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Social Issues

ROTC Essay

President Rodrigo Duterte has proposed reinstating mandatory military training in the K-12 curriculum. Duterte reportedly wants to make ROTC mandatory again to instill 'discipline' and 'patriotism' in young people, according to reports. ROTC stands for Reserve Officers Training Corps. The main purpose of the ROTC program today is to train young men and women to become officers. Students taking ROTC can immediately begin serving as officers in the military after graduation. ROTC began in the Philippines in the year 1912,...
1 Page 648 Words

Essay about Positive Thinking

Today I’m going to be sharing with you all about the effects of Positive Thinking. Positive thinking on the surface sounds useful and I'm sure most of us would prefer to be positive rather than negative. There was this one quote saying, “If you learn to harness the power of positive thoughts, you’ll attract more positive circumstances”. However, you will attract more negativity and pain if you think negatively. I'm sure you all wouldn’t want that, wouldn’t you? At first...
1 Page 635 Words

New Deal DBQ Essay

The Great Depression showed many political and economic issues that the Roosevelt administration had to deal with. Roosevelt's responses to the Depression were focused in the right direction toward economic stability and were achievable by improving the previously problematic matter of the role of government in society. The ideas, programs, and other relief efforts of the New Deal were good but didn't help the American people as much as the administration hoped for. In fact, they only benefitted a small...
1 Page 642 Words

Free Trade VS Fair Trade: Pros and Cons

“Fair trade is Essential” Many people claim that everyone benefits from free trade. Others argue that fair trade is more important than free trade because it can lead to free trade. If we lived in an ideal world where all things were equal, free trade would be excellent. Unfortunately, nowadays, the market is unequal. The following essay takes a look at both sides of the argument between equal and free trade those submitted by Ngaire Woods from Oxford University, and...
1 Page 665 Words

Essay on Valley Forge

Valley Forge Case Analysis Today’s soldiers would never know how hard it was for our brothers to survive in times when there was no leadership, no assistance, and no remorse on the way of life for an American soldier. The procedures and policies that we have in place for our safety and well-being we sometimes think are too harsh are meant to make sure we are ok and well taken care of as well as our families; sometimes I find...
1 Page 675 Words

Essay on the Art of Caring

Nursing is broadly considered an art and science wherein caring structures the hypothetical system of nursing. It is a vocation with an indulging desire to care for others which demands the utmost dedication, commitment, compassion, enthusiasm, and professionalism. Nursing and caring are grounded in a social arrangement, unity, and the nurse-patient relationship. The fundamental elements of this divine profession combine communication, teamwork, and delivering optimized care for those in need without prejudice. These certainly affirm my ultimate belief in the...
1 Page 666 Words

Essay on Qualities of a Good Student

Most people fail their exams even before they are set for a certain exam. This is because most people do not have confidence in themselves. You should try as much as possible to believe in yourself because this is the most vital thing. You should avoid discussing the subject matter a few minutes before the exam and also after the exam. This may discourage you and also make you nervous or even more confused. Building trust in yourself could help...
1 Page 643 Words

Essay on My Writing Process

Writing is the medium of human connection that presents words and emotions with signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is the expression of speech or spoken words. Writing is not a word, but a tool used to make languages be understood. Within the word system, writing relies on some of the same structures as language. Moreover, Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs...
1 Page 673 Words

Essay on Hamilton and the Abiding Racial Debate

Criticism will invariably persecute any artwork released into the public domain with no discrimination between renowned and anonymous authors. As expected, even Lin-Manuel Miranda’s preeminent, award-winning Broadway musical, Hamilton, has encountered dogmatic people who have condemned details of the exceptional production and pointed them out as sufficient evidence to ban the musical. The alleged support for slavery and white supremacy, topics that strike a raw nerve when addressed, is based on individual interpretation and constitutes a vitriolic diatribe that, by...
1 Page 655 Words

Essay on ‘Eleven’ by Sandra Cisneros

The growth of characters is very crucial as it is the process of creating a fully rounded, lifelike character within any fictional writing. It has the purpose of making readers invested in their life and interested in seeing their growth. In Sandra Cisneros's short story Eleven, the growth of characters is very present. Character development is seen in Eleven from the moment Rachel wakes up as an eleven-year-old. Rachel explains that people aren't made as a result of their experiences,...
1 Page 632 Words

