550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

How would you feel if you were tricked into committing genocide of an alien race for the sake of humans? In the book, Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, Ender Wiggin’s character was duped into doing exactly that because he was born with the perfect balance of empathy and killer instinct. Bred for his temperament, only ruthless when threatened, he dedicated himself to reestablishing the alien race he had destroyed. The story starts with Ender’s home life on earth. Early...
1 Page 549 Words

George Orwell’s 1984 to Patricia McCormick’s The Plot to Kill Hitler: Comparative Essay

While there are many differences between fiction and non-fiction titles, when comparing George Orwell’s 1984 to Patricia McCormick’s The Plot to Kill Hitler, many similarities emerge along with differences. The setting in 1984 consists of a political system that is authoritarian, oppressive, and ruthless in nature. It is post-revolutionary Britain, now called Oceania after the Socialist revolution, in the year 1984. Physically the state is scarred from war and revolution, buildings destroyed, rubble covering the streets, etc. Psychologically, however, the...
1 Page 533 Words

Causes, Important Events, and Significant Figures of the Byzantine Empire: General Overview

Explain the impact of other causes, important events, and significant figures on the Byzantine empire in complete sentences. How did Justinian's actions contribute to the fall of the Byzantine empire? The constant wars and rebuilding of Constantinople after the Nika Riot caused significant financial issues for the Byzantine empire. Justinian also had the army thinly spread across the empire, which left the empire open to attacks. Then in his last years as emperor, Justinian’s plague ravaged the Byzantine Empire killing...
1 Page 562 Words

Leading Idea from Bryan Stevenson's Book Just Mercy: Opinion Essay

I am a sophomore at Grand Rapids Community College. I would like to address and discuss the topic of criminal justice reform in Michigan, specifically, raising the age for the automatic adult prosecution. I believe the age should be raised from seventeen to eighteen because the difference between an adult and a minor is not a thin line by any means. How can you compare a minor to an adult criminal if they can’t consume alcohol until they're twenty-one or...
1 Page 546 Words

Perceptions, Culture and Communication, and Identities in Interpersonal Communication: Reflective Essay

The topic for my informative presentation is the discussion of culture, personality, and experience. I want to examine more about our cultural identities and personalities that change our observations and how we have the inclination to interest others who display cultural or personal characteristics. Understanding more about our culture identities and personalities that impact our perceptions can aid us to become mindful and knowledgeable in concern to the influences and reactions we develop towards others. This was the topic I...
1 Page 572 Words

Ulbricht As the Designer and Launcher of the Silk Road: Analysis of the Case USA Versus Ross Ulbricht

On August 21, 2014 the government of USA has filed a case on Ulbricht with seven criminal cases, Narcotic Trafficking, Distribution of the Narcotic by Internet, narcotic conspiracy, counting criminal enterprise, Conspiracy to commit and aid and computer hacking, Conspiracy to traffic in fraudulent identification documents and money laundering conspiracy. Ulbericht was designed and launched the silk road which means the online marketplace with name of dead pirate Roberts. The entire online marketplace is maintained by the Silk Road and...
1 Page 552 Words

Opinion Essay on Taking Your Anger Out on Innocent People after a Bad Day

Don't Take Your Anger Out on Innocent People If nothing else, this is the main reason why we need to work on our anger issue. In an earlier chapter, 'Everything isn't about you', we discussed how sometimes people are rude to us even though it's misdirected anger. It sucks, right? Well, we're trying to be better people, so we need to not be hypocritical and do the thing that we don't like. Yet, we continuously think lashing out on innocent...
1 Page 572 Words

Legal Consequences of Drunk Driving: Analytical Essay

It is a criminal offense to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In case you find yourself drunk, it is advisable not to be in control of a car. Whenever you find yourself pulled over by the police you take a sobriety test. The test is done to establish whether or not the alcohol level in your system has exceeded the legal limit. An exceeded limit has legal consequences. You face jail time, paying a fine or...
1 Page 545 Words

Essay on Applying Social Contract Theory to Analyze 'Super Size Me'

Introduction I have chosen to compose my paper about the motion picture 'Super Size Me' which is coordinated by Morgan Spurlock in 2004 in the United States. The narrative film taking around ninety minutes of a multi day time span where Spurlock ate fast food chains from McDonald's. The primary accentuation is on the physical and mental impacts of way of life numerous individuals accept by relying upon the quick fast food chains. Inexpensive food organizations in the state support...
1 Page 539 Words

