550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How The Second Revival Happened in The Biggest Camp Crusade

Cane Ridge: America’s Pentecost is a documentation of the largest and most famous camp meetings of the Second Great Awakening. It took place during August 1801 at Cane Ridge, Kentucky and was led by Barton Stone. Over 20,000 people attended these religious services that were organized by Presbyterian ministers and Methodist preachers. There had never previously been such large religious meetings, which caused preaching to be difficult. The preachers at these religious meetings stood on large logs and tree stumps,...
1 Page 560 Words

The Adoption of E-Learning in South African High Schools

E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom (Elearningnc.gov, 2019). South Africa's public education system is going through massive transformation, moving away from limited educational opportunities based on race and poverty levels to social and educational inclusiveness. Most of e-learning systems are oriented to support higher academic levels of education. However, soon after the universities, many high schools also have implemented e-learning systems as an additional option to the traditional educational process(Nikolova et...
1 Page 570 Words

Waste Management our Responsibility Essay

Essay on Waste Management-Waste management is essential in today’s society. Due to an increase in population, the generation of waste is getting doubled day by day. Moreover, the increase in waste is affecting the lives of many people. For instance, people living in slums are very close to the waste disposal area. Therefore there are prone to various diseases. Hence, putting their lives in danger. In order to maintain a healthy life, proper hygiene and sanitation are necessary. Consequently, it...
1 Page 541 Words

Euthyphro': Analysis and Themes

The Euthyphro is a paradigmatic early dialogue of Plato's: it is brief, deals with a question in ethics, consists of a conversation between Socrates and one other person who claims to be an expert in a certain field of ethics, and ends inconclusively. It is also riddled with Socratic irony: Socrates poses as the ignorant student hoping to learn from a supposed expert, when in fact he shows Euthyphro to be the ignorant one who knows nothing about the subject...
1 Page 573 Words

Biography of Neil Armstrong: The First Person on The Moon

These are the famous words spoken by Neil Alden Armstrong. Who was the first person in history to walk on the moon. He left earth on July 16, 1969 to embark on this extraordinary lunar mission. Neil had shown immense courage and bravery to venture into space, anything could have happened. He is an inspiration to all because of this remarkable achievement. This year we celebrate 50 years since the first moon landing. Neil Alden Armstrong was born on August...
1 Page 537 Words

Deforestation: The Reasons Forests Should Be Protected

The causes of deforestation which is development of agriculture and economic pressure has lead to several effects which is not only affects the people, but plants, animals and environment. These effects has negative impacts especially on land and biodiversity. Deforestation has many effects toward every species on the earth and environment, and one of the impact is on land. The biggest problem will be faced by earth after deforestation is soil erosion (Lindsey, 2007). The soil was attached by the...
1 Page 573 Words

Essay on Plant Trees Save Earth

Introduction Today humans are enjoying a technological era where everything becomes possible and easier through various technologies and industries. But this luxurious life does have a black side. It has many harmful effects on nature. Earlier people don’t have major industries and technologies but they have trees and pure air. Today people have all the major facilities but at the cost of trees that provide us pure air and many more things. Importance of trees Trees provide oxygen without which...
1 Page 550 Words

Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient to keep people entirely from harm. The consequences of tornadoes are inevitable, and many different organizations help people overcome difficulties caused by such disasters. AmeriCares is one such organization that...
1 Page 550 Words

Power of Fair Over Us

Fear. We all experience it universally every day as a basic emotion. Everywhere we go, everything we do, fear is hidden deep in our minds. Some might not consider fear’s power over us, thinking it’s too small of emotion to be in control of our ginormous body, and our even bigger life. Fear is just known to be a survival instinct, only to take control in dire situations, it sounds like we benefit from it, don’t we? Phobia comes from...
1 Page 572 Words

Water Shortages in The USA

According to the United Nations about the Water of life research in 2013, “more than one billion people are lack of using and drinking clean water on the earth.” Currently, the shortage of water is a serious problem. Many areas around the world are lack of using clean water so people usually suffer from starving. Water pollution, overpopulation, and climate change are the three main causes of water shortages. First, water pollution is one cause of water scarcity. “The sources...
1 Page 558 Words

