700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teenager: Analytical Essay

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” is a quote by Sean Covey. It intends for people to listen not for the sake of it but for the reason to understand the other person. In the book 7 Habits of highly effective teens, Sean Covey intends to give modern-day teens the right guides and knowledge to succeed and persevere in their future lives through the concept of the 3 paradigms,...
2 Pages 725 Words

Statement of Purpose for Masters in Electrical Engineering

I am a graduate of Electrical Engineering from the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, seeking for a spot at the University of Victoria for a master’s program in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in power systems Engineering. Electrical Engineering is a field that I have been attracted to since childhood, ever since I recognized the meaning of power and its importance in our lives. My curiosity as a child wasn’t satiated by constantly coupling, dismantling,...
2 Pages 725 Words

Meaning of Sonnet XVII by Pablo Neruda: Critical Analysis

The first poem of Neruda’s that illustrates loss through masterful use of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and allusion is “Sonnet 17.” The poem adopts the form of a Petrarchan sonnet, which often follows an “abb abba” rhyme scheme, this type of verse usually presents a problem within the first eight lines, using the remaining six lines to offer a resolution. In the translated version of Sonnet 17, there are no instances of rhyming, the translated version also doesn’t have the same...
2 Pages 699 Words

Snow Cover Mapping and Impacts of Snow on Vegetation: Essay

Snow cover mapping from space: Satellite-based snow cover mapping mostly depends on the spectral reflectance from the reflective spectrum (Dietz et al., 2012). Snow surface has high reflectance in the visible wavelength and very low reflectance at near-infrared wavelength. Reflectances from these two spectrum regions are often combined to detect snow presence, of which the most commonly used is the normalized difference snow index (NDSI). Since its development, NDSI has been widely implemented by a lot of remote sensing systems,...
2 Pages 714 Words

Should We Spend Valuable Resources on Space Exploration: Argumentative Essay

Do you agree or disagree? It is a waste of money to spend funds on space travel or space exploration. When first set sail into the unknown, the early humans took incredible courage. They have to conquer the nagging rumble of the stomach, threatened with the fear of hunger. They have to accept the challenges of the tremendous and utterly unaccountable tempest that put their lives at stake. They have to surmount the dolefulness from within. All these ventures are...
1 Page 685 Words

Representations of Eating Habits: Differences between Pre-adolescents and Their Parents

Adolescence is a phase of quick growth and development characterized by changes in biological, psychological, as well as emotional changes that happen simultaneously. In recent years many such studies have been done to analyze the key effectors of adolescents’ and pre-adolescents eating habits and also to identify the barriers towards healthy eating as seen in adolescents. Several nutritional deficits due to poor eating habits have been established by researchers during the pre-adolescence stage which has long-term health and developmental consequences....
2 Pages 711 Words

Reflective Essay on Activity of the Ku Klux Klan

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. The Ku Klux Klan, or the KKK, is a white supremacist group that rose in the southern states of the United States of America in the 1860s. It is undoubtedly a terrorist organization, an especially insidious one. The Klan has been curbing the rights of other citizens since its beginning, as it is the unofficial paramilitary arm of...
2 Pages 697 Words

Ragtime's Legacy for Jazz Music: Analytical Essay

In this essay, I will evaluate how influential Jazz Music has influenced popular music. To do this I will carry out research in order to gain a greater understanding and enable me to make a judgment on this. Some of the ways that this will be done is by showing the characteristics of Jazz as well as the origins of the genre, in connection to examples across time of how it influenced popular music today. The genre of Jazz developed...
1 Page 683 Words

Phantom of The Opera: Reader's Book Review

The main characters of the book „The Phantom of the Opera“ are the Phantom of the Opera, Christine Daae, and Raoul. The Phantom’s real name is Erik. He lives under the Paris Opera, which he helped to build. He is dangerous. Erik has always been ugly. But in music and architecture, he is a genius. He blackmails the managers and spreads terror. Erik is obsessed with Christine Daae and wants her to love him. Cristine Daae was an unknown singer...
2 Pages 698 Words

Opinion Essay on the Affordable Care Act

“The Brookings Institute is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. …[and their] mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national, and global level”(Dews, 2017). They are made up of over three-hundred experts who are a part of government and academia from all around the world “…who provide the highest quality research, policy recommendations, and analysis on a full range of public policy issues” (Dews, 2017)....
2 Pages 702 Words

