800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Physical Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal

With increasing people being diagnosed with terminal illnesses, there is an increase in the number of patients who try to seek out a way to get rid of or fix their illness. Doctors use experimental medications for some, while the others are told about the few months they have, to live. However, doctors also have an option of Physician Assisted Suicide. The definition of assisted suicide is: A physician providing medications or other means to a patient with the understanding...
2 Pages 784 Words

Rip Van Winkle: Structure and Messages

Diedrich Knickerbocker was a more seasoned refined man who lived in New York City, New York. He was seen for being stressed over the reason and culture of the Dutch colonizers in this state. The state, where the record of Rip Van Winkle started. He lived in a little old town that may have the Dutch colonizers set up quite a while before the American Revolution began, while America was yet made of the Thirteen Colonies of Great Britain. The...
2 Pages 794 Words

How Does To Kill A Mockingbird Show The Importance Of Empathy In Overcoming Discrimination?

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, is a classic retrospective novel where Lee highlights the value of empathy in upholding and accepting diversity in society. Lee uses outsiders, people who are perceived as different, to demonstrate how a community’s ingrained, prejudicial views and ideas lead to discrimination. Through dramatic characterisation, representation of societal values within the Southern American states during the 1930s and powerful events; we are encouraged to see the value of empathy as it leads to tolerance of...
2 Pages 814 Words

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Racism

Throughout Australia’s history, Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people have been heavily prejudiced, mistreated and discriminated against. For instance, from 1910-1970 mixed race Aboriginal children were taught stolen from their homes and forced to learn western culture alternatively to their own culture. These children were known as the ‘Stolen Generation.’ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified in 1948 on December 10th and recognised that human rights are universal and available to all humans. Some of these rights include...
2 Pages 806 Words

Theme Of Power, Violence And Inequality In Animal Farm

Corruption is a form of dishonesty managed by a person or organisation who abuse power for their own private gain. An example of a corrupt society could be portrayed by the rise of the Soviet Union in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a compelling allegorical novella representing the Russian Revolution of 1917 which resulted with a government more oppressive, totalitarian, and dangerous than the one it overthrew. The extent of Animal Farm’s representation of a society at its most corrupt is...
2 Pages 814 Words

Workplace Discrimination In Canada And Australia

Introduction Workplace discrimination is the process in which an individual treats another individual applying to, or in a workplace discriminatorily due to a personal characteristic such as race, sex, religion, or any other characteristic protected under the Fair Work Act (2009). Significance of Workplace Discrimination Workplace discrimination causes detrimental effects on a small scale to the individual, thereby leading to costing the national Australian economy billions of dollars. A 2015 study released by the (American) National Institute of Health revealed...
2 Pages 798 Words

Threat of Coronavirus on Australian Economy

Devastating droughts, brazen bushfires and now; contagious COVID-19. Whatever our nation is threatened by next we assure you our government will be ready to act. Currently COVID-19 has infected 90 countries and has been contracted by over 100,000 people. This pandemic is creeping dangerously close to our Australian shores and likely has infiltrated our lands as we speak. Our government are immediately implementing preventative measures ahead of possible outbreaks in Australia. However, the main threat by COVID-19 is its detrimental...
2 Pages 819 Words

The Concept Of Human Evil In Lord Of The Flies

As soon as these things stepped into the earth animals were killed and hunted they began to evolve into the mindset that they were the best, bullying, racism, hatred, discrimination, critics, gender inequality, murder, the need for power these things are humans. Hi, my name is Daniel and I will explore 3 out of the many themes and lessons in the book lore of the flies. Lord of the flies is a book centred around human lifestyle published 1954 September...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Link Between Drinking and Alzheimer's Disease

According to the World Alzheimer's 2018 Report, every 3 seconds, there is a patient diagnosed with dementia worldwide. There are currently at least 50 million dementia patients worldwide. And this number is still growing uncontrolledly. Therefore, understanding the causes of this disease is more urgent than ever. Many studies have previously found some factors that increase the risk of dementia. Among them, some factors cannot be prevented, such as aging. However, other potential risk factors are possible to avoid, such...
2 Pages 807 Words

Why are Dystopian Texts so Addictive and How is This Trend Impacting our Society?