Aggression Versus Violence in Sport: Analytical Essay

Deviance can be described as the diverging of what is seen as acceptable and the social standards set in our society it is seen in social and sexual behaviour. Deviance in sport can refer to purposely fouling an opponent to cause harm, the abuse of drugs and other forms of foul play like cheating. (BBC, 2019) Many sports may include aggression as part of the game sports like rugby and boxing require psychically touch and aggression however the difference to...
1 Page 575 Words

Reflective Essay on Harriet Tubman's Way of Life

Egotistical ideas that these individuals were not brave or intelligent enough to be an impactful soldier. However, ultimately they were allowed to fight, which was the force needed that allowed the Union to win against the Confederates. Tubman was exceptional. Not only was she an African American slave that escaped her bondage, but she was also a female. Her gender and race was a double factor to her oppression by the white men, however, she did not let her circumstances...
1 Page 532 Words

Forms of Bad Faith Showed by Freddie Quell in Movie The Master: Critical Analysis

Everyone has the same ability to accept or deny who they are. But according to French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), there is a specific habit that all human beings do constantly, and that habit is to deny and deceive ourselves. We keep ourselves from thinking that we have the freedom to make decisions because there is a chance that we are going to get a negative consequence from what we decide to do. Sartre coins this as “mauvaise foi”, or...
1 Page 574 Words

Reflection on the Film Cry, the Beloved Country: Opinion Essay

Starting off in the book Things Fall Apart Okonkwo did not have anything and had to build everything up himself. He really hated his father for being weak and was afraid of being his father. While in the film Cry, the Beloved Country the character James Jarvis is somewhat similar at the beginning he despises what his son for starting a African boys club. Their stories are the same but their journeys are different. In both novels we discover a...
1 Page 534 Words

Arguments For and Against A Bill of Rights for Animals

Human beings have been around for a rather short period of time; only about 300-200,000 years when compared to animals who have been around for much longer; approx. 500 million years (‘History of Life on Earth’ Smithsonian). Although the difference in years, animals and humans are similar but we as humans have rights, so why not animals? All animals should have rights to protect them, not from the dangers they face as being part of the food chain, but from...
1 Page 526 Words

Día de los Muertos: Reflection on the Traditions of “Day of the Dead”

In English, Día de los Muertos means “day of the dead”. The main purpose of this holiday is to honor and remember the dead. The holiday acknowledges the spirits of dead people, and that pleased spirits will provide people with a better life through means like wisdom. Many festivals, memorials, and traditions occur during this holiday for the dead to be honored and remembered. Día de los Muertos is a three-day holiday celebrated from October 31st to November 2nd. At...
1 Page 569 Words

Essay on The Day of the Dead: Critical Analysis of Articles

After reading the three out of five articles; Mexico's Special Relationship with Day of the Dead, What we can learn from U.S Day of the Dead Celebration, and An Ancient and Modern Festival. All three articles mentioned many similar factual information and descriptions, but included their own statements and details/facts that contrasted with each articles that I read. The main question in two of the articles I read is questioning how El DĂ­a de los Muertos became associated within Mexico...
1 Page 534 Words

Reflection on Cultural Event: My Experience of Celebration of Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead

This past weekend on October 26, 2019, I attended the 36th annual “Viva La Vida Parade and Festival” in Austin, Texas. This event was to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead, during this event they had authentic and traditional Mexican food with live music from Mexican artists. What caught me off guard during this entire event was the fact that they had a low-rider exhibition, yes you read that correctly, they had a low-rider exhibition! I...
1 Page 528 Words

Death of a Salesman Analysis

I believe Happy is so angry with Biff because of his father. Happy is just like his father with misdirected feelings, arrogance, and unrealistic dreams. With Biff being first born, Happy has always been looked at as second best. Biff was the hotshot football player in highschool who hung around the cool guys, and had females all over him, which appeased their father the most. Happy continued living in Biff’s shadow and was shown less attention. As a result of...
1 Page 562 Words

Discriminatory Impact of Title IX through its Implementation in U.S College Athletics: Analytical Essay

This Article is about how some may feel that title IX is the reason why schools are eliminating male sports programs. The author also talks about court cases that involved Title IX cases between an athlete and a school. He discusses a 3 hurtles dealing with Title IX. Title IX is an Act of the United States Congress that was passed in 1972. This Act prevents sex separation in schools and other instructive Programs that get government reserves. Title IX...
1 Page 541 Words

Analytical Essay on Cyber-Bullying or Online Public Shaming

Public shaming has gotten out of control in today's world. It is mainly happening to anyone from middle school to college students. Online Shaming is a type of Internet vigilantism where targets are openly mortified for activities done secretly or without needing proposed open communicate utilizing innovation like social and new media. Advocates of disgracing consider it to be a type of online cooperation that permits hacktivists and digital nonconformists to right shameful acts. Pundits consider it to be an...
1 Page 553 Words

