Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay

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In the video ‘Tough Guise 2’, Jackson Katz explains the violent masculinity in domestic violence, video games, movies, manhood, and media. He also argues that men are not violent as most people think. In today’s world, men and young boys are taught to ‘man up’ and act tough. Violence is a man's issue, therefore, men are taught by people who show them what it means to be a tough man. The majority of the violence is caused by men because of women's domestic violence, media, and manhood.

Men are more likely to commit violence in America based on their testosterone levels will make a guy more physically strong and have more power than a woman. For instance, in society, women tend to be emotional, caring, kind, and showing their feelings. Domestic violence against a woman is an issue that yet has a significant impact in America. Especially in our country, women are more likely to be the victims since in the United States it has been reported that 86% of all violent crimes experienced by women are cases of incidents resulting in injury perpetrated by men. Women were are always consider weak, soft, and easily manipulated. However, it’s as though no one is actually committing the violence as if this is something that just happens to women like the weather; the fact that men are responsible is erased; instead of seeing this as a men’s issue, we see it as a women’s issue (‘Tough Guise 2’).

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In the film, Katz points out the violence in the military in the United States takes advantage of the video game ‘Call of Duty’ to prepare new recruits and train. He also argues on the role of both the gun industry, the military, and games promote a particular brand of violent masculinity. Whether it is video games or social media, are often criticized as having violent effects on those who play them. The ideal method here is that violent video games can lead to an increase in aggressive behaviors and thoughts. However, young men who are aggressive on a regular basis may show the violent effects of violent games.

Jackson Katz explains in the film that argues masculine views lead to problems in young boys. For instance, a father told his 10 years old son to ‘man up’ and asked, “Do want to be scared like a girl?”. To grow up like a man and not show emotions and not act like a soft boy is part of the male that will likely be aggressive and strong. The cultural roles that teach boys and young men to be cool are all about defeating other people and participating in violence to avoid the calls like ‘gay’. This concludes that men must achieve their hard work to earn and maintain their masculinity, and if you step out of the box, you will be made fun of.

In conclusion, the problem with male violence is that ‘boys will be boys’, it is by being taught to man up. If a man steps out of the hegemonic ‘man box’, he is considered soft, weak, gay, and feminine. Discussing violence in different ways, like violence against women, men are responsible for violence against women. The solution to change the role of masculine behavior is by doing the opposite of what we’re doing now. In the end, Katz mentions the qualities and behavior of a real man to show empathy, learn from women, and refuse to use violence against women and gays.

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Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay. (2023, October 26). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 26 Oct. 2023,
Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Theme of Violent Masculinity in the Film ‘Tough Guise 2’: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 26 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from:

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