550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Negative Impact of Cell Phones: An Essay

I always wanted to talk about the negative impact of cell phones and explain my thoughts and opinions about it. No one can deny that phones are the most used technology these days. Why is that? And why is it so addictive? Mobiles phones not only bring lenience in communication, but also have many negative aspects that affect our health, children, and the lives of others. First, it has been proven that cell phones send microwave radiation, that is really...
1 Page 541 Words

George W.Bush's Responsibility for 9/11

The cause of 9/11 has always been thought of us as a “series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001” (The Daily Telegraph, 2011). However, over the years there have been many speculations and theories regarding the underlying cause of 9/11 as some state that their might have been insider trading or a growing case of air defense stand down led by the president...
1 Page 553 Words

Alexander Fleming’s Great Discovery

Penicillin is still currently being used worldwide today, due to it curing many people and preventing them from dying. Alexander Fleming has made people all around the world extremely grateful for this life changing discovery. Even though Fleming did discover penicillin he did have some help from two young researchers. The researchers were called Howard Florey and Ernst Chain. The two-researchers teamed up with Fleming do make penicillin more efficient. The researchers and Fleming succeeded, and the antibiotic was used...
1 Page 559 Words

Cost Accounting as a Form of Management Accounting

Management accounting is an analytical system that produces outputs using inputs and processes that to be implemented by the system to achieve specific management objective and transfers inputs to outputs that meet the system objectives. Management accounting system has three broad objectives: 1) provides information on the cost of products, facilities and other management matters of concern; 2) special scheduling, quality evaluation and continuous improvement data; 3) provides detailed decision-making data. Management accounting refers to interpreting the accounting information obtained...
1 Page 534 Words

The True Meaning of Christmas for Christians

Christmas today is happily celebrated by millions of people for whom its religious meaning is not very important. For many people, Christmas is just a happy holiday when they exchange gifts, eat lots of good food and go to parties. But for the Christian community Christmas means much more than this. For most Christians, the most important part of the festival is not the food or the parties, or the presents. It is the fact that they are celebrating the...
1 Page 545 Words

Ned Kelly: Hero or Horrible Villain

In Australian bushranger history, Ned Kelly was the one everyone either feared or loved. Ned, a controversial character with many flaws, is a villain. A bushranger’s apprentice, more than two jail sentences, and being the instigator at the Stringybark Creek incident (where three people were murdered) is proof of this man’s evil. Ned Kelly chose to start his notorious career as a bushranger’s apprentice. Ned liked the idea of robbing on the highways, knowing it was wrong. “They didn’t earn...
1 Page 550 Words

Will Robots Take Over the World? Essay

It is time for us to see the issue that is rupturing our society. The problem is the increase in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that is taking over the world in our workplaces and homes, and the damage that it is leaving for our future generations and the ways of life which are being negatively affected. Without paying too much attention to it, artificial intelligence has become the new way of life. We have been inundated with robots...
1 Page 568 Words

Inspiring Speeches by Henry V and John F. Kennedy

The timeless qualities associated with these two historical leaders inspire young leaders up until today despite the evolution of time. William Shakespeare’s play ‘Henry V Speech St. Crispin’s Day’ and John F. Kennedy’s speech ‘We Choose to Go to the Moon’ use motivation, vision, and determination. For leaders to be effective we carry out these qualities to become effective leaders. Shakespeare depicts a profound lesson in leadership. King henry’s persuasive address is a rhetorical masterpiece. His speech is not only...
1 Page 531 Words

Reflection of William Blake's Attitude to Society in the Poem 'London'

Romanticism was the period of time which extended from 1750 to 1870. The major areas in the world vanguarding the movement were Europe, United States of America and Latin America. This movement was countering the rules of law formulas and was embracing imagination, subjectivity, freedom, expression and idealization of nature. During the Romanticism many writers were involved such as William Blake, William Wordsworth and others. They showed their support to the movement through illustrations and writings. Romanticism preferred the use...
1 Page 561 Words

Joan of Arc's Main Life Events

Joan Of Arc was a national heroine of France, she was born 1412 in a village called Domremy which is located in Grand Est. At the age of 18, she had led the French army to triumph over the English at Orleans but sadly, she was captured a year later and was burnt at stake. She was included in many different events which some were very risky but she was brave enough to take all those risks. On February 13,...
1 Page 536 Words

