500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Symbolism in Islamic Architecture

Symbolism is one of the most important aspects of religious architecture, early in Islam human representation was banned to distinguish between the pagan practices and the new conceptual religion. Making Muslims resort to symbols to represent certain stories or characters. The very first of symbols is the placing of the Jami’ itself, which typically is at the centre of the city preferably at a high point with a high minaret for travelers to be able to see it from afar,...
1 Page 504 Words

Ryanair's Unethical Conduct in Advertising Practices

Ryanair’s has brought many great success throughout the past years by growing their profitability, returns for shareholders increased and increased strong financial performance due to their low cost strategy. However, with this low cost strategy they has been accused of concealing ancillary revenues and offering customer service only for fees. Based on the questionable practices that are discussed in the case, there are stated some of unethical behaviour of Ryanair in advertising practices. Ryanair has been faced a controversial or...
1 Page 502 Words

The Day You Find Out You Have Lupus

The day you find out that you have lupus is a day you’ll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the “normal” days before and your “new normal” afterward. Everyone has different symptoms that lead them to make that first appointment. Mine came when I bought a treadmill and could only walk for 3 minutes before I was gasping for breath. I used to walk...
1 Page 514 Words

Review of Phillis Wheatley's Poem 'To the University of Cambridge, in New-England'

'To the University of Cambridge, in New-England' is an early poem by Phyllis Whitley, the first black woman to publish poetry in English. In this poem, Whitley pleads with a group of new Harvard students to be good Christians and never forget the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice for humanity. The poem is a kind of imaginary sermon or opening speech in which Wheatley demonstrates his authority and precocious understanding of poetry. In this Phillis Wheatley essay, I will delve into...
1 Page 504 Words

Weapons of The American Revolutionary Soldiers

One of the most important parts of the American Revolution were the weapons. All wars back then were fought with weapons. Weapons were used for other things to, like hunting for food, but weapons were mostly important in wars. The soldiers felt like they could not win without weapons and when they had some decent weapons back then, like the moatar and the cannon, it gave both sides the confidence they needed to win the war. A frequently asked questions...
1 Page 477 Words

The Los Angeles Race Riots

In 1992, Los Angeles City experienced one of the worst citizen disturbances, riots. After the Civil Rights Movement many riots exploded in Los Angeles due to police-community relations. After the end of the Civil Rights Movement tension between the African-American, Latin, and Korean communities and the Police force simmered in American cities all across the country because many kept experiencing police brutality in their communities. The 1980’s brought much more tension to the problem, Ronald Reagan economic policies initially proved...
1 Page 514 Words

Density Functional Theory’s Function

Generally, the density functional theory has been utilized progressively in the number of areas of chemistry and materials sciences to account for and indicating the attributes for complicated scenarios at an atomic level. More calculatedly, DFT in form of data processing approach has been studied by checking the formulations and progression entities. These systems have the laboratory results that are overburdened with inappropriate outcomes and unsteady ambience. The current density functional theory application includes the working on the interpretation of...
1 Page 493 Words

Factors Leading to Gun Violence

When I think of gun violence the first thing that comes to mind is the recent upsurge of mass shootings in the last 20 years. The first mass shooting that particularly stands out is the columbine high school massacre in 1999. I was in elementary school when that took place and I remember how much it shook this country and all the media coverage it received. It was not something that I had ever heard of before and at my...
1 Page 503 Words

Achilles as the Greek Hero Pushed Off Course from His Own Ideals

The Iliad is a testament to the Greek ideals of war and glory, as it fantasizes the glorious triumphs of Achilles and the Trojans. Famous for his rage made apparent in the opening of the poem, Achilles is the greatest warrior in all of Greece, and his competence and skill are a main driver of the story portrayed and the decisions of the protagonist. While the importance of honor and glory through war is the most important part of Greek...
1 Page 509 Words

Rational Arguments for the American Revolution

American Revolution had taken place between the years 1775 to 1783 in demand of full independence of American colonists from the shackles of Britain by American patriots. Many political and social abuses from the part of British government finally led to this revolution as a result of which America got their freedom after the revolutionary war. It has been noticed that many American colonists supported the British and sided with them when the war started. This implies that the decision...
1 Page 523 Words

