700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Stereotypes About Muslims

After 9/11 image of Muslim stereotype in film industry things has changed a lot. Riz Ahmed an actor and a rapper from a Muslim ethnicity has mentioned about how we can stop this in one of his speech at the UK’s House of Commons. In the month of March 2017. Sadia Habib and Shaf Choudry had come up with this solution known as Riz test. The test basically filters the TV show and movies and lets us see if there...
1 Page 708 Words

Academic Integrity And Its Aspects

Academic integrity has been defined as involving ‘‘understanding what it means to be honest in the particular culture of the academic world, and being able to apply the scholarly conventions of acknowledgment’’ (East and Donnelly 2012). Academic integrity is the fundamental block of academic learning and research. It involves the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, acknowledgment and responsibility towards your or other’s scholarly or practical work by giving them credit for their work. One way to prevent academic misconduct is...
2 Pages 696 Words

The Correlation Between Success And Failure

Success normally envisaged the core element every human being reckoning to achieve in life. It is not a cake walk to shoot in one day. It requires doing toughest and unlikeable things to do in life. Ceasing discomfort opens path to success example PM of India sleeps just five hours. This is a perfect example of coming out of comfort zone. There are many more examples you can draw by looking around the globe. The inspiration can be taken from...
2 Pages 701 Words

Detection And Classification Of Leaf Diseases In Maize Plant

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in most of the developing countries of the world. Studies indicate that around 60 percent of the world’s population is dependent on it for survival. Increased agricultural production can also significantly boost the economic development of a country. However, achieving desired levels of productivity is a challenge as it is influenced by various factors like climate, pests, diseases amongst many others. Disease is one of the significant factors that can adversely affect the...
2 Pages 682 Words

Why Are People Against Vaccination?

The purpose of this study is to explore the causes of why many parents reject vaccines and the consequences of a lack of information regarding vaccination. The study seeks to answer the common mistakes in beliefs such as Autism, and the absence of knowledge by the parents. Parents reject vaccination It is anything but difficult to discover asserts about the dangers presented by specific immunizations or antibodies by and large to youthful kids. (Largent,2012). The objective of vaccination is providing...
2 Pages 705 Words

How Has Greece Influenced Modern Society?

Modern society has taken many different ideas that have been developed by scientists which come from ancient civilisations in the middle ages. One of these ancient civilisations include Greece which had a gigantuous affect on modern society. Ancient Greece was well advanced for its time (800 BCE - 146 CE) Greece has contributed with advanced mathematics, complex science, groundbreaking medicine and warfare. Not all of these contributions have shaped the modern world for the greater good. Greece was enormously advanced...
2 Pages 711 Words

Search For New Resources As The Reason For Space Exploration

One of the common criticisms about advancing space exploration and space research is that “It is a waste of precious money and resources that could and should be used to improve life on Earth”, but in reality there is only so much resources available on Earth. Eventually there will not be enough supplies and resources for everyone or anyone. It is inevitable that a catastrophic global event will transpire causing humans and animals being forced to leave and inhabit the...
2 Pages 719 Words

Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting

The positive parenting is a way of looking after children with a positive encouragements and child care as to protect children by sending them into a right place or institution where they can settle and learned to develop both mental and physical. There will be more explanation to clarify on child protection and its importance needed to perform to save such young people in this country (PNG). Positive parenting is a way of motivating or teaching child to be a...
2 Pages 692 Words

The True Culprit Of Romeo And Juliet

Many arguments can be formed about the tragic deaths of the young lovers Romeo and Juliet and who is at fault for their deaths however, there is only one person who is the biggest culprit for this malevolent crime, Lord Capulet. He is mainly responsible for their initial romance. Capulet is equally responsible for being manipulative and wanting to be in control. This character caused their deaths and should be held accountable. Lord Capulet is to blame for the deaths...
2 Pages 705 Words

Types And Effects Of Injuries In Basketball

Injures is one of the most common ways an athlete can end his career. Injuries are truly something athletes try to avoid. There are some cases where athletes that get injured don’t come back as the prime player they were. Kobe Bryant, for example is one of the most or was one of the best basketball players that ever stepped on this earth. Around 2012 or 2013 he got injured with a fractured knee cap, after coming back from this...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Factors Of Gym Boutique Development