The History of Postwar Oakland and Black Power Movement: Analytical Essay

Synopsis: The history of postwar Oakland is often reduced to a tale of inevitable urban decline or black political radicalism—interpretations that parallel national narratives but neglect many of the unique complexities of Oakland. Robert Self expands beyond this conventional view by demonstrating how the political culture and urban space of Oakland were strategically impacted by a spectrum of historical actors. American Babylon specifically describes the rise of urban black power politics and white homeowner conservatism from the end of the...
1 Page 527 Words

Reflective Essay on Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage

In this report on the red badge of courage a book about the war by Stephen Crane. This book is historical fiction and is in the third person the speaker is a narrator. This book was amazing and I would like to share with you in hopes that you would be persuaded to read this book yourself. The narrator set the seance is a soldering base and a forest during the war was a scary place that people that did...
1 Page 539 Words

Reflection on Anthony Hopkins as Titus Andronicus: Opinion Essay

Only a few can understand the destructive and shallow outcome that a back and forth battle between two strong forces can cause like the characters in Titus. With a passionate performance by lead protagonist Anthony Hopkins as Titus Andronicus, Titus as shortened is filled with elements disturbed through characters plot and themes, Titus is not the first movie we see being recreated by Shakespeare however with its twist of adding elements from the past and the present makes the one...
1 Page 567 Words

General Overview of Service Marketing: Descriptive Essay

Service marketing is about connections, significantly more so than different kinds of marketing. Compelling service marketing is significant because, without it, service providers would not draw in and hold clients. Service marketing falls into two classifications: business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). As a service marketer, there are a couple of interesting points on the off chance that you need to cause your business to flourish. Above all else, ensure you realize how to institutionalize your services...
1 Page 552 Words

Critical Analysis of The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

The Day Of Infamy by Walter Lord Yamamoto's famous quotes: 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.' 'A wise man would find a way not to fight this war” The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is arguably one of the most historical events to date. The book “The Day Of Infamy” focuses primarily on December 7th,1941 known as The Day Of Infamy. The Day Of Infamy begins on a still morning on the American base...
1 Page 575 Words

Differences between Code of Conduct for Nurses and Florence Nightingale's Pledge: Comparative Essay

In this journal, I will be examining the similarities and differences between the code of conduct for nurses and Florence Nightingale's pledge. The code of conduct outlines specific standards that nurses are expected to adopt in their practice today. Florence Nightingale's pledge is what the early Australian nurses were expected to follow in the late 1800s/1900s and onwards. The code of conduct for nurses precisely states all requirements, behaviour and expectations for nurses in Australia. The code of conduct for...
1 Page 551 Words

Similarities between D-day and Pearl Harbor: Analytical Essay

There are similarities between D-day and pearl harbor one of the main similarities was that they were both surprise attacks on countries which meant both of the defender countries had very little to no preparation to fight against the attackers. Pearl harbor was an ambush on the American navy and D-day was a surprise attack on the Nazi-occupied Part of France. Another similarity between these invasions were that the attackers had to cross the water to attack. In pearl harbor...
1 Page 528 Words

Research Essay on Ideologies of Gender, Race and Sexuality in Titus Andronicus, The picture of Dorian Gray and Oroonoko

We as a society have come a long way from the discovery of the first light bulb to stepping on the moon. The world has developed, people are more educated, technology has made day-to-day life easier, but what has remained the same is the social stratification people had to and still have to deal with. This social stratification is not based on merit or education, it is merely a gift or burden you are born with. If you are lucky...
1 Page 554 Words

Struggle for Human Dignity in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Critical Analysis

Why do we need narratives? Why do we keep telling stories? Since the dawn of time, people have told stories about their lives, their loves and their losses. We tell stories to help us with our quest for freedom. When the ability to express our past is lost, we lose a sense of who we are. Throughout the human era, societies have consistently been attempting to grasp a utopian society through different collective structures. In every example that we have...
1 Page 528 Words

Industrial Revolution and Vulnerability to Jack the Ripper: Analytical Overview

For the greater part of human history, life involved hunting, gathering, hand-making goods and living in agricultural societies. For an awfully long time, people were dependant on the access they have to food and basic human needs. During the 18th century, the process of urbanisation increased and manufacturing of goods became mechanicalised. Goods that had once been painstakingly crafted by hand started to be produced in mass quantities by machines in factories, thanks to the introduction of new machines and...
1 Page 529 Words
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