500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Solution To Enforcing Vaccination

Anti-vaccination is a serious thing to enforce about. You got religious people or crazy moms that don’t want to vaccinate their own child because they fear of that kid getting autism. Even though there are no proven facts about it. If there is a kid that has autism, it is from generic or drugs. By making laws to enforce vaccination, there will be least dangerous diseases like the measles and the pertussis (just to name a few). If you are...
1 Page 487 Words

Prerequisites Of Eugenics Movement

Eugenics were primarily used to “improve the genetic composition of the human race” (“Introduction to Eugenics”). Traits were selectively breed to make the human race better. Many people felt that being Deaf was not a desirable trait and through selective breeding they could get rid of it. They didn’t understand that being Deaf wasn’t something the person could control. Deaf people were not allowed to marry or have children because people were afraid they would have more deaf people Eugenics...
1 Page 505 Words

Failure Analysis In Cricket Bat

Abstract In this study it is intend to carry out static analysis on cricket bat for English willow bat at different points on blade of the bat by applying load obtained from the specific ball speeds. The author is trying to analyze the behavior of existing material in bat handle for load applied. Material in bat handle is changed and checked for its static performance. The bat was then modeled accordingly in Solid works and was imported to ANSYS Workbench...
1 Page 504 Words

Honoring Parents In Chinese Culture

Honoring parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is the responsibility and obligation of those who are children. In Chinese history, from ancient times to the present, no dynasty did not pay much attention to filial piety, Confucius put 'filial piety' in the first place of all morality, as 'the head of standing' and 'the source of self'. Many contemporary ethicists regard filial piety as the first step in dealing with interpersonal relationships in life, the...
1 Page 480 Words

Insect Life On Mars

Can life really exist anywhere else in the universe other than Earth? Does this presence of life prove the existence of aliens? Till now, Mars is the only planet which has shown some kind of signs of possibility of the existence of life on it. The research on this very topic has been going on for many years. Many found signs of life and many others disregarded those studies. But now, after countless studies on the topic, it is largely...
1 Page 491 Words

Should Student Athletes Get Paid To Go To College?

One of the biggest discussions in the sports world is should student athletes get paid to go to college? This type of pay is different from FAFSA and a full ride scholarship. I value these athletes having money for the essentials and necessities to live. Student athletes should get paid to go to college because their sport is their job. The amount of practice hours a week, the homework overload, all the traveling, and the amount of practice days during...
1 Page 481 Words

Why Does Augustine Believe You Can Only Get Happiness Through God?

Our underlying problem, according to Augustine, has to do with affection. Our problem is misplaced tenderness. We love the unfit things, or we love the correct stuff in the unsuitable way. For specimen, we wrongly tenderness power, fame, wealth, presence, and many other stuff that are unworthy of our pet. We also fondness stuff that are virtuous of love, such as other individuals, but if we do this in an monstrous air, putting others into a place reserved for God,...
1 Page 480 Words

Online Shopping Vs in Store Shopping Essay

The modern life has become more and more convenient with the internet usage. It does not only provides humans more opportunities with means of communications, but also the platforms of business. Some people find it more preferable to shop online while some fancies to shop at the real shop. In this essay, you will learn about the differences between online shopping and traditional shopping in term of the convenience, time saving, travelling expense reduction. The first dissimilarity of online shopping...
1 Page 491 Words

Light, Stars, And The Solar System

There is a huge difference between the three spectra. The first to use was the Testine Light Bulb, which gave us tremendous results. When the light bulb is lite passes through a colorful rainbow displayed with the whole number of colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet which were clearly separated. The second source was the Energy Efficient Light Bulb. The bulb on usual occasions shows a white light. When the light bulb’s light passes through the spectroscope,...
1 Page 485 Words

Humans: Good Or Evil?

