550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay: Ned Kelly As a Victim

Ned Kelly was a notorious bushranger in Colonial Australia. Over the numerous years after his death, some people established different judgments on whether Ned Kelly was a hero, victim, or a hero. Some people say he was a hero who fought for the justice of others while others say he was a villain who committed numerous crimes Ned Kelly was certainly a victim because the police treated his family poorly, he was drawn into a fight between two hawkers that...
1 Page 542 Words

Aspects of the Impact of Company Culture on Employees: Analytical Essay

Corporate culture Corporate culture can be defined as a symbol of an organization or personality; it’s what you believe and stand for, and what makes your company different. Company culture has to do with how employees, prospective employees, customers, and the public perceive your organization. Corporate culture is powerful: it can affect sales, profits, recruitment efforts, and employee morale, whether it is good or bad. A great company culture attracts people who want to work or do business with the...
1 Page 561 Words

Symbol of Home in The Haunting of Hill House and Secret Window: Comparative Essay

Every day, people go home to relax. A home is considered to be a safe space for everyone. However, it may not be safe for some individuals. For example, some neighbourhoods and communities might be dangerous and there might be crime. However, there could be a lack of safety in places people expect to be safe, such as neighbourhoods with mansions. In The Haunting of Hill House and Secret Window, home is a significant symbol because it is not a...
1 Page 560 Words

Harlem Renaissance in Zora Neale Hurston’s Short Story 'Sweat': Analytical Essay

“Too much knockin' will ruin any 'oman. He done beat huh 'nough tuh kill three women, let 'lone change they looks,” says Elijah Mosley one of the characters discussing how Sykes Jones treats his wife Delia Jones in Zora Neale Hurston’s short story, Sweat. He uses this comment to express the extent of Sykes’ abuse and Delia’s resilience. Elijah says that beating a woman will ruin the beauty of any women and Sykes did not only beat Delia enough to...
1 Page 534 Words

Concept of Nathan’s Garden in The Poisonwood Bible: Analytical Essay

While the basic perception of the use of gardens is to sustain human needs, gardens symbolize life and how it can be created by simply placing a tiny seed into the earth and properly caring for it. In The Poisonwood Bible, Nathan’s garden illustrates his ignorance of Congolese customs while the plants in the garden that refuse to bear fruit reflect the deterioration of African culture because of Western imperialism. When going to the Congo, each family member took with...
1 Page 563 Words

Helen of Troy Movie Analysis

As I watch the movie Helen of Troy, at first it was just fine because I tought that it was just desame as other movies, but I was in aw on how bizarre the plot of the story for me is. I'm not really a fan of greek mythology specialy there time back then. I don't hate it at the same time I don't like it, I just think it's just so ridiculous how they live a life like that...
1 Page 572 Words

Should Zoos Exist? Essay

Zoos are a popular attraction amongst children and adults. It has been suggested that animals have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, with the first zoo being established in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However there is split opinion on having zoos within local communities. Some of the positives are it's a place of education, conservation, rescue and breeding programmes. The negatives are animals may suffer physically and mentally, the environment doesn't meet their natural habitat....
1 Page 549 Words

The Significance of The Houston Zoo in Promoting Awareness

The Houston Zoo is both a conservation and rehabilitation place for animals and education source for kids and adults alike. They provide easy to understand information about the animals that reside at the zoo. This is mainly done through the means of plaques, boards, and electronics devices that are stationed near the animal exhibits. Along with signs, the Houston Zoo has an educational center and programs. These help promote and educate the guests who visit or want to learn more...
1 Page 568 Words

The Discussion on the Necessity of Pennies in the Financial System

The price of zinc has soared over the course of the last few years, and with that the price to produce the penny has gone up. The U.S. Mint reports that it costs nearly 1.6 cents to product one single cent (Grenoble, 2013). A cent that, most of the time, goes unused. There has been a growing debate on whether we should keep the penny or let it go. In my opinion, the U.S. Mint should stop producing pennies because...
1 Page 571 Words

The Statement of Purpose (MBA Program)

Ever since I visited the Indian Oil Refinery in Panipat, I have been fascinated with the process of converting crude oil into petrol, kerosene and other oil derivatives. This inclination has driven me to pursue a career in the oil & energy sector. My vast experience in this industry has provided me with the holistic view of the business besides technical know how. With MBA, I intend to enhance my business knowledge and build upon my managerial aptitude. I work...
1 Page 570 Words