Charlemagne as an Amazing Ruler

He was active in overseeing his kingdom and regularly travelled around it. He also set up a network of messengers to report back to him on what was happening. Under his rule, his kingdom rose to dominate Western Europe. Over his lifetime, Charlemagne fought many wars. His victories expanded the territory under his control. He was helped by the armies of his loyal supporters. Charlemagne had earlier given many of these men grants of land, a common practice among the...
1 Page 554 Words

Essay on Smartphone Addiction Problem and Its Solution

Smartphone, the Internet-enabled device incorporated with computer applications and software, has become an inevitable part of life. Because of its portability and user-friendly nature, this device has attracted more and more people. According to Statista (2020), 3.5 billion people in the world use smartphone, which translates to 45.04% of the world’s population. Smartphone helps people to work, study, acquire or share information. It also helps people to maintain social relationships and enjoy leisure activities. Education is another field, which benefits...
1 Page 527 Words

Christmas Holidays - Time for Family Only

Spending time with family has always been my thing. You get to see them when they are happy, sad, laughing, crying and smiling you get to see through the good times and the bad times, family is everything. When I returned to class from the break my teacher assigned me and my classmates a writing assignment based on what we did during the Christmas Holiday and what was memorable or special. Just before the last day of school was over...
1 Page 543 Words

Regulating Guns: Is It the Right Solution to Reduce Gun Violence Shootings or Not

The controversial issue of gun control has been the epicenter of discussion for the past decade. As a result of recurring mass shootings that have ended with tragedy and grief, gun violence has divided society into a heated debate to determine the best solution for gun control. On one hand, many individuals believe that restrictions must be enforced on guns. The opposing hand consists of people who do not think that regulating guns is the most favorable act. These individuals...
1 Page 535 Words

What Did Franklin D. Roosevelt Do During the Great Depression?

American citizen’s living standards improved by 1936 due to the election of Franklin Roosevelt and the Revenue Act. However, most people were still struggling in 1936 due to unemployment. President Hoover didn’t really act to subside the suffering of Americans in the early years of the Great Depression. So, having Franklin Roosevelt elected as president had to be the answer. He promised the ‘New Deal’ to all Americans which ultimately was true. He wanted to be able to regulate businesses...
1 Page 526 Words

Effect of the Cotton Gin on Slavery in the United States

In 1793 an American inventor, Eli Whitney, a man also looked up to as the pioneer in American manufacturing brought to existence the cotton engine. His invention was patented in 1794 (Wright,1975). The cotton gin is generally an engine that makes it easy to separate cotton seeds from the fiber. From the invention cotton became American leading export commodity in the mid 1800’s (Wright,1975). At this time, America was growing about three-quarters of the world’s cotton supply. With this major...
1 Page 570 Words

Consciousness and Its 'True' Definitions

Growing up, I believed the common conception of what consciousness pertains to what is done with your thoughts and your mind depending on your body to analyze what is occurring in the world. However, when taking an in-depth examination of this specific topic, there is an immense amount of information and components to it. Consciousness is a familiar concept to many people, yet it is mysterious. It poses a baffling problem of the mind and it raises many questions regarding...
1 Page 553 Words

The Effects of G.Ritzer’s McDonaldization at College Cafeterias

The increasing influence of the phenomenon known as McDonaldization is evident in our daily lives. First introduced by George Ritzer (book 'The McDonaldization of Society') McDonaldization is defined as the “process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant (McDonalds) are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world”. Essentially, this process of McDonaldization is the ultimate level of rationalisation. In his article, Ritzer puts emphasis on 4...
1 Page 556 Words

Digital Gift Cards: Benefits and Challenges for Retailers

Currently, digital gift cards are becoming more popular. One of the reasons for that lies in the simplicity of buying and using them. Givers can easily purchase a gift card through your website, having no need to go to the store, which is perfect for last-minute gift purchases. The card is sent to the recipient by email, obviating the need for plastic gift cards or paper certificates. According to researches, about 40% of consumers would choose digital gift cards scanned...
1 Page 562 Words

Houston's Political Culture as a Blend of Individualistic and Traditionalistic Components

Individualistic culture is a general public that is portrayed by individualism, which is the prioritization, or accentuation, of the person over the whole gathering. It has the quality of the government's job is restricted, essentially to keep the commercial center working. A traditionalistic political culture is the job of the government is the protection of convention and existing social request, the government is to keep up the current social and financial progressive system. Houston is both individualistic and traditionalistic in...
1 Page 570 Words

