700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Key Risks to the Mardi Gras Parade and Their Mitigation

For the Mardi Gras parade, risk is in both the planning and execution stage. The most important risk involves cost and safety and the others listed below in Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). These are additionally organized based on likelihood of their event to realize the seriousness related with the in all probability event. Risk Mitigation Plan Technical All sound, lighting, AV hardware or any set-up must be provided and fitted by an expert organization or registered organization All electrical gear...
1 Page 689 Words

Difference Between Force and Torque

Physics is one of the most awesome yet the most complex subjects in the field of science. The scientists in the field have uncovered the biggest mysteries about the earthā€™s existence, and they keep us wondering about many others while they understand each phenomenon. With new discoveries come new terms or new concepts. The constant development makes this field exciting and complicated at the same time. Physics makes us wonder about the differences between each concept. Whatā€™s the difference between...
1 Page 690 Words

Joseph Campbellā€™s Concept of the Heroā€™s Journey

Campbell's concept of monomyth (one myth) refers to the theory that sees all mythic narratives as variations of a single great story. The central pattern most studied by Campbell is often referred to as the Hero's Journey and was first described in ā€˜The Hero with a Thousand Facesā€™ (1949) Joseph Campbell, discusses his theory of the mythological structure of the journey of the archetypal hero found in world myths. Campbell explains his belief that there is a spiritual world that...
2 Pages 719 Words

Fascinating and Attractive African Art

My favorite non-Western region of art is Africa. I chose Africa because I find their artwork very fascinating with all the different, abstract textures, colors, and patterns. Africa has a long history, considering scientists believe it is where humans first came to be. The farthest back discoveries of art were the rock paintings. These showed evidence of animals and communities being built in southern Africa around 7000 BCE. Once the farming population moved away from the Sahara after it dried...
2 Pages 696 Words

Toni Morrison's Heroines Sula and Nel as Two Halves of One Whole

Toni Morrison's novel 'Sula' demonstrates the bond between the two main characters. Itā€™s both implicit and silent, as though the two girls can read each otherā€™s minds. Through the unspoken actions between the two main characters, Morrison introduces one of the main themes of the novel, that though the girls have completely different personalities and familial backgrounds, yet together they are two halves of one whole but different person. The passage begins with Sula lifting her head, which suggests that...
2 Pages 708 Words

Features of Workersā€™ Compensation in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Workersā€™ compensation in Tulsa is very direct. Oklahoma workersā€™ compensation operates under the no-fault law. This means no matter who is found to be at fault for the accident, benefits for those affected will be paid through workersā€™ compensation. Receiving the proper health care is crucial. Doing so in a timely manner is also important. First, the sooner you receive treatment the less an employer can say about the injury not being work related. Most importantly, properly recovering from any...
1 Page 676 Words

Youth and Patriotism: Is the Military the Only Way to Show Patriotism? Essay

ROTC stands for ā€˜Reserved Officersā€™ Training Corpsā€™ and is defined by the 12th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines as, ā€œOne of three components of the National Service Training Program, the civic education and defense preparedness program for Filipino college studentsā€. The idea has long been established ever since the Philippine Commonwealth but progressed to different stages of implementation throughout the years. It started off as a completely voluntary endeavor that was first known as ā€˜Military Scienceā€™ and first...
1 Page 693 Words

The Brain Can Play Tricks on You

Did you know that there are syndromes that can cause you to think things are real when actually they are not? Dr. Ramachandranā€™s presentation in his ted talk video reviews three types of brain syndromes what they do to a person and research on what might help the people suffering from these illnesses. One is Capgras syndrome, two is phantom limb syndrome, and three is synesthesia syndrome. These conditions are known as a type of brain syndromes and can affect...
1 Page 703 Words

The History of Salem Witch Trials

Have you ever heard of the town of Salem? Itā€™s a town located in Massachusetts that started the Salem witch trials. Several horrifying things occurred during the time in which the trials were happening. The trials occurred all the way from February 1962 to May 1963. This event was one of the many significant events of the first colonies. The effects on individuals that were involved were very severe. One example including a lady by the name of Abigail Hobbs....
2 Pages 722 Words

Critical Look at Review Articles by Ciaran Cosgrove and Ken Eckert Based on Juan Rulfo's 'Pedro Paramo'

Ken Eckert in his ā€˜Christian Purgatory and Redemption in Juan Rulfoā€™s Pedro PĆ”ramoā€™ narrates the context of the short paper 'Pedro Paramo' by Juan Rulfo in its religious interpretation as being cynical and characters ruined. The article claims there is precision and religious denotation that the town Comala is a Christian limbo with a vague geology, physicality, and time. The author introduces the text as a 'difficult modernist work to interpret' which have many critics reading and analyzing the novel...
2 Pages 701 Words