Biggest Threats To The Tundra Biome

The tundra biome is mostly cold, its climate is 10-20 degrees all year round except for during the short summer when the wildflowers bloom and the sun shines 24 hours a day. The treeless region is found on tops of mountains and in the arctic where there are low temperatures, it’s windy and there is very little rainfall. The tundra biome is made out to be desert-like and is said to be one of the harshest biomes. One of the...
1 Page 550 Words

Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare Essay

Despite being used interchangeably, the terms animal welfare and animal rights are different. One can state that the term animal rights refers to the privileges that animals should enjoy (Welfare vs. Rights). Scholars that support this school of thought argue that animals should have the same privileges as human beings (Welfare vs. Rights). On the other hand, animal welfare refers mainly to the human responsibility to ensure that all aspects of animal well-being are upheld (Welfare vs. Rights). This essay...
1 Page 557 Words

Embracing Technology in Tornado Recovery

Caitria and Morgan O’Neill are two sisters who come from the city of Monson. Their hometown was hit by a tornado, and they felt the urge to offer their help to the townsfolk. They realized that when a disaster occurs more so naturally, there is only a limited period of time for help to be offered from global organizations, before other people need the same help too thus, it is very important for people to get themselves ready for recovery...
1 Page 571 Words

Internship Report on My Finance Experience

It is important for an individual to reflect and evaluate hisher performance after performing a task and it is also important for me to evaluate my performance during my internship. Reflecting on my internship experience and the skills learnt, I realize the weaknesses and strengths I had during my time at Care for Basotho Association. The weaknesses had a negative impact and the strengths had a positive impact on my overall performance. I had a few weaknesses during my internship...
1 Page 563 Words

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Regulation

Summary In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In the beginning, they discuss how the American landscape was transformed by sawmills, ironworks, or foundries (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 436). Furthermore, they discuss various threats that arise from the activities of many companies. For instance, one can speak about the dangers related to the chemical industry. Much attention should be paid to different forms of cancer and other diseases that adversely affect the...
1 Page 560 Words

Thomas Jefferson Symbols

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial, a monument in Washington D.C., has rich information in it’s bones waiting to be shown, viewed, and appreciated. It brings a sense of pride to the country and its people. What people do not realize is that this memorial is a part of the foundation that is the United States history. The shrine is located in West Potomac Park. On the east and south, East Basin Drive borders the monument; on the west and north, the...
1 Page 540 Words

Amazon Rainforest: Keystone, Invasive, Endangered Species

A biome selected to describe is a tropical rainforest biome and an ecosystem chosen is the Amazon rainforest. This rainforest is among the largest in the world, having a wide variety of species. In this essay, the example of a keystone species, the Brazil nut tree, found in the biome and ecosystem will be provided. The author will also describe an invasive species, the golden mussel, in the ecosystem and its negative impacts. Finally, jaguar as an endangered species in...
1 Page 556 Words

Comparing Science and Religion in Frankenstein and Angels and Demons

Science and religion have been at odds since back in Galileo’s day and maybe even before. The battle rages on even today with debates on cloning and stem cell research. These issues can be seen not only today’s literary works but also in the works from the years past. Two great examples of the past and present are: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. Both deal with the issue of the roles that science and religion play....
1 Page 532 Words

Shield Volcano, One of The Volcano Types

There are many volcanoes around the world, one might think there are all the same but in fact, volcanoes are separated into three categories. The three categories that volcanoes are separated to is composite, cinder cones, and shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes have been around for some time now but what are shield volcanoes and where are shield volcanoes found? What are the similarities and differences between the shield, cinder cones, and composite volcanoes? Lastly, what are the effects of shield...
1 Page 535 Words

The State of Maryland Stand on Slavery

At one point in history, most of the United States was known as a place where the bondage of African slaves was a very common thing. Gradually, all states where slavery prevailed let go of such a heinous act by allowing those whose ancestors were taken from their motherlands and forced into bondage were free, released of the pain carried on the literal backs of their families for generations. The beginning of slavery, the slavery of antiquity, was not based...
1 Page 561 Words

