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Social Issues

Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay

In the video ‘Tough Guise 2’, Jackson Katz explains the violent masculinity in domestic violence, video games, movies, manhood, and media. He also argues that men are not violent as most people think. In today’s world, men and young boys are taught to ‘man up’ and act tough. Violence is a man's issue, therefore, men are taught by people who show them what it means to be a tough man. The majority of the violence is caused by men because...
1 Page 583 Words

Are Illegal Immigrants Taking American Jobs: Persuasive Essay

The book ‘‘They Take Our Jobs!’: And 20 Other Myths about Immigration’ written by Aviva Chomsky highlights the widespread myths and beliefs about immigration and immigrants. Throughout the book, Chomsky challenges the biased assumptions that increase the misinformed claims about immigrants, radically altering the notions of citizenship, stereotypes, the law, discrimination, and US history. As she quotes, “Immigrants are blamed for a host of social ills and compared unfavorably to generations of immigrants…a lot of our assumptions and opinions about...
1 Page 597 Words

High School to College Transition Experience: Personal Narrative Essay

What makes the idea of transitioning to college so intense? For starters, a transition is defined as “an event or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions, and roles”. The transition from high school to college is undoubtedly a very changing time for the lives of many young individuals. This is a huge step into the real world for most people. It is the beginning of newfound freedom that none of them ever experienced. My transition into college has...
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Theme of Deception in William Shakespeare’s 'Hamlet': Critical Essay

Deception is defined as an act of misleading or concealing the truth. It can occur in everyday life, where even the most honest people turn to deceitful ways to gain advantages and maintain their self-image. On the contrary, deceit can be utilized to protect our loved ones. As it is morally wrong, once revealed, one’s deception can have detrimental consequences as it can lead to distrust and guilt. In William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’, the constant theme of deception drives the plot,...
1 Page 597 Words

Vitamin C and Its Importance: Critical Essay

The necessity of vitamin C consumption cannot be overstated, as it is unable to be manufactured in the human body, while still being required for good health. Vitamin C is a nutrient that can be obtained from food. Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, oranges, kiwis, broccoli, kale, and spinach. Vitamins are essential for body tissues and cell repair, immune system development, enzymatic manufacture of specific neurotransmitters, and collagen production. The...
1 Page 599 Words

Theme of ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility' in Lois Lowry's Novel 'The Giver': Critical Essay

The class had to read the book ‘The Giver’ written by Lois Lowry and published originally in 1993. The book had themes associated such as the importance of memory to humans, power, rights, responsibilities, dystopian societies, and more. However, the author made connections with all themes in the novel, and the question that connects the themes of power and responsibility is: how does the author explore the idea that with great power comes great responsibility? There are many ways that...
1 Page 623 Words

Martin Luther King Jr.: Biography Essay

'I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear', said the legend Martin Luther King Jr. He was an inspirational social rights activist and the leader of the American civil rights movement who is remembered proudly to this day. King showed courage because of his dream to make everybody equal, and he influenced others to speak up for themselves. He made a change for racial equality that has helped everyone’s rights, not only in...
1 Page 625 Words

What Does It Mean to Be an Australian Citizen: Narrative Essay

To be a citizen means you have your say and are part of making your community how it is. We all have rights and responsibilities, even just being in the state, such as the simple laws like 'Don't steal' or 'Don't go through a red light', those very simple yet recognizable laws that shape our nation. Being inside but not apart has its perks, can't be forced to choose and judge, such as being a permanent resident in Australia, you...
1 Page 580 Words

Why I Want to Be a Nail Technician Essay

In a world brimming with self-expression, the smallest details often make the most significant impressions. A person's style, flair, and personality can be revealed in a myriad of ways, one of which is through the art of nail design. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the transformative power of color and creativity embodied in nail artistry. The canvas may be small, but the impact is tremendous, often serving as a means of self-expression for the...
1 Page 615 Words

Why I Want to Be a FBI Agent Essay

Ever since I was young, I have been intrigued by the world of law enforcement and the fight against crime. I have always admired the work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the crucial role they play in maintaining the safety and security of our nation. In this essay, I will discuss my motivation for wanting to become an FBI agent, the skills and experiences that have prepared me for this role, and the goals I hope to...
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Why I Want to Be a Cosmetologist Essay