Brexit’s Potential Impact on Individuals and Companies

What does Brexit mean to you, me or SMEs? Undoubtedly, Brexit’s impact will affect individuals and companies, whether they are SMEs, multinational corporations, banks or other organizations, in a myriad of different ways depending on the specific nature of the business or person. Certainly, the origin or make up of the SME is key to assessing the potential impact since Article 50 was invoked on Wednesday 29 March 2017. As the two years deadline looms, unless Article 50 is revoked...
1 Page 492 Words

Computer Engineering Essay

Computer engineering merges together with computer science and electrical engineering to further developments in digital technology, computer networking and computer system. Computer engineers design, and develop technological devices. It is a combination of skills in hardware and software. With a growing, insatiable desire for technological advancements – both by businesses and consumers alike – the need of trained, skilled and qualified computer engineering professionals seems to know no boundaries. An extensive college education that will take four to seven years...
1 Page 516 Words

Peter's Character Transformation in Orson Scott Card’s 'Ender’s Game'

In Orson Scott Card’s эEnder’s Gameэ, Peter is a character who makes great efforts to destroy Ender and rule the world but later shows love and care for his siblings. This shows that Peter is a loving brother rather than the dangerous psychopath he is believed to be. Towards the beginning of the book, Peter portrays that his intentions are to ultimately hurt or destroy anything and shows this by skinning a squirrel while it is still alive. However, later...
1 Page 518 Words

Comparative Analysis of Matisse's ‘Bonheur de Vivre’ and Picasso's 'Les Demoiselles d’Avignon' with Paul Cezanne's ‘The Large Bathers’

In this essay I will describe how the works of art -‘Bonheur de Vivre’ by Henry Matisse and' Les Demoiselles d’Avignon' by Pablo Picasso, both were influenced by and how they moved away from the painting ‘The Large Bathers’ by Paul Cezanne. Both Picasso and Matisse were prominent artists. Pablo Picasso primarily delved into the cubism and surrealism (“Art Periods”, 2019). Henry Matisse generally created artworks in the vein of fauvism and modernism (“Henry Matisse”, 2019). ‘The Large Bathers’ by...
1 Page 495 Words

Should the Government Raise the Minimum Wage? Essay

It's time we at long last take a gander at the cons of the conflict rather than the pros. Numerous individuals need a decent paying job yet aren’t able to due to not being able to go to college, so they turn to food chains and restaurants for pay employment. In our reality, you need to work for something to succeed at anything in everyday life, so the legislature shouldn't need to raise the minimum wage. A few people get...
1 Page 519 Words

Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance

Taking care of patients is not same as caring for them. Healthcare system is becoming competitive day by day where patients are recognized as clients of healthcare. Nursing care involves identifying patient’s need and overcome the barriers that prevent to deliver quality care. The main issue in delivering proper care to patients is that health care system increased expenditure and turning into more profitable business. It is very necessary to create healing environment for patients to make them feel secure...
1 Page 506 Words

National Junior Honor Society Essay

National Honor Junior Society would be a great opportunity for me, as I have exemplified each of the four characteristics listed as qualities of a NJHS member. Leadership is an important quality and I believe that I've contemplated that trait. I’m part of an orchestra, where leadership comes as an important trait. Based on my experience in orchestra, I can say that it's very important to be able to use your leadership aspect. Although I'm not always leading my entire...
1 Page 505 Words

Reflection on Whether Moses Wrote Genesis

The arguments circulating around The Hebrew scriptures of Genesis spark many theories among the religious and conspiracist alike, but no conspiracy is more debated about than whether Moses is the true author of the book of Genesis. This paper is here to put the conspiracies to rest by proving that Moses did not in fact write the book of Genesis. These are the three strongest points that I will make as to why Moses couldn’t have possibly written 'Genesis'. The...
1 Page 492 Words

Gun Violence as a Key Problem of Modern Society

In the course of recent years, gun violence has ascended to the cutting edge of open awareness. A significant part of the discussion has concentrated on firearm guidelines and keeping savage weapons out of the hands of potential executioners, especially those with psychological instabilities. Lamentably, far less consideration has been devoted to the effect of weapon viciousness on unfortunate casualties. While people slaughtered and harmed in barbarities, for example, the Sandy Hook and Aurora Theater shootings are freely recalled and...
1 Page 499 Words

Pop Art: The Exchange of Consumerism and Culture

After World War II, the US economy was booming, which meant prosperity for many Americans. Ordinary people had more money to spend on desirable items, luxuries, and entertainment. Advertising played a huge role in the economy, encouraging people to buy everything they want, whether they could afford it or not. These advertisements and commercials often had bold, colorful images, which is where pop art got its start. Pop art emerged as a discussion of the imagery and mass media of...
1 Page 505 Words