Tips on How to Make Our School Better

Today I will really be showing and explaining to you how we can for all intents and purposes make our school a better place. To for all intents and purposes begin we can change all of these thought to make our school the coolest of them all lets basically do it, which is fairly significant. To start, I mostly think that our school should change the time schedule throughout the week, which is quite significant. To generally begin with, I...
1 Page 682 Words

The Obliteration of the Native American Tribes in the Late 1800s

In the 1800ā€™s thousands of European settlers moved west battling and conquering Native tribes as they continued emigrating west. The Europeans did try to propose and establish acts such as the Dawes Allotment Act of 1887 and also the establishment of the Dawes commission who which tried to convince the native tribes to agree to cede tribal title of Indian lands, and the Allotment Act of 1887. The Europeans wished for more land as they settled in various parts and...
2 Pages 691 Words

A Spark of Protest Creates New Movements

In the wake of the African-American civil rights protest that inspired new legislation and laws to be made in order to follow in its own legacy, four more movements (created by different ethnic groups and cultures) emerged in order to fulfill their own demands and ambitions within a given amount of time. One of these groups were Native-Americans, who (due to the fact that they were forcibly removed from their natural-born lands) gained a sense of unity and collective resentment...
2 Pages 694 Words

Major Transition Events from the 19th Century to the 20th and Their Influence on the Formation of Basic Civil Liberties and Values

The transition of the 19th to the 20th century played an integral period in which a rollercoaster of events took place that shaped the modern political spectrum, the formation, and innovation of new technology, and granted basic civil liberties for many Americans. The timeline of events will discuss how the basic civil liberties of laborers and how the values have shaped over time and will display how the events starting from a 'prosperous' Second Industrial Revolution to the beginning of...
2 Pages 713 Words

The Amendment Process of the Indian Constitution

We have our constitution which we also call as the highest authority of the land in India. It was proclaimed on 26 November 1949 and adopted on 26 January 1950. The Law should be a diverse document. It should be able to adapt itself to the dynamic desires of society. Generally below the influence of the most recent powerful socioeconomic forces, the pattern of the administration would require major adjustments. With this in mind, the draftsmen of the Indian Constitution...
2 Pages 719 Words

The Dark and Light Sides of Cornelius Vanderbilt's Personality

This essay will argue that although Vanderbilt is seen as one of the most successful men in American history, he was in fact an evil and heartless businessman. This is evidenced by him shutting down the biggest railroad port. He shouldn't be seen as a good person because he shut down one of the biggest railroads which caused a lot of commotion. Vanderbuilt was known to be the most successful man but what people don't know is that he started...
2 Pages 693 Words

Reflecting of the Personalities of Jane Austen's 'Persuasion' Characters through Their Choice of Literature

According to the Young Readers Foundation, reading nurtures the mind. It opens doors to knowledge, helps develop critical thinking and writing skills, improves memory, increases empathy, and much more. Many of the characters in Jane Austenā€™s ā€˜Persuasionā€™ read, whether it is the characters reading about themselves, poetry, or prose. For some characters, what they read is not only a reflection of their personalities, but also their beliefs, pride and shame. When readers are first introduced to Sir Walter Elliot, he...
2 Pages 714 Words

Poor School Attendance as a Key Factor Leading to Juvenile Delinquency

In our textbook, Christopher A. Mallett defines delinquency as ā€œthe ongoing committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, normally younger than 18 years of ageā€. Delinquent behavior can come in all shapes and sizes and can range from minor violations like skipping school all the way up to more serious crimes like burglary and assault. There are many factors that lead juveniles down a path towards a life filled with committing delinquent acts. Some examples of these...
2 Pages 710 Words

Reflections on Why Papa Didnā€™t Come of Age in 'Purple Hibiscus'

King and queens in the past have made the mistake of abusing their power. King George III Abused his power. He prevented the British government from making judicial decisions. He took complete control over Brittan. This resulted in the USA being founded. In the book ā€˜Purple Hibiscusā€™ Papa gets the opportunity many times and takes advantage of his power. He uses his power to take advantage of Mama the same way throughout the book. In ā€˜Purple Hibiscusā€™ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie...
2 Pages 707 Words

Impact of the Age of Exploration

In 1492 Cristoforo Colombo discovered The Americas. He had rallied three Spanish boats on a voyage to prove that he knew a faster way to India also proving his theory that the earth was round. He accidentally found America and mistook it for India not realizing it was a whole new world he had just found. Since they did think this was India they mistook the people native to America as Indians and they have kept that name for a...
2 Pages 696 Words