The unstoppable growth of boutique gyms is the most current trend in the fitness sector. In the United States alone, 4 out of 10 members who join a fitness center are members of a gym boutique. Also known as fitness studios, these types of clubs aim to offer specialized experiences of high value to their clients. Their success lies in focusing their efforts on highlighting excellence in a few services instead of offering many at the same time. Many people...
2 Pages 699 Words

Body Composition And Flexibility In Badminton

Introduction Badminton is a famous sport in the world. It is a sport depends on speed, power and skills. Although you didn’t play this sport before. However, you also will hear Lin Dan or Lee Chong Wei those top players in the world before. Before the badminton appear. They have another sport like badminton, it’s call cricket. The rules still be keeping the ball in the air. It’s an original from for the badminton. Until 1890s, the England badminton association...
2 Pages 725 Words

Adultery In The Thousand And One Nights

The story of The Thousand and One Nights, translated by Dawood, is a tale about a clever woman who saves herself, and other women in the kingdom, from being killed by a vengeful king. She tells him a story that never ends for a thousand and one nights, and purposely makes sure that she does not finish each of the stories, leaving the king interested in the ending of each of her stories. In the story, the theme of adultery...
2 Pages 698 Words

Chauvinism vs. Misogyny

Misogyny can be traced to greek mythology while chauvinism originates from france in the early 19th century. Misogyny in greek mythology is shown by Pandora, the first woman made by Zeus who carried a box that unleashed evils. This woman was created to punish mankind. From the very beginning, women have been seen as a danger, a threat. Women aren’t weak, they are all too powerful and everyone else was afraid of that, thus the negative connotation they have had...
2 Pages 702 Words

A Definition About Integrity

Integrity is a key moral principle. It is defined as a state of having firm moral values and acting with honor (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2017). From a personal perspective, understanding, and research, integrity is understood as a having upright morals that are consistent with an individual’s claims and that demonstrate high standards of honesty. Anything short of these concepts defies the definition of integrity. This article will analyze integrity from different perspectives in order to develop an easy to...
1 Page 682 Words

Kobe Bryant vs. LeBron James

Arguably the best two basketball players of all time. Some argue that one had a better career than the other. Others say that one was a more complete than the other. In this essay I will be arguing that Kobe Bryant was a better basketball player than Lebron James. By best player I mean the most complete in every aspect of the game of basketball. When Kobe Bryant was in the NBA at his peak he was a better basketball...
2 Pages 721 Words

The Message Of Psychopath By Carol Ann Duffy

“Avoid sketchy-looking strangers,” parents often say to their children. Usually, these children listen to their parents. They avoid scruffy men, with messy hair, and black clothes. However, “Psychopath” by Carol Ann Duffy suppresses this idea. This poem allows readers to gain an understanding of what a psychopath is really like and how he/she lures in victims. Jack, the speaker and subject of the poem, reveals the nature of psychopaths through his actions revealed in his thought processes, and they are...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Good vs. the Evil In the Crucible

In the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller In the world, there are two opposite and powerful forces: good and evil. Some people are just all good and others are all evil. The world continues to function because a balance exists between these two powers unless individuals give in to a strong emotional feeling caused and make a seemingly small error in judgment. In The Crucible the main characters, John Proctor and Abigail, and the main characters, Connie and Arnold...
1 Page 690 Words

How Does The Sun Affect Cats?

Soon it will dawn and the sun will appear on the horizon; Intense and bright as usual. The sunbathing is the best moment of the day: who has not seen his cat lying on his stomach enjoying the heat it provides? It seems that its resistance to heat has no limit, and its state of relaxation and enjoyment pleases us. Cats are mammals and, like all mammals, they need to maintain their body temperature. Especially when sleeping - your favorite...
2 Pages 693 Words

The Factors And Aspects Of Attitude Change

The ability to change another person’s attitude towards a topic, object or other individual is very important in society and has been. It’s a key tool in marketing, law, parenting, the media and even the health sector. It can be used to encourage people to do positive things, such as care for their health, and follow the law. However, it is a double-edged sword, as a key technique in war time is the production of mass amounts of propaganda and...
2 Pages 683 Words