In 1949, an evolution in literature was produced by George Orwell with his world-renowned novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The book described a world besieged by war, civil conflict and revolution, where three totalitarian super-states rule the world under an iron fist, corrupted by the ideology of the “Ingsoc” and by mysterious world leaders who demand a cult of personality. The novel was a massive success, pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars worldwide, and winning a place in NPR’s Top 100...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence

“Gun violence is not something that appears just in a bad neighborhood or in another part of the world. It appears right here, right outside your door.” (Mendell, 1998,) This large world we exist in, presently there is gun violence right outside our own front doors. Gun violence is the beginning of upsetting the human race yearly in the United States. Watching the news on television we constantly see and take notice of in relation to the shooting of many...
2 Pages 825 Words

Marijuana Legalisation: For and Against

Legalising marijuana use has long been a controversial debate worldwide. With recent legalisation in countries such as several states in the USA, as well as marijuana culture having grown, the push for marijuana legalisation has increased. To understand the debate, pros and cons of both sides of the argument are explored. Supporting the legalisation means to help dismantle the black market, which is an economy of transactions that involve illegal behaviours. The availability of marijuana also creates standards of quality,...
2 Pages 796 Words

Macbeth, Romeo And Juliet, Julius Caesar And Midsummer Nights Dream: Value Of Shakespeare’s Drama

I believe Shakespeare is still relevant in today's age as he made characters that can be related to kids and adults in the present time. He made characters about teenagers going through hard times, older people nearing the end of their lives, and people going mad for power, and the reason these characters stay relevant is because they have become part of our culture since they were created. There are a few plays that I will be touching on in...
2 Pages 811 Words

Dreams And Hopes In The Book Of Mice And Men

In his 1937 novel, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck explores the hopes and dreams of the characters against the reality they are faced with living and are each trying to survive. Through the characters of George, Candy and Crooks, Steinbeck explores the realities of loneliness and powerlessness, and discrimination towards race, disability and age that these characters face and their hopes and dreams for a better life, independence, security and respect to overcome those obstacles. George, a main character,...
2 Pages 809 Words

Animal Testing should Be Banned

Introduction Imagine watching scientists insert various needles into you while you are sitting there, wide awake, in excruciating pain, knowing very well that there is nothing you can possibly do to remove yourself from this situation. Well guess what? That is exactly what animals such as mice, rats, hamsters and monkeys frequently go through. Therefore, I strongly believe that animal testing should be banned. This is due to the fact that animal testing is extremely cruel and unethical, that animals...
2 Pages 801 Words

The Need for Ethics for Accounting and Financial Professionals

Ethics, particularly for accounting and financial professionals, plays a significant role in their daily professional operations and business associations. Ethics influences professional behaviour and has an impact on clients as well (Leonard 2018). Quality behaviour can provide positive role models and opportunities. However, unethical values promote dishonest and unrighteous behaviour toward client’s demands. Professionals need ethics to maintain public trust, be accountable and have a responsibility towards society. Trust is key in the accounting industry which requires hard work and...
2 Pages 823 Words

Refugee Resettlement and Asylum Seekers

Refugee resettlement in Third World nations has become a significant problem in latest years, both because the number of refugees has risen and because refugees have been staying in host nations for periods of time that indicate permanence. At the same moment, in the face of economic recession and political pressure, richer-country governments have tended to restrain immigration, including large-scale recognition of refugees. They may have provided enhanced support for relief and resetting as a partial replacement. Generally, the refugee...
2 Pages 776 Words

The Differences in Health Behavior Between Men and Women

There are differences between the health of man and woman. Males have high death rates at all ages and have more serious illness conditions compared to females. Women are more likely to visit the health professional, than men. These differences because biological and environmental factors. Men and women do not face the same biological risk. Women are more resistant to a range of conditions. Also, in the behavioral pattern they are different. Role of Health Behavior I have heard a...
2 Pages 799 Words

Moral and Ethical Considerations of Surrogacy

Surrogacy, defined as the ‘process of giving birth as a surrogate mother or of arranging such a birth’1, is a controversial issue with a broad spectrum of ethical positions. Even more divisive is the rise of commercial surrogacy, by which in any surrogacy arrangement the birth mother is paid or reimbursed beyond medical expenses. Surrogacy is a treatment option for those who are infertile, or as an alternative to adoption. However commercial surrogacy it is not just about fulfilling a...
2 Pages 823 Words

Brave New World as a Futuristic Dystopia

Taking the setting of a world where “happiness” is readily served for every citizen with the help of technologies we have yet to imagine, “Brave New World” can be classified instantaneously as a novel of the science fiction and dystopian genre. Science fiction, or sci-fi, is a genre, as perfectly encapsulated in the name, that explores the field of science and technology advancements, typically in the future, through the imagination and speculation of the author. Some recurring themes in science...
2 Pages 806 Words

