Essay on Kinesiology and Sociology of Sport

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What is the great sports myth?

What is the three-step process for validation of the great sports myth? And how does the great sports myth relate to you in this major? In other words, did the great sports myth have an effect on your major choice? Or a future career? If so how? If not how come? Finally, are our sports inherently pure and good? Examples.

Sport is essentially pure & good, and its purity and goodness are transferred to anyone who plays, consumes, or sponsors sports; therefore, there is no need to study and evaluate sports for the purpose of transforming or making them better because they are already what they should be. The three-step process for validation of the great sports myth is the purity of sports, purity transfers to athletes and fans, and it leads to individual and community development. In other words, sport is good and pure and it will make everyone who interacts with it pure and good as well as the community around it.

The great sports myth relates to me in the major of kinesiology because sports and body movement are the kinesiologies. My concentration of pedagogy is to teach students activities of daily living while incorporating fun games and activities to also teach psychological and social factors as well. This can help students with their motor, cognitive, and social abilities. With sports, we are able to learn these things; however, we can learn these things without sports as well.

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I was put into sports because of the sports myth. My parents thought that if I was in sports, then I would stay out of trouble. Throughout my life, I have played tennis, volleyball, swimming, basketball, track and field, and karate. Since I had played all of these sports, sports became a huge part of my life and I didn’t focus on other fields or careers. If my parents wouldn’t think that, then I wouldn’t have played so many sports and chosen my field. I chose my field because I loved sports and I wanted to teach kids how to play sports and other activities. Without my parents believing in the sports myth, I wouldn’t have chosen this field.

Like life, sports are neither inherently pure nor impure. At a young age, sports help build self-esteem, confidence, discipline, and motivation, but the older one gets things to change; however, playing sports will not stop you from using drugs, drinking alcohol, or making life choices. When playing different sports, I realized that there were some people that weren’t making good decisions. On teams, I usually hung out with people like me and we were comfortable staying out of trouble but some kids were not. A lot of the girls would ditch school to be with their boyfriends, play against the rules during games, and would even bully other teammates. Also when I was coaching, I would see specific girls getting into trouble because they wanted to impress their friends and peers. This goes to show that sport does not keep people out of trouble. Sport has many good aspects about it but it does not mean that it keeps you out of trouble and is inherently good.

What I noticed and learned is that being pure and good is due to the upbringing and how the parents and family raise the child. If the parents raise their child with ethics, encouragement, honesty, and respect the child may stay out of trouble and be a better person. However, if the parents raise the child in more of a troubled state such as abuse, being too strict, not being there for him or her, and having no ethics then the child might get into more trouble. The basis of being pure and good has nothing to do with sports, but it has to do with the child’s parents and upbringing.

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Essay on Kinesiology and Sociology of Sport. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Essay on Kinesiology and Sociology of Sport.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Essay on Kinesiology and Sociology of Sport. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Kinesiology and Sociology of Sport [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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