Difference between a MBA and an Executive MBA

MBA and Executive MBA ( abbreviated as EMBA) are management courses offered by various schools around the globe. Undoubtedly, many students are unaware of the difference between MBA and Executive MBA. Some of them have a misconception that pursuing an EMBA is better than MBA. In real terms, both of them do not hold much difference in their prestige values. The difference between an Executive MBA and MBA grounds on several factors. These factors may be the duration of the...
1 Page 674 Words

Art and Religion: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Cummings, Brian. Mortal thoughts: religion, secularity & identity in Shakespeare and early modern culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. This text is a collection of various essays in which Cummings explores the role that religion played in early modern art. While his discussion addresses a wide range of issues, he gives special focus to the manifestation of religion in art and culture. According to Cummings, virtually no aspect of public life in the early modern period escaped the...
1 Page 672 Words

Analysis of Two Blues Songs

Dippermouth Blues – King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band 'Dippermouth Blues' is an early Jazz tune first recorded by King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, one of the first groups of black musicians to get to record. The tune was recorded by Gennett Records and Okeh Records in April and June respectively 1923. Due to King Oliver’s release being the first it is most often attributed to King Oliver, though there is a rumor that Louis Armstrong was the composer due to...
1 Page 632 Words

Impact of the Internet on Teenagers' Lives

The Internet has been one of the most life-changing and important inventions of the last century. Kids spend more time sitting at home playing video games or watching TV. Most parents don't like seeing their kids being on their phone or on the Internet all the time. Although the Internet may be one of the greatest inventions of the last century, it has made some negative impacts on our society and children. Teenagers are one of the most common groups...
1 Page 633 Words

Essay on Idolization of Andrew Jackson by Donald J. Trump

The context of the article ‘How I Feel as a Native Woman When Trump Idolizes Andrew Jackson’ is of compelling seriousness and importance of the misleading idolization of Andrew Jackson. The overwhelming anger felt through the writing in this article is directed towards Andrew Jackson’s atrocious actions towards all American Indians. It is understandable why the actions of the past evoke anger and disgust, especially for Adrienne Keene, a Cherokee Nation citizen, scholar, and writer of the article. It is...
1 Page 655 Words

Attractiveness of Antiheroes on the Example of Shrek

Have you ever known a human who possesses the noble qualities of a hero? Probably none. Heroes embodied with noble qualities such as selfless, brave, strong, and many more to point out which is a long way from the truth and that sends out that solely the perfect can acquire those. An everyday person would by no means able to relate to these heroes who had been completely pure of heart, who simply save the day and always knew what...
1 Page 635 Words

Smartwatch as a Revolution of Digital Media

A smartwatch is a digital media’s revolution which is moving generations forward. A smartwatch is a wearable computer as a wristwatch, replacing old fashioned watches which were made for only one purpose that is to watch time. Smartwatches provide a local touch screen interface for daily use, while an associated smartphone app provides for management and telemetry. Modern smartwatches contain a lot of features, such as sensors, compass, storage, extended battery life, waterproof, they have built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth systems, plus...
1 Page 666 Words

Psychoanalytic Analysis of Grendel

Thesis in ‘Grendel’ much of the internal conflict came from components of his individual psyche and influenced the way the world was portrayed around him. When it comes to the components of the psychoanalytic perspective there are three main parts to focus on: the id, the superego and the ego. First, the id is incredibly prevalent in ‘Grendel’ for many reasons, but one being that it can be interpreted as the monster inside of you or the voice telling you...
1 Page 666 Words

Destructive Nature of Isolation on the Example of Frankenstein and Grendel

Isolation can damage both our physical and mental health. As humans, we are hardwired to interact with others. When one is isolated from others, the brain begins to act in strange ways to preserve its sanity. The author of ‘Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley, uses the monster to develop the themes of the destructive nature of isolation, drawing one towards violence to fill the void of loneliness. When Victor Frankenstein is successful in bringing back the dead, he fears his creation and...
1 Page 632 Words

Corruption and Its Impact on Gameplay

Corruption in sport is understood as any illegal, immoral or unethical activity that attempts to deliberately distort the outcome of a sporting contest, usually for the gain for someone(s) involved in that activity. Corruption in sport was initially meant to refer to any action that aims to earn money by distorting the outcome of sport contests by means of bribery/throwing a game for money. Nowadays, this has extended to other unethical behaviors such as distorting the allocation of mega-sporting events,...
1 Page 660 Words