Cosmetology is a field that is often overlooked, yet it plays a significant role in our daily lives. It is the art of enhancing beauty, and for many, it is a passion that goes beyond just styling hair or applying makeup. As a cosmetologist, one has the ability to transform someone's appearance and boost their confidence. It is a career that requires creativity, skill, and a desire to make people feel good about themselves. In this essay, I will be...
1 Page 617 Words

Why I Want to Be a Cardiologist Essay

Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, with millions of lives lost every year. As such, the need for competent and passionate cardiologists cannot be overstated. The human heart is an intricate organ that requires extensive knowledge and expertise to diagnose and treat, and this is what draws me to the field of cardiology. Being a cardiologist is more than just a career; it is a calling to help people live longer and healthier lives. Passion for Medicine...
1 Page 620 Words

Pre School Graduation Speech Essay

Speech 1 Good afternoon, parents, teachers, and fellow graduates. It is with great joy that we gather here today to celebrate the graduation of our little ones from pre-school. As parents, we have watched our children grow and learn over the past few years, and it is truly remarkable to see how far they have come. Our children have learned so much during their time in pre-school. They have developed social skills, learned how to read and write, and discovered...
1 Page 611 Words

The Machine Gun and Its Significance in the First World War: Critical Essay

Created by Hiram Maxim in 1884, the machine gun greatly influenced World War I because of its rapid fire and high kill rate. This is because the machine gun was one of the most common and effective guns at this time. During the war, one of the main causes of death was from machine guns. Therefore, the introduction of the machine gun ended up having the highest impact on the death toll because they were so effective and were soon...
1 Page 584 Words

Informative Essay on the Benefits of Quality Education and Limitations in Its Achievement

Alike any situation where certain results are to be perceived as an outcome of the implementation of a desired scheme, various effects are to be expected from any concerned country after achieving the goal of quality education. The projections include the improved overall health of individuals as a result of being properly educated, therefore minor mistakes that result in major health issues, e.g., neglecting symptoms, are more likely to be eliminated, accordingly decreasing the urgency of government expenditure on healthcare...
1 Page 611 Words

Narrative Essay on What I Learned Being a Child of Immigrant Parents

Being Turkish has always been a huge part of my character. As a child, I felt so self-conscious about who I am. I wasn't taught to feel this way, I just didn't like how different my life seemed to be compared to the other kids from my school. I had to take ESL classes while everyone else was taking regular English because I was raised learning a mix of Turkish and English. I was so embarrassed by all these things...
1 Page 620 Words

Theme of Leadership in the Movie 'Gladiator': Critical Essay

In the movie ‘Gladiator’, directed by Ridley Scott, leadership takes a big part. The 3 main protagonists are Maximus who is the general, Commodus who is the emperor and Marcus Aurelius, Commodus’ father, who was the emperor. Maximus and Commodus show two different sources of leadership. Maximus, who is just a gladiator, but still is trusted and respected because of his capabilities. This can be proven when he said “Together we survive”, he uses his experience to get their trust...
1 Page 590 Words

Carnivalesque in Medieval Culture According to Mikhail Bakhtin: Critical Essay

Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician, and scholar who worked on literary theory, ethics, and the philosophy of language. Bakhtin considers that the vision we had of the Middle Ages was anachronic and deeply inspired by the vision of the Renaissance. He argues that our knowledge of that era is very limited and that searchers didn’t go as deep as they should have in their research on the Middle Ages and medieval culture and customs. He says:...
1 Page 625 Words

Review of the Movie 'Gandhi'

In the movie ‘Gandhi’, Gandhi marries a girl at the age of thirteen. As he follows the death of his fathers, he was sent to England to study law. He became very interested in the philosophy of non-violence, but he didn’t fulfill the decree of law. That’s when he came back home and got into it with the British, he stood against them their rule over his country. He eventually gets his cause internationally renowned after being dismissed by the...
1 Page 588 Words

Analysis of John Keats' Ballad ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ and Its Main Theme: Critical Essay

‘La Belle Dame sans Merci’ – a ballad by John Keats, that’s title translates to the lady without mercy, creates a sense of betrayal from the start. The poem begins from the first-person perspective of the main character, asking himself a question, “O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms”, now pointing to the conclusion that this character is a knight, asking for an ailment. He states how he is “alone and palely loitering”, foreshadowing that something has happened to him. The...
1 Page 588 Words

Critical Essay on Healthy Eating on a Budget and Its Importance

Healthy eating on a budget is a very important topic due to the well-established link between diet and disease. It is important that the foods that are promoted as healthy are made affordable to the entire population to reduce the gap that currently exists between social classes and the subsequent effect this has on the health of these individuals. It is known that diet both influences and inhibits the progression of certain diseases. For example, overconsumption of red meat is...
1 Page 576 Words