Informative Essay on New Negro Movement

The 1920s were the decade when the American economy grew by a percentage. Bulk production distributes new consumer goods in every home. Modern automotive and aviation industries were formed. U.S. victory in World War I gives the world the first feeling of being a world power. Soldiers returning home from Europe brought new ideas, strengths, and abilities. Everyone became an investor because of easy access to credit. Those hidden weaknesses help to cause the Great Depression. The lives of African...
2 Pages 714 Words

Importance of Thomas More for Modern Society

The three parts of the movie that I found particularly meaningful and moving is when Thomas More refuses to sign the document by the Cardinals because he felt like it was not the right thing to do. That stood out to me because Thomas stayed true to himself and never gave in and that is why he is a martyr. A second part that stood out to me was when Thomas More tells his family to leave England because they...
2 Pages 699 Words

Image Analysis on Renowned Photograph of Marilyn Monroe

On September 15, 1954, Sam Shaw captured this famous photograph of Marilyn Monroe. this renowned photograph of Marilyn Monroe was caught by picture-taker Sam Shaw. The image catches the minute when a breeze from a tram going beneath Marilyn Monroe's skirt lifting it over her knees. In the Sixties it wasn't legitimate for a lady to indicate skin over the lower legs, however, as opposed to racing to pull her skirt down Marilyn grasped it and said ' isn't it...
1 Page 682 Words

History of Country Music in America from 2000 to 2010

Music has been a well-considered genre of humanity. Specifically, country music which has been regarded as a patriotic form of music; no other genre of music has been so popular in the conscience of Americans as country music (Fay, Molly, 2014). In 2008, Country Music was regarded as the second most profitable genre of music by the Recording Industry of America (RIAA). Garth Brooks and Shania Twain country music artists became two of the best-selling records of all time and...
2 Pages 706 Words

Essay on Why I Want to Be a Nurse

Reflecting on my educational experiences, I have Adult Nursing is what I want to do. My interest in Adult Nursing grew and was recognized when doing a work placement at an elderly nursing home named Charlton Park Care Home. I later got an offer to take on a paid part-time job as a health care assistant in the dementia unit. The reason why I am interested to study nursing at university is the idea of supporting and giving back to...
2 Pages 725 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift: Analysis of the Song 'Love Story'

The background story behind the music video for the song ¨Love Story¨ happens to be very personal for Taylor Swift. When you can easily relate to a situation it becomes easier to understand and more believable. This music video and the fictional metaphor of Romeo and Juliet are tyrannized as well. In the music video, the author is addressing young teens who fall in love with others their parents do not approve of. In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,...
2 Pages 709 Words

Essay on Roman Gods: Apollo as a God of Prophecy

Apollo is considered one of the most important and complex gods in both Roman and Greek mythology as he is usually associated with healing properties but is also blamed for sickness. He is the son of Jupiter and Latona and has a twin sister called Diana. In the first few minutes that Diana was born, she was made to assist her mother in labor in order to successfully produce the second twin child; Apollo. The story of Apollo begins when...
2 Pages 696 Words

Essay on Political Allegory in 'Lord of the Flies'

An allegory is a form of writing usually a story or a description in which the pressure, the places, the objects, and the events have meaning and implications beyond the literary meanings. Lord of the flies has political, religious, and psychological allegory. Political allegory: Political allegory is a method that is used to satirize political situations and activities in real-time. The 'Lord of the flies' is about nonsecular allegory. The island refers to the Golden of Eden. The island was...
1 Page 677 Words

Essay on Personal Identity

A personal identity, level of self-esteem, and body image are all incredibly important to an individual's mental health and well-being. Personal identity refers to how a person sees themselves and it is very closely linked to self-esteem and body image. Personal identity I'd the way people see themselves and it is an important part of it because it affects the way people feel about themselves and how they behave in situations. Personal identity is what makes a person unique it...
2 Pages 720 Words

Essay on Oedipus: Why Does Oedipus not Go Home to His Adopted Parents

Today, the name Oedipus is typically first associated with inappropriate familial relations. And with a name linked so closely to such a despicable action, many unfamiliar with Sophale's Oedipus Rex imagine Oedipus must have been a man of no morals -- given that he married his mother and slaughtered his father. But the play itself reveals a more complex story of a righteous man who, because of a foretold prophecy and a hidden childhood past, ends up in the worst...
2 Pages 691 Words