The Benefits Of Agricultural Biotechnology

To begin, agricultural biotechnology is the utilization of newly developed scientific techniques that have the ability to improve plants and livestock, which are not possible solely by regular breeding. After thoroughly studying the concept of DNA, scientists have invented solutions to escalate the use of agricultural productiveness. These solutions are implemented in many different ways, such as: genetic engineering, vaccines, molecular diagnostics and many more. Although agricultural biotechnology has been used for a long time, there are still those who...
2 Pages 717 Words

Extreme Habitats And Microorganisms

Microorganisms are ubiquitous, that is, they are found everywhere. They have been found to survive extreme conditions such as low water availability, high salinity, high temperature, high pH, high pressure, intense solar radiation, etc. Thus, microorganisms that survive these extreme conditions are referred to as extremophiles. They are classified on the basis of the main characteristics of their environment, this classification include psychrophiles, thermophiles, hyperthermophiles, halophiles, acidophiles, alkiphiles, barophiles, etc. Extreme habitats are environments that contains conditions that are regarded...
2 Pages 719 Words

The Beliefs Of Scientology Religion

Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practices founded in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard. Scientology is a religion that offers a path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being. Scientology states that it has no set dogma on God, and it allows individuals to come to their own understanding of God. Hubbard...
2 Pages 698 Words

The Correlation Of Ice Slippery And Ice Skating

The state change of water and melting of ice are among the foremost dramatic transitions of phase occurring nature. Melting ice accounts could be an event that one observes in his/her everyday lives during which the liquid layer created on ice chunks promote the transfer of mass and charge throughout collisions between them; frost heaving powerful enough to carry boulders from the bottom; and, of course, slippery surfaces. Introduction Day to day life expertise suggests why ice surfaces ought to...
1 Page 680 Words

Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Behavior

Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Facebook. He has propelled Facebook to be among the most successful firms in the world, primarily due to his effective leadership styles. The company's profit margin continues to increase, having accrued a net income. of approximately $6.88 billion in 2018. He has been able to influence and inspire his subordinates to achieve a shared vision. In general, Zuckerberg’s leadership characteristics depict a director who balances task-oriented and relationship-oriented management styles...
2 Pages 707 Words

Why I Do Running Start And You Should Too

I didn’t do running start on my junior year and I regret it. Most of my friends were doing running start and they always talked about its advantages. On the other hand, some of my teachers, especially my counselor said that it wasn’t the right choice for me. Trusting my counselor I didn’t do running start in my junior year and that was a wrong decision. I didn’t understand my mistake until my senior year when I actually started running...
2 Pages 702 Words

The Up And Coming Hobby

Partaking in a hobby that we love to do, regardless of the quality we may produce, can bring us happiness. A hobby, as defined by Oxford English Dictionary is an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. This means that a person will partake in an activity for satisfaction and enjoyment during their free time. My newest hobby is podcasting. Every day at work, I listen to podcasts to help my day go faster. I currently subscribe to...
2 Pages 724 Words

Why Baseball Is More Than A Game

Basketball Essay For Students Baseball has meant far more to me than just another game known as our nation’s pastime. 14 years, 28 seasons, dozens of teams, and a countless number of hours I have spent on a baseball diamond. From tee-ball to coach pitch to middle school to high school, it’s been quite the journey. I have established life long relationships, formed important core values to succeed in life, and been taught valuable life lessons. The baseball field has...
2 Pages 719 Words

Critical Analysis On The Film Growing Up Trans

The film, “Growing Up Trans”, identifies the internal battle of discovering gender identity. It focuses specifically on adolescents developmenting a sense of gender dysmorphia and how that plays into their development. Although many sociological ideas are integrated into the transgender community, society confusing the meaning of gender and sex causes the negative perception of transgender children. Gender identity is the major factor separating the children in “Growing Up Trans” from the rest of their age range. In chapter nine of...
2 Pages 690 Words

The Evolution Of The American Work Ethic

A study undertaken by Bowling Green State University researchers suggests that 31.9% of Americans would quit their job if they won the lottery. (Highhouse, Zickar, Yankelevich 351) More than a quarter of the American population values work solely because it provides them with financial security or luxury. A four-digit paycheck is one of the few things that validates a person’s success in today’s society; however, hard work was once equally commendable in and of itself. The United States has evolved...
1 Page 681 Words
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