Violent Video Games Essay

Introduction Video games were introduced to society back in the 1970’s. A game called Pong was developed in the year of 1972 gaining a lot of popularity. Back then video games were played on arcades and people had to put in quarters to be able to play the game. Now there are many different consoles that people can play video games on without having to pay each time they want to play a certain game. There are more than one...
2 Pages 815 Words

Why It Is Important To Know And Understand How Discrimination And Bias Affects on the Life Of Others

Bias affects people in so many different ways. Some of those ways include feeling unsafe, having missed opportunities in both employment and education, and physical problems down the road. First thing is first to figure out how discrimination and bias affects the life of others we must first understand what discrimination and Bias is and how it happens. The author of The Power of Knowing states that Bias is quick judgement for or against someone, something, or a group that...
2 Pages 792 Words

Coronavirus: Why are We Afraid?

The coronavirus epidemic is present on all continents. A collective fear sets in and changes our relationship with one another. Since December 2019, the new coronavirus has infected over 180,000 people for 7,000 deaths. This global virus is changing our relationships and our behavior. Why and how does this phenomenon transform our way of thinking? In the recent period, there have been several epidemics, from the appearance of Ebola through AIDS, H5N1 or SARS. These epidemics or pandemics were initially...
2 Pages 791 Words

Problems Caused By Prejudice And Discrimination

Singapore is an extremely diverse country. As such, we may unknowingly form prejudices-unjustified, negative attitudes towards those different from us-which can further give rise to discrimination, whereby individuals act out their biased attitudes towards the other group or individual. In this essay, I will be explaining two ways which prejudice and discrimination can pose a significant problem for Singapore. Firstly, prejudice and discrimination lead to increased tension and conflict in Singapore. When one is prejudice towards another, those experiencing the...
2 Pages 801 Words

Does The Bible Speak On Juvenile Delinquency?

In answering this question, items 3, 4, 16, 1 and 2 are considered respectively. 98% of the respondents agreed that the Scripture contains biblical stories of youths who cause positive changes and live exemplary while 2% are not sure. But upon this inference were the analysis based for reliable inferences. Adewusi asserts that “the Bible is the standard for every believer and according to it, there is nothing ever new in the world today. Both the good and bad, tall...
2 Pages 818 Words

The Entrepreneur’s Economic Intelligence

Economic Intelligence can be thought of as “the skill to understand the marriage of accessible evidences so as to lead the action in the direction of a wanted objective.” Wilensky (1967) describes the “organizational intelligence” as “the difficulty of bringing together, preparing, deciphering, and connecting of the material necessary for making decision. The Entrepreneur’s choice is associated with executing decisions by finding out the finest option which can bring about important and realistic compensation. The notion of economic order must...
2 Pages 783 Words

Spiritual Life and Moral Codes

'Hafidaka Allah'- May God protect you. Cultures throughout the world have generally ruled by one notion, the belief of a higher power. Whether God or Allah, religion has heavily influenced societies' spiritual life and moral codes. The expression of mystical ideas and practices have been, are, and will continue to be an imperative aspect of numerous religions around the world for centuries. The practice of religious experiences, along with the ideologies, ethics, rites, myths, legends, and or magic related to...
2 Pages 800 Words

How Golding Represents Modern Culture In Lord Of The Flies

The Lord of the Flies, written by author William Golding, is a novel that describes a group of schoolboys who try to survive on an uninhabited island after their plane crashes there. Golding asks readers to consider how the children’s civilization and savageness represent modern culture. Civilization represents order and leadership while savagery represents the desire of wealth and power. Golding uses the groups of different schoolboys to reflect humans’ natural instinct of savagery and loss of civilization. Ralph, the...
2 Pages 793 Words

Philippine Tourism amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Not too long ago, an incident concerning a virus outbreak has been the talk in the social media and televisions. One with social consciousness would remember that on the last weeks of December and the first weeks of January, the virus started spreading out rapidly infecting 28, 000 in China alone, as stated by Yeung (2020) in an article published by CNN. According to World Health Organization, Coronavirus, also known as nCoV is a virus which can cause illness like...
2 Pages 805 Words

The Role of Surrounding Individuals: Influences in Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner

Individuals are drastically shaped and impacted by the morals display by those they choose to surround themselves with. The novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is set in war torn, Afghanistan in the late 20th & early 21st centuries. The protagonist, Amir, lives in Kabul before and during the Taliban invasion and takeover when the rights of all citizens were taken and it was hard to find safety in Afghanistan at this time. He is taught how to become...
2 Pages 825 Words
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