Essay on Jazz and Classical Music Similarities

The two music style I have chosen is Western classical music, Symphony #40, and South African jazz, The Wedding. Western classical music is mostly from Europ countries, and they have more instruments used than other music styles. South African jazz has a modern music style and uses less traditional instruments than western classical music, it uses instruments such as bass and saxophone, these instruments are not often appearing in classical pieces. I choose these music styles to compare because I...
2 Pages 693 Words

Essay on 'Sense and Sensibility': Movie Review

Choose one of the movies listed at the end of your lecture notes to watch. From what you have learned about the Age of Enlightenment decide if the filmmakers did a good job portraying life in the 18th century. You can discuss costumes, social structure, architecture, art, or anything that catches your attention. Movies “Sense and Sensibility” During the 18th Century era, women could not own property or have their own wealth because women were involved largely in managing the...
1 Page 689 Words

Essay on 'Romeo and Juliet' Courtly Love

On the one hand, taking Romeo Montague, it should not be possible to establish the archetype character without Juliet. This happens basically because as seen before, he is a Petrarchan lover and Juliet is the “religion” in his eyes. So one character complements the other one. With both, it can be seen as courtly love, honest, elegant, and courtship love. Decorated in an idyllic setting full of elements such as fountains, orchards, or gardens. It takes to show us a...
2 Pages 709 Words

Essay on 'Oedipus Rex': Analysis of Point of View

When comparing whether family or authority holds a higher status to Sophocles, it becomes clear that the aspect of the family has greater value. Although many of the characters believe that a strong authority prevents chaos, the need for authority was taken too far and resulted in their downfall. Even though certain characters were facing high authority, they still attempted to show that their love for their family overpowers any law. Antigone and her family members were willing to risk...
2 Pages 722 Words

Essay about the Most Commonly Used Definition of Sustainability

Environmental sustainability implies assuming liability for interfacing with the planet to keep up normal assets and abstain from compromising people in the future in gathering their requirements. As per the United Nations, environmental sustainability is tied in with assuming liability and acting for the climate to guarantee that people in the future get regular assets to carry on with a similarly decent life. There are numerous different meanings of environmental sustainability that bring up numerous issues on the best way...
2 Pages 699 Words

Essay about Oedipus Eyes

Catharsis is the feeling of pity or fear for someone whose misfortune is undeserved. In the texts, “Hamlet”, by William Shakespeare, and “Oedipus the King”, by Sophocles the audience experiences these feelings for the main characters. It is easy to feel this way for these characters because it is basic human nature to be compassionate for others. We do so because it is easy to imagine ourselves in someone else’s shoes. It is easy to feel pity for Hamlet. At...
1 Page 683 Words

Elements of Tragedy in 'Oedipus the King': Essay

Through the whims and wills of the Gods, humans play a preconceived part in the story of life, and our every deed is simply a line in the play. This idea that the span of a person’s life is nothing but an allotment of misery and suffering doomed upon oneself can be held as a precept among many. No matter the amount of action taken to divert from one’s destiny, characters are almost always unable to evade or prolong their...
2 Pages 704 Words

Conflict between Main Characters in 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind'

At the end of the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the main characters Joel and Clementine, find that they were formerly in a failed relationship in which both of their memories have been wiped by a medical procedure. Returning to the present from the beginning of the film, both characters are dressed in bundles of everyday clothes with little makeup, with Clementine's blue ruin color hair symbolizing the freshness of a new beginning as well as sorrow. Making...
2 Pages 723 Words

Comparative Essay on Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States of America, and Jefferson Davis, the first and last President of the Confederate States of America share many similarities and differences in multiple aspects of their life elementally including their education, presidency, military experience, and specifically political standpoint. The way you are raised in life creates the path to your future. Both Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were presidents during the Civil War but fought for completely different things. This could...
2 Pages 697 Words

Character Analysis Essay: Who Is the Protagonist in the Play - Creon, Ismene, Antigone or Polyneices

In the play “Antigone”, Sophocles at first portrays Creon as a just leader. He has good, rational reasons for his laws and punishments. By the end of the play Creon’s hubris, or excessive pride, has taken over him, which leads to his demise. He does not realize how badly his hubris has interfered with his dealing with problems until Teiresias’s prophecy. By then it is too late. This is the path of a tragic character. The protagonist has a hamartia...
1 Page 676 Words
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