Why Capitalism Is Bad? Essay

Capitalism is an economic system that rose to popularity in the middle 19th century and competed with two other prime economic systems: socialism and communism. However, capitalism came into full power post-Cold War victory and America succumbed to the system. Capitalism is characterized by lack of government intervention, free markets, and goods and services distributed without government price controls. This system is known to provide political liberty however, it leads to inequalities of wealth and income (capitalist economic system). Under...
1 Page 545 Words

Reflection on Why the Pioneers Do Not Deserve a Statue to Commemorate Them

I am against having a statue to commemorate the pioneers, since they did more bad than good to North America. The pioneers did horrific things to Native Americans like forcing them off their land, and murdering nearly almost all of the tribes. The greed of pioneers led much suffering for Native Americans, who were left nearly nothing. The pioneers did built the United States into what it is today, but at the cost of ripping land of people who were...
1 Page 560 Words

The Image of the Society of the Great Depression

No jobs, no bank accounts, no dry cleaning. Why? Why didn't these people have all this? In fact what is “The Great Depression”? To begin with, The Great Depression started in the 1930’s in the United States. This event lasted for nearly a good ten years. Shocking right? It closed thousands of banks, put a million people out of their jobs, and seared itself into the memory of those who lived through it. First of all, the closing of Old...
1 Page 557 Words

Ineffective Government Created by the Articles of Confederation

My argument is that the Articles used a centralized system in the US. This system was inefficient and caused many protests and controversies between the states. Although our modern government isn’t perfect, we learned a lot from the government under the Articles of Confederation. There will always be flaws in government, but what is so great about our country is that we are able to adapt and change over time, thus creating the most effective government we can. The Articles...
1 Page 532 Words

Essay About Unemployment Problems

One of the core principles of the National Health Service (NHS) states that comprehensive services must be available to all irrespective of their sex, religion or financial status. Although this value is widely practiced across the UK, certain disadvantaged groups in the society are not receiving the optimum level of healthcare. In this essay, problems facing unemployed individuals in the UK is discussed. Studies have shown that the mortality rate in all age groups tended to be about two to...
1 Page 562 Words

Personal Statement to Get Tetley and Lupton Scholarship

A good education is the best hope that any individual has at achieving their desires in a modern setting. The three most important aspects of my life are working at one of the most prominent financial institutions in the world, imprinting a lasting legacy for succeeding generations and aiding in the solution of several national and global financial predicaments. It is my belief that getting chosen to benefit as one of the Tetley and Lupton scholarship opportunities would enable each...
1 Page 561 Words

Critical Analysis of Diversity in Sports

“On the sports field or on the stage, there is no black or white, no gay or straight, no rich or poor, just the joy of being out there doing your best'. This statement present sport in a way with no lack of diversity and no negative sides with sports and the culture. I believe that this statement is false and that the sports industry needs to be more open for diversity and for it to be more multicultural. In...
1 Page 567 Words

US of America against Ross William Ulbricht: Creator of Silk Road

Ross Ulbricth is a prisoner, known for having made the Silk Road site, began in 2011 and proceeded until 2013, until his catch. Their wrongdoings included unlawful tax avoidance, hacking and other false intrigues. A jury condemned Ross William Ulbricth for seven checks in light of the Silk Road action. The Silk Road was a puzzling criminal exchanging focus. The Silk Road client base relied upon the deal and buy of medications, false documentation and hacking. Silk Road utilizes Bit-coin...
1 Page 546 Words

Eileen Egan and Mother Teresa: Discursive Essay

Eileen Egan Eileen Egan is not very well known and a lot of people have no idea who she is or have never heard of her before. She was friends with Mother Teresa, and she even received her own award for writers every year. Eileen Egan was a Catholic journalist who ministered refugees and changed the idea of peace for Catholics by marching with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, helping refugees, and addressing the second Vatican Council on issues of...
1 Page 556 Words

Analysis of Amy Tan's Works: Representation of Personal Experiences as a Chinese-American

Amy Tan successfully incorporates various aspects such as Chinese values and customs in her works to create the most realistic essence of Oriental culture that she is famous for, most especially in The Bonesetter's Daughter. . She creatively intertwines pieces of both oriental culture and the mixing and clashing between east and west; she vividly displays the pathway that these cultures have caused her to take on through imposing them on the characters in her novel: the process of dealing...
1 Page 571 Words
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