The Law on Hazardous Waste Management System

Comment The law on hazardous waste management systems was published in the Federal Register on July 24, 2012. Besides, it was majorly designed to make some vital changes to the hazardous waste identification rules. These unsafe rules were put in place by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). According to various reports from the environmental management section, the United States energy department should be held responsible for the mixed wastes. Therefore, the wastes should be treated in regard to...
1 Page 556 Words

Thomas Jefferson Pros and Cons of Presidency

Jefferson was one of the most brilliant men ever to serve as president. His interest in geography and natural science helped him to understand the true significance of the Louisiana Territory, and when Napoleon made his fateful offer, Jefferson acted swiftly and decisively to accept it, thereby doubling the land area of the U.S. He then dispatched his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, along with William Clark, on a scientific expedition to explore the new territory. While undoubtedly a great mind,...
1 Page 554 Words

The Main Facts About Hydraulic Fracturing Technology

Invented in the 1940s and now used in over 90 percent of U.S. drilling operations, hydraulic fracturing is a method of extraction of natural gas and oil that involves injecting fluid in high pressures in order to crack the geological formation such as rocks that contain the hydrocarbon. The fluid composition consists of 90 to 98 percent water, a proppant in order to keep fractures open, and a smaller percentage of chemical additives. Hydraulic fracturing technology has had an impact...
1 Page 573 Words

Petroleum and Natural Gas

Petroleum and natural gases are formed million of years ago under the immense heat and pressure; these fossil fuels are classified as non-renewable resources. They are limited in a sense that they can only be found in underground reservoirs and beneath the ocean floor; which tells us that they can only be extracted from these locations. The extraction is done by the use of different machines or structures depending on the geology and location. An example of such is an...
1 Page 555 Words

Hurricane: How Human Actions Affect It

Throughout history, the United States has had many catastrophic and costly natural disasters, some of which have caused billions of dollars in damage, and the number of dangerous phenomena is only increasing. Hurricanes are one of the most potent forces of the elements, which cause significant destruction, great damage to economic facilities, and lead human casualties. To prevent the frequent occurrence of this weather phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the process of its occurrence and how human actions affect...
1 Page 570 Words

Human Relationships in The August Wilson Play

People create fences in everyday life that either would have a positive effect or a negative effect, meaning keeping away from his or her enemies or keeping her loved ones within close distance. In Fences, by August Wilson, Rose builds three fences that separate and keeps people close to her. The fences that Rose builds around Bono, Cory, and Troy affect how she maintains or changes her relationship with them. Rose builds her fence in her friendship with Bono to...
1 Page 571 Words

Poor Solid Waste Management: The Health Effects

Poor solid waste management is a common environmental issue that not only affects developed, but developing countries as well. Landfills, recycling failures, and poor waste transfers characterize it (Environment Victoria, 2015). Poor waste management is an environmental issue because it not only creates “eyesores,” but also emits toxins, leachate, and greenhouse gases (Environment Victoria, 2015). These characteristics cause environmental pollution through surface water contamination and soil contamination (Environment Victoria, 2015). Indeed, many materials that make up solid waste contain toxins...
1 Page 575 Words

The Simple Steps to Protect Your PC from Hackers

In this universe of pervasive CPU and persevering dangers from specialist, ensuring your CPU is an unquestionable requirement. The key pathway through which malware assaults the framework is the Internet and its famous administration, the Web. There are various approaches to shield and expel malware from our CPU. Nobody technique is sufficient to guarantee your CPU is secure CPU. The more layers of barrier, the harder for programmers to utilize your PC. Here are five basic, however basic strides to...
1 Page 557 Words

Conscience and Moral Decision Making in Scriptures and The Catholic Tradition

Our conscience works as a voice in our minds that makes judgments on the moral stance of our actions, and creates our differentiation of good and evil. Through the psychoanalytical perspective, the conscience is known as a representation of your superego. This is because it is formed through a number of factors while an individual is growing up. These factors are religion, culture, environment, education, and norms which affect your morals and play an active role in the formation of...
1 Page 548 Words

The Effect of Population Change on Water Scarcity

Population is the number of inhabitants (in our case, human) in a specific region. Global population is now about 7.4 billion and we should remember that despite the fact that world is unevenly distributed, every minute the population is growing. Although there are regions where population decline or change in structure caused by the births, deaths and migration. Population will decline if death rate is greater than birth rate and will increase if death rate is less than birth rate....
1 Page 560 Words
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