The Things They Carried': Symbolism in the Book

Although O’Brien is unclear about whether or not he actually threw a grenade and killed a man outside My Khe, his memory of the man’s corpse is strong and recurring, symbolizing humanity’s guilt over war’s horrible acts. In “The Man I Killed,” O’Brien distances himself from the memory by speaking in the third person and constructing fantasies as to what the man must have been like before he was killed. O’Brien marvels at the wreckage of his body, thinking repeatedly...
1 Page 526 Words

Main Events of The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant revival movement that held back to 1790 and moved faster by 1800. It was after 1820 when membership rapidly escalated amongst Methodist and Baptism congregations led by their respective preachers. By 1870, the Second Great Awakening started to deteriorate. Millions of new members were enrolled, and new dominions formed. The Second Great Awakening, which spread religion via revivals and emotional preaching, led to the rise of various reform movements. The movement has been...
1 Page 568 Words

The Importance of Talking About Depression

What is depression first? Depression is the common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act and if you’re going to ask me if we should talk about depression my answer is yes, because depression is not a joke and people need a shoulder. Why am I telling this to you? Because I want you to open your mind and for you to be aware. The reason anyone gets depressed,...
1 Page 567 Words

A Terrible Story About Emmett Till

In the research project I will be researching about Emmett Till. In This paragraph I will be talking about Emmett Till’s Childhood. Emmett Till was born on July 25 but unlike like most he died when he was only fourteen on August 28, 1955. Till's nickname was Bobo. He didn’t have a normal childhood either, in fact he had polio at age 5. Luckily he recovered but he still had a slight stutter for the rest of his life. He...
1 Page 539 Words

Mental Abuse with Today's Generation

Apart from the physical damages, our generation is badly being a victim to mental abuse. The article focuses on the damages and the gap between the adults and children of the era In today’s era, the subject of child abuse is being condemned worldwide. The issues of child labor, young street beggars, sexual attempts on children (both girls and boys), harassment, kidnapping are heavily addressed and measures are taken to control them. These issues were existing from the past centuries...
1 Page 537 Words

Nuclear Waste Management Essay

Waste disposal is the sensational topic these days. However, it is only the Nuclear power that takes full responsibility for all its waste and costs into this product. The wastes that is generated from the thermal industries has to be managed with extra care as it should not have any hazardous impact on the environment and mankind as much of the waste is radioactive in nature. During the nuclear fuel cycle, all parts of the process do emit waste and...
1 Page 534 Words

College as an Integral Part of Our Life

The college experience and benefits could be described as a photo album. Imagine looking back upon your education and seeing a picture of each encounter and gain. My album would include three main folios. The pride taken by myself and my family upon receiving a bachelor’s degree. The abundance of knowledge of both things you believe you will never use and those things that surprise you when you do. Along with the differences in people you befriend and come across...
1 Page 563 Words

Baby Boomer Population Within The Post World War II Era and before The Vietnam War

First of all, baby boomers are people who were born within the post World War II era and before the Vietnam War. These people are called baby boomers because of the increased birth rate during this period. In the United States, there are about 76 million in total baby boomer population. Even George Bush, the current President of the United States is part of the baby boomer population. Today, baby boomers are in the ages between 40 years old to...
1 Page 564 Words

Adaptations of Trees in the Rainforest Biomes Essay

The trees in the rainforest biomes have developed several adaptations to enable them to survive the conditions in the area. The rain forests receive an average of between 50 and 260 inches of rainfall annually (Denslow, 1987). This means that the plants in that area will need to adapt in order to ensure that they shed water in an efficient way. Another problem that may be encountered by rainforest flora is that the sunlight that reaches the plants on a...
1 Page 568 Words

Important Realities of Debt Consolidation in Relation to Bankruptcy for People

Debt consolidation is recognized as a wide range of financial strategies to help people accomplish their crushing debt. But in reality, these strategies can be quite diverse with different penalties. The true debt consolidation into mortgages is a good way out for many people fronting large debt. If you are in debt, you may discover difficulties right now. Numerous websites are providing all sorts of debt resolutions. What is Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy is an authorized proceeding. People can't announce bankruptcy without...
1 Page 572 Words