‘McFarland, USA’ and the Lessons It Teaches: Informative Essay

The filmmakers of the movie ‘McFarland, USA’ were trying to impart several lessons by filming the story of Jim White and his team, which competed for cross-country championships in the United States. One of the significant lessons from the movie is never to give up on what you want and put a lot of hard work into what you do. Jim White and his team underwent many challenges throughout their lives, with regard to competing in the cross-country races and...
1 Page 582 Words

Critical Analysis Essay on Amy Tan's Essay 'Mother Tongue'

In today's world, language plays a fundamental role in portraying the ideas of specific cultures over time. Some of the earliest forms have been around since the Common Era, Old English being one of the most developed languages. In the essay ‘Mother Tongue’ by Amy Tan, readers are engaged in her unique writing style as Tan expresses her childhood growing up with the different forms of the English language. Being an Asian-American woman raised in an immigrant family, Tan acknowledged...
1 Page 594 Words

Analysis of the Political Cartoon ‘A Happy Pandemic’: Critical Essay

‘A Happy Pandemic’ is a satirical political cartoon drawn by cartoonist Mike Luckovich regarding the coronavirus epidemic. Released on the 27th of February 2020 in the AJC newspaper, the cartoon is in response to the Covid-19 epidemic and American President Donald Trump’s behavior regarding the situation. The cartoon displays how the president poorly reacted to the coronavirus epidemic in terms of solutions press releases and general behavior. During this Covid-19 epidemic, the president was expected to bring unity in America...
1 Page 612 Words

Reflective Analysis of the Poem ‘Richard Cory’ by Edwin Arlington Robinson: Critical Essay

Growing up, everyone wanted to become like Ricky, many people asked themselves what doesn't he have? Quickly becoming the best-scouted player in the nation for his abilities to play football, which led to his receiving full-ride scholarships. Having both parents, a spacious house, and his own car, from the outside Ricky, was perfect. Until the morning of Christmas Eve, when his parents went to go wake him up an unspeakable tragedy struck. What one produces outside can be completely different...
1 Page 592 Words

Nursing as a Profession and Its Significance: Informative Essay

Some of the highest-paying, fastest-growing, and most gratifying jobs are sadly underrated, maybe as a result of they don't seem to be the foremost exciting professions, or even they haven't invariably been related to fat checks. Nursing is the noblest yet underrated profession. One of the crap aspects of living in a capitalist society is that the people that work the toughest and are the foremost selfless do not necessarily get the respect and money they deserve. Nursing could be...
1 Page 614 Words

Interview with an Immigrant about the American Dream: Narrative Essay

For years, the United States has been dubbed the land of the free and the home of the brave. The belief that the U.S. can give a person the chance to have a better life is recognized around the world. This belief, however, can be changed depending on the region and the person, eliciting their own version of the American Dream, where many believe you can come to be nothing but the best. In order to prove that the vision...
1 Page 617 Words

‘Hag Seed’ Vs 'The Tempest': Compare and Contrast Essay

The successful reframing of prisons in texts engages an audience to explore the powerful change of perspectives on prisons through the isolation of characters and differing contexts. In the prose fiction ‘Hag-Seed,’ Atwood's appropriation of The Tempest, reframing the metaphorical prisons in Shakespeare's'‘ The Tempest’ to a literal representation has shifted the audience to a modern view of prisons. Thus, conveying new perspectives which explore the relevance of classic literature, relating to the colonization of the new world and the...
1 Page 592 Words

Marginalization in 'Of Mice and Men': Critical Analysis Essay

Marginalize states ” to relegate an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group”. Steinbeck portrays the theme of marginalization because it foments racism, sexism, and social exclusion. It is important throughout the book because it sets the tone, and develops the attitudes of each character and the way they act. In Of Mice and Men, marginalized people who are neglected by society, create a society of their own; they share their dreams and help each other out, although...
1 Page 577 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on 'Of Mice and Men': Movie Versus Book

The novel Of Mice and Men was narrated by John Steinbeck back in 1937. It tells the story of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers, who move from place to place from time to time in California, in search of new job opportunities during the Great Depression. The movie version of the story was released in late 1939 and received favorable reviews. It was mostly faithful to the book but does have some exceptions in several...
1 Page 618 Words
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