There are many things scientists and philosophers can’t answer one being whether humans are born into the world good or evil; a concept that has been around since the wonders of human origin. In the novel The Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding the theme of human struggle between good and evil is highlighted throughout, as well as how we change within the environmental factors we are each given. Humans are not born good nor evil but rather...
1 Page 496 Words

Swimming As A Hobby

Hobbies are activities that people participate in on a regular basis for enjoyment. There are various hobbies that people can participate in from playing football to chess to reading. Hobbies are enjoyed by all people, but very few know how to begin others. You may want to try or experience somehting new, but you must first be given a tutorial. I will show you how to begin one of my most envigorating hobbies. When I'm unoccupied, I The activity I...
1 Page 506 Words

Religion And Its Relation To Morality

In regards to religion determining morality, it is not necessarily true for all people. Atheists who don’t believe in a higher force, still have morals. It is an assumption that your morals come from religion. But some argue it comes from the teaching of parents or adult figures growing up which has sticks with them throughout life. There is such a thing as self-generated ideas which can be a basis of where these morals come from. Sometimes we forget ideas,...
1 Page 494 Words

Determination Of Protein Concentration In Yoghurt Samples Using Bradford's Protein Assay

Food, substance consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients used in the body of an organism to sustain growth and vital processes and to furnish energy. The absorption and utilisation of food by the body is fundamental to nutrition and is facilitated by digestion. Protein, highly complex substance that is present in all living organisms. Proteins are of great nutritional value and are directly involved in the chemical processes essential for life. Proteins are species-specific; that is, the...
1 Page 485 Words

The Importance Of Foreign Language In High School

In Jenifer Lauren-Hall’s experiment on the effects on beginning to learn a foreign language earlier in life, the Japanese college students that began studying English as early as three years to twelve using only minimal effort did better on the tests than those who started later (Lauren-Hall). The study also found that the younger the students started studying English, the more advantage they had on the grammar test (Lauren-Hall). Although in the study, the students who put in more effort...
1 Page 514 Words

Writers Of Humor And Connection To The Audience

Humor in serious or dark topics can be seen more often than just in a novel or in a story. It is used as a type of relief or break between ideas throughout the story or ideas being shared. Humor can also be used as a form of reader identification; To make the writing relatable to the reader. Humor is also a way to delight the readers and to get them to read closely, or to simply make the writing...
1 Page 480 Words

Self-Reflection of Organisational Behavior

In this self evaluating report the main task is to reflect upon how participation in the workshop/ Organisational Behaviour team has changed my approach to team working. I found the workshop not just beneficial, but also interesting. According to me, good team is the team which works equally and efficiently to achieve common particular goal. Every team member has their own ideas, views or opinions, and when these are combined all together, the team functions well and achieve that goal....
1 Page 514 Words

Should College Athletes Be Paid?

College athletes shouldn’t be compensated for playing sports at the collegiate level, but for their advertisement and use of their names in video games and products. College athletes do not get exploited by their colleges for playing sports, but by organizations who are taking all of the profit at the cost of the athlete. Introduction Looking back, college athletes started playing sports originally to get their college education paid for, nothing more. And even though that’s still the case, college...
1 Page 515 Words

Benefits Of Fitness: Why It Matters

People have often overlooked exercise due to being lazy or thinking it's not important because they’re already skinny. But this is a much complicated matter than what it seems on the surface. People are suffering from diseases that could’ve been prevented by exercising and they hate themselves for not doing so at the time. They fail to realize that they can still make a difference at the moment they realize that they messed up and now have to deal with...
1 Page 499 Words

What It Means Being An Architect

“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our civilization.” ( Frank Lloyd Wright ) Without any architects from then to now, we would not have any of the fascinating structures we have today. According to the Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, an architect's definition is a person who designs and supervises their construction in many different ways. People dream about being young architects at a young age without not even...
1 Page 511 Words

The Features Of Pride Feeling

Pride is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Most individuals strive to take pride in something, whether it is product they own or even a business that they are a part of. The word pride can be used in either a good or bad way. Pride in a positive way is when a person is...
1 Page 477 Words

Is Doubt Necessary For All Forms Of Knowledge?