University of Sheffield Scholarship as a Great Opportunity to Strengthen My Academic Career

Being an academic cum martial artist, I always endeavor to improve myself in comparison of who I was yesterday. I’ve never lost my enthusiasm for learning new things and exercising the innovation of novelties throughout my life. I have completed B.Sc. (Hons) in Green Technology and have secured the First class with an overall GPA of 3.79 out of 4.00. I was selected in the top five students to participate in the Japan-Asia youth exchange program at Kobe University, Japan....
1 Page 505 Words

Product Placement as a Popular and Effective Marketing Tool

Globalization has many impacts in the world such as the advances of infrastructure, technologies and telecommunications. Those advances create a high competition among business industries. To compete within its market and customer, business industries must build a strong brand and creatively utilize various marketing tools. Marketing tool that is currently popular and effective can be identified as product placement that focuses on analyzing the impact of the appearance and use of a product on TV to customers. Wider audience is...
1 Page 504 Words

The Ability of Whole-Grain Cereal-Based Foods and Oatmeal to Prevent Heart Disease

Coronary ailments (i.e., CHD) is a major reason for death in the top advanced countries and is swiftly expanding in frequency among developing nations. Death rates from cardiovascular problems surpass one million deaths every year in United States of America and record for biggest ailment related expenses to health with the approximate expenses evaluated to surpass 120 dollars billion with reference to each fiscal year. Numerous diet-related factors, including saturated and total fat utilisation, fruits and vegetable intake ratios, are...
1 Page 519 Words

Preparation and Maintenance a Balance Sheet

In this essay we’ll be deconstructing what a balance sheet is, and how to make and maintain your own. There are three essential components that need to be listed on a balance sheet: assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity. Assets refer to what your business owns and their financial worth. Conversely, liabilities are what your business owes and how much. Finally, owner’s equity reflects the financial investments of yourself and any business partners you may have. This may all seem simple...
1 Page 508 Words

Workplace Risk and How to Reduce It

For the most part, there exist many hazard factors in a business organization or working environment. Indeed, even an instruction establishment isn't free of these hazard factors. How about we look at a portion of the hazard factors. Biological factors, for example, infections, microorganisms, plants, creepy crawlies, creature, and human, and so forth. Chemical factors identified with substance or lethal properties. Ergonomic factors originate from spontaneous setup. Psychological factors resemble pressure, dejection, savagery, and so forth Notwithstanding, in a training...
1 Page 479 Words

With Lupus, Sleep Never Comes Easily

My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on me in the middle of the night. The nurse told me that I stopped breathing over 90 times per minute. No wonder I didn’t feel rested in the morning! But even...
1 Page 503 Words

A Study on Comparative Balance Sheet with Special Reference to Indian Bank at Kumbakonam

In this study to analyze the comparative balance sheet of Indian bank. A study to show the effect on increase of decrease of the balance sheet to compare with the previous and current year balance sheet. In this statement the various aspect of the balance sheet to effect changes was show in this study. The bank assets position for post three year the bank and whether the bank financial position is good. Introduction A comparative balance sheet usually has two...
1 Page 517 Words

The Rapid Expansion of the United States in the 19th Century

The 19th century was very important for the history for America. It saw the rise of populism, Jacksonian democracy and the creation of the 'Manifest Destiny', invented in 1845 - an idea that the United States is destined to expand and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. The rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War. The...
1 Page 509 Words

The Progressive Era as a Big Failure in American History

As I went alongside and started out reading and studying about the Progressive Era. I without difficulty began to find out that this period in history become a large flop. Although Progressivism carried greater noteworthy proficiency to the administration, set up a more and more equivalent gambling subject for commercial enterprise, and increased the political intensity of normal residents, the finest sadness of the Progressive Era was its selective nature. The Progressive Era concurred with the Jim Crow era, which...
1 Page 522 Words

Greek Vs Roman Art

Many civilizations have influenced the world, both Roman and Greek existence have influenced American and European civilization to a greater extent than any other culture of the ancient land. When we conceive about the two societies, sometimes we may conceive of two groups of people lumped together who dominated the ancient universe. Nevertheless, this is not the case, the Roman and Greek cultures were contrasting in so many ways, especially in art. Both civilizations were really highly skilled builders. Throughout...
1 Page 497 Words
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