Climate Change: The Effects, Challenges and Mitigation

Climate differs from the weather on the aspect of time. Contrary to the atmospheric conditions of weather which usually lasts over a short period of time, the climate is the manner in which the atmosphere behaves over a prolonged period of time (Speer, 2011). Thus, the patterns of weather condition are short-term and hence it can be experienced on any given day. On the contrary, the average weather patterns of a climatic change are over a long period of time...
1 Page 538 Words

Pros and Cons of Zoos Essay

Every big city has a zoo where all the wild animals are kept in naturally simulated environment. People flock to the place to see the beasts and the heroes of the forest wilderness. It is a wonderful experience for the kids and adult alike nevertheless there are drawbacks too. Therefore, let’s find out the pros and cons of the Zoo. Advantages of a zoo Amazing benefits for the animals: Wild animals injured or abandoned in the forest are brought to...
1 Page 540 Words

Water Pollution Index of Batujai Reservoir, Central Lombok Regency-Indonesia

Clean, fresh water is a valuable natural resource that ensures the survivability of the nation. Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s management and environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis (“Indonesia’s water and sanitation crisis”). In their 2019 study, Rahim and Soeprobowati aimed at finding an answer to the following research question: “What is the water pollution index of Batujai, the largest water reservoir in...
1 Page 566 Words

Why I Am a Supporter of Socialism

Political ideology is a fixed or settled set of ethical ideas, principles or foundation for a system, doctrines about the political, economic, social and cultural affairs held by the people and explains how the society should work on, how to allocate power and on what extent it should be used. The man has an ideal thing that has to be fill in and that is called necessities. There are things that we need to comply for ourselves and things that...
1 Page 574 Words

The Causes of Ocean Pollution and The Need for Humans to Save Marine Life

For many years, ocean pollution has been a problem, but recently it has been getting worse. In the past 60 years, a staggering amount of waste has entered the ocean each year. The products people produce eventually end up in the ocean which is caused by dumping and runoff through drains. The main causes of ocean pollution are oil, solid garbage, and toxic chemicals. For these reasons, humans need to have more respect for marine life and work together to...
1 Page 565 Words

Composite Volcanoes - The Most Explosive Volcanoes

Composite volcanoes, also known as stratovolcanoes, are a lot more explosive than other volcanoes. Stratovolcanoes are one of the most dangerous types of volcanoes. The large, cone-shaped volcanoes form on subduction zones called plate boundaries. The magma contains more silica making it more viscous. The thick, viscous magma plugs up the volcano and causes pressure to build-up; resulting in a dangerous and explosive eruption. Composite volcanoes, or Stratovolcanoes, are formed through the collision of Oceanic and Continental plate boundaries. This...
1 Page 560 Words

South Africa's Resources for Fuel Production

South Africa is a country struggling to meet its energy demands. Due to its rise in population and its climate problems as well as other factors, there is a need for the southern African country to focus on discovering or using as many ways as possible to meet the demands for fuel in the country. The country is now focusing on producing more renewable energy which is safe to the environment, South Africa producing bioethanol from Sugar Cane Bagasse (SCB)...
1 Page 544 Words

Nuclear Energy: Safe, Economical, Reliable Essay

The demand for energy is anticipated to increase in the future because of the population growth and development of emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia. By 2050, electricity consumption is expected to double due to the shift from fossil energy (Poinssot et al., 2014). Again, anthropogenic activities such as energy production are contributing extensively to greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Currently, 80% of energy emanates from fossils fuels; thus, the world will continue to face the challenges of...
1 Page 557 Words

What Are the Harmful Effects Of Global Warming

Global Warming, you’ve probably heard this word before in places like school, on the news, or maybe from your friends and family, but what even is global warming and what are the effects of it? Good Morning Ms. Hoy and year 8, today I’ll be talking about the harmful effects of global warming. So, back to the question, what is global warming. Well, global warming is a gradual increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere which is mainly caused...
1 Page 543 Words

Importance of Environmental Sustainability Essay

Sustainability is the avoidance of natural resource depletion to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. It factors how people can protect the natural world surrounding them from destruction and damages. Over the years, civilization has been detrimental to the environment. This is because it utilizes plenty of resources, which are not renewable and viable. Developments at the present should focus on meeting needs without compromising future generations’ access to raw materials. Three pillars that contribute to sustainable development are economic development,...
1 Page 556 Words
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