Comparison of Elie Wiesel's Story 'Night' and John Boyne's Movie 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas'

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews were killed as result of Hitler wanting to make a master race. It was a terrible event for Jewish adults, but more so for the children. Most children under 18 would have been killed, as the Nazis saw no use for them. In the story ‘Night’ by Elie Wiesel, and the movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ by John Boyne both stories follow two families that were of different races during the war....
1 Page 661 Words

Benefits of Mining in Alaska

For many years America has taken extreme actions to further economic growth. Mining in Alaska has been a prominent topic in politics for the past 12 years. Some Americans are for and some are against. The benefit of opening the mine would be economic growth not just for Alaska but for America. Another benefit of the mine would be opening up Alaska for more potential like oil mining. The mine would also supply America with an abundance of gold, copper,...
1 Page 634 Words

The Shawshank Redemption': An Uplifting Tale of Redemption

The story of friendship between two men serving life sentences in prison may sound rather dull as a movie plot. However, director Frank Darabont’s movie, ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, is far from dull. Starring Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis ‘Red’ Redding. ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ is a movie about time, persistence and friendship. Not qualities you would usually associate with a ‘prison’ movie but powerful all the same. When Andy Dufresne receives two life sentences for a...
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The Shawshank Redemption': Movie Summary

Andy Dufresne was sentenced to a lifetime in prison for murdering his unfaithful wife and the man she cheated on. Despite his claims of innocence, he is still sent to the hardest prison, Shawshank, in the year 1947. The film began with the calm and introverted Andy Dufresne, the vice president of a large bank in Portland, getting sent to the Shawshank prison for the murders he committed. A crime which he never committed. Andy impressed many of his inmates...
1 Page 652 Words

Bad' Morals in Disney Movies

Contrary to the popular opinion that Disney films contribute to the positive development of morals of the younger generation, some of them contain ‘bad’ morals that can teach children what is wrong. This essay is dedicated to this topic. Children are easily influenced by what they see and hear and thus what they watch. One Disney movie that shows bad morals and could make children believe the wrong things is ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’. In this movie, Quasimodo (the...
1 Page 628 Words

Artificiality in Marriage Discussed in Stories of Adichie And Ibsen

A situation, state, or idea is artificial when it has been created unnaturally, and therefore seems unnecessary or insincere. Thus, in many ways, the term “artificial” can be applied to Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s short stories “Jumping Monkey Hill” and “The Arrangers of Marriage” from her short story collection “The Thing Around Your Neck”. Although the texts involve different settings, time periods, and characters, both Ibsen and Adichie use the term to criticize how...
1 Page 629 Words

Works of Russian Thinkers - Soul Readers of Their Time: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Great Russian thinkers of the past Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky made significant contributions to Russia's culture through the power of literature. They questioned the nature of humanity and the society that they lived in. Through their profound works of authorship due to the similar themes of thought in their works Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are often viewed in relation to one another they both used their voices to challenge the qualities of Russian life as they knew it. Leo Tolstoy...
1 Page 654 Words

Transformation of American Society through Civil Disobedience of Black Power Movement

Yes, civil disobedience is an important role for making democracies work effectively because it is one of the diving factors that allows individual to exercise the right to free speech and speaks against unjust government and its laws. Throughout the history of the US civil disobedience has played a significant role in many of the social reforms that we all take for granted today. The civil right movement achieved many great things, their powerful protest created Immense amount of awareness...
1 Page 661 Words

Performance Management in Customer Service Delivery: Key Elements for Organizational Management

Performance management is essential in improving customer service delivery as it reviews how staff are doing currently and therefore highlights what can be done to make the delivery better. The purpose of a performance management policy is to review how staff are performing. This generates information that can be shared, if it is good practice, or it can generate improvements to be made if something is bad practice. A performance management policy gives staff a set of rules that they...
1 Page 667 Words

Foundation of US Constitution: Constitutional Convention of 1787 Sets Three Branches of Government

America Divided: The Impeachment of the 45th President of the United States Zero transparency and/or accountability, claims of being above the law, not working with the other co-equal branches of government, evidence of illicit behaviors and actions, and the slippage of democracy. These are all things our founding fathers feared to happen in our great nation. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was an event to set up this countries government, and the goal was to be a non-monarch style rule...
1 Page 644 Words
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