting our oceanic creatures. Our actions are causing climate change at an alarming rate, which is as well, causing rapid changes to the ocean. Climate Change is affecting even something as simple as our fish. Sea surface temperature, ocean acidification,...
1 Page 494 Words
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