Discoveries by scientists are made out of their curiosity about the natural world. In order to fulfill their goals, they tend to doubt on things and question themselves to find and understand the truth and have answers to the phenomenon. Skepticism is a theory of doubting and questioning knowledge claims to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of speculations. Based on the article entitled Descartes and the method of doubt by Michael lacewing (n.d.), according to Descartes doubt is the foundation...
1 Page 524 Words

What Is Reputation Economy?

According to Forbes Magazine, a reputation economy is a marketplace where brands or professionals are treated like products and are rated, commented on, and judged based on reputation. (Schawbel, Dan). If a brand creates positive interactions, it will open opportunities, whereas a negative brand will diminish its reputation in the marketplace. With the development of Internet evolution, more and more people search for brands and products based on their personalities before approaching to providers and make the decisions. Facebook and...
1 Page 513 Words

Use Of Chromatography To Study Pigments From Leaf Extracts

Introduction According to Giddings and Keller (2016), chromatography is a technique used to separate solutes from a mixture. It is widely used for separation and identification of biological compounds, or to analyse mixtures. An example of its use is separation of pigments from dyes. Identification of compounds is done by using retention factor values, simply known as Rf values. The objective of this experiment is to separate the pigments of chlorophyll, from leaves from four different species of plants, namely...
1 Page 492 Words

Religion And Women

HYPOTHESIS As per studies, many religions elevate the status of men over women. They have stricter sanctions and penalties against women. Many religions also expect them to be submissive. This is because there are fundamentals in each religion that tend to resist change. This leads to hindrance in not only women empowerment but also in other aspects of society. Social and political factor also plays a major role that can have an impact on women empowerment. Even in today’s world...
1 Page 499 Words

DNA: The Silver Bullet For Crime Scene Investigation?

Many believe that DNA is the silver bullet in a crime scene investigation, to which I strongly disagree. Quoting Chris Alpen, ‘DNA can never replace a thoughtful, creative detective with the right resources’, and that ‘technology is ultimately a system run by humans where mistakes can and will be made, regardless of how advanced it is.’ DNA is powerful in its ability to identify a person; ¬its discovery can determine the innocence or guilt of a suspect. Trace amounts of...
1 Page 501 Words

The Advantages Of Having A First Aid Kit At Home

First aid kits are a crucial possession in all households. From slight abrasion to severe injuries, these kits can help lessen the possibility of infection and the extent of wounds. A typical first aid kit has equipment that can treat burns, contusions, cuts, strains, and other types of injuries. As unpleasant as it seems, accidents are inevitable. Owning a first aid kit can save lives during domestic emergencies. Here are the advantages of owning a first aid kit A Stop-gap...
1 Page 496 Words

Baseball And World War II

When you think of World War ll you may think strictly of the battle, but there were also forms of entertainment that continued on, such as baseball. During the war baseball wasn’t the most popular sport, but it didn’t take long to grow in popularity. There were many athletes that took part in baseball but roughly 500 major league players had left the playing field to join the military. Many of these men who were famous left their fame and...
1 Page 476 Words

International Students: Homesickness And Discrimination

Learning is the key to fulfill our needs as it helps to earn livelihood. In today’s scenario, most of the students are noticed to travel from one country to other for gaining their education. Canada is one of the reputed countries in which most of the students dream to study for development of their future. This might be due to the lack of employment opportunities or minimal golden chances to emerge bright in their own mother country. The migration of...
1 Page 523 Words

The Effects Of Inequality Within Society In A Doll's House

At the time of its release, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen was both radical and influential with respect to both society and storytelling. Ibsen’s controversial work was often associated with gender politics, with it opening a dialogue on whether feminist ideals had a place in theatre. Because of this, my production of A Doll’s House aims to further highlight the effects of inequality within society through establishing connections between its effects on characters like Nora to similar occurrences in...
1 Page 485 Words

Running: Why Is So Important

Lying of a comfortable couch and watching your favorite series all day it sounds fantastic and fun but have you think what you are doing with your body by doing so. A person who lay down and the person who goes for running each day both are hell different from each other. Running gives energy, shape, to the body and meditate your mind. Make your habit to go to running every day because it is so important for your body....
1 Page 507 Words
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