The Guyana Red Cross Society

Over the years, non-profit organizations (NPO's) have established at the local, regional and international levels and their influence is increasing. A non-profit organization is an institution that conducts affairs to assist other individuals and groups rather than garnering profits for themselves. During the year 1919, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent were founded in Paris after the end of the World War I. Henry Dunant in 1859 came up with the idea of the Red Cross when he witnessed...
2 Pages 688 Words

The Geographical Difficulties in Cultivation the New England Colonies

Northern America proved to be a challenging country for early settlers in its geography. From mountains west, to the sharp winters consumed by infertile land brimming with trees in the New England Colonies. Colonists trudged through the lands to create success for themselves. This essay will explore what it was like for early settlers to establish anchored settlements in the New England Colonies from a geographical perspective. The New England Colonies (New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, and Connecticut) are...
2 Pages 699 Words

Franklin Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, today Iā€™ll talk about FDRā€™s Pearl Harbor address to the nation. Before attacking Pearl Harbor or even before World War II. The Empire of Japanā€™s goal was to conquer all the islands in the Pacific and eventually conquer the entire Pacific fleet. Before attacking Pearl Harbor they have conquered Manchuria, Inner Mongolia (which is present day China), Korea and Tonkking. The reason why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor is it would destroy the American fleet making...
2 Pages 720 Words

Walter Bagehot's Theory: The Essential Guide to Central Banking

The great number of modern theories explaining the role of central bank in each country were established based on British journalistā€™s Walter Bagehotā€™s paper (1873), where he explains the workings of banking system of his time. In first chapter of the book writer points out the seriousness of the danger of possibly bank runs, when commercial banks has insufficient equity and can not predict or control sudden money withdrawals admitting that central bank can avoid liquidity problems if only it...
2 Pages 721 Words

Rhetorical Devices in FDR Pearl Harbor Speech

Sometimes, a person can hear a speech and be so moved from the words that they act on what was said. That was how America felt about the two speeches we discussed in class. Those speeches came from a time of tragedy and were separated by many decades, but still carried the same emotional value. One was able to convey feelings through his face and body language, while all Franklin Roosevelt had was his voice to use. Between the two...
1 Page 700 Words

Benjamin Franklin's Quest for Moral Perfection

Benjamin Franklin was more an ideological person then more a partaker of a sector of a religion. Although he was raised as an Presbyterian and exhibited some quality of it in that there is one God and that your actions of goodness should be a constant part of oneā€™s life. This lack of religious belief was truly exemplified in ā€˜the Autobiographyā€™ in which he stated, ā€œIt happened that they wrought an effect on me quite contrary to what was intended...
2 Pages 709 Words

Tobacco Use by Children and Adolescents as a Social Issue

Nowadays, the rate of tobacco use among children and teens has skyrocketed. In the year 2015 9.3% of high school students rumored to be smoking in the last 30 days. In the same year, 2.3% of middle school students smoked in the last 30 days. Overall, 25.3% of high school students and 7.4% of middle school students have engaged in the use of tobacco Product. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, reproductive effects such as ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and many others are...
1 Page 694 Words

Foreign Influence on China During World War II

In this essay I am going to talk about foreign influence in China, in the early 19 centuries, during the World War II; foreign influence in Adeline Yen Mahā€™s childhood by living in that period; and what are the foreign influence on myself as well. During the Second World War, many foreign countries have ruled over some cities in China. In 1842, China lost the Opium War, and Britain took over Hong Kong and Kowloon. In 1895 Japan conquered Taiwan...
1 Page 679 Words

Investigating Learning Challenges Faced by Students in Higher Education

Learning challenges faced by students in higher education is seen as a significant issue according to Chan Yuen Fook. The study indicates that undergraduates, postgraduates and instructors take a qualitative approach to gather information on the challenges faced in university. This paper summarizes the key challenges that students come across during their studies. Interviews, questionnaires and document analysis used to try to understand the key challenges faced. These challenges consisted of cognitive challenge, becoming an active learner, coping with reading...
2 Pages 721 Words

The Female Voice in a Patriarchal Society

Violence agaisnt women continues to speculate across the media and within todayā€™s society. Hannah Kent and Julie Turkewitz are both authors who liberate the stories of these condemned women whom are accused of witchcraft and deprived of their freedom and power. The subordinate status of women in a patriarchal society is inevitable to an extreme extent. This degree of female oppression has ultimately become entrenched by the beliefs and dictations of a society led by males; and thus, society fulfils...
1 Page 683 Words
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